Evolving Communicative Forms of the English Language in the Era of Globalization
Globalization, Digital Communication, Mobile Communication, Social Media, Oral and Written FormsAbstract
The rapid advancement of globalization and digital technology has significantly transformed the communicative forms of the English language. Traditional oral and written communication methods have evolved with the integration of mobile communication, social media, and digital platforms, leading to a shift in how individuals interact across urban and rural settings. Telephonic and mobile communication have emerged as the most widely used oral forms due to their accessibility, while SMS, websites, WhatsApp, and Facebook dominate written communication. However, platforms like email and fax remain confined to educational and professional domains, whereas blogging and Twitter are primarily used by literate individuals. The rise of digital communication has blurred the boundaries between literate and illiterate users, as smartphone accessibility has enabled broader engagement with online platforms. This study explores these changing communicative patterns, analyzing their impact on different demographics, including urban and rural users, as well as literate and illiterate populations. The findings highlight the dynamic nature of English language communication in the digital era and its implications for social interaction, professional engagement, and digital literacy.
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