Study on Fuzzy Logic Controller Systems Dc Motor Drives

Enhancing Position Control of PMDC Servomotor Drive using Fuzzy Logic Controller

by Indu .*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 7, Sep 2018, Pages 726 - 732 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


New plan approach as rulcsmeta rules for dispersed fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and versatile self getting sorted out fuzzy logic controller (SOFLC) structures. These are researched for constant utilization of position control of PMDC servomotor drive with contact and gearbox backfire non-linearitics. In the first place, plan philosophies of the traditional straight controllers (lead compensator and corresponding - indispensable (PI)) utilized for position and speed control of PMDC engine drive are introduced to give a premise to similar execution concentrate with FLC. Ongoing arrangement for execution of lead compensator utilizing simple method and PI controller utilizing microcontroller based computerized procedure, is created and tried under various static and dynamic (step and recurrence reaction) test conditions. A fuzzy-PI controller joining the philosophy of tuning the scaling gains of the traditional fuzzy logic controller is intended for PMDC servomotor drive. Another novel plan approach of the fuzzy logic controller (FLC)


fuzzy logic controller, DC motor drives, position control, PMDC servomotor drive, lead compensator, PI controller, microcontroller, non-linearitics, step and frequency response, scaling gains


Electric machines have been the workhorses of industry for a long time. The three essential electric machines dc, enlistment, and coordinated alongside most recent brushless dc machines, perpetual magnet machines and exchanged hesitance machines are being utilized in numerous modern applications. Customarily, electric motors were controlled physically - the opposition control of dc motors and variac control of ac motors are being the models. Late advances in power gadgets, microelectronics, and microcomputers have made it conceivable to carry out modern control errands at sensible expense in superior drive applications for instance, mechanical technology, movement control, machine instruments, moving plants and so forth. The mechanical movement control application requires drive system with quick powerful reaction, boundaries uncaring control qualities and fast recuperation from speed drop brought about by sway loads. Ordinary traditional controller's viz., relative, corresponding essential, corresponding basic subordinate (P, PI, and PID) can't accomplish these necessities at the same time. Extraordinary exploration endeavors have been cantered on the utilization of current control procedure in drive systems. In spite of the fact that strategies like model reference, versatile control, and variable construction control (sliding-mode control) have shown guarantee in addressing the necessities of elite drives everyone have its benefits and faults.

DC Motor Drives

Control of dc machines is basic, the field mmf and the armature mmf are decoupled. The force relies upon armature current and field motion. The field transition thusly relies upon field current. This decoupled highlight gives improved speed of reaction to force and speed. The control of force is ordinarily accomplished by controlling the armature with consistent field current. Field debilitating is utilized to speed up past a base speed. The effortlessness and adaptability of control of dc motors have made them appropriate for variable speed drive applications. Quick force reaction has supported their utilization in elite servo drives.

Induction Motor Drives

The acceptance machine is tough, dependable, and more affordable than dc machine. It has been conservative workhorse for low-execution just as superior drive applications. Fundamentally there are two kinds of enlistment machine the squirrel confine acceptance machine (SCIM) and the injury rotor enlistment machine (WRIM). The SCIM is more affordable, more vigorous, and has been broadly utilized for wide scope of force evaluations.

intricacy have been proposed and utilized for the control of enlistment machines. The idea of utilization directs the acknowledgment of a specific technique. A straightforward and financial control is to change the stator voltage at supply recurrence utilizing thyristor (or triacs). Albeit this technique for control is portrayed by helpless dynamic and static execution, it is broadly utilized in fans, blowers, and siphon drives. In the drive system it is wanted that the machine transition to be controlled to give better use of the machine. A necessity for most extreme conceivable transient elements is to work the engine at its appraised transition level. Circuitous transition guideline plans, for example, the "Volt/Hertz" control and the "slip-current" control utilize variable recurrence control and have been widely utilized in industry. Both the volt/Hertz and current-slip recurrence control gives good consistent state execution.

Control of the WRIM

The WRIM is more costly and less rough than the SCIM. It has been utilized in high-power applications in which a lot of slip force could be recuperated. The appealing component of WRIM control is that lone the slip power is taken care of by power gadgets, which might be just a negligible part of the appraised machine power. Speed control of WRIM is accomplished by utilizing chopper to control the same rotor obstruction, as is appeared in Figure 1. The static Kramer or static Scherbius systems permit recuperation of slip control and have been utilized in siphon and blower drive.

Figure 1 Speed control of WRIM using chopper in rotor circuit

The utilization of a cyclo converter in Scherbius technique permits bi-directional force stream, and thus, the drive can work in both sub coordinated and very simultaneous mode. Field-arranged control can likewise be applied in WRIM's to give decoupled control of genuine force and receptive force. The machine boundary variety is little with temperature; consequently utilization of boundary transformation isn't needed for this situation.

Synchronous Motor Drive

contrasted and acceptance motors are the disposal of rotor slip power misfortune and the common capacity to supply responsive current. In a coordinated machine, the polarization is given from stator circuit, consequently the machine with bigger air hole can be worked without debased execution. The capacity to give receptive current additionally allows the utilization of normal commutated dc connect converters. In any case, the assembling cost of the simultaneous machines is higher than a SCIM at appraisals of 500 hp or less. Likewise for superior control of coordinated motors, position detecting is fundamental.

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives

Lately, there has been expansion in the utilization of the lasting magnet coordinated engine (PMSM) drive systems . This machine worked in poise mode is known as a brushless or electrically commutated dc drive. In PMSM, the rotor field is provided by perpetual magnets. The fundamental benefit over customary simultaneous machine is the end of field loop, dc supply and slip rings; consequently lower power misfortune and a less mind boggling engine can be acquired. The control of PMSM is done altogether through the stator excitation control. Field debilitating is conceivable by applying a negative direct hub current (FOC) to go against the rotor attractive transition. The stator twisting in rectangular or sinusoidal current either takes care of PMSM's. The rectangular current-took care of motors have focused windings on the stator, and the actuated voltage in the windings is square or trapezoidal. These machines are less expensive and regularly utilized in low-power brushless drives. The sinusoidal current-took care of motors have dispersed windings on the stator, give smoother force, and are regularly utilized in power rating in overabundance of kW.

Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM)

Drives The guideline of exchanged hesitance machine (SRM) has been known for longer than a century. The machine has saliencies on both the stator and rotor, as demonstrated in Figure 2 The rotor is made of overlaid steel, which conveys no windings or magnets. Focused windings are twisted on the stator shafts. Flows in the stator windings are turned here and there as per the rotor position to create the hesitance force. The created force is a non-straight capacity of the rotor position and current. The control methods of SRM's have announced in are non-direct and the control calculation can be intricate if great force perfection is wanted. Figure shows a common control conspire for SRM drive

Figure 2 Switched reluctance motor (SRM) Converter Technology

Converter in a drive system is a significant segment of the hardware. The fundamental converter geography, like controlled rectifiers, choppers, inverters, and cycloconverters, have been widely utilized in industry. New control methods and new gadgets for these converters have achieved huge improvement ' in the drive execution. The beat width balance strategies (P WM) of converters have improved the engine current waveforms and supply power factor. The accessibility of force gadgets viz., GTO's, BJT's, IGBT's and MOSFET's have made activity conceivable at high exchanging recurrence. These gadgets likewise being utilized in high exchanging recurrence choppers for decreasing the wave in both engine and supply current. In elite drives, both current-dazzled and voltage-intrigued PWM plans have been utilized with power exchanging gadgets (GTO's, BJT's, IGBT's, MOSFET's and MCT's). The increment in exchanging recurrence capacity of these force gadgets brought about decrease of gear size alongside improved execution. In elite drives, the current control conspire is liked to voltage control plot since its capacity to give current assurance to the drive, to take out current unbalance, and actuality that it gives direct ability to controlling engine force than the voltage control conspire.

Modern Control Techniques

The regular direct controllers, for example, PI, IP, PID have been utilized in numerous applications. The IP or PI controller has likewise been applied in dc engine drives. Notwithstanding, these controllers have following restrictions • Sensitive to plant boundaries varieties and burden unsettling influences • Difficult to tune the controller acquire in cruel climate • Unable to meet rigid necessity put on superior drive application • Unable to meet the drive execution for improved quality and profitability because of moderate reaction and boundary delicate The accessibility of superior microchips, microcontrollers and computerized signal processors has invigorated expanded revenue in applying current control to drive system.

Fuzzy Logic Control Systems

Logic is the study of regulating formal standard of thinking and fuzzy logic is worried about the proper standards of estimated prevailing upon exact thinking saw as a restricting case. Traditional logic disregards the issue of vulnerability and imprecision in a climate, in dynamic and every one of the recommendations in such logical systems are either obvious or bogus. The accompanying Table 1. may characterize the ramifications connection among forerunner and resulting.

Table 1: Implication relation between antecedent and consequent

Where, A, B are crisply defined propositions; T and F signify True and False respectively. Thus In fuzzy logic and estimated thinking the summed up modus ponen (GMP) is most normally utilized for fuzzy ramifications induction and is expressed as follows:

Modus Ponen Generalized Modus Ponen


1. To study on Fuzzy Logic Control Systems

Mamdani and Assilian (2011)driven the spearheading work for use of fuzzy logic in charge of actual cycle in 1974. From that point forward numerous specialists have executed the phonetic methodology for control of dynamic systems. Nonetheless, it is as of late that huge interest has been appeared in to the fuzzy set hypothesis for their constant applications. It has been accounted for in the writing that the primary benefit of the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is that it very well may be applied to plants that are hard to display numerically. Besides application examines have shown that the FLC is more hearty to plant boundary changes than the ordinary controllers. Ketonen (2012) depicts correlation of FLC with PID and infers that better exhibition of FLC requires considerably more plan exertion. Krabs, Kiendl (2014) depicts the strategy for programmed age of rule sets from occasion discrete information/yield information of a human administrator. From all principles of a foreordained design, those are chosen, that are generally conceivable concerning the measurement properties of the information. These fresh qualities are fuzzified a short time later for tweaking. Lim (2015) portrays the control of a two-joint automated controller by a parallel blend of PI and Fuzzy controller. Morkramer (2016) depicts oneself tuning of PID controllers with heuristic guidelines. Muller (2017) portrays the technique for assurance of set point for PI controller by fuzzy logic in a full-scale biological decontamination plant, utilizing extra sensor signals. Extensive upgrades of interaction proficiency are accounted for. Peter's (2012) portrays the technique for on-line changing of rule loads dependent on perception of motions in charge activity. Roffel (2014) portrays the technique for fuzzy logic control as a rich execution of a MISO-criticism controller or exceptionally adaptable feed forward controller. Albeit fuzzy logic is every now and again used to coordinate extra sensor signals, it can't be expressed that this is fundamental. Runkler (2015) portrays the correlation of FLC to take care of forward control dependent on assessed boundaries.


execution rely upon precision of system models. Hence, the elements of every part should be all around described. System distinguishing proof procedures give apparatuses to this reason. The request for the model ought to be just about as little as could be expected, ideally identified with actual qualities of the machine (e.g., drive shaft consistence or carriage dormancy). A few programming bundles give schedules that might be utilized to analyze a scope of model requests and decide best fit for a given informational collection (e.g., MATLAB). Be that as it may, this mathematical methodology ought not be aimlessly utilized as a substitute for completely understanding the cycle or actual system.

System Elements and Operation

The components of a run of the mill movement control system. A dc engine, which is normally a perpetual magnet or brushless engine, is utilized as the main player. The engine utilized is for the most part a fast engine with low rotor idleness making some mechanical memories steady of the request to not many milliseconds. A multistage decrease gear game plan is utilized to make an interpretation of engine force speed to required force and speed normal for the activation system. Little idleness and low upsides of kickback and erosion are fundamental for the stuff gathering. Potentiometers or position encoders are for the most part utilized for estimation of the situation at the yield shaft. Position encoder is liked over potentiometers in applications requiring serious level of positional precision. The repaying network is intended to accomplish quick powerful reaction, determined overshoot and consistent state mistake of the system.

Table 2 Specification for the position control system DC Motor Modelling and its Performance

A DC machine fundamentally comprises of a stator and a rotor. Dissimilar to the brush replacement DC machine, the lasting magnet (PM) DC engine has a rotor made of a perpetual magnet and the DC field windings are available on the stator. The field Position control utilizing straight amplitter A direct model of position control system with no pay was recreated to read the presentation for step input position order. The square"" chart of straight model of position control system without remuneration is appeared in Figure .3 Substituting the engine boundary esteems in condition, the subsequent exchange capacity of the uncompensated system is given by condition.

Figure 3 Uncompensated position Control of PMDC motor Controller Implementation

In this part execution of the planned controllers (lead compensator and PI), is portrayed. The lead repaid system is executed utilizing simple controller, while PI controller is carried out utilizing advanced procedure. The electronic circuits planned and created for lead compensator based position control for PMDC engine drive is portrayed in detail. Next computerized PI controller utilizing Intel's superior 16-bit microcontroller 80196KB for controlling the speed and position of the PMDC servomotor is depicted in subtleties. Both equipment and programming execution perspectives are likewise introduced.


Simulation and Experimental Results

The planned controllers (lead compensator and PI) are reenacted for different static and dynamic (step and recurrence reaction) test conditions under MATLAB Simulink climate. Having the reenactment block graph of the planned controllers are prepared the essential boundaries must be entered in each square. At that point it is needed to pick the recreation boundaries and the calculation for mix. Runga kutta - 5 calculation is chosen for recreation of the planned controller. The planned controllers were confirmed by reproduction. Both the controllers (lead compensator and PI) tried for following test conditions and test outcome acquired are accounted for.

Functional Test Results

Different tests led on the lead repaid control system are examined beneath and consequences of step reaction, recurrence reaction, solidness and burden estimated. These tests were led on each of the three control surfaces (Lower course rudder, Depth rudder, and upper course rudder) for appraised load. The exploratory set-up utilized is appeared in Figure 4 and results got are given in Table 3

Figure 4 Experimental set-up for step response test Frequency Response

This test was directed distinctly on the lower course rudder. To decide the recurrence reaction of the system sinusoidal contribution of fixed abundancy was applied. Adequacy of position yield and stage slack concerning input was estimated. Test arrangement is appeared in Figure 5 and the outcomes got are given in Table 4

Figure 5 Experimental set-up for frequency response test Table 3 Step response with related load Table 4 Frequency response with related load


In this theory Al and information based demonstrating and control methodologies dependent on fuzzy logic for engine drive position control applications are introduced. The work introduced in this proposition is an after-effect of the convergence of three significant orders of fuzzy logic systems, electric engine drives, and control hypothesis. The plan and ongoing execution of fuzzy logic control depends on the mix of the ideas and technology accessible in these three significant orders. The target of this examination has been investigation, plan and improvement of fuzzy controller for electric engine drives. The PMDC engine has been chosen for position servo applications. Endeavour is made to apply fuzzy control to improve PMDC engine drive execution under static and dynamic burden conditions. Plan procedures of the customary straight controller (lead compensator) and PI utilized for position and speed control of PMDC engine drive have been introduced to give a premise to similar execution concentrate with FLC. Constant arrangement for execution of the above utilizing simple procedure for lead compensator and microcontroller based computerized strategy for PI controller has been created and tried under static and dynamic (step and recurrence reaction) test conditions.


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Corresponding Author Indu*

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics, Electrical and Communications, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India