Nexus between Ecological Conservation and Socio-Economic Development and its Dynamics


  • Gajendra Dixit Vice President, In a leading Bank, Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Dr. Vijay Kulkarni Former, Dean, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra



Ecological conservation, socio-economic development, sustainable growth, biodiversity, environmental challenges, ecosystem services, sustainable livelihoods, inclusive growth, integrated policies, collaborative governance, community participation, adaptive management, India


The relationship between the preservation of the environment and the advancement of the nation's socioeconomic system in India is characterized by a dynamic and intricate interaction that is essential for the continuous expansion of the country. This abstract investigates the interdependencies and complex dynamics that exist between the maintenance of natural systems and the advancement of socioeconomic conditions. When it comes to India, a nation that is home to a great biodiversity and faces substantial environmental issues, conservation measures are very necessary in order to preserve ecological equilibrium. Nevertheless, these efforts often overlap with socio-economic imperatives such as the reduction of poverty, the development of the economy, and the urbanization of the population. Through the enhancement of ecosystem services, the promotion of sustainable livelihoods, and the promotion of inclusive growth, this research investigates the ways in which ecological conservation projects might assist socio-economic development. On the other hand, it also studies the stresses that socio-economic growth puts on natural resources, as well as the need of integrated policies that bring conservation and economic goals into harmony with one another. This study shows the potential for synergies and trade-offs by conducting a review of policy frameworks and case studies. It also provides insights into techniques that may be used to create a sustainable equilibrium. In order to successfully navigate the obstacles and possibilities that exist at the junction of ecological conservation and socio-economic development in India, the results highlight the significance of collaborative governance, community engagement, and adaptive management.


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How to Cite

“Nexus between Ecological Conservation and Socio-Economic Development and its Dynamics”, JASRAE, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 228–238, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.29070/nhmjjt59.

How to Cite

“Nexus between Ecological Conservation and Socio-Economic Development and its Dynamics”, JASRAE, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 228–238, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.29070/nhmjjt59.