Comparative analysis of pedagogical approaches in english language teaching: Pre-Covid vs. Covid Era in Kerala
ELT, English Language Teaching, Pedagogical Practices, Covid-19Abstract
This study set out to answer two questions: first, how the COVID-19 pandemic affected English language instruction in Kerala, and second, how ELT changed and evolved in the wake of the outbreak. In order to have a better understanding of how ELT approaches have developed in Kerala, a literature evaluation of five studies was carried out. Teachers' quantitative and qualitative responses were supplemented with questionnaires and interviews. Based on what the researchers found, online and remote teaching modes are now required due to the rapid pace at which educational practices have changed due to the pandemic. According to the results of this research, ELT is a very dynamic strategy that makes extensive use of digital resources, online platforms, and blended learning strategies. This suggests that although the techniques used to teach and learn might be more consistent, they are flexible and varied.
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