Experimenting the Population Framework of Non-Native Fish Species Cyprinus Carpio

Assessing the Impact of Cyprinus Carpio on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning

by Devender Singh Sharma*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 11, Nov 2018, Pages 511 - 514 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The loss of biodiversity is a standout amongst the most intelligent impacts of people on the worldwide viewpoint and it is increasingly direr to see how this misfortune will influence and what will be the significant outcomes to the ecosystem working. Non-local fishes can cause impressive adverse effects on the capacity of aquatic ecosystems and loss of biodiversity. Nature of ecosystem centers on the variance of vitality and nutrients through biological frameworks. It has been affirmed that the fishes are delicate pointers of ecological degradation and change. As a standout amongst the most broadly settled freshwater fishes universally, the intrusive achievement of regular carp, Cyprinus carpio, is past question. Albeit itemized information on its science would aid its administration, moderately couple of life history ponders have explored C. carpio outside of its characteristic range. Cyprinus carpio is a non-native fish animal variety in the India. Studies were attempted amid January 2015 to February 2016 from the Ken river (Vindhyan locale), India. 505 fish specimens (247 guys and 258 females) were inspected of Cyprinus carpio for assurance of population structure. Age organization went from 0+ to 10+ years with effectively attacked in the river. The 1+ and 2+ age gathering was most misused (20.65 every) population if there should be an occurrence of male while if there should be an occurrence of female 2+ age gathering was most abused with 21.70. After 2+ age gathering misuse was diminished with expanding of the period of fishes. Male population was overwhelmed in 0+, 1+ and 3+ age gatherings contrasted with female fishes. In stock, female population was more misused than male. The 9+ and 10+ age gatherings of fishes were shared exact moment extent.


population framework, non-native fish species, Cyprinus carpio, loss of biodiversity, ecosystem working, aquatic ecosystems, freshwater fishes, invasive species, population structure, age composition


Fishes are significant organisms as they show the natural and ecological procedures and the producer-consumer collaborations. Fishes can be used for the natural and ecological valuations at all dimensions of biological association; evaluation preliminaries are existing at the dimensions of ecosystems, populations, people, natural burden, metal concentrations, organs and at the cellular and molecular stages.

Fisheries of tropical rivers are extremely fundamental for the livelihoods and food security of a huge number of individuals around the globe. Presentation of non-native fish is a worldwide marvel that has happened for well over a century. C. carpio have been purposefully spread the world over in spite of acknowledgment of their potentially hindering consequences for native flora and fauna (open and close water bodies). C. carpio are invasive fish species for India which was presented purposefully in Indian water. Purposeful presentations are, and have been, inspired by monetary, natural and social contemplations. Invasive species for the most part upset beneficiary ecosystems prompting lost native biodiversity and fish stock. O. niloticus and C. carpio have no water quality parameter. Riverine fisheries are significant as it gives dietary food and employment to a great many individuals around the globe. Most wild stocks in Indian rivers have been overexploited or have their greatest feasible yield due to over fishing, habitat degradation and contamination. The native fish stock administration and non-native fish sway assessment in regard of ecosystem capacity and biodiversity, as of now questioning both mainstream researchers and ecological administrators (for example policy maker/government/government) particularly in developing countries. The ability of numerous non-native fish species to prevail in degradation of aquatic habitats and their potential to effect on aquatic structure and their capacity recommend that non-native fish may speak to both a symptom and reason for decay in river wellbeing and the uprightness of indigenous networks. Useful attack of non-native fish species is comprehensively seen as being more probable in anthropogenically and environmentally aggravated atmospheres. The non-native freshwater fish species specifically have ordinarily been famous to variety misfortune after habitats decimation. Cyprinus carpio, ordinarily known as regular carp, is a non-native significant carp which is generally circulated in the inland waters of India. C. carpio has a long history of training. It is the main fish which has maybe a universally circulation since the present century. It is a hardy fish that is appropriate for aquaculture and quickly developing fish. It dwells in lower spans of rivers and shallow restricted waters with slow flowing or standing water and delicate base dregs. Common carp are regularly refined and are of incredible business esteem as a fish for food, both over their native and presented run. It frames most productive fishery (riverine) in Central India with Oreochromis niloticus. Their capacity to flourish in new water bodies has caused numerous ecosystem the board issues. Common carp makes the most satisfactory warm-water fish for business fish culture. It very well may be developed under tropical condition up to an elevation of 1000 m above ocean level. The common carp is refined alone or alongside Indian significant carps.

Figure 1: Cyprinus carpio

The impacts of climate change on biological and ecological procedures are probably going to associate with other natural stressors to influence the dispersion, bounty and effect of non-native aquatic species. Climate change is probably going to encourage some non-native and non-invasive species to create invasive populations. As climate-change models by and large concur of an expanding pattern in air temperatures, there will be ensuing increments in water temperatures and potentially expanded hydrological changeability. For certain fishes, these conditions may support their multiplication and increment enlistment as warm requirements on their life history attributes decrease. For instance, in calm districts where fish networks are commanded by cool water species (physiological optima 28 C) fishes. As this channel reduces with warming temperatures, the open door for these acquainted fishes with set up is improved through their expanding aggressive capacity and reproductive potential. Their foundation may likewise The present examination was therefore embraced to assess the invader potential and population structure of C. carpio with deference of climate from the Ken river, India. This investigation will help in plan the fishery the executive‘s strategies of C. carpio and Indian significant carp in the Ken river (Vindhyan district).


• Year of the study

The fish tests were gathered amid long stretches of January 2015 to February 2016 from the Ken river. The Ken river is a noteworthy right bank tributary of the Yamuna river, India. For accumulation of information, Banda and Chilla fish markets were visited.

• Sample size

Tests of scales from 505 specimens, total length extending between 10.7-76.6 cm were inspected for age assurance of the fishes. Fishes were fished by an assortment of techniques including drag netting, cast netting, gill netting and hook and line. Total length was estimated from the tip of caudal fin to snout of the fish. The key scales were gathered from the area just underneath the dorsal fin (3-4 columns) or more the parallel line and were altogether washed in tap water until all additional issue got totally evacuated and mounted unblemished in the middle of two glass plates. The ring development was resolved by the model recommended. Practically every one of the annuli, aside from the one, showed up as light generally transparent groups, concentrically organized around the entire of the front designed piece of the scales. The account of age was finished with the assistance of scales gathered. Number of fishes in each age bunch was changed over into rate to get population structure.


Age arrangement fluctuated from 0+ to 10+ years from the Ken river, India. Ecological state of the Ken river is very irritated because of sand mining. Poor water nature of the river likewise supportive for intensely attacked C. carpio in the river. Population structure was resolved with the assistance of males and females. The 505 fish specimens (247 males and 258 females) were inspected of C. carpio for assurance of population structure. The 2+ age group was most exploited population and this age group more pulled in to fishermen for exploitation. The 2+ age group additionally had was overwhelmed in 0+, 1+ and 3+ age groups contrasted with female from the Ken river (Table 1). In stock, female population was more exploited than male. The 9+ and 10+ age groups of fishes were shared exact moment extent. The 11+ age group of C. carpio was recorded from the Ganga river with little extent of higher age group in the stock. The poor water nature of the Ken river is most appropriate for C. carpio at Banda and Chilla sites.

Table 1: Population of Cyprinus carpio

0 10 20 30 40 50 60


Figure 2: Population of Cyprinus carpio

The DO level was recorded in the Ken River underneath 6 mg/l all through year. The Indian riverine part (particularly central India) by and by thick by C. carpio because of poor water quality. Population structure of the extensive size fishes are generally fluctuating from habitat to habitat and district to locale.


The species additionally benefits from aquatic plants and insects from the surface (Njiru et al. 2008). Philip (2006) revealed that C. carpio expended expansive amounts of mollusks and annelids. Sahtout et al. (2018) saw that the C. carpio was omnivore in Foum El-Khanga Dam, Souk-Ahras, Algeria. Saikia and Das 2008 demonstrated that the eating routine of C. carpio contained of green growth, zooplankton, benthic organisms, plant buildups and mud in (India). The examination of development exhibitions among C. carpio populations is, somewhat, restricted by the the perception that development rates and life span of C. carpio uncovered expansive intraspecific varieties, even inside a similar framework. It might be presumed that the C. carpio well stable from the Yamuna river. The age group 2+ is most commanded in the river.


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Corresponding Author Devender Singh Sharma*

Research Scholar, Department of Geography, MDU Rohtak, Haryana, India
