Brand Awareness among Rural As well as Urban Consumer in Hisar District

Exploring the impact of brand awareness on consumer buying decisions

by Shilka .*, Sunita .,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 12, Dec 2018, Pages 217 - 219 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Brand awareness, as one of the fundamental dimensions of brand equity, is often considered to be a prerequisite of consumers’ buying decision, as it represents the main factor for including a brand in the consideration set. Brand awareness can also influence consumers’ perceived risk assessment and their confidence in the purchase decision, due to familiarity with the brand and its characteristics. It be studied into two parts – Brand recall and Brand recognition. These two parts directly or indirectly effect the consumer’s buying decision. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate the relation between awareness of a brand and the intention of consumer of buying that brand.


brand awareness, consumer, Hisar District, buying decision, brand equity, consideration set, perceived risk assessment, purchase decision, familiarity, brand recall, brand recognition, intention


Brand Awareness is a marketing term that describe the degree of consumer recognition of a product by its name. Brand awareness in a important term in consumer behavior, Advertising Management, Brand Management, Strategy Development. It refers to the extent to which consumers are able to recall or recognize a brand. Brand awareness in consumer behavior creates ability in consumers‘ to recognize or recall a brand. A brand is central to purchasing cannot proceed unless a consumer is first aware of a product category and a brand with in that category. Brand awareness promotes a new product or receiving an older brand. Ideally awareness of the brand may include the qualities that differentiate the product from its competitors. Awareness does not necessarily mean that the consumer must be able to recall a specific brand name but he must be able to recall sufficient different features to purchasing.Brand awareness is a one of the important marketing efforts as harried consumers overwhelmed by the amount of commercial messaging they see or hear use mental short cuts to make their decision. Imprinting in their minds what your brand is and what is stands for can increase sales, particularly in areas where few obvious differences are apparent among competitors.


• Brand awareness is related to the functions of brand identities in consumers‘ memory and it can be measured by how well they recognize the brand under wide competition. Brand awareness helps in purchasing of branded products easily. • Strong brand awareness can be a predictor of brand success. It is an important measure of brand strength or brand equity and is also involved in customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and the customers‘ brand relationship. • Brand awareness is also important for marketers for creating advertising management. • Many marketers regularly monitor brand awareness levels. • Setting brand awareness goals/objectives is a key decision in marketing planning. • Brand awareness is one of major brand assets that adds value to the product, service or company. • Brand awareness ensure a product or brand‘s market success by increasing sales and profitability.


• To examine the effects of brand association, brand loyalty, brand


A brand as a term or combination of a name, symbol, design which is intended to signify the goods and services of a seller or a group of sellers. Brand differentiate a product from another product of the competitors. There are two important dimensions on which a brand base that are physiological and psychological dimensions. Brand is perception too. This is the cognitive relationship of a consumer with the product image or perception derive valve. Perceptions if the consumers are shaped by few guidelines like functional and emotional experiences. Thus if the most worthy recognition in the world occupies the correct corner of the mind of a consumer it becomes a brand.


A brand as a term or combination of a name, symbol, design which is intended to signify the goods and services of a seller or a group of sellers. Brand differentiate a product from another product of the competitors. There are two important dimensions on which a brand base that are physiological and psychological dimensions. Brand is perception too. This is the cognitive relationship of a consumer with the product image or perception derive valve. Perceptions if the consumers are shaped by few guidelines like functional and emotional experiences. Thus if the most worthy recognition in the world occupies the correct corner of the mind of a consumer it becomes a brand. Physiological nature of a brand is its logo or symbol that will help to create a long lasting impression in the mind of consumers.‖ Research methodology/approach Data from 200 consumers were analyzed in which 100 from urban and 100 from rural using descriptive, correlation and multiple regression analysis via the statistical package for social sciences and computer programmes.


Respondents were randomly chosen from the rural and urban population consequently they may not represent the entire population.


There are two types of data collection, primary data as well as secondary data. Present research is based on primary data. Primary data is collected from Hisar district in rural as well as urban areas.100 respondent selects from rural areas from hisar district with random sampling techniques of sampling


From all respondents from rural areas only 27% respondents are aware about branding product and services. 77% respondents are not aware about the branded product or services in rural areas of Hisar district. In Urban areas of Hisar district 64% respondents are aware about the branded product and services. 36% of urban respondents are not aware about branded product and services.


At last it will hereby conclude that consumers will prefer to buy the branded products that they know well. In Hiasr district urban consumer are more aware about the branded product and services instead of rural consumer. A consumer is always hesitant of buying new products. Before buying anything a wise consumer will always do the market survey or ask someone he trusts and after being well aware of what, how and where to buy. He will buy the product. And he will not buy the same product if he knows any unfavorable information. Therefore, it can be said that building a positive image of their brand companies have to try their best. To keep the consumer aware of their brands and to sustain Their consumers‘ a company will have to keep management on its brand and advertise more and more to create the large number of people know about their branded products.


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