A Study on Short Comings and Challenges of Tax Reform in India

An assessment of tax reform progress and challenges in India

by Amit Singh*, Dr. Somesh Kumar Shukla,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 5, Jul 2018, Pages 450 - 454 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


There have been significant changes in tax frameworks in a few countries in the course of the most recent two decades for an assortment of reasons. The goal of this paper is to dissect the advancement of the tax framework in India since the mid-1990s. The paper depicts and evaluates the presentation of new types of direct and indirect taxes, their revenue and equity suggestions and the triumphs accomplished in their execution. The paper infers that following eight years of change improving the tax framework remains a noteworthy challenge in India.


tax reform, India, shortcomings, challenges, tax frameworks, direct taxes, indirect taxes, revenue, equality, implementation


There have been significant changes in tax frameworks of countries with a wide assortment of economic frameworks and dimensions of development amid the most recent two decades. The inspiration for these changes has fluctuated starting with one country then onto the next and the push of changes has varied every once in a while relying upon the development methodology and philosophy of the occasions. In many creating countries, the prompt explanation behind tax changes has been the need to upgrade revenues to meet looming monetary emergencies. Monetary emergency has been demonstrated to be the mother of tax change‖. Such changes, in any case, are regularly impromptu and are done to meet quick exigencies of revenue. Much of the time, such changes are not in the idea of fundamental upgrades to improve the long run efficiency of the tax framework. A standout amongst the most significant purposes behind late tax changes in many creating and transitional economies has been to advance a tax framework to meet the prerequisites of international competition. The progress from a transcendently halfway arranged development technique to market based resource designation has changed the point of view of the job of the state in development. The progress from an open division based, substantial industry ruled, import substituting industrialization technique to one of allotting resources as per market sign has required foundational changes in the tax framework [1]. In a fare drove open economy, the tax framework ought not just raise the essential revenues to give the social and physical infrastructure yet additionally minimize mutilations. Hence, the tax framework needs to acclimate to the prerequisites of a market economy to guarantee international aggressiveness. As in different countries, the foundational changes in the tax framework in India during the 1990s were the result of emergency yet the changes were aligned based on point by point examination. The target of this paper is to examine the advancement of the India tax framework with extraordinary reference to the fundamental changes in the plan and execution of the structure and task of the taxes in Indian federal commonwealth .The development of tax framework changes, elective paradigms utilized in change practices in various countries and the best practice ways to deal with change are portrayed to give a framework to breaking down the Indian tax change involvement. The Indian tax framework and the change activities embraced until the extensive tax change exercise was taken up in 1991. The notable highlights of far reaching tax change since 1991 and its effect on revenues are broke down in area III. The last area draws out the significant inadequacies as yet enduring in the tax framework and records the challenges looked by the government in building up a co-ordinated tax framework in the Indian federal commonwealth.

Paradigms of Tax Reform

The philosophy of tax change has experienced huge changes throughout the years with regards to the changing impression of the job of the state. With the adjustment in the development methodology for market decided resource assignment, the


ways to deal with change lay accentuation on limiting mutilations in tax policy to keep the economy focused. Limiting contortions infers decreasing the marginal rates of both direct and indirect taxes. This likewise calls for lessening separation in tax rates to diminish unintended contortions in relative prices. To accomplish this, the methodology recommends expanding of the tax bases. Accordingly, throughout the years, accentuation has moved from vertical equity in which both direct and indirect taxes are liable to high marginal rates with moment separation in rates, to horizontal equity in which, the taxes are expansive based, straightforward and straightforward, and subject to low and less separated rates. Equity all in all, is interpreted as meaning improving the living states of poor people [2]. This must be accomplished primarily through use policy and human resource development instead of diminishing the incomes of the rich as was conceived during the 1960s.


Ahmad, Ehtisham and Nicholas Stern (2015) [3] Standard way of thinking on tax changes gives us at any rate three distinctive model of tax change. The ideal tax (OT) model (Ahmad and Stern 1991) is acceptable as far as its hypothetical soundness, yet has been observed to be illogical in its applications. Other than the exchange off among effectiveness and equity in tax policy, the data and administrative costs of planning an ideal tax model have been observed to be restrictive and, in this manner, as a functional manual for tax policy this has not been helpful. Bagchi, A (2014) [4] The Harberger tax model (HT) like the OT model is all around grounded in principle. It, nonetheless, draws considerably more on useful experience. As per this, while productivity (and dispersion loads) is obviously alluring in the structure of tax policy, administrative ability is similarly, if not increasingly, significant. The chief worry, as indicated by this methodology, isn't to plan a framework that will be ideal, however underscore the framework that will minimize tax-incited twists and in the meantime be administratively possible and politically satisfactory. Truth be told, Harberger proposes that tax reformers should give less consideration to the economic procedure and more to best practice encounters. The essential HT change package for creating countries that are value takers in the international market comprises of, bury alia, a uniform tariff and an expansive based VAT (esteem included tax). The third is the supply-side tax model (SST). This model stresses the need to diminish the job of the state. Decrease in the volume of open expenditures must be accomplished by cutting the tax rates, negligible exceptions and inclinations and to have low marginal tax rates. Again accentuation is on limiting bends in relative prices and, accordingly, the methodology stresses less rate separation. Bird, R.M. (2016) [5] the ongoing change methodologies consolidate components of each of the three models portrayed previously. This consolidates both hypothesis and past change encounters and considers administrative, political and data limitations in planning and executing changes. The push of this methodology is to improve the revenue profitability of the tax framework while limiting relative value twists. The best practice approach has endeavored to make the tax frameworks thorough, straightforward and straightforward. As referenced before, the general example of these changes has been to expand the base of taxes, diminish the tax rates and lower the rate separation both in direct and indirect taxes. A more extensive base requires lower rates to be demanded to create a given measure of revenues. Lower marginal rates not just decrease disincentives to work, save and invest, yet in addition help to improve tax consistence. All the more significantly, widening the tax base guarantees horizontal equity, is attractive from the political economy perspective as it lessens the impact of particular vested parties on tax policy, and diminishes administrative costs. Burgess, Robin and Nicholas Stern (2014) [6] On account of indirect taxation, the change motivation incorporates the duty of an expansive based VAT with insignificant exceptions and enhanced by a couple of extravagance extracts. As respects import obligations, quantitative confinements ought to be supplanted by tariffs, trade taxes wiped out, and scattering in tariffs ought to be minimized. Personal income tax also is to be imposed on everything except few people with income levels not as much as double the per capita income of the country. A great part of the direct taxes ought to be gathered by retention, yet for the "difficult to-tax" groups, possible taxation is to be connected. Accentuation on horizontal equity additionally infers accentuation on reinforcing organization and requirement of the tax and the development of legitimate data frameworks and automation.



The patterns in tax revenues introduced in table 1 present three particular stages. In the principal, directly from the 1970s to mid-1980s, there has been a relentless increment in the tax-GDP proportion with regards to the light economic conditions and speeding up in the development rate of the economy. The tax proportion, which was

to 14.6 percent in 1980-81.The proportion kept on expanding consistently amid the mid-1980s.Notwithstanding the economy accomplishing a higher development way, the lightness in tax revenues was fuelled by the dynamic substitution of quantitative limitations with tariffs following introductory endeavors at economic advancement during the 1980s. The economic retreat following the extreme dry season of 1987 brought about stagnation in revenues. Following the economic emergency of 1991 and the ensuing changes in the tax framework, especially decrease in tariffs, really caused a decrease in the tax proportion. In general, it is seen that the tax proportion which achieved the pinnacle of around 17 percent in 1987-88, declined from that point to 13.9 percent in 1993-94 and step by step recuperated to 14.6 percent in 1997-98.


There have been various endeavors at improving the tax system since autonomy. The essential goal of these endeavors has been to improve revenue efficiency to back enormous development plans. In spite of the fact that the different tax change committees thought about economic productivity as one of the destinations, the proposals don't bear much declaration to this perspective. The proposals were with regards to the philosophy of the occasions. Further, notwithstanding when the committees recommended certain measures on effectiveness contemplations, this was not followed up on in the event that it included loss of revenues.


While a decent arrangement of advancement has been made in the tax system change of the central government, advance on account of state tax systems has not been commensurate. The sales taxes, which record for more than 60 per cent of states' revenues, have, throughout the years, become stale. The states like to exact the tax at the primary point of sale, and this makes the tax base tight. With upwards of 16-20 rate classes acquainted with satisfy an assortment of goals, the tax has turned out to be muddled. This has offered ascend to countless characterization questions too. Taxation of sources of info and capital goods, likewise, has added to falling. In an imperfect market described by increase valuing, the taxes on information sources and capital goods results in the wonder tax-on-tax, and increase on the tax with buyers paying substantially more than the revenues gathered by the government. What's more, there is a tax on between state sales, which cause extreme distortions more extravagant states. All these have consolidated to make the sales tax system confounded, misty and misshaping. Most importantly, with autonomous and overlapping ware tax systems at the central and state levels, facilitated and blended development of domestic trade taxes has turned out to be troublesome.


The economic emergency of 1991 brought about a huge decrease in revenues. Despite the fact that the tax changes were proposed to be a revenue impartial exercise, the regular outcome of a noteworthy decrease in tax rates was to lessen revenues. As there was no commensurate increment in the tax base, the revenue normally demonstrated a declining pattern. Hence, the tax-GDP proportion, which was more than 16 per cent in 1990-91, declined strongly to under 14 per cent in 1993-94. Albeit from there on there has been some improvement, despite everything it stays under 15 per cent and this remaining parts an issue for concern (India 1994). In this way, the changes in the Indian setting have indeed, caused a prompt loss of revenues, however in the following couple of years, they are probably going to reach pre-change levels. Curiously, disregarding huge decreases in the rates of both individual and corporate income taxes, the revenues have appeared critical increment. The offer of revenue from direct taxes demonstrated a huge increment as an extent of GDP just as absolute tax revenue. The commitment of revenue from direct taxes, which was under 14 per cent in 1990-91, expanded forcefully to 24 per cent in 1997-98. Be that as it may, it isn't obvious to what degree the expansion in revenue efficiency is because of increment in public sector wages following the usage of pay commission proposals, the amount of this is owing to better consistence emerging from lower marginal tax rates and how much because of administrative measures.


Following eight years of tax change, as of now referenced, various disturbing highlights in the tax system still remain. Improving the profitability of the tax system keeps on being a noteworthy challenge in India. The tax proportion is yet to come to the pre-change levels. In spite of the fact that the inclusion under income tax has demonstrated


The proportion of domestic trade taxes specifically has kept on declining and this has represented a noteworthy limitation in diminishing tariffs which is important to accomplish allocative proficiency. Structuring of tariffs itself should be reconsidered to guarantee lower tariffs a well as a low dimension of dispersion to guarantee that viable rates of insurance are as planned. Changes in excise duties have not achieved the phase of accomplishing a basic and straightforward manufacturing stage VAT. Much stays to be done to streamline and justify the state and neighborhood utilization taxes. Coordinated endeavors are important to make a proper administration data system and mechanizing tax returns. Most importantly, tax changes ought to end up systemic, a nonstop procedure to keep the economy focused as opposed to being sporadic and emergency driven. On account of direct taxes, as of now referenced, the revenue proportion has appeared upward pattern. Stamped decrease in tax rates appears to have improved tax consistence, however a great part of the expansion appears to have come to fruition because of increments in public sector wages. However, the revenues acknowledged are not even close to the potential and much stays to be done to improve the horizontal equity of the tax system by stretching out the tax net to hard-to-tax groups. The criteria stipulated for filing tax returns has expanded the quantity of tax come back from not exactly a large portion of a per cent of populace to more than 2 per cent. In any case, this has not achieved a relating increment in revenues. Powerlessness to acquire the difficult to-tax groups into the net has kept on applying strain to build the standard exemption limit deductions. There is additionally scope for justifying investment funds incentives. Perquisites keep on getting positive tax treatment and the inclusion of tax finding at source should be extended after a short time. On account of corporate income taxes, as well, it is important to widen the tax base by limiting tax concessions and inclinations. As opposed to limiting them, the recent alliance governments have approached multiplying tax incentives to convolute the tax system and to make a wide wedge between the ostensible and successful corporate tax rates. As the organizations began utilizing the provisions, for revenue reasons, the government began imposing the base elective tax (MAT). In this manner one imperfection was looked to be helped through another. This has confounded the tax system further. As of now referenced, total reconsidering is important in structuring tariffs. The TRC suggestion of having seven tax rate classifications, the rates fluctuating as indicated by the phase of production, would make utilization hugely builds assurance to these products. It is basic that the most noteworthy tariff rate ought to be brought down to 15-20 per cent and there ought to be close to three rate classifications. Except if this is done, it would not be workable for Indian manufacturing to accomplish international competitiveness in the medium term


The tax system in the country is to develop a co-ordinated utilization tax system. In spite of the fact that tax task between various dimensions of government pursues the standard of partition, as these separate taxes imposed by the center (excise duties), states (sales taxes, state excise duties, taxes on engine vehicles, goods and travelers), and neighborhood governments (octroi) fall on a similar tax base, we end up in a clamorous circumstance with tax on tax and increase on the tax. Other than falling and relative value distortions, these outcomes in an absolutely non-straightforward tax system. Development of double VAT – a manufacturing stage VAT by the center and an utilization type goal based retailed arrange VAT by the states is an answer, which should be dynamically connected. In any case, neither the center nor the states have gained obvious ground in such manner. To accomplish this, on account of the center, the excise duties ought to be required completely as advertisement valorem demands. The rates ought to be supported into a limit of two and tax credit ought to be given on a systematic premise. For this, building up a proper data system is imperative. At the state level, changing the state taxes into VAT must be calibrated considerably more cautiously. Rate defense, systematic arrangement of tax credit on sources of info and those paid on past stages, expulsion of contending tax incentives and concessions, zero rating the tax on between state sales – all these must be done in stages.


1. Dasgupta, Arindam and Dilip Mookherjee (2016). Incentives and Institutional Reform in Tax Enforcement (Oxford University Press). 2. Harberger, Arnold (2017). ―Principles of taxation applied to developing countries: what have we learned‖ in Michael Boskin and Charles McLure, Jr., eds., World Tax Reform: Case Studies of Developed and Developing Countries (San Francisco, ICS Press) pp. 25-46.

3. Ahmad, Ehtisham and Nicholas Stern (2015). The Theory and Practice of Tax

University Press). 4. Bagchi, A. (2014). ―India‘s tax reform: a progress report‖, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. XXIX, 22 October, pp. 2809-2815. 5. 5. Bird, R.M. (2016). ―Administrative dimension of tax reform in developing countries‖, in Malcolm Gillis, ed., Tax Reform in Developing Countries (London, Duke University Press). 6. Burgess, Robin and Nicholas Stern (2014). ―Tax reform in India‖, Working Paper No. 45, STICERD, London School of Economics.

Corresponding Author Amit Singh*

Research Scholar amitsingh20.2008@gmail.com