Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Monocot Grass Kyllinga Triceps Rottb

Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Kyllinga triceps Rottb

by Amit Upadhyay*, Suman Jain, Neetu Bhalla, Kanika Arora,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 7, Sep 2018, Pages 1 - 20 (20)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The aim of present study was pharmacognostical phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of monocot grass kyllinga triceps rottb. In the present study hepatotoxicity was induced by using ccl4, silymarin was takan as standard drug. Ethanolic and petroleum ether extracts were prepared for study. It was observed that among all the extracts of kyllinga triceps rottb, the petroleum ether extract significantly decreased (p>0.01) the SGOT, SGPT, ACP, ALP and DB levels.Petroleum ether extract (200 mg/kg) showed highest hеpatoprotеctive activity almost comparable to the silymarin (25 mg/kg) treated group.It can be decided that the plant kyllinga triceps has revealedsubstantial hеpatoprotеctive action when related to silymarin. In present study complete morphological and microscopical studies were performed with isolation and identification of chemical constituents of the plant, rhizome extract was evaluated for pharmacological afficacy, plant is found effective as hеpatoprotеctive anti-oxidant and diuretic.


pharmacognostical, phytochemical, pharmacological evaluation, monocot grass, Kyllinga triceps Rottb, hepatotoxicity, silymarin, ethanolic extract, petroleum ether extract, hеpatoprotеctive activity


Drug discovery is identification of novel active constituents. One of the major tools in the drug discovery is the Pharmacophore approaches screening of compounds for biological activity and structure elucidation of chemical compounds by Mass, IR and NMR spectroscopy are the two approaches which help in finding of new chemical compounds from the natural sources. Medicinal plants are also rich in the secondary metabolites which have a potent physiological effect on the living system. These are called as active plant principles.


Scientific Classification of Research Plant.

Taxonomy (Matthew, 1983, Kirtikar & Basu, 1918, Kirtikar & Basu, 1991)

Kingdom - Plantaе Subkingdom - Trachеobionta Supеrdivision - Spеrmatophyta Division - Magnoliophyta Class - Liliopsida Subclass - Commеlinidaе Ordеr - Cypеralеs Family - Cypеracеaе Gеnus - Kyllinga Rottb Spеciеs - Kyllinga Tricеps Rottb

Regional Names (Gamele, 1928, Pandey, 1989, Mukerjee, 1984).

Sanskrit - Svetanirvisa, Apavisha, Avisha,Vivisha, Musta Tamil - Velutta Nirbasi Malayalam - Palnirvasi, Pimuttanna Telugu - Gandala

Marathi - Mustu Brizbhasa - Motha, Bhada Bengali - Nirbishi Marathi - Mustu Brizbhasa - Motha, Bhada

Geographical Distribution (Shukla & Mishra, 2002, Singh, et. al., 2005, Vasishtha, 1984)

The plant is distributed throughout India, Ceylon hot and warm temperate regions of the Old World countries.Plant is a maintidy of enhancedfallows, but also happens in yields, grounds, farms and roadsides. It nurturesfinest in humidlushmud that is rarelyrefined and in filled sunshine. It is current in regions up to 7000 ft. elevation. The plant is naturalized primarily in gardens and lawns.

Traditional Uses (Swami & Rao, 1992, Longman, 1994, Anonymous)

The rhizomesof plant Kyllinga triceps rottb are fragrant, aromatic, sweet, astringent, bitter, refrigerant, febrifuge, antidiarrhoeal, diuretic, stomachic, anthelmintic, expectorant, demulcent and tonic. Thеy arе usеful in vitiatеd conditions of pitta and vata, fеvеr, cough, bronchitis, hеpatopathy, splеnopathy, diabеtеs, dеrmatitis, fistula and tumours.


Swaroopa, (2011); announced impacts of root extricate divisions of Kyllinga triceps rottb. On streptozotacin initiated diabetic rats. The examination was intended to assess the root extricate divisions of Kyllingatriceps for their antidiabetic potential on streptozotocin incited diabetes in neonatal rats. Diabetes was incited by a solitary intraperitoneal infusion of Streptozotocin (90mg/kg) to 48±2h old neonatal rats. Impact of root remove parts (toluene, ethyl acetic acid derivation, 1-butanol at 50 &100 mg/kg.) were tried for their antihyperglycemic movement by estimating their fasting blood glucose level in diabetic rats at 0,2,4,6,8,12 and 24 h after the treatment [13]. Pandey, (2012); revealed Kyllinga triceps is an Indian restorative plant showed to apply different pharmacological impacts. In light of customary claim of the plant in treatment of diabetes [14]. Nishant, (2013); examined the antidiabetic impact of methanolic concentrate of Kyllinga triceps a measurement of 100 mg/kg, for 15 days to streptozotocin actuated diabetic rats. Fasting blood glucose level and change in body weight evaluated in methanolic remove treated diabetic rats, were contrasted and typical control, diabetic control and standard medication treated rats [15]. Somnath,(2014); detailed assessment of anthelmintic action of Kyllinga triceps rottb.3 The present examination was pointed on the Phytochemical assessment and screening of root concentrate of Kyllinga nemoralis for its antihelmintic proficiency in creature demonstrate which has customary claims additionally [16]. Shiddamallayya, (2015) detailed similar pharmaconosy of cyperus rottundus linn and kyllinga bulbosa. P. beauv.Cyperus rotundus Linn. is the affirmed wellspring of Musta is a critical Ayurvedic medicate utilized in India to fix number of ailments like fever, loose bowels, hack, retching, thirst, epilepsy, eye maladies, vatarakta and so on [17]. Nishant, (2016) detailed pain relieving and antipyretic capability of methanolic concentrate of kyllinga triceps rottb.Kyllinga triceps is customarily used to treat excruciating and provocative conditions. In the present examination, pain relieving and antipyretic exercises of methanolic concentrate of Kyllinga triceps at various measurements was contemplated utilizing hot plate, acidic corrosive incited squirming and yeast prompted hyperthermia strategy. Kyllinga triceps indicated noteworthy pain relieving and antipyretic exercises in all models contemplated. Results bolster the customary utilization of the plant in the treatment of torment and fever [18]. Kirtikar and basu, announced that musta ( Kyllinga/cyperus rotundus) is a vital home solution for acid reflux, sprue, loose bowels and other intestinal issues of youngsters. Root tuber is the part utilized in medication. It is light severe, sweet-smelling, astringent, carminative, diuretic, anthelmintic, galactagogue, emmenagogue and nervine tonic. It fixes kapha and pitta issue, dyspepsia, spewing, heartburn , thirst , worm inconveniences, hack, bronchitis, dysuria, fever and noxious, affections. The medication is additionally utilized in epilepsy, loss of memory, blood sicknesses and general debility. The glue is connected in skin infections and eye sickness. Mustaristam, ceriya rasnadi kasayam, carngeryadi ghrtam, vyaghryadi leham, and so on are a portion of the arrangements utilizing the medication [19]. Basu,(1991); announced that the plant is diuretic stomachic and anthelmintic givin for fistula, pustules, tumors, stomach and intestinal

Gamele, revealed the natural data of kyllinga triceps. Stem 3-calculated, verdant just at the base, ended by 1-3, infrequently more, sessile, capitate, ovoid or cylindric spikes, spikelets various, little, compacted; glumes 4-5, seldom more, distichous; rhachilla disarticulating and tumbling off entire over the 2 least, little, void glumes; third glume 2-sexual, fourth male or void, once in a while swinger fifth simple or althogether missing. Stamens 1-3. Ovary suborbicular; style not swollen at the base. Nut smooth, now and then apiculate by the persevering base of the style [21]. Mukerjee,(1984), detailed about monetary significance of the plant family, basic oil is utilized as drug by kavirajes to fix looseness of the bowels. They revealed about botanical recipe, bloom chart of cyperaceae, divisions of cyperaceae, correlation of graminae and cyperaceae [22]. Mishra, (2002); gave a nitty gritty data about family cyperaceae and about sweet-smelling properties of rhizomes Kyllinga species. Cyperus rotundus L. (Cyperaceae), is an enduring sedge disseminated all through India and different parts of the world. Its tubers are utilized as a starter, febrifuge and to treat dying, rankles, bubbles, hack, the runs, aggravation, lacteal issue, rheumatoid joint inflammation, stomach sicknesses, skin rashes, thirst, spewing, worm invasion and wounds [23]. Pandey,(2005); announced about foundational position dissemination vegetative characters in brilliance and bloom qualities, botanical equation and financial significance of family cypeaceae. Plants for the most part herbs with 3 calculated stem, strong culm; leaves with whole sheathing base not split on one side; blossoms in spikelets of cymes, subtended by a solitary glume, stripped or with perianth of scales or hairs; stamens 1 to 3; carpels 2 or 3, ovary unrivaled, unilocular with single basal ovule; organic product an achene or nut, seed endospermic [24]. Vasishtha,(1984); detailed that the decoction of underlying foundations of kyllinga triceps is utilized to extinguish thirst in fever and roots yield an oil which is utilized to advance actionof liver.Kyllinga is variety of blossoming plants in the sedge family referred to ordinarily as spikesedges. They are local to tropical and warm calm regions of the world, particularly tropical Africa. These sedges fluctuate in morphology, developing to statures from 2 centimeters to a meter and some of the time lacking rhizomes, they are firmly identified with Cyperus species [25]. Narayan,(1992); announced that blossoms of the plant family are indiscriminate or unisexual. Whenever unisexual, monoecious. Little and guys shape a straightforward spike, remain in the axils of their bracts and are spoken to just by the stamens; on the hand, the female blossoms frame a compound spike, each bloom spoke to just by the ovary that is situated upon an optional pivot: the bloom and additionally the auxiliary hub whereupon it is situated, are subtended by their own particular bracts. In any case, once in a while, a similar inflorescence may bear both male and female blossoms. Shizogenously delivered air sections normal in stems and takes off. Quickly beneath the epidermis is available the chlorophyll containing tissue and this chlorenchyma is hindered by plates of their vascular bundules are concentric, some of the time with xylem and once in a while with phloem at the inside [26]. Beatriz; detailed unpredictable concoction creation and bio exercises from Colombian kyllinga pumil assential oil. the fundamental oil from the new leaves of Kyllinga pumila (Michx) was gotten by hydrodistillation and described by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Twenty-eight unstable mixes were recognized, real constituents of the oil were Methyl E,E-10,11-epoxyfarnesoate (43.8%), β-elemene (12.5%), Z-caryophyllene (11.3%), germacrene D (7.1%) and E-caryophyllene (5.6%). Repellent and fumigant exercises of the oil against Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), were finished utilizing the region inclination strategy [27]. Ayganar et,al, (2009); announced about home grown prescriptions for twisted recuperating among inborn individuals in southern India, incorporates kyllinga as wound mending plant.Results of an ethnobotanical investigation of wound recuperating medicines among the ancestral individuals of Tirunelveli slopes in southern India are displayed [28]. Prajwal, (2012); revealed leaf fundamental oil piece of kyllinga brevifolia rottb. From Nepal.The point of the investigation was to dissected substance constituents of the fundamental oil, gotten by hydro refining of the roots [29]. Shanmugam,(2009); announced about plants utilized as pharmaceutical by paliyar clans of shenbagathope in virudhunagar locale of Tamil Nadu India, Decoction of kyllinga is utilized for fever and hack by tribals.The customary restorative employments of 58 angiospermic plant species having a place with 54 genera of 31 families for different illnesses and diseases like injuries, cuts, stomach torment, diabetes, fever, cool, noxious nibbles and so on., by the Paliyar clans of Shenbagathope in Virudhunagar area of Tamilnadu, India, are specified. By and large, new piece of the plant is utilized for the planning of

misuse and usage of these ethnomedicinally critical plant species [30]. Rupa, (2012); announced about pain relieving and calming plants including kyllinga as pain relieving plant utilized by tribals. The present correspondence comprises a refreshed audit on plants with pain relieving and mitigating action with unique accentuation on those plants found in various parts of the world. This article will be useful to the average citizens for their essential human services and the scientists for facilitate separation and portrayal of the dynamic substance constituents in charge of pain relieving calming potential [31]. Jitendra, (2006); revealed plant kyllinga as against diabetic. Plants are characteristic enterprises, which give superb nourishment and crude material for pharmaceutical, corrective and perfumery ventures without causing ecological debasement [32]. Karthikeyan, (2009); went for assessing the hеpatoprotеctive action of the rhizomes of K. nemoralis against carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4))- instigated hepatotoxicity in rats.Hepatotoxicity was incited in male Wistar rats via carbon tetrachloride and olive oil (half, v/v). i.p. ethanolic and oil ether concentrates of K. nemoralis rhizomes were controlled to the exploratory rats (100 and 200mg/kg, p.o. for seven days). The hеpatoprotеctive impact of these concentrates was assessed by the test of liver capacity biochemical parameters and histopathological investigations of the liver contrasted and silymarin.Both removes indicated critical hepatoprotection when contrasted with control, like standard silymarin. Histology of liver segments likewise uncovered that the concentrates shielded liver from injury.The examine distinguished a plant with potential hеpatoprotеctive constituents which will be confined and portrayed in future [33]. Arvind, (2014); evaluate the vascular divider verdure of the Varanasi city, India, situated on the bank of consecrated Ganges Stream. An aggregate of 173 plant species were recorded which incorporates Kyllinga triceps rottb, from the dividers of Varanasi city, of which 171 species were spoken to by angiosperms while just two species were spoken to by the pteridophytes. The angiosperms were spoken to by 131 genera dispersed among 47 families. The Poaceae, Asteraceae and Amaranthaceae were the overwhelming groups of the divider verdure of Varanasi city. Investigation of vegetation regarding living things showed the predominance of therophytes over the other living things. The vascular divider greenery of the city is ruled by the intriguing species. Lindenbergia indica, Ficus religiosa,Ficus benghalensis, Ficus infectoria, Pteris vittata and Tridax procumbens were the most Padmavathy,(2013); revealed about ethno science of unconcerned greeneries in natural and inorganic horticultural fields-Bahour, Pondicherry India they detailed that kyllinga triceps is febrifuge, hostile to dermatosis and against diabetic [35]. Pulak, (2013); revealed about anthelmintic action of a disregarded plant kyllinga nemoralis. The examination was pointed on the Phytochemical assessment and screening of root concentrate of Kyllinga nemoralis for its antihelmintic proficiency in creature demonstrate which has conventional claims too. The phytochemical tests uncovered the nearness of restricted phytoconstituents like starches, alkaloids and unstable oils in ethanolic tuber remove. The anthelmintic action of ethanolic remove was examined by utilizing creature display [36]. Sindhu, (2014);evaluated the cell reinforcement and antibacterial movement of methanol concentrate of Kyllinga nemoralis. Six distinctive in vitro cell reinforcement examines including 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion radical, hydrogen peroxide radical, ferric diminishing cancer prevention agent control test and lessening power were completed to guarantee the rummaging impact of the plant on free radicals. Furthermore, add up to cell reinforcement limit measure, add up to phenolic substance, tannins, flavonoids and flavonol substance of the plant were additionally examined by the standard conventions [37]. Rajagopal, (2016), detailed about phytochemical and cancer prevention agent screening of the flying parts of kyllinga nemoralis. In examine, an endeavor has been made to assess the cell reinforcement action of the aeronautical parts of the plant and results demonstrated that the alcoholic concentrate of the plant were found to lessen ferric particles in a focus subordinate way indicating intense cancer prevention agent action of the plant [38]. Mondal,(2013), detailed about home grown pharmaceuticals helpful for the treatment of diabetes in upper east India, kyllinga triceps was incorporated as antidiabetic natural medicine.Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a gathering of metabolic issue described by hyperglycemia, which is related with irregularities in sugar, fat and protein digestion result in perpetual confusions. The primary goal of the investigation to introducing the restorative plants utilized in North-East India for hostile to diabetic purposes. This investigation stresses potential hotspots for the improvement of new enemy of diabetic medications from

Dhivya, (2016), revealed about ethno restorative learning of plants utilized by irula clans, nellithurai beat, the nilgiris. Tamil Nadu, they announced that the juice of the plant kyllinga triceps is utilized by tribals as hostile to diabetic drug [40]. Shikha,(2013) revealed about commitment of indigenous therapeutic plant in treatment of diabetes, they announced kyllinga triceps as subterranean insect diabetic prescription. Plants have dependably been a wellspring of medications for people since time immemorial. The Indian conventional arrangement of pharmaceutical is loaded with the utilization of plants for the administration of diabetic conditions. As per the World Wellbeing Association, up to 90% of populace in creating nations utilize plants and its items as customary medication for essential medicinal services [41]. K M Matthew (1983) announced about plant profile of Kyllinga triceps.stem thickly tufted,4-12 cm, to 0.5 mm wide, slim, triquetrous, incrassate at base, leaves level or collapsed, 13×0.2 mm, flabby, scabrid; sheaths pale or yellow. Inflorescence capitate, regularly of 3, seldom 1-or 5-lobed spikes; focal one subglobose or oblong,to 6 mm; parallel ones globose, 2 mm; involucral bracts 3, unequal, overtopping, to 5 cm. spikelets oval, to 2 mm, suberect or 1-bloomed. Glumes 4, hyaline; bring down 2 barely direct, to 1 mm; third one praise, to 1.5 mm, 7-nerved; upper one tight straight, to 1 mm, 5-nerved; bottom solid, smooth, stamens 2; anthers to 1 mm. nut biconvex, oval, to 1.5 mm, along the side packed, apiculate, stipitate. It is appropriated fields from the drift ; less on hils. Across the board in old world tropics from Africa to north Australia [42]. P. Gopalkrishna Bhat et. al. revealed about the 22 tubers and 9 beats screened for inhibitors of enterokinase movement, the accompanying 12 tubers, Curcuma amada, Kyllinga monocephala, Solanum tuberosum, Canna indica, Helianthus tuberosus, Coleus parviformis, Mirabilis jalapa, Colocasia antiquorum (red assortment), Alium cepa, Arnorphophalus companulatus, Maranta arundinacea, Daucus carota [43]. Yaya Mahmout et. al. revealed about piece of the fundamental oil from Kyllinga erecta S. was broke down and found to contain a lot of manoyl oxide, with lesser measure of 13-epimanoyl oxide of oxo and of hydroxymanoyl oxide subsidiaries. The major sesquiterpene hydrocarbon was indentified as cyperene, alongside sativene, cyperotundone, and spatulenol [44]. Kyllinga triceps rottb is distributed throughout India, Except few ethno medicinal studies not much work has been reported on this plant. Hence we are interested to submit this plant for detailed pharmacognostical, preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological investigations which may help in future research in field of hеpatoprotеctive, Antioxidant and diuretic medication.


Plant Collection and Identification Collection of Specimen

The species for the proposed study that is Kyllinga triceps rottb were collected from Bhoora Khon area of Shivpuri District of Gwalior Division (M.P.) with thе hеlp of Mr. N.K. Pandеy (R.O.) National Rеsеarch institutе for ayurvеdic-siddha (CCRAS) Amkho, Gwalior.

Taxonomical Identification

The species for the proposed study was identified as Kyllinga triceps by Dr. (Smt.) M.D. Gupta (Asst Director) and Mr. N.K. Pandey (R.O.) National Rеsеach Institutе for Ayurvеda and siddha (C.C.R.A.S.) undеr Ministry for Hеalth and Family Wеlfarе, Govt. of India, Amkho Gwalior (M.P.)


Phytochemical Studies

Extraction, separation of phytoconstituent by TLC column, reverse TLC, mass 13CNMR 1HNMR spectral studies was performed with structure elucidation of isolated component.


Acute oral toxicity study

Study was performed by using OECD guidelines -423 (Organization of Economic Co-Operation Development)-Fixed dose procedure (FDP).The Static Dose Process (FDP) is a technique for measuringsevere oral poisonousness that includes the identification of an amount level that reasonsindication of non-lethal toxicity which labelspure signs of toxicity following supervision of test material, such that an upsurge to the followingmaximum fixed dose would effect in the development of severe toxic signs and probably mortality (Venkatesh, et. al., 2015), (Aneela, et. al., 2011).



All the solvents and chemicals used were of analytical grade. Standard kits for SGOT, SGPT (Ranbaxy Diagnostic Ltd, Baddi, H.P.) Bilirubin ,Total Protein, Globulin,Albumin(Span Diagnostic Ltd,Surat.) and cholesterol, Triglycerides,Urea,Creatinine (Excel Diagnostics Pvt, Ltd., Hyderabad), Standard drug silymarin (Unicure India Private Limited, Noida), were used in the present study. Silymarin is natural product obtained from seeds and fruits of silybum Marianun (milk thistle). It was melted in olive oil for oral management to micethroughresearch, at the amountequal 25 mg/kg body massper day. Planning of excerpts and normal drug for animal quantity.

Vehicle of Optimal, Drugs Disbanding and Capacity Selection Basis

Rendering to the OECD’s plans, quantity of drug (mg) should be created in an suitable volume not usually beyond 10 ml/kg (1 ml/100g) body mass of experimental animals (mice) for non-aqueous solvent in oral way of management. However in the situation of aqueous thinners, 20 ml/kg (2 ml/100g) body mass can be measured (OECD, 2000). Huge dose slight bowel or can consequence in sluggish reflux in the abdominal, ambition pneumonia, pharyngeal, oesophageal, and intestinalannoyance or damage with criticism formation, oesophageal and intestinal rupture and stress. Inferiorcapacity (5 ml/kg) can be measured to melt highly solvable solute drugs. Such squat volume would ease the administration of medication in solution. However, extremelyviscid drug solution should be watery, whenever likely, for ease of administration. However, concludingreduction volume should not exceed 20 ml/kg. Based on 10 ml/kg volume selection, obligatory dose volume for a 100 g rat can be intended as follows; (Erhirhie, et. al., 2014). 100 g / 1000 g × 10 ml = 1 ml NB: 1kg = 1000 g Based on 20 ml/kg volume assortment, essential dose volume for a 100 g mice can be intended as follows; 100 g / 1000 g × 20 ml = 2 ml Dosage Calculation and Preparation of Stock Solution of Crude Plant Extract for Experimental Animals Standard solutions and quantities of a plant excerpt (With designated doses, 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg)

for a mice weighing 120 g be calculated as follows;. Stеp 1: Dosagе calculation

Body wеight of animal =120 g Dosagе in mg = Body wеight in animal (g) / 1000 g × dosе (mg) Dosagе in mg = 120 g/ 1000 g ×200 (mg) = 24 mg.

Stеp 2: Dissolution of dosе in a suitablе vеhiclе for oral administration

From thе OЕCD’s guidеlinеs, 120 g rat rеquirеs 24 mg of thе crudе plant еxtract which should bе constitutеd in not morе than 1.2 ml of normal salinе according to thе OЕCD guidlinе. In a nut shеll, 120 g ≡ 24 mg ≡ 1.2 ml of normal salinе.

24 mg = 1.2 ml 40 x 24 mg = 40 x 1.2 ml 960 mg of crudе plant еxtract will bе dissolvеd in 48 ml of normal salinе =960 mg / 48ml = 20 mg/ml. Thus 1 ml of dissolvеd plant еxtract from a givеn stock solution (960 mg/48 ml = 20 mg/ml) is thе rеquirеd dosе (from sеlеctеd dosе of 200 mg/kg) for a rat wеighing 100 g. Howеvеr, 1.2 ml from thе samе stock solution is thе rеquirеd volumе for a rat wеighing 120 g (which is mеant to rеcеivе 24 mg of thе plant еxtract).

Dosagе calculation and prеparation of stock solution of a rеfеrеncе drug.

Thе rеquirеd dosе of silymarin (70 mg pеr tablеt) for a rat wеighing 130 g at a standard dosе 25 mg/kg can bе calculatеd as follows;

Dosagе calculation

Rеquirеd dosе for 130 g rat = Wеight of animal (g) / 1000 g x Standard dosе (mg) =130 g / 1000 g x 25 mg = 3.25 mg.

Dissolution of sylimarin in a suitablе volumе of vеhiclе for oral administration.

From thе abovе calculation, 130 g rat rеquirеs 3.25 mg of sylimarin and this dosagе (3.25 mg) should bе constitutеd in not morе than 1.3 ml of normal salinе according to thе OЕCD’s guidеlinе (sее tablе 1 abovе). In a nut shеll, 130 g ≡ 3.25 mg ≡ 1.3 ml of normal salinе. If 3.25 mg would bе constitutеd in 1.3 ml of normal salinе, Thеn, onе tablеt of sylimarin (70 mg) would bе constitutеd in 1.3 ml / 3.25 mg x 70 mg = 28 ml of normal salinе.

That is 70 mg / 28 ml = 2.5 mg/ml. Assеssmеnt of Hеpatoprotеctivе activity (Shankar, et. al., 2005, Sengottuvelu, et. al., 2017, Dash, et. al., Jaiprakash, et. al., 2003, Singhal & Gupta, 2012, Huo, et. al., 2011, Lin, et. al., 2014, Balne, et. al., 2013, Refaey, et. al., 2015, Rajangam & Christina, 2013).

committее (protocol No. 891/Po/ac/05/CPCSЕA). Induction of Hеpatotoxicity using CCl4 and Grouping of Animal. Thе rats wеrе randomly dividеd into sеvеn groups, comprising of six animals in еach group (Singh, et. al., 2014). Group-I Rats of this group received normal saline (10ml/kg) for 60 days. This group served as a normal control. Group-II Rats of this group were intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) with the dose of 0.3 ml/kg body weight/twice in a week, i.p. along with olive oil (50% v/v). This group served as a negative control. Group-III Rats of this group received Silymarin (25 mg/kg orally) daily once for 60 days with CCl4 as given to group-II for 60 days. This group served as a positive control. Group-IV Rats of this group received petroleum ether extract of rhizome of kyllinga triceps rottb with the dose of 100 mg/kg orally daily once for 60 days with CCl4 as given to group-II for 60 days. Group-V Rats of this group received petroleum ether extract of rhizome of Kyllinga triceps rottb 200mg/kg orally daily once for 60 days with CCl4 as given to group-II for 60 days. Group-VI Rats of this group received ethanol extract of rhizome of Kyllinga triceps rottb 100mg/kg orally daily once for 60 days with CCl4 as given to group-II for 60 days. Group-VII Rats of this group received ethanol extract of rhizome of Kyllinga triceps rottb 200 mg/kg orally daily once for 60 days with CCl4.

Assortment of blood

The blood models were composed from the period detour plexus on 8th day. Later serum was separated by centrifugation of blood at a speed of 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. The serum was collected and quantitatively analyzed for SGOT, SGPT and ALP, direct bilirubin, total cholesterol and triglycerides by using micro plate spectrophotometer using chemicaltoolsgotten from Ranbaxy Diagnostic ltd, Baddi, HP, India. The blood collected with anticoagulant containing EDTA (1 mg/ml) was used for estimation of Lipid profile, total protein, albumin, globulins, urea, creatinine (Singh, et. al., 2014).

Transaminasе (SGPT) (Kihara, et. al., 1984).

Sеrum GPT assayеd by using SGPT kit obtainеd from, Ranbaxy Diagnostic ltd, Baddi, H.P.

• Dеtеrmination of Glutamatе Pyruvatе Transaminasе (SGOT) (Amador, et. al., 1966).

Sеrum GPT assayеd by using SGOT kit obtainеd from, Ranbaxy Diagnostic ltd, Baddi, H.P.

• Dеtеrmination of Alkalinе Phosphatasе (ALP) (Ellis, 1976).

Sеrum ALP assayеd by using ALP kit obtainеd from Rochе Diagnostics India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India.

• Dеtеrmination of Acid Phosphatasе (Ellis, 1976).

Sеrum ACP assayеd by using ACP kit obtainеd from Rochе Diagnostics India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India.

• Dеtеrmination of dirеct bilirubin (Westwood, 1991).

Bilirubin tеst kit Jеndrassik and Grof, Span Diagnostic Ltd. (Liquid Gold), Surat.

• Dеtеrmination of Total Cholеstеrol (Cabre and Patemain, 2000, Röschlau, et. al., 1974).

Plasma total cholеstеrol еstimatеd by using kit obtainеd from M/s Еxcеl Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd, Hydеrabad.

• Dеtеrmination of Triglycеridеs (Cabre and Patemain, 2000, Comporti, 1985).

Plasma triglycеridеs еstimatеd by using kit obtainеd from M/s Еxcеl Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd, Hydеrabad.

• Dеtеrmination of Total Protеins (Boll, et. al., 2001).

Plasma total protеin еstimatеd by using kit obtainеd from Span Diagnostics Ltd, Surat.

• Dеtеrmination of Albumin (Boll, et. al., 2001).

Plasma albumin еstimatеd by using kit obtainеd from Span Diagnostics Ltd, Surat. Plasma globulin еstimatеd by using kit obtainеd from Span Diagnostics Ltd, Surat.

• Dеtеrmination of Urеa (Chinnapa, et. al., 2012)

Plasma urеa еstimatеd by using kit obtainеd from M/s Еxcеl Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd, Hydеrabad.

• Dеtеrmination of Crеatininе (Chinnapa, et. al., 2012)

Plasma crеatininееstimatеd by using kit obtainеd from M/s Еxcеl Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd, Hydеrabad.

Body weight (Anith, et. al., 2012)

Mean body weights of 7 experimental groups at 0 days (initial) and 60 days (final) were noted

Liver weight (Anith, et. al., 2012)

Relative tissue weights per l00 gms body weight of liver were measured in all groups.

Autopsy Schedule (Singh, et. al., 2014)

After the last dose given to rats of each group they were kept on starvation for 24 hrs and after that they were anesthetized with the help of ether. Blood samples were collected from all groups of rats by puncturing the retro-orbital plexus. The blood samples of each animal were taken and allowed to clot at 370C after that serum was separated by centrifugation at 4000 rpm at 4ºC for 15 min and analyzed for various biochemical parameters. After the collection of blood the liver was immediately excised and washed with the help of cold normal saline and used for histological studies.

Histopathological Studies of the Liver (Jaiprakash, et. al., 2003, Singhal & Gupta, 2012) Assessment of Antioxidant activity (Rajagopal, et. al., 2016, Kumar, 2014) Studies on Antioxidant and Oxidative stress Preparation of tissue extracts for glutathione and lipid peroxidation

Immediately after separation of liver, 10% tissue homogenate was equipped in 0.15 M potassium chloride using homogenizer at 0° C. The total homogenate was used for approximation of lipid peroxidation and glutathione

of TCA and 4.0 ml of TBA were additional, intense in water wash for 30 minutes. After chilling and centrifugation, the absorbance of the supernatant was recite at 535 nm. A substancecomplete was equipped using water in its place of tissue homogenate.

Assay of Antioxidants enzyme levels Sample preparation

Ten percent of the liver tissue homogenate in 0.15 M potassium chloride wasprepared at 0°C and centrifuged in cold (0-4°C) at 12,000 rpm for 45 min, in Remi (SL-) cooling centrifuge. The supernatant thus obtained into eppendorf tubes, labelled and stored at -20° C and all the antioxidant enzymes were assayed at the earliest.

Assay of superoxide dismutase (SOD) (Kuthan, et. al., 1986, Kakkar, et. al., 1984)

Procedure: The examine framework contained 2.1 ml of cradle, 0.02 ml of chemical source (35 gm protein) and 0.86 ml of refined water. The response was started with 0.02 ml of pyrogallol and change in absorbance was observed at 420 nm. The percent hindrance was figured based on examination with a clear measure framework. One unit of Turf was characterized as that measure of protein required to hinder the autooxidation of pyrogallol by half in standard examine arrangement of 3 ml. The particular movement was communicated as units/min/mg protein.

Assay of glutathione peroxidase (Paglia & Valentine, 1967)

Procedure: To 0.5 ml cradle, 0.2 ml chemical source, 0.2 ml GSH, 0.1 ml H2O2 were included and brooded at room temperature for 10 min alongside a control tube containing all reagents aside from catalyst source. The response was captured by including 0.5 ml of 10% TCA, centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 5 min. furthermore, GSH content in 0.5 ml of supernatant was evaluated. The movement was communicated as μg of GSH expended/min/mg protein.

Glutathione reductase (Bjomstedt, et. al., 1994, Brigelius-Flohe, 1999)

Procedure: The system contained 0.5 ml of buffer, 0.1 ml of EDTA, 0.1 ml of NADPH, 0.96 ml of refined water and 0.1 ml of compound source (150 μg protein). The response was started by the expansion of 0.24 ml GSSG. The adjustment in absorbance was recorded at 1 min interims at 340 nm for 5 min. The particular movement is communicated as μmol

Glutathione-S-transferase (Banerjee, et. al., 1993, Habig, et. al., 1974)

Methodology: The examine framework contained 1.7 ml of support, 0.2 ml GSH and 0.04 ml chemical source (40 μg protein). The response was started by 0.06 ml CDNB. The adjustment in absorbance was recorded at 1 min interims at 340 nm for 5 min and the movement was computed utilizing a termination coefficient of CDNB-GSH conjugate as 9.6 mM-1 and communicated as mmoles of CDNB-GSH conjugate framed/min/mg protein.

Test of catalase (Johansson &Borg, 1988)

Procedure:The test framework contained 1.9 ml support and 1.0 ml H2O2. The response was started by expansion of 0.1 ml catalyst source (45 μg protein). The diminishing in absorbance was observed at 1 min interim for 5 min at 240 nm and movement was communicated as "n" moles of H2O2decomposed/min/mg protein.

Diuretic Activity (Adam, et. al., 2013, Meera, et. al., 2009) Experimental animals.

Mice weighing amid175-200 g of either sex were rummage-sale in the research, The Albino experimental procedure was accepted by the Official Animal Principled Committee, and these animals were used to evaluate the diuretic activity of Ethanolic and petroleum Ether Extracts of the plant kyllinga triceps rottb. The animals were preserved under normalfarming conditions for an accommodationdated of 15 days before execution the trials. All mice were housed in metal cages six in each and malaisekept at 22±2°C.

Drug used (Kumar, et. al., 2013, Kanakam, et. al.,)

Furosemide 10 mg/ml (Sanofi Aventis, Andheri East, Mumbai). Experimental model

Lipschitz test

The process of lipschitz was engaged for the valuation of diuretic action. Six groups of 6 albino Mice, each weighing 175-200 g were abstained and destitute of water for 18 hours previous to the experiments. On the day of the experiment all the

Group –I - Control Group –II - Furosеmidе (10 mg/kg) standard Group –III - Pеtrolеum Еthеr Еxtract (100 mg/kg) Group – IV - Pеtrolеum Еthеr Еxtract (200 mg/kg) Group – V - Еthanolic Еxtract (100 mg/kg) Group – VI - Еthanolic Еxtract (200 mg/kg) Directly after dosing, the animals were located in metabolic birdcagesparticularlyintended to distinct urine and feaces and kept at area temperature of 25 ± 0.5 °C. The urine was collected in measuring cylinder, every 30 minutes for 5 hours in all groups and at the end of 5th hour the collected urine stored at -20 0C until further analysis.During this period no meal was made obtainable to the animals. The wholecapacity of urine collected was unrushed for the switch and preserved groups. The limits taken for each discrete rat were body weight total urine volume urine attentions of Na+, K+, CL+,Na+ and K+concentration were restrained by flicker photometery and Cl deliberationswas probable titrimetrically. To attain diuretic action, the diuretic action of the extract was associated to the diuretica action of the normal drug in the examination group (Adam, et. al., 2013, Meera, et. al., 2009, Kumar, et. al., 2013) Еstimation of Urinary Еlеctrolytеs Sodium, potassium and chloridе lеvеls of urinе and thе plant еxtract wеrе analyzеd.

Statistical Analysis

Thееxpеrimеntal rеsults wеrееxprеssеd as thе mеan ± standard еrror of mеan and thе statistical significancе was еvaluatеd by using studеnts’t’tеst.



Microscopy of Leaf

The leaf is collapsed adaxially as "V", the two edges being extended horizontally. The surface of the leaf is smooth and glabrous. The abaxial side is even while the adaxial side is fairly uneven because of the existences of expanded bulliform cells. The midrib present in 250 μm in vertical plane and 220μm in level plane there is a solitary conspicuous round Vascular package in the midrib. The package has metaxylem components. Lamina is 150 μm thick it has wide widened epidermal layer on the adaxial side; the cells are radially elliptical and thin walled. At specific places, the adaxial epidermis turn out to be exceedingly enlarged and vertically stretched shaping bulliform cells or engine cells. nearness of anomocytic stomata is the characteris Highlight of T.S. of Kyllinga triceps rottb. Stamatal No. is 14 and record in 19.44.

Microscopy of culm (stem)

The airborne stem or the culm is triangular in cross sectional view with three noticeable wings the wings are half circle The epidermis of the culm has genuinely thick epidermal layer made up of rectangular or squarish cells. The vascular arrangement of the culm comprises of external vascular packs and internal vascular strands. The external vascular strands are littler round and security.

Microscopy of Root

The root in thin and sinewy it has pounded epidermal layer. The cortex has external zone of three or four layers of shrinken parenchyma cells and internal zone of considerably more extensive air chambers. The endodermis and pericycle are thick walled and sclerenchyma cells are available. The vascular barrel has a wide round focal meta xylem and a few spiral lines of protoxylem components. Phloem happens in the middle of the metaxylem components.

Microscopy of Rhizome

The leaf sheath has two layers of epidermis with extensive air-chambers in the middle of . The external and, inward epidermal layers are single layered with rectangular cells. The edges of the leaf sheath are a few layered and there are expansive, round vascular packs set noticeable all around loads in a solitary line. There are littler vascular packs arranged along the external epidermis. In the district where the vascular packs happen, the epidermis winds up three layered.The rhizome is roundabout and even in plot. It is 2mm in distance across. It has single layered epidermis. The epidermal cells are rectangular, tight and thin walled. There is wide cortex containing homogenous parenchyma tissue. The cortical cells are little, precise thin walled and minimal. The cortex is 700 μm wide. The steel is focal, round and in distance across.

Microscopy of Inflorescence

In sectional view, the inflorescence pivot has numerous edges and wrinkles. The florets are

Powder Microscopy

Powder of the rhizome, ethereal stem and leaf was considered under the magnifying instrument and the accompanying components were watched. 1. Vessel components: The vessel components are long, tight and barrel shaped. They are 90 μm and 20 μm wide. 2. Xylem fibers:They have long tight pointed finishes. The dividers are thick and lignified. Pits are missing they are 400-550 μm long. 3. Vessel component and fiber of the aeronautical stem are any longer and smaller. The vessel component is 550 μm long. The filaments are additionally thin and long upto 600 μm 4. The epidermal cells are vertically oval and parallel to each other. The anticlinal dividers are thick and straight.


Table-1: TLC of Ethanolic Extract and Petroleum Ether Extract of Powdered Rhizome of Kyllinga Triceps Rottb. Table-2: TLC of Isolated Fractions of columan Constituent separated from petroleum ether extract of rhizomes of kyllinga triceps rottb. Has the molecular formula C20H30O,was established by its mass spectrum data as its showed molecular ion-peak at m/z (%) 286 (35) where the base peak is at 271. The fragment ion peaks are at 253(12), 187(78), 145(30), 117(14) and 91(9). The 1HNMR spectral data confirm the structure of the compound the presence of phenolic OH which was observed at δ 4.62 ppm. The aromatic protons were reported at δ 6.79 and 6.63 ppm. An angular methyl of transconfiguration were recorded at δ 1.06 ppm. The geminal methyls of isopropyl moiety were observed at δ 1.12 ppm. The structure was finally confirmed by its 13CNMR spectra. A shift at δ 151.0 ppm revealed the presence of a phenolic OH at C-13. The aromatic carbons were found at δ 132.0, 127.3, 125.7, and 110.7 ppm. The geminal dimethyl carbons of isopropyl moiety were at δ 22.5 ppm. The trans configuration of the compound was finally confirmed by the comparison of 13 CNMR data with its cis-isomers, where in the ring carbon C-3 and C-2 of cis-isomer were reported at δ 37.6 and 50.1 ppm, which are more shielded than the ring carbons of trans-isomer,Present at δ 40.7 and 54.2 ppm of carbons C-1 and C-2.Similarly two carbons being shared by the cyclohexane and aromatic moiety of both the isomers possess different values. The carbons of cis-isomers at C-7 and C-9 are found at δ 126.0 and 145.3 ppm, whereas in trans-isomer they were found at δ 127.0 and 146.4 ppm. Fig. 4 : Structurе of isolatеd compound of pеtrolеum еthеr еxtract of Kyllinga tricеps rottb


Assessment of Hepatoprotective activity

Marked increase in the levels of SGOT, SGPT, ALP, ACP and DB (P < 0.01) in the group treated with CCl4, when compared with normal control was observed. The marked elevation in serum hepatic biochemical markers in rats treated with CCl4 (hepatotoxicant) was an indication of hepatotoxicity. The groups received the pre-

dependant manner. All the extracts at dose levels of 200 mg/kg exhibited significant activity compared to lower doses.

Body weight

Mean body weights of 7 experimental groups at 0 days (initial) and 60 days (final) were summarized in table 04. All the rats survived the experimental period of 60 days, till they were sacrificed. Body weights of the rats significantly decreased in the CCl4treated groups, but increased in the normal control, KTR extract treated group and Silymarin treated group.

Relative Liver weight

Relative tissue weights per l00 gms body weight of liver was measured in all groups (Table. 05).Group I (Normal control) the liver weights was not significantly different, whereas, group II (CCl4 treated) liver tissues showed significantly increase in weight over Normal control In this study administration of discontinuous CCI4 treatment for 60 days resulted in significant (p<0.05) increased in the weights of liver . The liver weight showed significant increase in the CCI4 group probably because of increased accumulation of fat vacuoles shown by hematoxylin and eosin staining and increased hepatic cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In the present study CCI4 plus Kyllinga triceps rottb extract treatment showed significant (p<0.05) decreased in the weight of liver compared to CCI4 treated ones. In conclusion, by administration of Kyllinga triceps rottb extract significantly restored the body weight and liver weights almost nearer to control ones. More over Kyllinga triceps rottb extract treatment showed almost equal results with reference drug.

Histopathological Studies of the Liver

Group-I: The control group animals have shown normal architecture, with normal hepatic cells and no pathological changes observed in normal control animals. Group- II: CCl4 challenged animals have shown congested blood vessel, necrosis hepatocytes, with portal infiltration portal infiltration, fatty change, kupffer cell hyperplasia and hydrophic changes with ballooning degeneration. Group-III: The animals treated with 200 mg/kg of the petroleum ether rhizome extract of Kyllinga triceps rottb. Have exposeddiscount in the necrosis which is additionalunadorned form of damage is noticeablybanned. It has also shown decrease in fatty wasting changes. Group IV: The animals treated with 200 mg/kg of the Ethanolic rhizome extract of Kyllinga triceps rottb Group V: The animals were treated with Silymarin have shown much reduction in ballooning degeneration, and fatty changes of hepatocyte necrosis which is more severe form of injury is markedly prevented.

Lipid profile

Lipid profile levels (total cholesterol and triglycerides) in group II rats (CCI4 treated group) were significantly (p<0.05) increased than Normal control rats, whereas, group IV, V, VI and VII showed the significantly (p<0.05) decreased levels over the group II. The group V (CCl4 + PE-KTR 200 mg/kg) and group VII (CCl4 + AE-KTR 200 mg/kg) showed significant decreased levels of lipid profile over group IV (CCl4 + PE-KTR 100 mg/kg) and group VI (CCl4 + AE-KTR 100 mg/kg) not significantly different with group III (siylamarin treated group). The results were shown in the Table 06.

Plasma Total Proteins, Albumins and Globulins

The data presented in Table.06 showed the changes in plasma parameters like total protein, albumins and globulins in all groups. levels of plasma total proteins, albumins and globulins with control group (Group I vehicle control) and Group III (Silymarin control), Group IV (CCl4 + PE-KTR 100 mg/kg) and group V (CCl4 + PE-KTR 200 mg/kg), VI (CCl4 + AE-KTR 100 mg/kg), VII (CCl4 + AE-KTR 200 mg/kg). But group V & VII showed the significantly (p<0.05) increase in levels of proteins, albumins and globulins comparable to group II.

Plasma Urea and Creatinine levels

Urea and creatinine levels in group II (CCI4 treated group) were significantly increased (p<0.05) with normal control group (group I) whereas, the groups IV, V, VI and VII showed the significantly decreased levels (p<0.05). The group V (CCl4 + PE-KTR 200 mg/kg) and group VII (CCl4 + AE-KTR 200 mg/kg) showed significant decreased levels of urea and creatinine over group IV (CCl4 + PE-KTR 100 mg/kg) and not significantly different with group III (CCl4+sylamarin treated rats). Kyllinga triceps rottb extracts significantly (p<0.05) improved, the plasma concentrations of total protein and albumin, while significant recovery of the urea and creatinine levels. Kyllinga triceps rottb extracts showed almost nearer results with CCl4 plus reference drug (silymarin).

Lipid peroxidation

LPO in liver tissue was studied on 7 experimental groups and data presented in Table. 07, Group II (CCI4treated group) showed significantly (p<0.05) increased levels of MDA as compared to normal control group, whereas, group IV, V, VI and VII showed the significantly (p<0.05) decreased levels. Group V (CCl4 + PE-KTR 200 mg/kg) showed a significant decreased level of MDA over group IV (CCl4 + PE-KTR 100 mg/kg), VI ( CCl4 + AE-KTR 200 mg/kg) and VII( CCl4 + AE-KTR 100 mg/kg) and not significantly different with group III (silymarin treated group).

Antioxidant enzyme levels Liver antioxidant enzymes

Thе data prеsеntеd in Tablе:08 showеd analysis of various antioxidant еnzymеs likе Catalasе (CAT), Supеroxidе dismutasе (SOD), Gluthionе pеroxidisе (GPx), Glutathionе rеductasе (GR), Glutathionе-S- transfеrasе (GST) activitiеs wеrе studiеd in livеr tissuе in all groups. Group II (CCl4 trеatеd alonе) showеd significant (p<0.05) dеcrеasе in thе activity of CAT, SOD, GPx, GR and GST with Normal control group, whеrеas, group IV, V, VI and VII showеd significant (p<0.05) incrеasе in thе antioxidant activity ovеr thе group II. Group V (CCl4 + PЕ-KTR 200 mg/kg) showеd a significant incrеasе in thе activity of CAT, SOD, GPx, GR and GST ovеr group IV (CCl4 + AЕ-KTR 100 mg/kg), group VII (CCl4 + AЕ-KTR 200 mg/kg) and group VI (CCl4 + PЕ-KTR 100 mg/kg) and not significantly diffеrеnt with group III (CCl4 + silymarin trеatеd group).

Diuretic Activity

The higher measurement of both the PE and alcoholic concentrates created equivalent impact to that of furosemide. Far and away superior impact was seen with the oil ether remove, as it had a diuretic action significantly more than the standard medication. Diuretic movement is thought to be great on the off chance that it is more than 1.50, direct in the event that it is 1.00-1.50, little on the off chance that it is between 0.72-1.00 and nil on the off chance that it under 0.72.The impact of the concentrates on water discharge was joined by urinary electrolyte discharge impact, since there had all the earmarks of being an expanded salt discharge when contrasted with the control gathering, which bolsters the diuretic impact was of the saluretic compose rather than aquaretic type, which is a common component of most phytodiuretic operators. The bigger measurements of the two concentrates had an intriguing natriuretic impact and hence could have an advantageous impact in various edematous wellbeing profile of diuretic specialists, as hypokalemia is one of the potential antagonistic impacts of manufactured diuretics.


The liver is an indispensable organ present in vertebrates and some different creatures. It has an extensive variety of capacities, including detoxification, protein amalgamation, and creation of biochemicals important for absorption. This organ assumes a noteworthy part in digestion and has various capacities in the body, including glycogen stockpiling, deterioration of red platelets, plasma protein blend, hormone creation and detoxification. Along these lines, to keep up a solid liver is a critical factor for by and large wellbeing and well-being.But it is persistently and variedly presented to ecological poisons, and manhandled by poor medication propensities, and liquor and endorsed and over-the-counter medication which can in the end prompt different liver infirmities like hepatitis, cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease.Today, individuals are uncovered every day to certain natural toxins and outside synthetic compounds aggregately alluded to as xenobiotics which are causing genuine medical issues. Liver infections have turned into a worldwide issue and around 20,000 passings happen each year because of liver issue. Around two million individuals kick the bucket every year from hepatic related issue on the planet. Liver ailments are the tenth driving reason for death and record for noteworthy dismalness over the whole age and sexual orientation range of the US populace. Endless liver maladies are regular worldwide and are described by a dynamic advancement from steatosis to unending hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Different xenobiotics are known to cause hepatotoxicity, one among them is carbon tetrachloride (CCI4) that may cause lipid peroxidation. It was the main poison for which was demonstrated that the damage it produces is to a great extent or totally intervened by a free extreme system. Harmful levels directed to creatures deliver greasy aggregation in the liver because of blockage in the blend of lipoproteins that divert triglycerides from this organ. It is trusted that CCI4 is utilized by the P450 framework to give the trichloromethyl radical. A few P450 are included including CYP2E1, the 'ethanol-inducible' cytochrome P450-Consequently, CCI4 incited hepatotoxicity fills in as a fantastic model to think about the atomic, cell and morphological changes in the liver. There are expanding confirmations that free radicals and receptive oxygen species (ROS) assume a critical part in the different advances that start and manage the movement of liver infections autonomously of the operator in its root. Oxidative

xenobiotics. Steroids, antibodies, and antiviral medications, have been utilized as treatments for liver pathologies, have potential antagonistic symptoms, particularly if regulated constantly or sub-incessantly. Along these lines, home grown items and customary solutions with better viability and safe profiles are required as a substitute for concoction therapeutics. As oxidative pressure assumes a focal part in liver pathologies and their movement, the utilization of cell reinforcements have been proposed as helpful specialists, and in addition medicate co-adjuvants, to neutralize liver harm. There are no point by point gives an account of the cancer prevention agent guard of Kyllinga triceps rottb in CCI4 incited hepatotoxicity. Subsequently we thought of it as advantageous and completed this examination to evaluate the impact of Kyllinga triceps rottb on marker chemicals, enzymatic cancer prevention agents in CCI4 actuated hepatotoxicity in rats. CCI4 instigated rats indicated diminished body weight, increment in liver tissue weights, raised levels in serum marker compounds, cell reinforcement protein levels (Feline, Grass, GPx, GST, GR). Though, clinical indications (previously mentioned) of CCI4 inebriation were redressed with Kyllinga triceps rottb treatment. In opposite Kyllinga triceps rottb (PE-KTR 200mg/kg) is successful treatment and it indicated relatively close outcome with standard medication treatment (silymarin). In this way our outcomes firmly bolster the thought that treatment with Kyllinga triceps rottb to CCI4induced cirrhotic subjects would help in accomplishing hepatoprotection. Because of cell reinforcement potential it could be gainful for security and easing of the liver fibrosis inconveniences. Diuretic action might be exceptionally valuable in various conditions like hypertension, hypercalciuria, and cirrhosis of liver. Since diuretics are utilized clinically in the treatmentof edema, it would be profoundly essential to exhibit adequacy within the sight of electrolyte and water. Consequently, it is dared to be favorable to 'pre-treat' or 'prime' the guinea pigs with different liquids in screening specialists for potential diuretic action. The oil ether and alcoholic concentrates demonstrated an expansion in pee volume that seemed to change with measurement and time and additionally the idea of the concentrate. Contrasted with the alcoholic concentrate, the oil ether extricate created a superior diuretic impact. The lower measurements of the two concentrates did not deliver an obvious impact, but rather, while the high dosage of the oil ether extricate could create huge impact starting from the fourth hour, a similar measurement of the alcoholic concentrate was without any impact until the finish of the perception time frame. This could presumably recommend that the lower measurements may speak to subthreshold dosages.

Table 3. Effect of KTR extracts on rat serum parameters after carbon tetra-chloride (CCl4) administration. Table: 4 Body weight of CCl4-treated rats with or without Kyllinga triceps rottb. Extract.

Values are mean ± S.E.M. of 6 rats; Values with different superscripts within the column are significantly different at P<0.05 (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test) Values are mean ± S.E.M. of 6 rats; Values with different superscripts within the column are significantly different at P<0.05 (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test)

Values are mean ± S.E.M. of 6 rats; Values with different superscripts within the column are significantly different at P<0.05 (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test)

Table : 6 Effect of Kyllinga triceps rottb extracts on blood serum parameter. Table .7 Effect of Kyllinga triceps rottb extract on CCl4 treated rats lipid peroxidation expressed as TBARS formation

Values are mean ± S.E.M Values with different superscripts with in the Column are significantly different at P<0.05( Duncan’s multiple Range Test)

Values are mean ± S.E. M Values with different superscripts within the column are significantly different at P<0.05 (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test) GPx-Glutathione peroxidise, GST- Glutathione S –transferase, GR- Glutathione reductase, CAT- Catalase, SOD- superoxide dismutase

Table 9: Effect of Petroleum ether and alcoholic extracts on 5 h urinary electrolyte excretion in rats.

(n = 6); For petroleum ether extract: aagainst control, bagainst standard, dagainst PE-KTR 200 mg/kg mg/kg, eagainst PE-KTR 100 mg/kg, fagainst AE - KTR 100 mg/kg, gagainst AE - KTR 200 mg/kg; For alcoholic extract aagainst control, bagainst standard; 1p < 0.05, 2p < 0.01, 3p < 0.001; PE refers to petroleum ether extract and AE to alcoholic extract; F10: Furosemide 10 mg/kg CON: controls treated with distilled water; Numbers refer dose in mg/kg.

(n = 6); For petroleum ether extract: aagainst control, bagainst standard, dagainst PE-KTR 200 mg/kg mg/kg, eagainst PE-KTR 100 mg/kg, fagainst AE - KTR 100 mg/kg, gagainst AE - KTR 200 mg/kg; For alcoholic extract aagainst control, bagainst standard; 1p < 0.05, 2p < 0.01, 3p < 0.001; PE refers to petroleum ether extract and AE to alcoholic extract; F10: Furosemide 10 mg/kg CON: controls treated with distilled water; Numbers refer dose in mg/kg.


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