Users Satisfaction and use of Library Resources of DSM Arts College Abhone

A Study on User Satisfaction and Utilization of Library Resources in DSM's Arts College Abhone

by Aknath R. Wathore*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 7, Sep 2018, Pages 107 - 110 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The present investigation examines about the users satisfaction towards resources and administrations of DSM's Arts College library Abhone (Nashik). The school is built up in the time of 1997 and runs Bachelor degree programe in Arts order and postgraduate in Economics. Our school is arranged in ancestral and bumpy territories and over 96 understudies has a place with innate network .The school is partnered to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. For this examination the poll technique was utilized for data accumulation alongside perception and meeting with users. 150 questionnaires were circulated among understudies to gather applicable data. The got data was sorted out and analysis done to reach determination.


users satisfaction, library resources, DSM Arts College Abhone, resources, administrations, DSM's Arts College library, Abhone, Nashik, Bachelor degree program, Arts discipline, postgraduate, Economics, ancestral and bumpy areas, understudies, innate community, Savitribai Phule Pune University, poll method, data collection, observation, interview, 150 questionnaires, relevance, data organization, analysis, conclusion


Libraries are set up to give the data needs of their users. Which is a basic for the understudies in their psychological improvement in perplexing and present day society, users require shift starting with one library then onto the next and in addition every once in a while, in different parts of library use is a significant guide in deciding the future headings of library advancement. Promote it is a methods for assessing the current accumulation improvement strategy of library with a specific end goal to make a judgment, regardless of whether the accessible resources are proficiently coordinated to accomplish client satisfaction. Henceforth, in this examination the specialists made an endeavor to recognize the client's satisfaction towards resources and administrations of DSM's Arts College Library, Abhone.


Utilization of library resources and administrations important to assist understudies with meeting their data needs. Ranganathan and Babu (2012) examined the mindfulness and utilization of library resources and administrations at Osmania University, Hyderabad. Prabhavathi (2011) contemplated the data looking for conduct of post graduate understudies of SPMV,Tirupati to inspect the data require, looking for conduct and accessibility of data resources. Kadli and Kumbar (2011) researched data looking for conduct of the employees of 46 business universities in the changing ICT condition.


The investigation keeps the accompanying goal in see. 1. To research the motivation behind library visit 2. To study the utilization of library resources, facilities and services. 3. To decide the level of satisfaction of users towards library resources and administrations 4. To analyze the sort of data sources utilized by the students.


The present study is limited to DSM‘s Arts College Abhone (Nashik)


For the proposed research the primary data was gathered from the users of DSM's Arts College. The survey strategy was trailed by perception and meetings strategies likewise embraced. The specialists have dispersed 150 questionnaires for


The data gathered from users with respect to different library resources, services and facilities has been broke down and displayed under the accompanying heads.

6.1 Percentage of questionnaire responses. Table 1. Percentage of questionnaire responses Table 1 demonstrate that out of 150 questionnaire 122 questionnaire 81.33% (122) respondents reacted. Out of these 63.11% (77) reactions were gotten from bachelor degree understudies 36.88 % (45) reactions from ace degree understudies.

6.2 Class wise distribution of respondents

Table 2 Class wise distribution of respondents

Table 2 demonstrates that the level of class astute dissemination of respondents. The respondents of FYBA are the biggest in number 24.59% (30) trailed by TYBA 20.49% (25), SYBA 18.03% (22), MA I 18.03% (22), MA II 18.85% (23) separately.

Table 3 demonstrates that the recurrence of visit to the library. It tends to be appeared from the above table that 46.72% (57) respondents visit the library day by day, around 31.14% (38) respondents visit fortnightly, 13.11% (16) respondents visit twice in a week and just 3.27% (4) respondents visit once in multi month. 6.4 Purpose of visit to the library Table 4 Purpose of visit to the library Users visit to the library for various purposes. It is obvious from the above table that 31.96% (39) users visit the library to get books. It is taken after to peruse newspapers and magazine 18.85 % (23),general perusing 11.47% (14),17.21% (21) ,for get to periodicals, 7.37% (9) to know the most recent landings, 2.45% (3) to meet the companions and educators individually

Table 5 demonstrates the distinctive kinds of resources utilized by the understudies. It is watched greatest number of understudies users with 83.60% ((102) utilized course readings to meet their data needs. Taken after by the utilization of daily papers 75.40% (92) and magazine and periodicals with 72.95% (89) respondents. The reaction of different resources was demonstrated as reference sources 63.11% (77) and venture 48.36% (59)to meet their data require.

Library Services : Academic library assumes a fundamental job in instructing and learning of a scholastic foundations. Its point are to gather, process, save and disperse records and data to serve the client network, diverse kinds of offices and administrations are being rendered from the library. 6.6 Student level satisfaction in library resources Table 6 student level satisfaction in library resources

Table 6 indicates 43...44% (53) of respondents considered course benefits as phenomenal. Taken after by 30.32% (37) respondents who considered the reference and data benefits as excellent.28.68% (35) respondents respected current mindfulness administrations of recently procured books as excellent.26.22% (32) respondents considered client mindfulness modified/introduction benefits as


Real finding of the examination are.- Among the 122 respondents around 31.14% (38) respondents visit the library every day. About 40.80% (51) users visit the library thrice in seven days. 1) 31.96% (39) respondents visit the library to borrow books.17.21% (21) respondents do to get to periodicals. In this investigation, it is seen that getting books is the principle motivation behind visiting library. 2) 83.60% (102) respondents used to course readings to meet their data needs.75.40% (92) respondents read newspapers.72.95% (89) respondents utilize magazine and periodicals. 3) It is seen that 43.44% (53) respondents considered flow benefits as excellent.30.32% (37) respondents considered reference/data benefits as brilliant. 4) Another finding uncovered that 45.08% (55) respondents are not happy with the execution of vocation direction benefit and taken after by current mindfulness administrations of newely gained books taken after by 26.22 % (32).


Library as a storage facility of learning, and it is the core of the establishment, client's satisfaction is most critical in the present situation to draw in users towards library. From this investigation to realize that users visit the library for the most part to obtain books and for references. They are happy with accumulation of books and current periodicals/magazines. They are very happy with reference administrations, book loaning administrations directed by the library. Concerning profession direction benefit, current mindfulness administrations larger part of users are not fulfilled. So the library expert is have to create is those territories to fulfilled the users necessities and to pull in the users to the library.


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Corresponding Author Aknath R. Wathore*

Librarian, DSM Arts College Abhone, Nashik, Maharashtra

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