Channel Allocation in mobile multimedia network using artificial neural networks


  • Oshin Jindal Student, Class 11th, Oberai School of Integrated Studies, Dehradun, Uttrakhand



Channel Allocation, Mobile Multimedia Networks, Artificial Neural Network, quality of service, network management solutions


Capital asset control systems may enhance network performance, reduce congestion, and optimise resource allocation with the use of artificial intelligence. Using machine learning models like decision trees and neural networks allows for more informed and adaptive admission control options. These models can precisely predict how the network's quality of service (QoS) will be affected by accepting a new call. Exploring AI-enhanced CAC schemes requires a thorough analysis of various machine learning methods and their potential applications to real-time network management. To ensure that AI-based CAC implementations are actually possible in resource-limited mobile situations, it is crucial to consider their computational complexity and resource requirements. Accuracy and computational efficiency are two competing goals, and this study examines both. Finding a happy medium that can meet the stringent requirements of mobile multimedia networks is the driving force behind this research. Also covered in this study is the possibility of mixing AI-powered CAC with cutting-edge tech like 5G networks and cloud computing. Collectively, these technology and artificial intelligence (AI) have to open up new opportunities for situationally-conscious, dynamic admission manipulate. As a result, mobile multimedia networks might be a lot more efficient and adaptable. An exploration of CAC schemes is provided in this article, which draws attention to the potential game-changing impact of AI-based methods for mobile multimedia network optimisation. The increasing demand for multimedia services is creating new challenges, yet these challenges may be amenable to artificial intelligence integration into CAC systems. More adaptive and intelligent network management solutions would be possible as a result.


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How to Cite

“Channel Allocation in mobile multimedia network using artificial neural networks”, JASRAE, vol. 21, no. 5, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.29070/xv694s36.

How to Cite

“Channel Allocation in mobile multimedia network using artificial neural networks”, JASRAE, vol. 21, no. 5, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.29070/xv694s36.