An Overview on Advance Psychoneurobics

The Path towards Personal Growth and Interconnectedness

by Prem Dutt Tiwari*, Dr. Chandra Shekhar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 5, Jul 2018, Pages 310 - 313 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


For centuries we have known the capacity of the intensity of the Individual. However our occidental training has disconnected us from the source, having made an intense awkwardness of people to their relationship and interconnectedness to nature and themselves. Psycho-Neurobic science as it was divined to Dr. Chandrasekhar Tiwari Ji is intended to enable the restoration of people bury connected ness to nature by bringing out the intensity of expectation as a living, continuing and flourishing route forward. Investigations with water as a receptor mode for examination uncover the water's reaction to human expectation. Presentation The idea of extreme reality guides us to the rhythms of Energy, Light, Information and Life, which is exemplified in the vehicle of WATER the characteristic substance that gives rich substance informational indexes on recurrence and vibration engraves which is estimated by means of this trend setting innovation of Bio-Electrography and Electro Photonics. The goal is to give down to earth applications and arrangements that will honor the human network towards resuscitating the personal satisfaction unto one self and to the worldwide network. Strategies In psycho-neurobic's, as divined to Dr. Chandrasekhar Ji, inward refinement is the basic texture in making a vast expanse of wholeness.


Advance Psychoneurobics, occidental training, interconnectedness, restoration, water, human expectation, extreme reality, Energy, Light, Information, Life, Bio-Electrography, Electro Photonics, practical applications, solutions, personal growth, wholeness

This framework is passed on by guided procedures with orange shading light acceptance rationally, mental attunement with 3D (Orange Color Stereographic Image) fixation plate, physical arrangement of our Divined Cosmic connectedness and the sky is the limit from there. These guided procedures are engraved by these 3 stages of Raas – Rang – Nad. {Raas (Dance, Leela) – Rang (Color) – Nad (Vibration as chant)} Drinking water tests were utilized in the investigation from a treated mountain water and business filtered water, which was exposed to human aim by 4 members, including Dr. Chandrasekhar Ji, amid a withdraw at the Tirthan – Banjar Valley of Himachal Pradesh in August of 2017. We accumulated pattern test information of the two drinking water sources and after four (4) subjects transmitted explicit "psycho-neurobic" strengthening influences and posted water examination considers. Every one of the subjects transmitted goal for 5 minutes. We in conclusion gathered water tests from a mountain stream which was streaming in an open directed solidified channel trough and the River Tirthan, (in Banjar locale. Banjar is a town in Kullu locale in the territory of Himachal Pradesh, India. Banjar is otherwise called the 'Valley of God'. The Tirthan valley is likewise situated in Banjar. Topographically Banjar is situated at 31°38′N 77°21′E/31.63°N 77.35°E/31.63; 77.35. It is arranged at the stature of 1356 Meters (4515.48 feet) from ocean level.), which streamed close by the withdraw focus to show nature's normal self-sorting out quality. The logical informational collections in the results segment are numbered from Samples 1 – 8 (S1 to S8) which we broke down and introduced to the withdraw members. The logical instrument which was used for the examination was the EPI/GDV Pro with the Mini Lab Kit for the utilization of the water syringes. (Reference connects in the Introduction segment) An aggregate of 8 readings were done and every one of the readings were done continuously dynamical mode. The accompanying readings were done, beginning with a gauge perusing of the treated spring drinking water, trailed by aim of three (3) individuals including Dr Chandra Shekhar, all guys 45-60 years. Reference numbers S1 – S4 (As in Report area)

Years. Reference numbers S5 and S6 (As in Report segment). The last water tests were from an open channel mountain stream and the River Tirthan. Reference numbers S7 and S8 (As in Report area) Image of the framework setup: From Left to far Right (Windows PC; EPI/GDV Pro with Water connector game plan. Results In information processing, we are interested both in the bio-photon pictures and their vitality parameters. All pictures on the screen shots are converted to static edges from dynamic pictures caught for five (5) seconds at five (5) outlines every second. What we are seeing in the screens from S1 to S8 is the mark of water to an upgrade/reaction and the capacity/flexibility of the water to store the data got and the consistency to hold the data. The reports of the pictures of the eight (8) water tests are generally a visual investigation and can act naturally illustrative.

Prem Dutt Tiwari1* Dr. Chandra Shekhar2


Findings of this exploratory trial suggest that a simple psychoneurobics program may offer an acceptable and effective intervention for reducing perceived stress and blood pressure, and improving certain domains of sleep, mood, and memory in adults with mild cognitive impairment or early stage Alzheimer‘s disease and their caregivers. These preliminary findings warrant confirmation in larger, controlled trials and in ethnically and socioeconomically diverse populations.


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Corresponding Author Prem Dutt Tiwari*

Research Scholar of Yoga Samskrutham University, Florida, USA