Studies of Extension of Fixed Point Theorem of Rhoades Using Ishikawa Iteration Process

A Proof of the Extension of Rhoades' Fixed Point Theorem using Ishikawa Iteration Process

by Dr. Upendra Kumar Singh*, Dr. Sunil Kumar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 7, Sep 2018, Pages 618 - 620 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In this paper we have extension of fixed point theorem of Rhoades using ishikawa iteration process has been proved.


fixed point theorem, extension, Rhoades, Ishikawa iteration process


If c be a non empty subset of x, where x be a Banach space. And let T a mapping from C to itself. The iteration scheme called Ishikawa Scheme is defined as follows: In above Ishikawa scheme, nn, satisfy There are following two contractive conditions to be used. There exists a constant K, 0 < k < 1 such that for all x, y in x.


(B) At least one of the following conditions holds: In this paper it is shown that, for mapping T which satisfy conditions (A) or (B) above, if the sequence of Ishikawa iterates converges, it converges to the fixed point of T. These results extend the corresponding results of Rhoades [1] and Hicks and Kubicek [2]. Definition 1: A mapping T : XX is called a quasicontraction if there exists a constant K, 0 < k < 1 such that for each x, y ││ X, where X be a Banach space. Theorem 1: Suppose T: CC be a mapping satisfying (A), {Xn} the sequence of the Ishikawa scheme associated with T are such that {││n} is bounded away from zero. If {xn} converges to p, then p is a fixed point of T, where X be a normed linear space and C be a closed convex subset of X. Proof: We have from {I1} that

Since T satisfies (A) we have Thus We have by taking the limit as n, It follows that Using the definition (1) of T and the triangle inequality, we have Thus we obtain, by taking the limit as n, At least This means

Definition 2: A mapping T : CC is called strictly pseuiocontractive if for some k, 0 < k < 1, and all x, y, c, where X be a normed linear space and C be an non-empty subset of X. Definition 2.1: T is called pseuiocontractive if for all x,y ││C, Definition 2.2: T is said to satisfy the condition (T) if for all x ││ C and y ││ F (T) It is clear that any strictly pseuiocontractive mapping is hemicontractive, any mapping satisfying condition (T) is demicontractive and a demicontractive mapping is hemicontractive but not conversely. Theorem 3: Let a mapping T : C C satisfies condition (T). Suppose F (T) is non-empty and diverges and Then for each xO ││ ││C ││ ││where 1nX is defined as in the Ishikawa scheme. Proof: By using the condition (T), the mapping T is demicontractive for any constant K. We get for any x, y and z in H (Hillbert Space) and a real number. Therefore for and each integar By using condition (T) we get By using demi contractiveness of T and definition of yn we get Hence, By induction, we obtain Therefore We note that Therefore Hence which diverges. Therefore diverges. And from (2.4) we get


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Corresponding Author Dr. Upendra Kumar Singh*

PhD, Department of Mathematics, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya