73वें संवैधानिक संशोधन के पश्चात् महेन्द्रगढ़ एवम् कुरुक्षेत्र जिले में नारी सशक्तिकरण व ग्राम पंचायत की भूमिका का व्यवहारिक अध्ययन: A case study on women empowerment and the role of gram panchayat in Mahendragarh and Kurukshetra district post the 73rd constitutional amendment. Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 197–203, 2020. Disponível em: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/12611.. Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.