Effects and Advantages of Online Training

Comparing the Effectiveness of Online Training against Traditional Face-to-Face Design

by Roopa B.*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 7, Sep 2018, Pages 169 - 173 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The Internet has made online Training conceivable, and numerous scientists and instructors are occupied with online Training to upgrade and enhance student Training results while fighting the decrease in assets, especially in advanced education. It is basic that analysts and teachers consider the adequacy of online Training contrasted with conventional face-to-face design and the variables that impact the adequacy of online courses. This investigation inspects the proof of the adequacy of online Training by sorting out and outlining the discoveries and difficulties of online Training into positive, negative, mixed, and invalid discoveries. Specific consideration is paid to the meta-investigations on the adequacy of online learning, the heterogenous results of student Training and the endogenous issue of Training condition decision. Taken as an entire, there is powerful proof to recommend online Training is for the most part at any rate as powerful as the customary configuration. In addition, this paper presents e-learning methods and their design implementation for online training.


online Training, Internet, scientists, teachers, enhance, student Training results, resources, higher education, effectiveness, traditional face-to-face design


Learning is a prerequisite to ones development. Our capacity to learn and our intellectual capacities are intangibles. However, these intangibles are ones greatest assets because everything we do to reinvent and update our knowledge enables us to develop from where we are today to where we need to go. Learning helps a person to make informed choices about life and the societies that they live in. On the off chance that we are to ever progress in any area of our life, we should heed the call to lifelong learning. Learning is something well beyond formal schooling in this way it encompasses our entire life cycle. Learning becomes productive when the learner can decide to incorporate any knowledge, expertise or attitude into their own set of values and behaviors (lifestyle), or else it isn't meaningful. Learning happens from everywhere. It depends on the learner whether he gets a handle on it or not. Consequently, it can happen outside the classroom and inside. Some learning results from teachers and some does not (Coombs & Ahmed, 2016). Some learning is intended and some is accidental. Learning is therefore part of life which takes place constantly and in all places. It is a nonstop lifelong process, going ahead from birth to the end of our life, beginning with learning from families, communities, schools, religious institutions, workplaces, etc. To provide this learning, we more often than not have three agencies of education and they are formal, nonformal, and informal educational systems. The modus of operation, the learning experiences provided, etc differ in every one of these settings. However, the learning experiences provided through these agencies can be equally powerful.

Benefits of E-learning

The reception of E-learning in education, especially for higher educational institutions has several benefits, and given its several advantages and benefits, e-learning is considered among the best methods of education. Several studies and creators have provided benefits and advantages derived from the reception of e-learning technologies into schools Some studies give advantage of e-learning as its capacity to center around the needs of individual learners. For example Marc in his book review on e-learning strategies for delivering knowledge in digital age noted that one of the advantages of e-learning in education is its emphasis on the needs of individual learners as an essential factor in the process of education rather than on the teachers', or educational institutions' needs. Some of the advantages that the reception of el earning in education, obtained from review of literature includes the accompanying: 1. It is flexible when issues of time and place are taken into consideration. Every student has the advantage of picking the place and time that suits him/her. As per Smedley (2010), the appropriation of e-learning provides the institutions and in addition their students or learners the much

2. E-learning enhances the efficacy of knowledge and qualifications through ease of access to a huge measure of data (Delors, 2017). 3. It can provide opportunities for relations between learners by the use of dialog gatherings. Through this, e-learning helps eliminate barriers that have the potential of hindering participation including the fear of conversing with other learners. E-learning motivates students to interact with other, and in addition exchange and respect different purpose of views. E-learning eases correspondence and furthermore improves the relationships that manage learning.


Reddy et al, (2015) [3] conducted an investigation on students experience with virtual campus. The objective of this survey ponder was to analyze the attitude of the learners towards resource-based learning and to basically examine the usage of the resources provided by the university; and to suggest measures for enhancing the effectiveness of resource-based learning. The questionnaire that was fundamentally structured with a few close-ended (objective type) and open-ended questions was sent to the students of different tele-centers. Out of 1266 learners, 443 (35%) have returned the filled in questionnaires. Around 3/4 of the respondents replied positively. Dominant part (68%) of them felt that they could build their very own individual knowledge base; 60% of them liked the flexibility in study routes; 46% improved their investigation abilities; 29% could think more; 28 % thought that it was interesting and fortifying; 42% enjoyed the independence, and 29% liked the choice of reading However, 25% of the respondents answered in the negative. They didn't very much enjoy resource-based learning mentioning that they needed more guidance on what to do and how to do; they likewise expressed that seeking after courses through VC discovered tiresome and time devouring and feel suffocating in a sea of data. Jamlan,(2014)[4] has conducted an investigation on "Faculty Opinions towards Introducing e-learning at the University of Bahrain". To assess faculty sentiments on e-learning, a questionnaire was sent to 30 faculty members of the University's College of Education to determine how they perceive e-learning, and how they may choose to integrate it into their everyday teaching activities. Information was collected and analyzed by utilizing descriptive insights. Results indicate that faculty generally perceive e-learning as a positive force in helping students' achieve their learning objectives. Answers to this questionnaire indicated areas of weakness of Bahrain. Other baseline prerequisites were: staff training, well prepared online courses and materials, sufficient foundation for the smooth progress from customary modes of learning towards e-learning delivery, and the implementation of a stronger technological infrastructure to help all the technical aspects necessary to dispatch and support e-learning Keen and Cappel,(2016)[5] carried out an investigation titled "Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A Comparative Study". This examination examined students' perceptions of integrating online components in two undergraduate business courses where students completed online learning modules preceding class talk. The results indicate that members in an elective course rated the online modules essentially better than those in a required course. Overall, members in the elective course rated the online modules barely positive while those in the required course rated them imperceptibly negative. Based on the outcomes they suggested that teachers ought to be selective in the manner in which they integrate online units into conventional, classroom-delivered courses. Alaa (2015) [6] conducted an investigation to discover the readiness of faculty members of Egyptian University to develop and implement e-learning. In this investigation, a survey was developed, validated, and carried out to examine the readiness of academic staff at as South Valley University in Egypt to develop and implement e-learning in their teaching Buenafe et al,(2014)[7]undertook a project titled "The Provincial Business Education Project". The key objective of the project was to determine if e-learning could address the challenges associated with reaching students outside of Phnom Penh. Under this project, two 'semesters' of online business courses were delivered to students in five provinces. Two hundred seventy two provincial Cambodian students exploited one or more of the five online courses developed under the project to improve their knowledge of key business subjects and over 75 percent of these individuals scored sufficiently high on exams and assignments to receive accredited certification Cheolil, (2016)[8] conducted an investigation titled "The Current Status and Future Prospects of Corporate e-Learning in Korea" This examination argues that the primary driver of this heightened interest in corporate e-Learning in Korea was not that companies needed to provide high-quality training programs through the Internet, yet rather that the government stepped up with regards to

have resulted in the absence of diverse e-Learning types for authentic practices in workplaces Hasan,(2016)[9] conducted an examination "Basic Success Factors for e-Learning Acceptance: Confirmatory Factor Models". This investigation specifies e-learning basic success factors (CSFs) as perceived by university students. The published e-learning basic success factors were surveyed and grouped into 4 categories namely, teacher, student, information technology, and university bolster


1. How learners perceive online learning environment utilizing Learning Management System 2. Investigation of learner and trainers perception of online learning quality and their fulfillment amid learning 3. Does web based and multimedia attributes influence e-learning fulfillment 4. Will increase in performance of specific attributes or a new attribute will lead to increased fulfillment of users of e-learning system 5. Various issues related to security and protection aspects in e-learning system


Asynchronous e-learning -Usually facilitated by media, for example, e-mail and exchange loads up, underpins work relations among learners and with teachers, even when members can't be online at the same time. It is in this manner a key component of flexible e-learning. Truth be told, numerous people take online courses because of their asynchronous nature, combining education with work, family, and other commitments. Asynchronous e-learning makes it possible for learners to sign on to an e-learning environment whenever and download documents or send messages to teachers or peers. Students may spend more time refining their commitments, which are generally considered more insightful compared to synchronous communication (Royal Holloway University of London, 2015). Synchronous e-learning, - Ordinarily supported by media, for example, videoconferencing and talk, can possibly bolster e-learners in the development of learning communities. Learners and teachers experience synchronous e-learning as more social feel like members rather than isolates

Benefits of Asynchronous E-Learning

Relatively every sentence in the asynchronous dialogs of the smaller group, and a greater part of sentences in the larger group, were classified as content-related. This is a remarkable result imagine if learners on campus spent more than 90 percent of their time discussing issues related to course content. These results can likewise be interpreted as troublesome, however. On the off chance that e-learners seldom meet face-to-face and teachers mainly rely on asynchronous e-learning, students may feel isolated and not part of learning communities, which is essential for collaboration and learning. The cognitive model of media choice proposed by Robert and Dennis theorizes that asynchronous communication increases a person's capacity to process information (Jeffrey, 2017).

Benefits of Synchronous e-Learning

Just about 60 percent of the sentences related to content, while 33% of the sentences related to planning of errands. This can be explained by the way that these exchanges were limited by time the members needed to make sure they did what was expected during the scheduled three hours. In synchronous talks, members additionally discussed things other than course work. This was especially evident toward the beginning and end of each exchange. No apparent difference could be discerned in the synchronous discourses when comparing the smaller and larger classes

JIT (Just-In-Time) learning

Just-In-Time learning enables individuals to learn on an as-needed premise. Employees or students can access information closer to the time the knowledge is needed rather than obtaining information that may never be used or might be used in the long-term.


E-learning standards

Since recent decades, it is widely adopted, open, and accredited that, standards are a fundamental requirement for revolutionary changes to take off. In the case of electricity, this was the standardization of voltage and fittings; for railways, the standard gauge of the tracks; and for the Internet, the common standards of TCP/IP, HTTP, and HTML (of course, there are differences in browsers, yet the main point still holds). In general,

customers to choose from a larger variety of items and services; however it additionally has advantages for the vendors as compared to customers

AICC Aviation Industry CBT Committee

AICC is the oldest standardization consortium in the field of computer based training and e-Learning. It is an international association of technology-based training professionals and develops guidelines for the flying industry in the development, delivery, and evaluation of CBT and related training technologies. As they had been the primary dealing with standardizations they bigly affected all industry sectors, not restricted to the aeronautics industry. Originally it needed to deal with the requirements for operation systems, the standardization of hardware, symbols and different document type designs like graphics, audio and video. Web Based Computer-Managed-Instruction which recommends guidelines that promote the interoperability of Web-based CMI systems. Interoperability means the capacity of a given CMI system to manage CBT lessons from different origins. This includes the capacity for a given CBT lesson to exchange information with different CMI systems in two different ways (http and JavaScript based), the capacity to export and import AICC-compatible course structure files and the generation of AICC-compatible lesson evaluation files (Nelasco, 2016).

Computer Managed Instruction (CMI)

This working group mainly covers the same aspects as AICC already addressed with the content to LMS communication interface specified in AGR010/CMI001-appendix A, yet tries to further elaborate and correct it to better comply with and work with other existing (e.g. ISO) standards. In its most reason version it just focuses on the JavaScript API based communication process and has omitted the http-based communication, like ADL/SCORM likewise did. Originally this working group likewise intended to specify a standard for course structuring and sequencing and relating student performance to objectives. This was later on omitted or then again moved to other working groups.

IMS (Instructional Management Systems) Global Learning Consortium Inc

IMS is developing and promoting open specifications for facilitating e-Learning activities, for example, locating, using and sequencing educational content enveloped and extended in an overall concept called learner design, tracking and reporting learner progress and performance, exchanging student records between different systems and making eLearning accessible by people with disabilities. interoperability of applications and services in distributed learning. 2. Supporting the incorporation of IMS specifications into items and services worldwide. IMS promotes widespread appropriation of specifications that will permit distributed learning environments and content from multiple creators to work together.


Moodle is a free open source virtual learning environment founded and managed by Martin Dougiamas. Moodle acronym means Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. Moodle includes the following elements: ► Administrative devices ► Student registration and tracking facilities ► Internal mail, discourse and news discussions ► Chats with or without moderator ► Basic teaching materials ► Additional resources, including reading material, and links to outside resources in libraries and on the Internet ► Self-assessment quizzes which can be scored consequently ► Formal assessment procedures ► Differential access rights for instructors and students ► Easy authoring apparatuses for creating the necessary documents including the insertion of hyperlinks ► Capable of supporting numerous courses (Moodle.org)


E- Learning involves the use of digital devices for teaching and learning. It makes use of technological devices to enable learners ponder anytime and anywhere. It involves the training, delivery of knowledge and motivates students to interact with each other, and also exchange and respect different point of views. It eases

role of e-learning specifically and how eLearning has made a solid effect in teaching and learning [14]. Its adoption in some institutions has increased faculty and learner's access to information and has provided a rich environment for collaboration among students which have improved academic standards. The overall literature which explains the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning suggests the need for its implementation in higher education for faculty, administrators and students to enjoy the full benefits that come with its adoption and implementation.


We expect that in the future in combination with technological advances e-learning will move from formal learning to informal learning. Learning will be directly embedded in everyday assignments and include communication and collaboration or interaction with other people because the new devices will bolster omnipresent information and communication access and collaborative working for everyone.


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Corresponding Author Roopa B.*

President at Noble Institute, and Managing Director at Ngen Soft solutions Pvt. Ltd.
