A Case Study on Diminishing of Hazard Related With Disaster by Utilizing Vetiver Grass System in Ecological System

Utilizing Vetiver Grass System for Effective Eco DRR and Hazard Reduction

by Sachin .*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 1, Jan 2019, Pages 732 - 736 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The Vetiver System (VS), which depends on the utilization of vetiver grass - a perpetual grass of Indian was first created by the World Bank for soil and water preservation in the mid-1980s. It is a straightforward, down to earth, reasonable, low maintenance and unimaginably proficient methods for natural disaster decrease. vetiver grass has been accounted for to have high resilience for extraordinary unfriendly conditions, including heavy metal toxicity, henceforth making it appropriate for the remediation of heavy metal-polluted soils. Vetiver is really a miracle grass, as it can do miracles, including the alleviation of disaster brought about by destructive heavy rains, notwithstanding a few other surely understood advantages to agricultural and non-agricultural exercises. The connection amongst ecosystem and disasters are generally archived however deficiently coordinated in to disaster hazard decreases activities and developmental projects. The present work looks at the extent of vetiver system as a natural answer for different ecological hazard decrease exercises. The two case works in the examination revealed here reports the achievement of VS application in the territory of Kerala in India and the execution methodology for the vetiver system in the fields with the cooperation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). The investigation additionally distinguishes the potential section purposes of VS in the ecosystem-based disaster chance decrease (Eco-DRR). Integrating local dimension disaster hazard decrease exercises in the national dimension projects will guarantee the sectoral combination in DRR activities. Vetiver system can in all respects effectively be utilized as a practical and proficient Eco DRR innovation that can address both long term and short-term hazard with ecosystem management.


Vetiver System, vetiver grass, natural disaster reduction, heavy metal pollution, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction


► Vetiver grass

Vetiver grass is a thickly tufted cluster grass which can be effectively settled in the two tropics and temperate locales of the world. It assumes an indispensable job in watershed assurance by backing off and spreading spill over innocuously on the farmland, reviving ground water, lessening siltation of waste systems and water bodies, diminishing agro-synthetic concoctions stacking into water bodies and for recovery of corrupted soils. Vetiver grass could endure amazingly abnormal amounts of heavy metals. It could be utilized as natural vermin control. The utilization of vetiver grass has been viewed as a minimal effort innovation for soil and water preservation; on-and off-farm land and water sources adjustment and remediation of dirtied soils; and improvement of water quality for irrigation purposes when contrasted and other soil protection advancements. It could be a dynamic instrument for mitigating ecological and agricultural issues, along these lines upgrading crop yield and supporting throughout the entire year agricultural development. As of late, vetiver grass has been utilized to raise creatures of various types. These are the customary employments of live vetiver plant to perform explicit capacities in agricultural and non-agricultural applications, for example, for soil and water preservation, incline adjustment, disintegration control, ecological insurance, assimilation of heavy metals, disaster mitigation, wastewater treatment, and so on., without being gathered and handled into completed or semi-completed products.

► What is hazard diminishing of disaster?

Generally, managing disasters concentrated on emergency reaction, however towards the finish of the twentieth century it was progressively recognized that disasters are not natural (regardless

anticipate misfortunes and mitigate the effects of disasters. Since we can't lessen the seriousness of natural hazards, the fundamental opportunity for diminishing danger lies in decreasing helplessness and presentation. Lessening these two segments of hazard requires distinguishing and diminishing the hidden drivers of hazard, which are especially identified with poor economic and urban development decisions and practice, debasement of the earth, poverty and disparity and environmental change, which make and worsen states of hazard, presentation and powerlessness. Tending to these basic hazard drivers will diminish disaster chance, reduce the effects of environmental change and, thus, keep up the manageability of development.

In that capacity, VGT isn't and can't be a substitute for fitting siting of infrastructure, for evading infringement into flood fields and other helpless regions, for ending watershed and soil degradation, in short, for generally speaking great natural asset management and land stewardship, for good judgment, and for quality plans and development. Having said that, VGT can be coordinated into our systems so as to make them 'progressively safe' to disaster and 'increasingly productive' at enduring them. It can broaden their helpful lives between extraordinary occasions and increment their edges of wellbeing. The achievement of VGT in securing roads and infrastructure in El Salvador and in sparing farmer's fields in Honduras amid Hurricane Mitch turns out to be valid. What's more, we realize it can do as such at such a diminished cost, that ought to take into account it‘s a lot broader application. At last, again and again we overlook, until a disaster goes along to advise us, that it isn't sufficient that we build or design for normal conditions. Designers recall this naturally. Natural asset experts frequently don't, particularly those working with the country poor. We acknowledge soil and harvest management systems and unprotected feeder roads since we comprehend the farmer's and poor network's rationale and time skyline; an economic math that does not really focus on the medium and long terms.

In that capacity, VGT isn't and can't be a substitute for proper siting of infrastructure, for staying away from infringement into flood plains and other vulnerable areas, for ending watershed and soil degradation, in short, for generally speaking great natural asset management and land stewardship, for presence of mind, and for quality designs and development. Having said that, VGT can be incorporated into our systems so as to make them 'increasingly resistant' to disaster and 'progressively efficient' at enduring them. It can expand their valuable lives between extreme events and increment their edges of security. The achievement of VGT in ensuring roads and infrastructure in El Salvador and in saving farmer's fields in Honduras lot broader application. At long last, time after time we overlook, until a disaster tags along to advise us, that it isn't sufficient that we build or design for normal conditions. Specialists recall this instinctually. Natural asset experts regularly don't, particularly those working with the provincial poor. We acknowledge soil and harvest management systems and unprotected feeder roads since we comprehend the farmer's and poor network's rationale and time horizon; an economic calculus that does not really focus on the medium and long terms.


Hazard and hazard data might be utilized to illuminate a broad range regarding exercises to decrease chance, from improving building codes and designing danger decrease measures, (for example, flood and storm surge assurance), to doing full scale level evaluations of the dangers to various sorts of buildings (for organizing interest in reconstruction and retrofitting, for instance). Eco-DRR is the economic management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems to decrease disaster hazard, with the mean to achieve practical and flexible development. A well-overseen ecosystem can diminish physical introduction to natural hazards by filling in as natural defensive boundaries and give insurance against basic natural hazards, for example, floods and landslides and these are seen to be financially savvy and are a no lament venture. The absence of identification and development of appropriate verdure systems is the principle emergency in the ongoing Eco-DRR progressions (Figure 1). The vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) belongs to the Poaceae family and is a special tropical plant.

Figure 1: Area of study (field)

source of vetiver fundamental oil and numerous other ecological applications. The vetiver is an exceptionally tolerant plant to the extreme climatic conditions, for example, prolonged drought, flood, submergence and extreme temperatures from - 15°C to +55°C, wide scope of soil pH from 3.3-12.5 without soil alteration and is exceedingly tolerant to hazardous metals. It has a high elasticity of 85.10 ± 31.2 contrasted with different grasses. The ebb and flow utilizations of this plant incorporate tidy up instrument for heavy metal contaminated iron metal mine-soil, smaller scale toxin filtering control, treatment of waste water from an institutional kitchen and remediation of hazardous pesticides like Endosulfan. However, the Eco-DRR capability of vetiver grass system isn't quite investigated by the exploration network. Disaster hazard decrease rehearses and ecological management are not all around associated in India and there are very few key passages focuses and stages for integrating condition and hazard decrease measurements. Production of a multi-disciplinary network participatory methodology will decrease the gap among areas with the end goal of expanding effectiveness of hazard decrease. Over the most recent couple of years the ecosystem-based methodology has gotten much consideration in the disaster hazard and environmental change networks in the nation, however there are as yet numerous requirements in research and practice. The present investigation is an itemized examination of Eco-DRR uses of vetiver system in an Indian setting.


Methodologically, the research centres around the two primary aims of the vetiver system, (1) the two case studies and (2) the development of field execution practice.

► Case Studies

In preparing each case ponder unique consideration was set on the investigation of efficient hazard decrease management instruments, so as to feature the effectiveness of vetiver system methods for managing the specific vulnerability. Point by point field visits were made in the long stretch of May 2016 to Punchavayalkattu locale of Neendoor Panchayath in Kottayam area and Twyford tea bequest district of Elappara Panchayath, Idukki region, both in Kerala state, India. Occasional floods and landslips, individually, are the major environmental hazards in these districts. Self-report estimates, for example, individual meetings and cantered gathering talks with local individuals, agricultural officers, and chose delegates of local governments, engineers and environmental masters were done (Table 1).


For this reason, a national dimension law known as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) which expects to improve livelihood security in rustic areas by giving no less than 100 days of compensation work in a money related year to each family unit whose grown-up individuals volunteer to do incompetent manual work was drawn closer. After successful discourses, an itemized undertaking was submitted to the town level specialists of MGNREGA for the usage of vetiver system in the field. A vetiver nursery was set up in the Mahatma Gandhi college grounds at Kottayam in Kerala, by considering soil type, topography, shading and irrigation facilities to give adequate stock materials to vegetative culture spread of vetiver and to guarantee great quality and adequate number of slips. The banks of River Pamba arranged in the Ranni-Perinadu town of Kerala were chosen for the preliminary execution of vetiver system. The Pamba River is the third biggest river in Kerala and is seriously contaminated because of a yearly religious mass social occasion. The capacity of vetiver system in river water sanitization and related hazards mitigation has been all around concentrated by different researchers. Around seven hundred vetiver slips were planted in the Pamba river save money with the dynamic help of twenty MGNREGA laborers in November 2016. The dynamic support of MGNREGA officers, field specialists, chose delegates and local people groups made the field usage of VS a triumph (Figure 2). The activity was secured by the real papers in the state.

Figure 2: VS field application through MGNREGA

to be effective so as to prevent bund disintegration and land slips individually. Vetiver hedges are utilized for securing road banks and are financially savvy, require less maintenance and are work serious. The capability of VS as minimal effort bioengineering strategy was first tended to by the

can go about as natural infrastructure, lessening physical introduction to numerous hazards and give some livelihood choices to the local network. A few studies and research documents explain the societal uses of vetiver plant, for example, in oil production], as cattle feed, soil and water conservation apparatus, as a green fuel, as a cement replacement building material, as anti-termite insecticide, vetiver-clay composite storage bin and as ornamentals. Hence Eco- DRR activities with the VS usage not just offers an opportunity to fortify natural infrastructure and human resilience against hazard impacts, yet in addition creates a scope of other social, economic and environmental advantages for various partners. Genuine thought of the job of ecosystem for DRR parts, for example, hazard mitigation, livelihood security and resilience to disasters came about just in the course of the most recent decade inside the DRR people group. The vetiver grass advances can give savvy and economical answers for lessen the effect of various natural hazards and disasters. So as to guarantee that interests in ecosystem management are effective, an assortment of new DRR apparatuses and approaches pointing long term reflections and limit development of partners should be designed and tried. A fruitful execution practice is the foundation of any Eco-DRR movement. Field execution regarding settled national dimension projects, for example, MGNREGA will reinforce VS based Eco-DRR activities. According to the MGNREGA, making of tough resources and fortifying of livelihood resource base of the provincial poor is a fundamental goal of the plan. The numerous advantages of vetiver system incorporate disaster chance management, ecosystem management and social development parts. The principle parts in every division are recounted in the Figure 3.


Present disaster hazard management exercises in India, essentially center around the basic parts of disaster management and ecosystem-based mediations have been inadequate. The vetiver grass concentrated on the present investigation has superb Eco-DRR efficiencies. Effective use of the VS can diminish or even dispose of numerous sorts of natural hazards, for example, landslides, mud slides, road bund shakiness, and disintegration. The utilization of vetiver grass along muddy roadside (case examine I) and in the tea estate (case think about II) are found.

Figure 3: Benefits of VS. Table 1: Case study results


VG can assume a key job in disaster mitigation and vulnerability decrease. Nonetheless, we ought not escape on characterizing the potential for its effect. The reason and job of VG in disaster mitigation and weakness decrease is to secure and monitor, not nature, yet our mediations inside nature and our endeavours to oversee nature for our very own finishes. Extreme events like Hurricane Mitch make conditions which basically overpower our works and our created systems. Ecosystem based territorial developmental projects are rising worldwide and consequently green innovations and systems for the prevention and mitigation of natural hazards should be created. There is a need to feature the significance of a one of a kind grasses like Vetiver that has numerous one of a kind attribute. The two case studies in the approach in Eco-DRR and VS can assume a key job in disaster mitigation and vulnerability decrease. Today experts are searching for new arrangements in DRR exercises on the grounds that traditional designing methodologies are deficient, particularly in a thickly populated tropical nation like India. The VS applications is a long-enduring, financially savvy, network based and condition agreeable bio-designing instrument for natural disaster mitigation and infrastructure assurance. The best practice distinguished and created through this investigation (VS execution through MGNREGA) can be effectively actualized in Indian conditions with the dynamic help of the local populace. Applying the Vetiver System Technology as a phytoremediation apparatus for environmental insurance is a creative methodology that has colossal potential. VST is a natural, green, basic, practicable and financially savvy arrangement. In particular, Vetiver's leaf side-effect offers a scope of employments from painstaking work, creature feeds, covers, mulch and fuel, to give some examples.


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Corresponding Author Sachin*

M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Geography, MDU Rohtak sachinbajwan1827@gmail.com