A Study on Job Satisfaction during Engagement

Exploring the Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Engagement and Performance

by Manju Katarya*, Sushil Kumar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 12, Dec 2018, Pages 367 - 371 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Job satisfaction is one of the most important fruit for employee to work in a sustainable and effective manner. Today the highly competitive world putting pressure on employees to perform and the performance of the employee depend on many factors out of which job satisfaction is crucial one. Day to day functioning of the employee will be disturbed in long run if heshe not satisfy with their job. Job satisfaction provide motivation to employees to work and heart fullness. The level of motivation impact on employee performance and that impact organization performance. The Satisfaction of employees depends on various factors like salary, autonomy, parks, working environment etc and it is very important to pay attention towards the employees to make them satisfy. Satisfaction of employees is related with the performance of an individual, employee. The study was conducted to check the Satisfaction level of employees in organization whether these are curricular activities or non-curricular activities. The sample comprised of 60 employees of bank. Being a quantitative data, the scores were analyzed with the help of mean, ANOVA, Stander deviation and t-test developed by the researcher itself. The results unanimously identified that employee who are working in this organization are satisfy with their job are more happy during engagement and after engagement. The study also reveals that satisfaction level of employees’ directly related with financial compensation and monitory earning escalate the performance of employees and that escalate organization performance.


job satisfaction, employee, work, motivation, performance, salary, autonomy, working environment, curricular activities, non-curricular activities


Nowadays it is the phase where every organization has to face a lot of competition where Satisfaction of employees is an estimate, which shows that how employees are happy with their job and surrounding environment. In this situation, human resource plays an important role and satisfaction is one of the major thought in human resource management, as a result every organization tries to do the right things at the right time. A learning which is done by the Hawthorne is one of the major studies of job satisfaction. This study is conducted by the Elton Mayo (in 1924-1933) of the Harvard Business School to find out the effect of various conditions of employees productivity. The study shows that uniqueness changes in work conditions temporarily and increase productivity and it is known as Hawthorne Effects. In layman tongue, employee satisfaction is that where employee is happy and would not complaint for things around him with the management decision where, Employee engagement is one step ahead of employee satisfaction. i.e. - employee is not only satisfied with the management decisions, salary and things but also giving back to the organization. Satisfaction of a job is that in which satisfaction of an employee‘s feeling is considered on the job, which works as a motivation regarding their work and it can be favorableness or unfavourableness with which employee view their job. Satisfaction of employee in every situation is a combination of psychological, physiological and environment circumstances which cause an employee trustfully to say, ―I am satisfied with my work‖. There are mainly 3 major theories of satisfaction; (1) Herzberg‘s Motivation- Hygiene theory, (2) Need fulfillment theory (3) Social reference- group theory. Satisfaction level of employees in today‘s time is very important which can be understood in mainly two ways; one is from organizations point of view and one is from employee‘s point of view in which satisfaction helps to increase the productivity, Here two variables are present on which satisfaction of employee depends in which one is organizational variables and other one is Personal variables. An organizational variable plays an important role in satisfaction of employees where they spend their major part of their position in organization by which the employee satisfaction in the organization can be increased by organizing and managing the organizational variables. There are some categories which come under the head of organizational variables which are: organizational Development, Promotion and Career Development, Relationship with Supervisor, etc. On the Other side Personal Variables helps in maintaining the motivation and personal factors of the employees to work effectively and efficiently and there are number of personal a variable which determines the satisfaction of employees and following are the categories which come under the head of personal variables such as: Personality, Expectation, Education, etc. Employee satisfaction is defined as the combination of affective reactions to the differential perceptions of what he/she wants to receive compared with what he/she actually receives (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992). There is no limit for the employees to reach the full satisfaction and it may vary from employee to employee and sometimes they need to change their behaviors in order to execute their duties more effectively to gain greater job satisfaction (Miller, 2006). Vroom in his definition on job satisfaction focuses on the role of the employee in the workplace. Thus he defines job satisfaction as affective orientations on the part of individuals toward work roles which they are presently occupying (Vroom, 1964). Hoppock defined job satisfaction as any combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job (Hoppock, 1935). Job satisfaction can be defined also as the extent to which a worker is content with the rewards he or she gets out of his or her job, particularly in terms of intrinsic motivation (Statt, 2004).


According to Moyes, shao & Newsome (2008), having good relationships with the colleagues, high salary, good working conditions, training and education opportunities, career developments or any other benefits may be related with the increasing of employee satisfaction. At the time of checking the employee satisfaction, it should be known that; -an employee may be more satisfied by a satisfying item, whereas the other employee may be less satisfied with the same item which means that the sum of all employee is with his or her position of employment. According to Luthans (1998), there are three important dimensions of job satisfaction: (a) it is an emotional response to a job situation. As such it cannot be seen, it can only be uncertain; (b) it is often determined by how well result meet or go beyond expectations; and (c) it represents several related attitudes towards the work itself, promotion opportunities, pay, supervisor and co-workers which are most important sort of a job about which people have professional reaction. Training and skill development is one of the best ways to gain job satisfaction. According to the Brikend aziri (2011), financial compensation has a great impact on the overall satisfaction of employees. According to Jain and Kaur (2014), a satisfied, happy and hardworking employee is the largest asset in the organization where researcher is talking about the work environment which is a part of satisfaction of employees. There are 3 types of work environment which includes physical, mental and social environment. They says that workload, stress, overtime, fatigue, boredom are some factors to increase dissatisfaction on the other side good working condition, refreshment & recreation facility, health & safety facility, fun at workplace increase the degree of job satisfaction. According to the Muhammad, Khan, et al. (2012), there are few key factors which are useful for the satisfaction of the employees, i.e., workplace environment, reward and recognition, training and development and team work. According to Neog and Barua‟s (2014), it is very important to study the relationship between fair compensation and job satisfaction, supervisor support and job satisfaction, working environment and job satisfaction and job security and job satisfaction. It is must to pay the attention towards enhancing the employee job satisfaction level. According to the Parvin and Kabir (2011), Money is a good motivator, actually all employees‘ work for money, employees need the money, a good salary and good compensations are key factors in satisfying the employee. To motivate the employees there is a need to increase the employee salary and compensation, the good pay back can be one of the key factors affecting job satisfaction, also in this way one can increase the service quality and organizational performance.


Purpose of the study

This study evaluates the engagement of employees in organizational activities. Certain questions need to be answered for evaluation: (a) my work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. (b) I get excellent support from

The purpose of this paper is to examine the Satisfaction level of employees in organizational activities. Examination is done on the basis of some demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status and experience of employees. The objective of the study is: • To examine the Satisfaction Level of employees on Banks on the basis of Demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status and experience of employees.

Design, Methodology and Approach

This study is exploratory cum descriptive in nature and based on primary data through self-structured questionnaire regarding employee engagement. The questionnaire is consisting 9 statements which are converted into 3 factors through factor analysis. This paper is based on the sample size of 60 participants who are the employees of banks.

Data Analysis and Findings

In this Paper, the researchers tried to find out the Satisfaction level of employees regarding their work during engagement on the basis of some demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status and experience of employees. The result of this study bring out that people in this organization are satisfied with their current position. The major findings of the study are shown with the help of Tables 1-3. With the help of factor analysis, three factors have been carried out which show different results of engagement which are affected by the employees of banks and named as: 1. Employer support 2. Better work life balance 3. Job Accomplishment The scores were analyzed with the help of mean, S.D., t-test and ANOVA, and results are given as follows, Cronbach‘s alpha comes out to be .749 and any value greater than 0.80 is considered as significantly more reliable according to field (2000) and any value greater than 0.50 is considered as significantly reliable. Field discussed that the higher value of Cronbach‘s alpha shows high internal consistency which is considered as the best method of reliability testing.

Employer support

Table 1 discusses about the Satisfaction level of employees which they get through Employer support. The result shows that the participants of 36-40 yrs age group (mean = 4.46) are more satisfied with the Employer support; however the F- value indicates that the difference in the age group is insignificant. Data Reveals that on the basis of gender, males‘ (mean = 4.18) have more satisfaction level through Employer support rather than females but male and females do not differ significantly. On the basis of marital status, both married employees (mean = 4.18) have more satisfaction level regarding their job through Employer support. Further ANOVA applied to adjudge significance difference in other demographic variables. Results with regard to Experience who have 2-3 yrs (mean = 4.21) have more satisfaction level with the Employer support. The F-value (0.36) shows that there is no significance difference on the basis of experience of employees.

Table 1: Satisfaction level of employees through Employer support

Satisfaction level of employees through Better work life balance balance

Table 2 discusses about the Better work life balance of employees which they get after having full satisfaction. The result show that the participants of 35-40 yrs age group (mean = 4.42) have more better work life balance when they are satisfied; however the F- value indicates that the difference in the age group is insignificant. Data Reveals that on the basis of gender, males‘ (mean = 4.14) have more better work life balance when they are satisfied with their work rather than females but male and females do not differ significantly. On the basis of marital status, married employees (mean = 4.24) have more better work life balance when they get satisfaction through their work or job rather than unmarried but married and unmarried employees do not differ significantly. Further ANOVA applied to adjudge significance difference in other demographic variables. Results with regard to Experience who have 1-2 yrs (mean significance difference on the basis of experience of employees.

Table 2: Satisfaction level of employees through better work life balance balance Satisfaction level of employees through Job Accomplishment

Table 3 discusses about the job accomplishment of employees through satisfaction level. The result shows that the participants of 31-35 yrs age group (mean = 3.38) get more satisfaction level through job accomplishment; however the F- value indicates that the difference in the age group is insignificant. Data Reveals that on the basis of gender, males‘ (mean = 3.88) get more satisfaction level through job accomplishment rather than females but male and females shows that there is a significance difference on the basis of gender of employee with F- value (0.08). On the basis of marital status, married employees (mean = 3.94) have more satisfaction level through job accomplishment rather than unmarried employees but married and unmarried employees do not differ significantly. Further ANOVA applied to adjudge significance difference in other demographic variables. Results with regard to Experience who have 1-2 yrs (mean = 4.29) have more satisfaction level through job accomplishment. The F-value (2.14) shows that there is no significance difference on the basis of experience of employees.

Table 3: Satisfaction level of employees through Job Accomplishment

level of employees which they get through the engagement in organizational activities whether they are curricular or non-curricular activities. The result of this study clearly shows that employees working in banks have more satisfaction level through engaged in their works they found happy with their current time which shows good level of satisfaction. So it can be concluded that satisfaction level of employees in banks is well present and satisfaction level of employees regarding their work is highly positive and organization should also have to consider the rewards and recognition to increase the satisfaction level of employees. Organization should focus on the rewards and recognition schemes in their organization to increase the more and more engagement of employees in organizational activities while providing satisfaction to them where satisfaction level of employees can be increased through many ways like, provide them non-financial benefits, communicate good news, challenges and also share organizational information to make feel them as they are part of the organization.


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Corresponding Author Manju Katarya*

Research Scholar, HPU, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
