Study of Patients’ Satisfaction with different types of Telemedicine Services provided by the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia


  • Waleed Salem Alghamdi Specialist-Health Administration at Alnakheel Medical Complex, Riyadh KSA
  • Abdulrahman Owaynan Alshaibani Specialist-Health Administration at Alnakheel Medical Complex, Riyadh KSA
  • Turki Ghazi Alotaibi Specialist-Health Administration at Alnakheel Medical Complex, Riyadh KSA



Telemedicine, Medical Services, Applications, Satisfaction, Patient


One way to gauge the quality of healthcare is to look at how satisfied patients are with the system overall. Finding out how happy patients are with various telemedicine services offered by Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Health is the main goal of this research. The satisfaction of Saudi Arabian customers using telemedicine services was assessed in a cross-sectional survey. Customers of the 940 medical contact centre and the Sehha app, two telemedicine services, were surveyed using a rigorous random selection technique. Two hundred and fifty users of the 940 medical contact centre and the Sehha app were selected at random to fill out a pre-designed survey about their level of satisfaction with various aspects of the two health services. Out of 250 people who used telemedicine services, 83.14 percent were happy with the care they received overall, while 8.03 percent were unhappy.  These days, telemedicine apps are employed by a lot of wealthy nations and even some underdeveloped ones to help provide healthcare to people faster for all sorts of medical issues. In Saudi Arabia, telemedicine services generally had good satisfaction ratings, with no discernible variation in ratings between the 940 medical contact centre and the Sehha app. Customers who used telemedicine services were generally pleased and were even willing to recommend them to others.


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How to Cite

“Study of Patients’ Satisfaction with different types of Telemedicine Services provided by the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia”, JASRAE, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 11–16, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.29070/qjc42x21.

How to Cite

“Study of Patients’ Satisfaction with different types of Telemedicine Services provided by the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia”, JASRAE, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 11–16, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.29070/qjc42x21.