Design Investigation of the Clinical Characteristics, Epidemiology and Management of Chronic Heart Failure of Indian Outpatients

Understanding the Burden and Trends of Heart Failure in Indian Outpatients

by Dr. Bharati Das*, Dr. Maneesh Jain,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 7, Sep 2018, Pages 76 - 82 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Heart failure is a typical clinical disorder and a worldwide wellbeing need. The burden of heart failure is expanding at a disturbing rate worldwide and in India. Heart failure not just expands the danger of mortality, horribleness and compounds the patient's personal satisfaction, yet in addition puts an enormous weight on the by and large human services system. Reliable evaluations of heart failure are deficient in India due to the nonappearance of a surveillance program to track frequency, pervasiveness, results and key reasons for heart failure. By the by, we recommend that the frequency and pervasiveness rates of heart failure are ascending because of populace, epidemiological and wellbeing transitions. In view of disease particular appraisals of commonness and occurrence rates of heart failure, we minimalistic ally evaluate the pervasiveness of heart failure in India because of heart disease, hypertension, heftiness, diabetes and rheumatic heart disease to extend from 1.3 to 4.6 million, with a yearly rate of 491 600-1.8 million. The twofold weight of rising cardiovascular hazard factors and tireless 'pre-change' sicknesses, for example, rheumatic heart disease, constrained human services framework and social incongruities add to these assessments.


chronic heart failure, clinical characteristics, epidemiology, management, Indian outpatients, mortality, morbidity, healthcare system, cardiovascular risk factors, prevalence


Chronic heart failure (HF), a dynamic and weakening sickness, is expanding in plague extents and influencing both the created and the creating world (Gelfman, et. al., 2017, Callender, et. al., 2014). Heart failure is related with shorter future, expanded recurrence of hospitalization and low quality of life (QoL), and is a noteworthy general wellbeing challenge even in India (Ponikowski, et. al., 2014, Ambrosy, et. al., 2014, Joyce E., et. al., 2016, Chaturvedi, et. al., 2016). In any case, there is no substantial examination that has investigated the weight and effect of HF in India (Chaturvedi, et. al., 2016). The accessible information is basically in view of extrapolation of Indian information for chance variables of HF, i.e., hypertension, ischemic heart disease (IHD), diabetes mellitus (DM), and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) (Huffman, et. al., 2010).


Heart failure is a complex clinical disorder that underlines the powerlessness of the heart to play out its circulatory capacity with the desired effectiveness because of basic and additionally useful (systolic or diastolic) adjustments. The occurrence and commonness appraisals of heart failure (HF) are problematic in India on account of the absence of observation frameworks to satisfactorily catch this information. This absence of HF surveillance isn't one of a kind to India. In 2001, Mendez and Cowie found no populace based HF ponders in all creating countries (Gelfman, et. al., 2017), making worldwide commonness estimates troublesome. Assessing the weight of HF is additionally hampered by the absence of a standard definition. Truth be told, the WHO Worldwide Weight of Malady contemplate places HF in a few classifications inside cardiovascular infection, including ischaemic, hypertensive, diabetes mellitus (DM), and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) (Callender, et. al., 2014). The study of disease transmission of HF in India has likely transformed from that announced in 1949 by Vakil, portraying hypertension-heart (31%), RHD (29%), syphilis (12%), and pneumonic (9%) as the essential drivers in 1281 patients hospitalized

particular aetiologies of HF, (for example, HF caused by endomyocardial fibrosis4 and ST-section height myocardial infarction) (Joyce E., et. al., 2016, Chaturvedi, et. al., 2016) and HF results in select patients with systolic brokenness in tertiary care centres (Huffman, et. al., 2010), as opposed to network based surveillance. The commonness of HF in India is perhaps on the ascent as India remains doubly troubled by the ascent in the hazard variables of conventional cardiovascular disease (CVD) and by the constancy of pre-transitional ailments, for example, RHD, endomyocardial fibrosis, tuberculous pericardial ailment and weakness. Anticipation of HF—an objective that can be ignored in clinical practice — offers a few powerful open doors for clinicians and for patients. In this audit, we talk about the (I) the study of disease transmission of HF in India today and the potential purposes behind this weight, (II) organizing of HF as a worldview for a version of HF, as suggested by the American Heart Affiliation/American School of Cardiology heart failure rules, and (III) mediations for anticipation of HF in India.

The study of disease transmission Transitions

India's economic improvement, industrialization and urbanization have been joined by transitions that add to the expansion in the general danger of HF. To start with, the number of inhabitants in India is maturing because of late victories against transmittable sicknesses to such an extent that the quantity of individuals >60 years old will increment from 62 million out of 1996 to 113 million out of 2016.8 HF is prevalently a malady of the elderly, as the lifetime chance for HF increments with age, so the weight of HF is probably going to increment with the maturing population.9 Second, the epidemiological progress reflects changes in infection designs as social orders create, as first portrayed by Omran in 1971,10 and corrected by Olshansky and Ault in 198611 and Yusuf and partners in 2005.12 The 5 ages include: plague and starvation, retreating pandemics, degenerative and man-made diseasees, postponed degenerative ailments, and wellbeing relapse and social change (the period of inertia and stoutness has as of late been proposed as a substitute fifth age) (Metra, et. al., 2017). India straddles a few 'ages' along this range given its uneven improvement, yet gives off an impression of being moving towards the time of deferred degenerative ailments in the greater part of the nation. These populace and epidemiological transitions are at long last reflected in the resulting wellbeing progress, which tracks changes in the

CVD burden and hazard factors

CVD is at present the main source of death in India and its commonness is anticipated to rise. In 2010, there were an expected 30 million individuals with heart disease (CHD) alone in India, or an almost 3% prevalence (Ponikowski, et. al., 2016, Bleumink, et. al., 2004) The yearly frequency of HF for patients with CHD ranges from 0.4% to 2.3% for every year, 15, 16 proposing that 120 000-690 000 Indians could create symptomatic HF because of CHD consistently, accepting none has HF at standard and the in danger populace does not decrease. Following 5 years, the aggregate number of HF patients gathered could run from 600 000 to 3.5 million; with an expected half mortality at 5 years (Gladden, et. al., 2014), the predominance of HF because of CHD alone could be assessed to extend from 300 000 to 1.75 million. All things considered, as the predominance of patients with CHD rises, so too will the commonness of patients with HF. The predominance of other hazard components of HF is likewise ascending in India. Notwithstanding the maturing populace depicted over, the commonness of hypertension is anticipated to increment from 118 million (2010) to 214 million (2025) (Shah, et. al., 2016). If the yearly rate of HF in patients with a systolic circulatory strain (SBP) of 144-154 mmHg is 0.1% to 0.6%, as exhibited in the Hypertension Ideal Treatment (HOT) (Harikrishnan, et. al., 2015) and Joined Kingdom Imminent Diabetes Study (UKPDS) trials (Lam, et. al., 2016), individually, at that point the quantity of new HF cases because of hypertension may increment from 118 000-708 000 every year in 2000 to 214 000-1.3 million every year in 2025, minimalistically accepting that the majority of patients with hypertension in India have a SBP in the 144-154 mmHg extend. Following 5 long periods of HF occurrence in view of year 2000 assessments for hypertension, the aggregate number of HF patients accumulated could run from 590 000 to 3.5 million; with an expected half mortality at 5 years, the predominance of HF because of hypertension alone could be assessed to run from 295 000 to 1.8 million. In any case, this conceivably speaks to a belittle, because of moderate assessments of the pervasiveness of hypertension, and the straight connection between danger of HF and circulatory strain that happens for values even <140 mmHg. The yearly frequency of HF because of corpulence (weight list [BMI] >30 kg/m2) has been assessed to increment by 0.3% in ladies and 0.5% in men, in the Framingham Heart Study, after change for age, hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy,

kg/m2, which makes it hard to precisely evaluate the predominance of heftiness. Reddy et al. evaluated the predominance of stoutness (BMI >30 kg/m2) in 10 970 members from urban Delhi and country Haryana in 2002 to be 6.8%.22 Utilizing these assessments as a benchmark, a 5% commonness of corpulence (BMI >30 kg/m2) in India would prompt an expected 180 000-300 000 instances of HF yearly. Following 5 long stretches of the rate of HF in view of 5% heftiness predominance estimates, the aggregate number of HF patients accumulated could go from 900 000-1.5 million; with an expected half mortality at 5 years, the commonness of HF because of weight alone could be evaluated to run from 450 000 to 750 000. Thus, the predominance of diabetes in India is anticipated to increment from 32 million (2010) to 70 million (2025) (Callender, et. al., 2014, Ponikowski, et. al., 2014). The rate of HF has been exhibited to increment from 2.3 for each 1000 man a long time for a HbA1c <6% to 11.9 for every 1000 man a long time for a HbA1c >11.9%. Taking the gauge of HF rate in view of ideal glucose control, the yearly rate of HF because of diabetes may increment from 73 600 (2010) to 161 000 (2025). Following 5 long stretches of HF frequency in view of the diabetes estimates for the year 2000, the aggregate number of HF patients gathered could be 368 000; with an expected half mortality at 5 years, the predominance of HF because of diabetes alone could be evaluated at 184 000. In any case, this is probably going to be a think little of, because of traditionalist appraisals of HbA1c.

Incomplete, pre-progress plan

The incomplete, pre-progress plan that bookends India's twofold weight of ailment incorporates a generally high predominance of pre-change maladies, restricted medicinal services foundation, and wellbeing inconsistencies, which lopsidedly influence individuals from bring down financial classes and conceivably worsen differences further. Pervasiveness rates for RHD stay high in India, achieving 1.0-5.4 cases for every 1000 schoolchildren in one study (Chopra, et. al.). Around 98 000 individuals kicked the bucket from RHD in India in 2004, 2 which would add to the aggregate evaluated HF commonness given above. As there is lacking proof on the part of optional counteractive action of rheumatic fever in keeping the movement of valvular ailment in RHD, the danger of HF stays indistinct in patients with RHD. (Callender, et. al., 2014) 5 Different maladies that can show as HF, for example, endomyocardial fibrosis, tuberculous constrictive pericarditis and irresistible endocarditis, have all the earmarks of being available in more noteworthy extents in India contrasted and its high-wage nation partners, however information are Since patients have uneven and constrained access to medicinal services in India, the human services foundation itself may assume a part in the rising weight of HF (Banumathy, et. al., 2013). general society health awareness framework is regularly over-burden, which makes access to fundamental administrations troublesome. India has <2% entrance of medical coverage (government workers are an exception) (Kirkwood, et. al., 2005), making the out-of-stash costs for counteractive action of HF moderately costly. Crisis administrations are not broadly accessible in India, to such an extent that patients who encounter intense heart occasions, for example, intense heart disorder (ACS), normally have longer side effect to-entryway and way to-needle times than in other countries (Shansham, et. al., 2000). This blend of unavailability, unreasonably expensive treatment and treatment delay conceivably expands the rate of HF in India. Xavier and partners assessed the relationship between ACS mind and financial status (SES) in the India-based Make ACS registry (King, et. al., 2012) Patients with a lower SES were less inclined to experience heart angiography, percutaneous heart intercession, and heart supply route sidestep unite medical procedure and were more averse to get meds for optional anticipation of CHD. These incongruities contributed essentially to the 2.7% total increment in 30-day mortality found in the poorest stratum contrasted and that in the most extravagant stratum. Nonetheless, these distinctions in mortality were canceled in the wake of changing for hazard variables of CHD, area of infarct, and medications, recommending that uniform appropriation of CHD and treatment of hazard elements of CHD offers a chance to enhance mind. Essential social determinants of wellbeing, for example, neediness, absence of strengthening, and medicinal services inequalities30 obstruct these endeavors and are probably going to intensify the burden of HF in India. Taken together, the assessed predominance of HF because of CHD, hypertension, diabetes and RHD alone in 2000 territories from 1.3 million to 4.6 million, with a yearly frequency extending from 491 600 to 1.8 million. The two evaluations are anticipated to rise and don't represent other imperative reasons for HF, for example, alcoholic, familial, hypertrophic and idiopathic expanded cardiomyopathies, pericardial sickness and endomyocardial fibrosis. The evaluated commonness of HF in India remains lower than that in the USA (5.8 million) (Gladden, et. al., 2014), however the rate for potential increment and resulting dreariness and mortality fortifies the case for avoidance of HF in India.

The European Culture of Cardiology-Heart Failure (ESC-HF) Long haul Registry is a planned, multi-focus, observational investigation of patients introducing to 211 cardiology focuses of 21 European and Mediterranean nations which are individuals from the ESC. The ESC-HF Long haul Registry consider configuration has been depicted in detail in an ongoing distribution in the European Diary of Heart Failure. India, as a part nation of the ESC eagerly took part in this registry as there is no accessible national database concerning this genuine sickness. Twenty focuses, speaking to different geographic districts of India, willfully took an interest in this registry. Site determination was expected to focus on an example of doctor's facilities of various levels of many-sided quality from which patients were enlisted, concentrating on catching a wide range of cardiology and HF forte units consistently following outpatients with HF and conceding patients with intense, prior, or new beginning HF keeping in mind the end goal to develop a system of focuses illustrative of Indianan reality.

Data collection

This incorporated all outpatients with HF seen at the facilities and those conceded for intense, previous, or new beginning HF in taking an interest focuses amid the enrolment time frame. To facilitate sequential enrolment, patients were selected in the registry on a 1-day-per-week premise and followed up for at any rate once per year. In the last period of the ESC-HF Long term Registry, the 1-day-per-week approach was changed to 5 days for each season, as prescribed by the controlling board of trustees of the registry. Along these lines, for CHF, each outpatient with CHF analyzed, as per the clinical judgment of taking part focuses' dependable cardiologist.

Statistical analysis

Nonstop factors were accounted for as middle and interquartile go (IQR). All out factors were accounted for as percentages and looked at utilizing the x2 test. Ceaseless factors were looked at by the Mann-Whitney U-test. Kruskal-Wallis test was utilized when in excess of two gatherings were looked at. A P-estimation of < 0.05 was considered statistically huge. All tests were two-sided. Investigations were performed utilizing the R program programming.

Result and analysis

From April 2014 to February 2017, 2145 patients with HF were enlisted from every single taking an interest focus. Of these patients, 1475 (68.8%) were patients hospitalized for intense heart failure (HHF),

Table 1: baseline (demographic–clinical) characteristics

Table 1 demonstrates the demographic– clinical qualities of patients selected in India. Hospitalized patients were more established than outpatients and they were all the more regularly guys. Comorbidities were all the more often saw in hospitalized patients. Weight was more pervasive in hospitalized patients. Patients with HF and protected launch portion (>45%) involved 22% of HHF versus 25.6% of CHF, P = 0.170. Atrial fibrillation existed in 24.3% of hospitalized versus 24.8% of outpatients, P = 0.870. Ischemic heart disease was the prevailing reason of HF in 68.1% of hospitalized versus 41% of outpatients; P<0.0001.

Presentation of hospital and procedures during hospitalization

The intense decompensated HF was the most regular introduction (54.3%) trailed by HF related with intense heart disorders (20.5%). Electrocardiography, chest roentgenography, and echocardiography were often performed (97.3%, 83.7%, and 76.3%, separately). More refined methods like heart registered tomography furthermore, right heart catheterization were infrequently utilized. Gadgets were extraordinarily underutilized in hospitalized patients (1.5%). Middle doctor's facility length of stay was 4 days (IQR, 3– 5). The all-cause in-doctor's facility mortality was 5%.

Table 2 demonstrates that oral medications suggested by rules [ACE/ARBs, beta blockers (BBs) and mineraloreceptor rivals (MRAs)] were very much recommended in the two sorts of patients. Diuretics were all the more regularly utilized amid hospitalization, though MRA's were every now and again utilized as a part of outpatients.

Table 2: Oral medications of chronic heart failure at hospital discharge and in outpatients

Digitalis was utilized as a part of a high level of outpatients (47%). Ivabradine was utilized as a part of 20.4% of outpatients. Correlation between heart failure patients in India and other part nations of the ESC taking part in the registry (different locales) The patients were hospitalized with intense HF in India at a considerably prior age. Patients ≥ 70 years of age accounted for 22.9% of all HHF patients in India versus 59.6% in different locales (P<0.0001). Intense heart failure patients in India had a higher BMI and were more corpulent. Ladies were fewer visits in the Indianan hospitalized associate. Discharge fraction>45% was more predominant in HHF patients in different districts than in India (35.7% versus 22%, P<0.0001). Atrial fibrillation happened in 24.3% of HHF patients in India versus 48.4% of patients in different districts, P<0.0001. Diabetes mellitus was more predominant in HHF patients in India, though hypertension happened less often. Co-morbidities (renal brokenness, COPD, earlier stroke, and fringe blood vessel infection) happened all the more much of the time in HHF patients in different districts. A higher level of HHF patients in India had basic ischaemic etiology. Gadgets were considerably less often used among Indianan patients. In-clinic mortality was near that seen in different districts (5% versus 4.7%, P=0.670).


All in all, this is the principal national registry of HF in India which included patients conceded for treatment of CHF and walking patients with CHF. Results demonstrated that HF patients in India had statistic and clinical highlights which were unmistakably not quite the same as different nations participating in hospitalized associate. The greater part of our patients had HF with lessened discharge division. Of the cardiovascular hazard factors, diabetes mellitus and smoking were more pervasive in Indianan patients; co-morbidities were less successive. Ischaemic heart disease was the predominant essential etiology in Indianan patients with HF. Predominance of atrial fibrillation was surprisingly lower than in whatever is left of the registry. Gadgets for treatment of HF were generally underutilized in the Indianan partner. In-clinic mortality was like different districts in the registry. These information feature the estimation of national registries in investigating the measurements of a worldwide pandemic from a national point of view and suggest that essential counteractive action programs are critically required on an across the nation premise.


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Dr. Bharati Das*

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, SCB, Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha

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