A Study of the Impact of Technology on the Society

Exploring the Impact of Modern Technology on Society and Behavior

by Ashish Baghla*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 10, Oct 2018, Pages 1 - 5 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This research paper seeks to identify the positive and negative effect of modern technology on the society and it analyses the possible outcomes which has affected the behavior of people at workplace and in the network. Technology has changed the lifestyle. Technology has become an indispensable piece of our life. Every time and everywhere we need some kind of Technology to get our needs fulfilled. This paper tries to identify the effect of technology on different segments of society which are being transformed and somehow getting deteriorated. Technology is an aid or bane that depends on how we use it and how we takes the benefit of Technology. Technology is of numerous types, for example, information technology, mechanical technology, creation Technology, Communication Technology etc. Technology has resulted in better education, better items, better mode of communication, better transport, better quality of merchandise and enterprises etc. And yet it is having some negative effects on the society, for example, increasing contamination, decrease in creativity of people, more dependency on machines and Technology, negative effect of mobile towers etc. Everyone needs to think and decide about how one can use the Technology in an ideal manner.


technology, society, positive effect, negative effect, modern technology, behavior, workplace, network, lifestyle, segments of society


Technology has become limitless today. Technology means the handy utilization of knowledge and principles for creation of products or rendering of services. The word technology comprises of two sections: Techno+ Logy. The term "Techno" means application, workmanship or ability, and "Logy" means science and learning.

21st century is witnessing Rapid development in the technological advancement and advancement in assembling, medicine, transportation, Information and Communication Technology etc.


- To ponder the positive and negative effects of technology on different segments of society. - To discover the approaches to get better and sustainable use of technology. - To understand the reasons for modern Technologies becoming an indispensable piece of our lives.


With the end goal of the investigation, both the essential and secondary Data have been used from different sources. Interview method has been used with the end goal of collection of essential information. A sample of 100 people was taken from students, professionals and households etc. Secondary information has been compiled from different online sources, for example, websites, articles with the end goal of references.


As the use of Technology is picking up momentum, different studies have been conducted on the use of Technology and its effect on society. The accompanying available literature have been reviewed with the end goal of our investigation. Al Yousef (2006) conducted an investigation under a title of the "Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern technologies - Studying the negative effects on the health of the person." The examination pointed out that on account of dependence on the use of the internet, this will lead to lost self-control, the neglect of personal status, poor relations and communication in the social environment. Lailah (2000) conducted an examination aimed at clearing up the role of media in the information technology that seriously affecting the family relationships, and focused on the negative effect of


The Technology is of various types. Some of them are as follows: 1. Industrial Technology: it means the technology related with use of machinery and equipment for assembling of items and services. It likewise includes engineering. 2. Information technology: it means the whole of methods and practices which are used for storage collection and dissemination of information through electronic devices and media, for example, computers, workstations and mobile phones etc. 3. Robotics: it means the use of man-made reasoning in machines which can perform the same assignment as like person. 4. Medical Technology: it means the use of symptomatic and related devices for performing medical operations and giving Healthcare facilities to different diseases. It includes the latest devices for the treatment of different diseases. 5. Biotechnology: it means the use of scientific principles related with science and Agriculture.

6. Communication Technology: it includes the use of different electronic devices with the end goal of dissemination of information or messages starting with one place then onto the next place. It includes use of mobile phones, landlines, email, long range informal communication websites and applications, for example, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, hike etc.


There will be not much on the off chance that we say that we are becoming addicted to the use of technology in our lives. From our morning to our sleep, we use the technology a number of times. The increasing use of smartwatches, smartphones, PCs, internet, web-based social networking, utility software (applications) etc. has become an integral piece of our life that without technology, one may feel incomplete. Technology has touched every piece of our life at every place. From school to home, from office to a transportation ticket booking, from communication to storage of information, from knowledge to awareness etc. technology assumes an imperative role in our lives. The increasing use of of technology is positive or negative, it become imperative to know. This paper has covered the idea to check the effect of technology on the society on different aspects.


Q1- For how much time you use the computers, smartphones, social networking websites etc. Answer

Interpretation: Out of the sample of 100 people, 9 persons were observed to be utilizing technology and websites for around One hour daily. 24 people said that they use the technology between 1-3 hours in multi day. 40 people said that they use the technology for around 3-5 hours. 27 people said that they use the technology for more than 5 hours every day, generally due to their profession/employment.

Q2- What is your sentiment about the statement that "technology has resulted in making the people irritable”?



half people said that they agree with the view that technology has made the people irritable. 2% said they can't state something. 13% were firmly agreed. 12% said they thoroughly disagree. Ultimately, 23% people said that they don't agree.

Answer: 92% said Yes, whereas 8% said No.

Q4- Has the technology become an integral part of our life?

Answer: The conclusions collected for this question were generally same. People said that technology has become an imperative piece of our life. Our everyday life is dependent on use of technology at a large portion of the times. For our work, shopping, entertainment, awareness etc. technology proves to be shelter.

Q5- Do you think that use of technology all the time has resulted in decrease in social values among youth?


Findings of the Study: After the completion of study, some mixed feeling were collected from the respondents. However, on one side they have expressed the positive effects of technology on the society; at the same time they have disclosed to some negative effects too. Both types of effects are given below:


- Technology helps in better utilization of resources: As latest technology helps in better techniques of creation and processing, so it helps in better usage of resources for the businesses and in addition for the economy. modern in one sense that they can use the Google, Youtube and educational applications from the internet for their knowledge purpose and in addition to keep themselves updated. Imparting the information and vital documents to the help of computerized media and social media has transformed the manner in which education was seen earlier. Distance learning, web online journals, digital broadcasts etc. has benefitted the students to much extent. - Technology helps in increasing quality in agricultural production: technology has changed the assembling processes, as well as the rural and related processes also. Traditional farming techniques are getting changed with the changes coming in the technology for horticultural information sources. The invention of modern horticultural machines and equipment has given the farmers some relief. The use of soil testing machines and conferring knowledge about the evaluating and institutionalization through Kissan call centers has improved the quality in essential sector of the economy. - Technology has resulted in affordable products for all: Technology has resulted in advancement and faster technology transfers from one to other country. As a result, now more companies have started delivering the same item. In the era of globalization and solid competition, the companies tries to capture more market by selling their merchandise at lower prices to tackle the competition and acquire and more customers from the market. As a result, the products become available to the consumers at cheap and affordable prices. - Technology helps in increasing the standard of living: LCD, LED, Power sparing devices, eco-friendly devices, computerized media, PCs, smartphones, forced air systems with half and half technology etc. are the result of never ending advancement that is being done in the worldwide market. In any case every one of these things are the result of change in technology and advancement in means of creation. Easy accessibility of credit and convenience in shopping has resulted in better way of life for the people in modern economy.

- Use of Information technology helps in storage and retrieval of large amount of

with quick processing capabilities, now the storage and retrieval of information has become so easier for the people in an association. People can use the information for their business decision making and increasing competitive advantage. - Technology has helped in better marketing opportunities for small businesses: the use of technology, for example, internet and e-commerce websites by B2B marketing or B2C marketing has changed the manner in which businesses were done earlier. Presently a person with some merchandise can market its items through its own or some other website and can locate a huge market potential for its business. - Ease of funds transfer: because of the technology that one can transfer the assets, for example, money from one place to other place in only few seconds with the use of Internet Banking or by International money transfer mechanism. It has helped a considerable measure to the people from their family or friends who are in need of immediate budgetary help at some time.


Every coin has opposite sides, comparably technology is having some negative effects also separated from its positive effects. The negative effects are as per the following:

- Threat for the all- round development of children: Earlier, prime center was given by the parents on the development of their children in terms of academics, social values, sports etc. In any case, with the presentation of internet, children have now started becoming routine of mobile phones or televisions that they don't discover whenever for their overall development.

- Decreasing social values: For any modern society, there is a need of some social values and its effective implementation for the long haul survival of the society. With the excessive use of technology, people are becoming more materialistic and their interactions with their families are becoming negligible. Such sort of social change in India isn't useful for long haul. It is negatively affecting the culture of Indian society. The respect for elders and obedience is decreasing with the dependence and - Threat for employment: Technology is great when it brings some positive effect yet it becomes a threat when it seems unsafe for some section of society. Discussing the employments and work structure, the excessive use of machinery and automated devices has resulted in less requirement of people at work. As a result the manual efforts of people are having lesser demand whereas companies are moving towards mechanization in work with the help of machines. It is a serious matter in the context of employment issues for the people with manual abilities.


- Lack of greater coverage. - Small sample of 100 people.


The above examination demonstrates a mixed picture of the effect of technology on different parts of the society. It very well may be said that the technology has affected the society to a great extent, however the manner of use and the dependency on technology ought to have some cutoff points. More preference ought to be given the work concerned with individuals as it will encourage the creativity among people and their abilities will be better utilized. Overall, the effect of technology seems great yet there is a need to analyze it in more depth to have greater knowledge of the changing scenario of society with the change in different sorts of technology.


1. Mohammad BaniYounes, Samer Al-Zoubi (2015). Impact of technologies on society: A review, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 20, Issue 2, Ver. V (Feb. 2015). 2. https://simplicable.com/new/types-of-technology 3. https://yourstory.com/2016/12/technology-impact-lives-economy/ 4. http://www.indianyouth.net/impact-technology-good-bad-youth/

Corresponding Author

College, Killianwali. District Muktsar, Punjab

E-Mail – Ashish.baghla@yahoo.in