A Review Study of Factors Influencing Teaching Competency

by Deepa Kala*, Dr. Sharad Kumar Agarwal,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 11, Nov 2018, Pages 815 - 817 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This study is based on descriptive and analytical research to deal with teacher competencies. The study has defined the factors influencing the teaching competency of any teacher. The main objectives of the study were to find out the factors affecting teacher competencies and to study the studies related to this concept.


teaching competency, factors, influencing, descriptive research, analytical research, teacher competencies, objectives, affecting, studies, concept


Instruction is a significant instrument for financial and social turn of events. Interest in training is considered as interest in human capital and this expansion work profitability facilitates mechanical development and produces pace of return particularly higher than that of physical capital. Instruction likewise adds to destitution decrease by expanding the efficiency labor. Chakrabarti (1998) clears that teaching is a significant component of educational cycle and an aiding profession. Elliottetal (2000) featured that effective teaching requires more than straight forward teaching techniques. Teachers need to realize their understudies well and have the option to adjust their teaching styles to a specific homeroom and to singular understudies. Anderson (1991) says that effective teachers are the individuals who accomplish the objectives they set for themselves or have set for them by others. An effective teacher must have the information and aptitude expected to accomplish the objectives and must have the option to utilize that information and those abilities suitably if the objectives are to be accomplished. A decent teacher needs to focus on her understudies at their present formative stages. She should encourage them as per their individual learning needs and not as indicated by their sequential ages. Thusly, a teacher needs to have to her own way of thinking of training to assist her with zeroing in on the reasons, why she settles on educational choices for her understudies. Her way of thinking of instruction need not to be the once introduced by various educationist and logicians it could be a blend of the ones effectively accessible or something new and critical that she discovered

effective in teaching her understudies. Teaching and learning are significant parts of training the advancement of instruction as an expert field.


Hamida Khatoon , Dr.Fareeda Azeem , Dr.Sajjad Hayat Akhtar (2011) The examination explored in to an elucidating exploration to fundamentally audit of the effect of various variables on teaching skills at auxiliary level. The examination has characterized female teacher's socio social issues and ecological issues .The primary goals of the investigation were to discover the female teachers, socio social issues, and condition issues and to quantify the teaching competency of teachers by connection among teachers and understudies. The accompanying outcomes were drawn by the analyst in the light of the investigation of the information. The generally families are in favors of female teacher's activity. The outcome demonstrates that the female extra the ideal opportunity for homegrown work due to have half day work. The outcome demonstrates that proficient envy is all over the place and generally it impacts on their teaching competency. Dibapile, Waitshega Tefo Smitta (2012)112 contemplated "The Response of Botswana Junior Secondary School Teachers on the Teacher's Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES)". The focal point of the examination was to discover the connection among teacher adequacy, homeroom the board and instructional methodologies. Information assortment was finished by utilizing review strategy taking a delineated arbitrary example of 1006 Botswana auxiliary teachers. Pearson item second connection among positive and negative instructional methodologies embraced by the teachers concerning homeroom the executives. Elaine Chapman and Marine O'Neill, (2013) talked about continuous difficulties in characterizing and evaluating nonexclusive skills in Australian colleges. The paper starts with a conversation of elements that prompted, and later fuelled, the emphasis on nonexclusive skills in Australian advanced education. Wide builds that have supported examination and practice in the field are then talked about. They have likewise considered the snags that have been stood up to in endeavors to distinguish the specific abilities that are most significant both inside and across given order zones. The paper closes with a thought of the reasonable issues that rise in planning undertakings to survey conventional abilities inside explicit settings. Eva Myrberg, Monica Rosén (2014) The examination researches the impact of teacher skill on third grade understudies' perusing accomplishment openly and free schools in Sweden. The information get from the Swedish interest in PIRLS 2001. Relapse examination was utilized to investigate the overall impacts of a few pointers of teacher quality. Teachers' sex, teaching experience, in-administration preparing and co-activity with associates had no huge effect on understudy accomplishment. Teacher accreditation for teaching in early evaluations, however, was appeared to strongly affect understudies' mean perusing test scores.


There are some factors which have played an important role in shaping and determining the objective of education and the system of education. 3.1 Economic Factor: Formal education is possible where production exceeds consumption. This will depend upon the fertility of the soil abundant mineral deposits and proper climatic conditions for work where there is a subsistence economy. This is the reason why poorer and underdeveloped countries have a minimum education for their children while industrially advanced countries keep nearly all their children at school and for a longer time. The educational process is affected by the economic status of individual. Examples of economic factors are like salary satisfaction, annual growth etc. the general social environment in which a teacher moves affect her emotional health favorably or adversely on the street the teachers lives in. The schools teachers and other people, she comes into contact with are predominantly suspicious, worrying quarrel some angry hostile and inclined to flare up into sudden fits of rage the teacher can hardly remain immune to their emotionally distributing influence. Different social problems also leave their effects on the teaching competencies and can be hurdle in running smoothly the learning process. Examples of social factors are like social background, family background etc. 3.3 Environmental Factors: According to M. Sultan (1963), the physical environment is also considerably potent on its ability to color one‘s health. A desirable healthy and aesthetically appealing atmosphere is soothing and comforting. It is liable to promote emotional harmony and balance in unhealthy environment on the contrary can become a source of many emotional upset and disturbances. These disturbances become a big obstacle in effective teaching. If the environment is not healthy then how can we expect teaching efficiency from the teachers? 3.4 Linguistic Factors: Language is one of the natural factors that helps and influences growth of the educational system of a country. By the difference and clashes of languages the teaching competency can also be affected. We can say that in secondary level teaching is complex work. Unlike other professions teaching requires simultaneous interaction with large numbers of people. Decisions have to be made quickly and reasonably. No one day is quite similar as previous day, every day they have a lot of opportunity of new experiments and problems 3.5 Teaching attitude: ―Attitude is a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways. It is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual‘s degree of like or dislike for something. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person about any place, thing, or event. An attitude is a dispositional readiness to respond to certain institutions, persons or objects in a consistent manner which has been learned and has become one‘s typical mode of response‖ according to Frank Freeman.

terms of being good looking, attractive etc. The ability to talk and interact with others pleasantly in addition to being good look makes other say that the concerned person has a good personality. Person who do not have good looks or not well dressed or do not interact adequately are considered to have poor personality. But scientifically it is not true. In Fact, personality signifies something deeper than mere appearance or outward behavior.

3.7 Anxiety: The present era is an age of anxiety. It is not only a favorite theme for many poets and novelists, but has become a nodal concept in psychology (Freud, 1936). It has been utilized for explaining many of psychopathological problems and has become a useful construct in the field of social inter-relationships and behavior. Anxiety is a common reaction to frustration. Growing out of frustration anxiety serves as a driving force for adjustments.


Quality teaching has become an issue of importance as the landscape of higher education has been facing continuous changes. The student body has considerably expanded and diversified, both socially and geographically. Anxiety, personal nature or personality and attitude are some of the factors affect the competency of any teacher.


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Corresponding Author Deepa Kala*

Research Scholar of Education, Monad University, Uttar Pradesh