Adaptive Strategies for Mitigating Climate-Related Health Risks in Urban Environments
Kailash Sharma1*, Prof. (Dr.) Mohd. Khalid2
1 Research Scholar, University of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
2 Professor, University of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Abstract - The potential for selecting and implementing climate response solutions across several sectors to realize synergies and prevent conflicts with other elements of sustainable development is becoming more clear. Mental and physical wellbeing are both impacted by climate change. Health may be affected in other ways by climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, some of which may not be intended. The health impacts of climate mitigation and adaptation policies are outlined in this scoping review. We searched PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science for relevant articles without time constraints. All studies that reported measurable health consequences associated with certain adaptation and mitigation approaches for climate change were included. Only a select few factors and outcomes related to health were taken into account among the 89 studies examined. Air temperature and air pollution were the primary foci of publications exploring adaptation and mitigation strategies, respectively. Mental health, diet and nutrition difficulties, and communicable illnesses were not investigated nearly as often as non-communicable diseases despite their importance. Inadequate attention of health equity components is shown by the paucity of research examining social health factors and offering stratified health effects among disadvantaged population groups in evaluations. There seems to be a need for greater work to be done to both measure health consequences and uncover underlying susceptibility characteristics among various demographic groups. Better evidence for addressing health inequities, reducing negative health consequences, and maximizing health co-benefits of climate change adaptation and mitigation might be provided by this data.
Keywords: Adaptive Strategies, Mitigating, Climate-Related, Health Risks, Urban Environments
Human activities on Earth are the primary cause of the planet's warming trend. Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) like CO2 and their buildup in the atmosphere have risen and are still mostly caused by human activities like deforestation and burning of fossil and biomass fuels. Global transportation contributed 45 percent more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere between 1990 and 2007. By the year 2030, we anticipate a further 40% increase in CO2 emissions. Additionally, global urbanization encourages consumer consumerism the "throwaway culture" of consumption and waste, both of which are harmful to the environment and significant sources of pollution. Although urbanization is essential to economic growth, it comes at the expense of the environment via increased energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Extreme weather events (EWE) caused by climate change have serious consequences for human health, making it imperative that we curb our CO2 emissions immediately. Outrageous climate occasions (EWE) are turning out to be more normal and more extreme because of climate change, as are heatwaves, fierce blazes, brutal tempests, floods, dust tempests, and dry spells. Furthermore, climate change is diminishing harvest yields, adding to populace removal because of intense and ongoing stressors like asset shortage and ocean level ascent, and adjusting the example and dissemination of vector-borne diseases. Socioeconomic level, residential neighborhood, and health status are only a few of the variables that contribute to the variation in exposure and susceptibility to these unfavourable health consequences. Long-standing health inequalities and disparities are exacerbated because of the disproportionate impact on those who are both more vulnerable to exposure and less able to adjust to it.
Fortunately, the present trend of growing GHGE might be slowed with concerted effort. However, successful mitigation and adaptation methods involve local legislation and action in addition to coordinated international policy. Global endeavours of the Paris Understanding from the 21st Gathering of the Gatherings to the Unified Countries Structure Show on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are among the alleviation and transformation arrangements. The objective of the Paris Arrangement is to restrict an Earth-wide temperature boost to far under 2 °C, and in a perfect world to well beneath 1.5 °C, over pre-modern levels. It commands that all Gatherings submit to the UNFCCC their Broadly Resolved Commitments (NDCs) framing how they expect to contribute locally to global endeavours to battle climate change and adjust to its belongings.
Any development that means to decrease the inadequacy of human or typical frameworks with the impacts of climate change and climate-related risks, by remaining mindful of or broadening versatile end and flexibility" This solidifies a wide assortment of activities, from get-together information and directing evaluations to developing mastery and thinking deterrent measures to lessen the impact of climate change. Strategies for change may be found in many fields that influence general health, similar to water and sanitization, agribusiness and food structures, officer administration, fisheries, flood aversion and control, disaster expectation and status, and general health. A couple of models include: doing flood countering and the leaders’ strategies like watershed the board, wetland revamping, and changing landcover to increase green structure and lessen impervious surface locale; and propelling water security in districts leaned to extended water stresses; raising harvests impenetrable to power and dry season; propelling water saving water framework methods in locales introduced to dry spells, for instance, in the Sahara Desert district. There are five phases in the change cycle: affirmation, assessment, organizing, execution, and examination. All around, the goal of variety strategies is to make systems all the more remarkable in spite of climate change and to diminish the reality of the impacts of future climate change events.
Taking everything into account, variation procedures are imperative to lighten the adverse results of climate change occasions by fortifying frameworks' protection from future unfavourable impacts of climate change, while alleviation strategies are vital for bringing down worldwide GHGE. Health co-advantages or positive externalities have happened from variation and moderation endeavours, regardless of whether their significant object is to fight climate change and decrease its hurtful effects on the climate and networks. In this review, we mean to join current data and give a reasonable system to direct future work on relief and transformation techniques and these positive externalities by recording and depicting them across geological regions. In the first place, we investigate what climate change has proactively meant for general health all through the world. At long last, we make sense of significant climate change relief and variation methods by giving models from high-, center, and low-pay regions all through the globe. We utilize this writing to illuminate a hypothetical structure for investigating the general health benefits of worldwide climate change moderation and variation. We then, at that point, give our last considerations and propose our essential ideas to the partners.
1.1. Climate Change Burden to Public Health
1.1.1 Climate Change and Global Health
Taking everything into account, variation procedures are imperative to lighten the adverse results of climate change occasions by fortifying frameworks' protection from future unfavourable impacts of climate change, while alleviation strategies are vital for bringing down worldwide GHGE. Health co-advantages or positive externalities have happened from variation and moderation endeavours, regardless of whether their significant object is to fight climate change and decrease its hurtful effects on the climate and networks. In this review, we mean to join current data and give a reasonable system to direct future work on relief and transformation techniques and these positive externalities by recording and depicting them across geological regions. In the first place, we investigate what climate change has proactively meant for general health all through the world. At long last, we make sense of significant climate change relief and variation methods by giving models from high-, center, and low-pay regions all through the globe. We utilize this writing to illuminate a hypothetical structure for investigating the general health benefits of worldwide climate change moderation and variation. We then, at that point, give our last considerations and propose our essential ideas to the partners.
As soon as humanly possible, there will be "more serious gamble of injury, illness, and demise because of more extreme intensity waves and fires (exceptionally high certainty), expanded hazard of undernutrition coming about because of lessened food creation in unfortunate locales (high certainty), and ramifications for health of lost work limit and diminished work efficiency in weak populaces (high certainty)," as per the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Change (IPCC), the main logical body on climate change.
Heat waves, dry seasons, desertification, extreme tempests, weighty precipitation, floods, hurricanes, rapidly spreading fires, and residue storms are all climate-powered EWE that have backhanded connections to health. In France, for example, there were 15,000 additional fatalities than expected during an intensity wave in August of 2003. There is a developing risk of death from openness to either serious cold or intensity in the US. In 2019, more established people in the US were presented to warm waves for 102 million additional days than they had been during the pattern time of 1986-2005. Deserts and dry seasons brought about by expanding temperatures add to tidy tempests, as can limits of intensity and cold. Expansions in cardiopulmonary-related clinic trauma center visits, hospitalizations for stroke, emergency unit, passings from cardiovascular sickness and respiratory disease in Spain, hospitalizations for asthma in youngsters in Japan, and hospitalizations for pneumonia in Taiwan have all been connected to tidy tempests. Dust storms aren't the main thing that might change vector transmission and human risk; floods can do likewise. The expanded openness and hazard of Vibrio vulnificus and the expansion in crisis division visits for kids with diarrheal sickness are only two instances of how disturbances have adjusted the rate, commonness, and conveyance of irresistible illnesses. After Tropical storm Katrina, obviously suffocating was a main source of death. At long last, out of control fire smoke has been connected to an expansion in the gamble of congestive cardiovascular breakdown, an expansion in the gamble of in general mortality, and an expansion in oneself revealed side effects, medicine use, short term doctor visits, crisis division visits, clinic confirmations, and mortality for asthma and COPD.
According to Andersson-Sköld's (2015) The social, ecological, and technological systems in an urban setting are intricately interwoven. The complexity will increase as a result of the wide range of potential consequences of global warming. To mitigate the effects of climate change, adaptation is inevitable. Maladaptation may be avoided by either piecemeal or systemic adaptation techniques. With the goal of lowering the likelihood of maladaptation, this research proposes a systematic, integrated method to evaluate solutions for mitigating heat waves, floods, and air pollution in metropolitan areas. The analysis takes into account both the existing climatic condition and the expected climate under climate change scenarios, and contains techniques across a range of regional dimensions.
The increasing frequency and severity of climate-induced events in cities has shifted attention to adaptation strategies, as shown by Sharifi, Ayyoob, et al. (2021). Adaptation strategies not only improve cities' ability to anticipate and deal with threats, but also provide a wide range of additional advantages. However, health advantages are among the least investigated co-benefits. Since the COVID-19 epidemic, there has been a refocused effort on public health, elevating the importance of these measures. The health advantages of urban climate change adaptation methods are the topic of this research review. Seven types of adaptations are addressed, along with the health advantages they may provide. Basic framework, nature-based arrangements, and urban preparation and configuration approaches were viewed as the essential regions where current proof is concentrated. Measures and strategies related to 'information, discernments and conduct' that fundamentally affect individuals' comprehension and individual reactions to climate change are to a great extent neglected, as are other variation classifications like early admonition frameworks; strategy, the executives and administration, including nearby transformation approaches. Health trade-offs associated with some adaption techniques were also mentioned as something that should be investigated further. Overall, this research may help build a compelling argument for increased promotion of climate change adaptation in urban areas by highlighting health co-benefits.
Research by Ioanna Kyriakou et al. (2020): The health of cities, both in terms of human and environmental well-being, is under danger from climate change. However, city regeneration projects imagine other kinds of cities, where abandoned areas are revitalized in methods that don't endanger residents' health. Instead of survey the city as a static domain too complex to even consider changing, recovery cycles ought to utilize relief and variation strategies that consider the future requirements and expected job of urban communities inside the talk about climate change. In any case, there is a deficiency of composing that all the while joins climate change, urbanization, and health.
Embi, Kristie L. (2020): When it comes to reducing the existing and predicted costs of climate-sensitive health determinants and outcomes at local and regional levels, the health sector has little direction on how to go about doing so. We present a methodology that, by mining existing literature and consulting with subject-matter experts, may unearth all potential strategies for adapting to the health risks posed by climate change. The theoretical options available may be filtered to provide a list of policies that can be practically implemented in a certain demographic and location. This method is used to address the problem of malaria in a made-up nation where the disease is expected to spread as a result of global warming. Prioritizing the solutions should account for factors including technological feasibility, the availability of people and financial resources, policy compatibility, and other limitations. Policymakers may use the data together with other factors to decide which policies to enact.
Shlomit Paz, et al. Since Med-cities are often found in biogeographical hotspots that feel the highest impacts of climate change, their residents are at more danger from its negative consequences. Focusing on health, this research will examine local climate adaptation strategies and provide policy suggestions for adaption at the Med-city level. We found that Adelaide, Barcelona, Cape Town, Los Angeles, and Santiago all had plans in place to deal with the effects of climate change. The cities have a Mediterranean climate (although Santiago's is somewhat different), but otherwise their economies, cultures, and more couldn't be more unlike. We compared the strategies based on how successfully they mitigate the risks to urban residents' health posed by climate change. We categorized the policy adaptation instruments used to address each driver in urban climate adaptation plans. Most of the underlying causes of threats to human health from climate change are addressed by the assessed cities, such as increasing temperatures, floods, and drought; however, policy efforts to mitigate negative consequences differ between cities. We provide suggestions for Med-cities in a number of areas, including as health risk assessment, severe event management, and long-term adaptation, that are tailored to the specific requirements and vulnerabilities of each city.
3.1. Search terms and strategy
We zeroed in on distributions detailing quantifiable health outcomes since they might give similar estimations for decision making between climate variation and relief choices, thus assist us accomplish our objective of furnishing policymakers with a more exact decision establishment. The pursuit terms utilized in this study were taken from those utilized in a checking survey of health influence evaluation and climate change by Ammann and partners. The creators teamed up to make a pursuit strategy that incorporates three particular yet interconnected classifications of data: (I) climate change; (ii) transformation and moderation; and (iii) health. Subsequent to exploring and supporting the last inquiry strategy, the creators distributed it. PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were looked for significant papers without constraints on language, geology, or time span. To oblige A.L. furthermore, D.D's. understanding levels, we just included articles distributed in English, French, or German and didn't make an interpretation of the pursuit term into different dialects. With the exception of the PubMed information base, where the channels were viewed as unreasonably rigid, the hunt string was custom fitted to the individual innovative requirements of every data set, and record type channels were carried out. On Walk 9, 2022, we looked for applicable articles on the web. This checking audit just included articles that were open online by that date.
Succeed rendition 2021 (Microsoft Office 365; Microsoft Partnership; Redmond, WA, USA) was utilized to make the information extraction calculation sheet made by A.L. also, D.D. A.L. also, D.D. independently gathered information from the initial five to ten included publications to cross-approve the information extraction technique, as definite in crafted by Levac and partners. A.L. was responsible for information extraction for the excess publications, and she talked with D.D. at the point when she had questions. Data was assembled from every publication about (I) the elements of the article, (ii) the adaptation and mitigation measures considered, and (iii) the makes and results of health in connection climate change. The Diestler and associates' typology was utilized to order the connections between health elements and health results. The World Bank's orders of public pay were utilized to separate the world into a few gatherings. The measures for battling climate change were characterized involving a changed variant of the IPCC's framework for doing as such.
4.1. Investigated mitigation and adaptation measures
Table 1: Quantified Health Impacts of Mitigation and Adaptation Measures by Measure Categories
Measure Category
Number of Measures (n)
Percentage of Total (%)
Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
Figure 1: Quantified Health Impacts of Mitigation and Adaptation Measures by Measure Categories
The health effects of 181 distinct mitigation strategies (representing 32 different measure types) were measured across these 58 papers. The energy (n = 48, 26.67%), transport (n = 46, 25.56%), and building (n = 54, 30%) sectors were the primary targets of the measures, while the remaining sectors included industry (n = 13, 7.22%), other (12, 6.67%), and agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) (n = 11, 6.11%).
4.2. Studied health determinants and outcomes Regarding health impacts
Table 2: Categorization of Health Impacts in Climate Change Articles
Nature of Health Impact
Number of Articles (n)
Percentage of Total (%)
Positive Health Impacts
Negative Health Impacts
Both Positive and Negative Impacts
Uncertainty in Impacts
Figure 2: Categorization of Health Impacts in Climate Change Articles
Table 2 shows that 70 papers (78.89%) identified only positive health consequences of the analyzed climate change measures, whereas 3 articles (3.33%) found only negative health impacts. An improvement in health would be deemed a good health effect if the number of fatalities decreased, whereas a worsening of health would be a negative health impact if the number of new illness cases increased. In the other 2 papers (2.22%), researchers were unable to definitively determine the direction or extent of health outcomes related to the climate parameters under study.
4.3. Health determinants Overall
Table 3: Health Determinants in Connection with Health Impacts
Health Determinant
Number of Articles (n)
Percentage of Total (%)
Environmental Health Determinants
Individual Health Determinants
Institutional Health Determinants
Social Health Determinants
Multiple Health Determinants
Figure 3: Health Determinants in Connection with Health Impacts
The majority of papers (n = 70, 77.78%) discussed environmental health factors in relation to health consequences, whereas just 15% (16.67%), 5.6% (10), and 11.1% (10) discussed individual, institutional, and social health determinants, respectively (Table A6). Only ten of the papers (11.11%) cited more than one health variable as the cause of negative health outcomes. Air quality (n = 154, 85%) and physical activity (n = 11, 6%) were the environmental and personal health determinants most commonly linked to health effects from the evaluated mitigation methods. Common air quality improvement mitigation actions included switching from coal to renewable energy or imposing a charge on carbon emissions. Changes like encouraging people to ride bicycles instead of drive cars have been shown to increase exercise levels.
4.4. Health outcomes
Impacts in the form of mortality or morbidity estimates without describing the related health outcomes were provided by slightly more than half of publications (n = 46, 52%). Seventy-two percent (n = 33) and twenty-eight percent (n = 13) of the papers reporting on particular health effects were concerned with mitigation and adaptation, respectively. Collectively, Fig. 4 displays that NCDs were reported in relation to the researched mitigation methods more often than maternal, neonatal, and child health outcomes. Noncommunicable diseases were cited second most often in relation to adaptation measures, behind the health of mothers and children. Adaptation and mitigation-related publications seldom discovered other health impacts. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and those affecting the respiratory system were the most common types of NCDs.
This scoping review collected and evaluated 89 papers providing quantitative health implications of certain climate change adaptation and mitigation approaches. Most studies looked at air quality and air temperature as environmental health factors, and most reported health outcomes were associated with noncommunicable diseases. Our sample did not adequately reflect the full range of possible health factors and outcomes. About half of the publications evaluated the effects on morbidity, while the other half evaluated the effects on death. Only a small fraction of the papers broke down the health effects by demographic subgroup. We found that low- and middle-income nations were under-represented in the sample.
5.1. Focus on environmental health determinants and NCDs
Most publications discussing adaptation and mitigation focused on air temperature and air quality as environmental health factors. Other examination in the domain of climate change and health showed a comparable propensity. Considering that air contamination is the ecological health variable connected with the best mortality weight and that the recurrence and seriousness of intensity waves are both on the ascent, this outcome may likewise address the health trouble related with these elements. Proceeding with urbanization is expected to increment air contamination and reinforce the urban intensity island impact, the two of which raise the significance of these health factors. Moreover, NCDs including cardiovascular and respiratory ailments are exacerbated via air contamination and outrageous intensity. Expanded affirmation of health co-benefits associated with NCDs from climate activity is promising to animate the reception of severe climate strategies taking into account the overall epidemiological shift towards NCDs.
5.2. Narrow scope of considered health outcomes
The observed dearth of actions targeting the AFOLU sector and water and food security systems may be to blame for the underrepresentation of health outcomes other than NCDs, such as mental health, food and nutrition-related disorders, and communicable illnesses. However, climate change and associated actions have a significant impact on these health concerns. For example, climate change may be the biggest threat to mental health in this century, especially for at-risk populations like children and the elderly. However, the mental health effects of climate change initiatives are seldom explored in the existing research. Slow adoption of climate-resilient agricultural techniques, for instance, has been associated to decreased food production and availability, which in turn contributes to food and nutrition-related challenges. In addition to having a good impact on GHG emissions and health, switching from animal proteins to plant-sourced proteins in the diet is a popular trend. Finally, the prevalence of communicable illnesses is being affected by climate change. This includes water-related diseases, vector-borne diseases, and zoonoses. Impact evaluations of climate actions would more properly represent the related health implications if they took into account a broader range of probable health outcomes. Reporting effects on mortality and morbidity of certain health outcomes would expose the entire potential co-benefits and dangers crucial for policymakers.
We observed that there were relatively few publications from or zeroed in on LMICs and LICs in our determination of 89 papers analysing health ramifications of climate measures. Environmental health factors, like air quality and air temperature, and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) were truly focused on an unbalanced measure of consideration in the publications included. Lacking thought of health uniformity highlights is demonstrated by the inability to represent social health factors and the definition of health results in assessments. It seems that further work is required to fully measure health consequences and identify potentially susceptible groups in order to offer a robust scientific foundation for legislation. It is essential that policymakers have access to this kind of data in order to effectively address health equity issues, reduce negative health consequences, and promote health benefits of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
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