Study on Non-Conventional Energy Resources and Biomass

Addressing the Growing Demand for Renewable Energy

by Brajesh Kumar Singh*, Dr. Chirom Shanti Kumar Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 5, Jul 2018, Pages 739 - 744 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Over the previous barely any many years, energy is the foundation of innovation and monetary turn of events. Notwithstanding men, machines and cash, 'Energy' is currently the fourth factor of creation. Without energy, no machine will run, power required for each thing. Consequently, our energy prerequisites have expanded in the years following the modern unrest. This quick increment being used of energy has spurred issues of interest and gracefully. On the off chance that this developing world energy request is to be met with petroleum derivatives, they will be not any more accessible for creating the energy following not many years. It is a need of the present world to focus on environmentally friendly power source to fulfill the interest and moderate our limited characteristic assets for the age to come. Energy is urgent contribution to the cycle of prudent, social and modern turn of events. High energy utilization has ordinarily been related with higher caliber of life, which is turn is identified with the gross public products. Energy is an essential aspect of a general public and assumes a critical part in its financial advancement by increasing the expectation of living and the personal satisfaction. The condition of financial improvement of any district can be evaluated from the example and utilization nature of its energy. Energy interest along an adjustment in the utilization design, which thusly changes with the source and accessibility of its energy, transformation misfortune and end use proficiency biomass has been a significant wellspring of family unit's energy in India.


non-conventional energy resources, biomass, energy, petroleum derivatives, environmentally friendly power source



Individuals have consistently utilized energy to accomplish work for them. A huge number of years back, early people consumed wood to give light, heat their living spaces and cook their food. Afterward, individuals utilized the breeze to move their pontoons here and there. A hundred years prior, individuals started utilizing falling water to make electricity. Today individuals utilized more energy than even from an assortment of hotspots for a large number of errands and our lives are without a doubt better for it. Our homes are agreeable and brimming with helpful and engaging electrical gadgets. We impart immediately from various perspectives. We live more, more beneficial lives. We venture to the far corners of the planet, or if nothing else see it on TV and the internet.36 The significant fuel sources we use today are characterized in two general gatherings nonrenewable and sustainable.

Sources of Commercial (Non-renewable) Energy in India :-

Source of commercial (non-renewable) energy in India as following.

Coal and Lignite

It is the most significant and plentiful non-renewable energy source in India. It represents 55% of the nation's energy need. The nation's modern legacy has been based upon indigenous coal. Business essential energy utilization in India has developed by about 700% over the most recent forty years. Considering the restricted hold possibility of oil and gaseous petrol preservation limitation on hydro ventures and geo political impression of atomic force, all will keep on involving the all-important focal point of India's energy Production with hard coal saves around 246 million tonnes, of which 92 billion tones are demonstrated, Indian coal offers a special eco-accommodating fuel hotspot for the coal homegrown energy market for the following century and by past. Hard coal stores, spread more than 27 significant coalfields, are principally kept to eastern and south focal pieces of India. Lignite holds remain

force plants represented 92418 MW as of February 2011, showing that the vast majority of India's power needs are rely upon coal. As indicated by the present and future interest projections the coal holds in India would be only adequate for around 130 years.38

Petroleum/ Oil

India has complete stores (demonstrated and showed) of 1201 million metric huge loads of raw petroleum. Unrefined petroleum creation during 2009-10 at 33.69 million tonnes was 0.55% higher than the 33.51 million metric tons delivered during 2008-09. The utilization of oil based goods during 2009-10 was 138.196 million metric tons (counting deals through private imports) which is 3.60%higher than the deals of 133.400 million metric tons during 2008-09. Long haul development sought after of oil based goods relies on various factors, for example, financial development (GDP), versatility of interest for oil based commodities concerning GDP development, relative value levels of substitute items especially LNG/CNG, immersion of LPG request and the effect of energy protection measures. The interest for petroleum and diesel is reliant on the development of street intrastate, the cost of oil, the future effectiveness of vehicles, the development of substitute methods of transport and the rise of substitutes like bio fills as well as advances, for example, hybrids.

Natural Gas:-

India has complete stores (demonstrated and showed) of 437 billion cubic meters of flammable gases of first April 2010. Cross creation of petroleum gas in the nation at 47.51 billion cubic meters during 2009-10 was 44.63% higher than the creation of 32.85 billion cubic meters during 2008-09. The all out introduced limit of gas terminated plants as of February 2011, Stood at 17706 MW. The erupting of flammable gas in 2009-10 at 2.09% of gross creation is lower than the 3.29% in 2008-09. Petroleum gas can supplant existing powers in different areas both for feedstock just as for energy purposes. Be that as it may, this replacement will rely on the overall cost of gas regarding different energizes. In this way, it might be expressed that the interest for gas will rely on the general cost of gaseous petrol comparative with that of options, mostly Naphtha for compost and petrochemicals and coal for power. With homegrown creation of a little more than 140 million standard cubic meters for each day fulfilling scarcely a large portion of the need. India is bringing in 10 million tons of melted flammable gas per annum and is taking a gander at non-ordinary sources like shale gas.

Nuclear Power:-

Atomic force is the fourth-biggest wellspring of power in India, after warm, hydroelectric and sustainable development and are relied upon to create an extra 2720 MW. India's atomic force industry is going through fast extension with plans to increment atomic force yield to 64000 MW by 2032.41 Crafted by producing and keeping up atomic force plants joins with atomic force partnership India restricted and it intends to assemble five atomic force stops each with a limit of eight atomic reactors of 1000 MW. The atomic force parks are arranged at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, Jaitapur in Maharashtra, Mithi Virdi in Gujarat, Haripur in West Bengal and Kovvada in Andhra Pradesh.42

Electricity Power:-

The official gauge yearly energy potential from Hydro-Electric source is put around 10500 MW of this potential. This infers that lone 20% of the hydro-potential has been used and 50% of the hydro potential remains unharnessed, in spite of the innate focal points of Hydro power plants over warm and atomic plants.43


Power energy is in incredible emergency. The explanation can be over utilization of power. So it critical to diminish burning-through non-inexhaustible wellsprings of energy and go to sustainable ones. Sustainable sources can never be depleted and are innocuous to the climate. Environmentally friendly power sources are consequently on a very basic level not quite the same as petroleum derivatives. For a long time, humankind has been utilizing the energy of the sun, wind or water to encourage simplicity of specific exercises, which can be basic as drying fabrics in the sun, utilizing water wheels or windmills utilized for squashing grain. Nonetheless, it is as of late that sustainable power is being taking a gander at from a huge scope creation perspective, as it is progressively getting mainstream on the planet just as India, as a perpetual answer for the significant dangers of environmental change, consumption of petroleum products and the natural and social dangers of fossil fuels.49 In the previous century, it has been seen that the utilization of non-inexhaustible wellsprings of energy has caused more natural harm than some other human movement. Power creates from petroleum products, for example, coal and unrefined petroleum has prompted numerous issues being confronted today, for example, ozone consumption and an unnatural weather change, vehicular contamination has been a significant issue.


1470 gigawatts (GW) in 2012, to about 8.5% from 2011. Hydro power rose to a gauge of 990 GW, while other inexhaustible became 21.5% to surpass 480 MW. Universally, wind power represented about 39% of inexhaustible force limit included 2012, trailed by hydropower and sun based PV, each representing around 26% sun based PV limit arrived at the 100 GW achievement to pass bio-control and become the third biggest sustainable innovation as far as limit (yet not age), after hydro and wind. Inexhaustible have represented an ever-developing portion of electric limit included worldwide every year, and in 2012 they made up over portion of net increments to electric producing limit. By the end of the year, sustainable contained over 26% assessed 21.7% of worldwide power, with 16.5% of absolute power gave by hydropower. While inexhaustible limit increases at a quick rate from year to year, sustainable a lot of complete age is expanding all the more gradually on the grounds that numerous nations keep on including huge petroleum derivative limit, and a significant part of the sustainable limit being included (wind and sun powered energy) works at generally low limit factors.55


Currently 45 percent of households in India do not have access to electricity. New legislation has set a target of electrifying all households by 2010. As in the past, the ongoing challenge in providing electricity is the ability of the poor to pay. To continue subsidizing electricity is the ability of the poor to pay.


Solar Energy

Sun powered energy will be energy from the sun and without its essence all life on earth would end Solar energy has been a significant wellspring of energy for a long time on account of the immense measure of energy unreservedly available.74 India has immense sun based potential. The sunniest parts are arranged in the south/east coast, from Calcutta to Madras. Sun based energy can be utilized in two different ways sun oriented warming and sunlight based power, a sun based force plant offers great alternative for charge in regions of disadvantageous areas, for example, sloping locales, backwoods, deserts and islands where different assets neither accessible nor exploitable in techno financially feasible way most pieces of the nation have around 250 to 300 radiant days. There is enormous sun oriented potential. sunlight based warm. Network intelligent sun based photovoltaic force ventures accumulating 2440 MW have so far been introduced. The assessed capability of sun oriented force in India is around 20000 MW.75 In November 2009, the administration of India dispatch its Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission under the National Action Plan on Climate Change with plan to create 1000 MW of intensity by 2010 and 20000 MW lattice based sun based force 2000 MW of off framework sun oriented force and spread 20 million with gatherers before the finish of the last period of the mission in 2020.

Wind Energy

This kind of energy utilizes the motor energy created by the breeze to make the cutting edges of a rotor move, which are situated at the head of a pinnacle, the breeze turbine. This turbine changes the development of the turbine into electricity.77 Energy of wind can be monetarily used to produce electrical energy. Wind can likewise be utilized to give mechanical force, for example, to water siphoning. In India by and large in speeds reachable are in the lower ranges. Subsequently, endeavors are on the improvement of minimal effort, low speed plants for water system of little and peripheral ranches for giving savoring water rustic zone. The advancement are by and large mostly focused on water siphoning will process reasonable for activity in a breeze speed scope of 8 to 36 kmph. In India high wind speeds are possible in seaside regions of Saurashtra, Western, Rajasthan and a few pieces of focal India.78 The nations is all out wind energy potential has been assessed at 45000 MW. The breeze energy area has seen huge ventures prodded by the advancement potential, accessibility of wind ranch hardware at serious costs and helpful government strategies. As of now, wind power represents around 70% of the introduced age limit from sustainable sources. As of now, India (15700 MW) is in fifth position, following china (44733 MW), the US (40180 MW), Germany (27215 MW) and Spain (20676 MW) wind power represents almost 8 percent of India's absolute introduced power capacity.79

Hydro Energy

In India hydropower venture with station limit of up to 25 MW fall under the classification of little hydro power (5hp). The absolute introduced limit of little hydro power extends as on March 31, 2012, was 3200 MW. In any case, the assessed potential for

different states as water system trench based tasks. The SHP program is generally private speculation driven. Since, the tasks are financially practical, the private area is on putting resources into SHP ventures. The reasonability of these undertakings improves with increment in the task capacity.80

Waste to Energy:-

Consistently around 55 million tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and 38 billion liters of sewage are created in the metropolitan territories of India. What's more, huge amounts of strong and fluid squanders are created by businesses; squander age in India is required to increment quickly later on, as more individuals relocate to metropolitan zones and as pay increment, utilization levels are probably going to increase as are paces of waste age. It is assessed that the measure of waste produced in India will increment at a for each capita pace of roughly 1-1.33% yearly. This has critical effect on the measure of land that is and will be required for removal.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells:-

Hydrogen power modules can change the way the world uses energy. Energy components create power by consolidating hydrogen and oxygen with just water as a result. They can control everything from PC, PCs to autos. While at any rate 10 years stays before they can without much of a stretch by in corporated into regular daily existence, the guarantee of zero outflows and expanded eco-friendliness makes hydrogen energy units worth the waste.82

Battery Powered Vehicles

Batteries are utilized to store energy in a synthetic structure as an elective energy, batteries can be utilized to store energy in battery electric vehicles. Battery electric vehicles can be charged from the framework when the vehicle isn't being used. Since the energy is gotten from power, battery electric vehicles make it conceivable to utilize different types of choices energy such as wind, sun oriented, geothermal, nuclear or hydroelectric.

Tidal Energy:-

Flowing energy age includes the development of a flood over an estuary to hinder the approaching and active tidel. The head of water is then used to drive turbines to produce power from the raised water in the bowl as in hydroelectric dams. Floods can be intended to create power on the ebb side, or both. Flowing reach (4.5-12.4 m) from site to site. A flowing scope of in any event 7 m is needed for practical activity and for adequate head of water for the turbines.84 of intensity. It originates from radioactive rot in the center of the Earth, which warms the earth from the back to front and consequently energy force can be removed attributable to the temperature distinction between hot stone somewhere down in the earth and moderately cool surface air and water. This necessitates that the hot stone be moderately shallow, so it is site-explicit and must be applied in topographically dynamic regions. It tends to be utilized in two different ways. Geothermal Heating:-

Geothermal Electricity:

As expressed over, the geothermal energy from the instance of the earth is nearer to the surface in certain zones than in others where hot underground steam or water can be tapped and brought to the surface, it might be utilized straightforwardly to warmth and cool structures or by implication it tends to be utilized to produce power by running the steam/gas turbines. Indeed, even in any case on a large portion of the globe, the temperature of the outside layer a couple of feet beneath the surface in cushioned to a consistent 7-14 degree Celsius, so a fluid can be pre-warmed or pre-cooled in underground pipelines, giving free cooling, in the late spring and warming in the colder time of year by utilizing a warmth pump.85

Ocean Thermal Energy:-

This is also an indirect method of utilization solar energy. A large amount of solar energy is collected and stored in tropical oceans. The surface of the water acts as the collector for solar heat, while the upper layer of the sea constitutes infinite heat storage reservoir. Thus the heat contained in the oceans, could be converted into electrical energy by utilizing the fact that the temperature difference between the warm surface waters of the tropical oceans and the colder waters in the depth is about 20-250 k. Utilization of this energy, with its associated temperature difference and its conversion into work, forms the basis of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) systems. The surface water, which is at higher temperature, could be used to heat some low boiling organic fluid and the vapor of which would run a heat engine. The exit vapor would be conducted by pumping cold water from the deeper regions. The amount of energy available for ocean is replenished continuously. All the systems of OTEC method work on a closed ranking cycle. It uses low boiling organic fluids like ammonia, propane, R-12, R-I2 etc.86


India delivers an enormous nature of biomass material in its rural, agro modern and ranger service


being used and can be made accessible for elective uses at an efficient expense. These materials incorporate an assortment of husks and straws. Furthermore, power can likewise be created from biomass developed on badlands, street/and rail trackside estates and so on Among the different types of advancement of sustainable power, biomass is the significant mode with potential to create capacity to the degree to over 57% of the whole nations, necessity. India is prevalently horticultural nation, with lasting streams moving through the nation, the nation a brag of perhaps the biggest maker of farming and woodland produce. Immense amount of biomass as husk, straw, shells of coconuts and so forth and wild hedges are accessible. With coming of ignition innovation unmistakable advancement has been made in the improvement of biomass based force projects.115 The innovation for age of power from this biomass material is like the ordinary coal-based warm force age which drives a turbo alternator for age of electricity.127 Significant kinds of biomass based force frameworks are immediate terminated, co-terminating, gasification, anaerobic absorption and pyrolysis, the majority of the higher limit biomass based force plants on the planet utilize direct terminated frameworks. They consume bio energy feed stocks straightforwardly to deliver steam. This steam is utilized to drive a turbine and a generator coupled to the turbine at that point changes over it into power. In certain enterprises, the steam from the force plant is additionally utilized as cycle steam. These are known as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) offices or co-age plants for example, rice husk and wood squander are frequently used to deliver both power and steam. In measure plants many coal-terminated force plants can utilize co-terminating frameworks to essentially diminish outflows, particularly sulphor dioxide emissions.116


1. Workout of Biomass Power Schemes economic review. 2. To analyse the operating challenges posed by Maharashtra's biomass power ventures. 3. To make suggestions to enhance the formulation and execution of the programme for the production of biomass energy in India and, in particular, in the state of Maharashtra.


Biomass electricity production gets more focus as we glance at traditional power generation schemes and environmental management and safety and work production. Biomass power ventures, thus, aid in economic growth. There are several challenges facing these ventures as well. They face problems with the cost of electricity output and power generation. So, the proposal for biomass power faces economic difficulties. Critical analysis of the biomass power project is needed. That's why the topic of economic analysis has been selected for study.


1. N. S. Madke and V. B. Bhise (2006), "Economics of Biogass Technology" Published by Ambala Contt. ISBN 81_8429_011_X, 3-4. 2. Government of India (2012), "Economic Survey Statistical Appendix 2011-12, Published by Kalyan Naresh, Mumbai, P. 30-31. 3. Smith Crosbie (1998), "The Science of Energy : A Cultural History of Energy Physis in Victorian Britain, Published by The University of Chicayo Press of canteebury, ISBN 0-226-76420-6,9. 4. Feynman Richard, Lighton R. B., Sands Mathaw (2005), "The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol.-I, , Published by Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-02115-3, U.S.A. P. 20-21. 5. Mehetre M. G. (1990), Opp-cit, P. 8. 6. Mehetre M. G. (1990), Opp-cit, P. 9. 7. Mehetre M. G. (1990), Opp-cit, P. 9-10. 8. 9. 10. Ashey Maraline and Bookman Jordan (2010), "Forms of Energy" Earth day network ( P. 10. 11. Ibid., P. 10-11. 12.

Corresponding Author Brajesh Kumar Singh*

Research Scholar