The causes of climate change, its effects on Human Health and Biodiversity, and Mitigation Measures
Mohsin Muslim Muhammad*
Class : 12th A Level, Landau Forte College, Derby, United Kingdom
Abstract- Human activities, including burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial emissions, are the principle drivers of weather exchange, which has become one of the maximum pressing worldwide issues of the twenty first century. This take a look at article examines the numerous causes of weather trade, including greenhouse gasoline manufacturing, adjustments in land use, and pollution. Furthermore, it investigates the good sized impacts of weather trade on human fitness and biodiversity. Escalating international temperatures, heightened prevalence of excessive weather phenomena, and adjustments in ecosystems have ended in fitness results encompass warmth-related diseases, respiratory disorders, and the proliferation of vector-borne sicknesses. Ecosystem diversity is likewise below jeopardy, considering that species are experiencing habitat degradation, modified migratory patterns, and heightened vulnerability to extinction. This study examines crucial strategies to mitigate weather alternate, including the usage of renewable strength, reforestation efforts, carbon seize technology, and regulatory movements targeted at lowering emissions. Through an intensive exam of those factors, the research emphasises the pressing need for synchronised international efforts to alleviate the impacts of climate alternate and shield both human and ecological properly-being.
Keywords- Climate changes, Human health, biodiversity, mitigation measures
The phenomenon of weather exchange has become a paramount environmental difficulty for mankind, beyond geographical barriers and impacting all facets of lifestyles on our planet. Throughout the last century, clinical information has decisively shown the lifestyles of anthropogenic climate alternate, which refers to the disturbance of the herbal equilibrium of the Earth's weather device due to human pastime. Greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, along with carbon dioxide (CO), methane (CH), and nitrous oxide (NO), had been continually growing because of industrialisation, deforestation, and fossil fuel use. This buildup of greenhouse gases (GHGs) confines warmness in the Earth's surroundings, ensuing in the phenomena referred to as global warming. The increasing global temperature is inflicting sizable affects on many ecosystems and societies, ensuing in extra extreme and severe weather styles, rising sea ranges, and the degradation of the herbal environment.
Human pastime has been unequivocally recognized by using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the number one element responsible for the discovered boom in global temperatures for the reason that mid-twentieth century. Previous estimates suggest that the worldwide temperature has risen through approximately 1.2°C as compared to pre-commercial degrees. Projections indicate that if gift trends preserve, this wide variety will probably exceed 1.5° Cover the following two decades. Elevated temperatures within the Earth's environment and seas have brought on the melting of polar ice caps, leading to an increase in sea degrees and endangering coastal ecosystems and human groups. The phenomenon of weather change encompasses now not only environmental issues however also socio-financial demanding situations which have far-accomplishing effects for human properly-being, means of subsistence, vitamins protection, and global balance.
The ramifications of weather exchange are considerably affecting human health via both direct and indirect manner. Instances of severe heatwaves are increasing in frequency and severity, resulting in warmth-associated diseases consisting of heatstroke and worsening cardiovascular and respiratory issues. Furthermore, climate trade is exacerbating the heightened prevalence and severity of herbal calamities, including hurricanes, floods, and droughts, which immediately and at once effect human lives and important infrastructure. In addition to the on the spot physical consequences, there are tremendous psychological ramifications on account of relocation caused by climate trade, lack of way of subsistence, and the continual apprehension approximately an unpredictable destiny. Furthermore, the shifting climatic patterns are modifying the geographical dispersion of vector-borne illnesses, together with malaria and dengue fever, as better temperatures offer extra tremendous circumstances for the vectors liable for transmitting those diseases. The convergence of these elements poses an increasingly formidable obstacle for public fitness systems on a worldwide scale.
Climate trade poses a significant risk to biodiversity, which refers back to the wide range of herbal dwelling bureaucracy and interactions on Earth. Ecosystems that have advanced over lots of years to house positive climatic conditions are dealing with problems in adjusting to the abrupt charge of change. Organisms which can be unable to transport or adapt directly are susceptible to extinction, resulting in a decline in biodiversity that has sizeable results for ecological features including pollination, water purification, and carbon sequestration. Coral reefs, additionally referred to as the marine rainforests, are very prone ecosystems, because increasing sea temperatures set off considerable coral bleaching and the following fall apart of these critical marine habitats. Furthermore, the short melting of ice is causing irreversible modifications to Arctic and Antarctic ecosystems, posing a risk not most effective to species which includes polar bears and penguins however also to the phenomenon of world sea-level upward push. Ecosystems' resilience is compromised through the decline in biodiversity, making them extra vulnerable to next environmental changes and diminishing their potential to sustain human existence.
The mitigation of weather change requires a complete strategy together with the reduction of greenhouse fuel emissions, the improvement of carbon sinks, and the variation to ongoing adjustments. International initiatives just like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement have mounted a foundation for global collaboration, as international locations pledge to limit global warming to a degree well under 2°C, and ideally targeting 1.5°C. Nevertheless, achieving those goals requires significant changes inside the electricity, commercial, agricultural, and transportation sectors. Shifting from fossil fuels to sustainable power sources like wind, sun, and hydropower is an critical degree in mitigating carbon emissions. Moreover, technical improvements, like as carbon capture and garage (CCS), offer ability treatments for the direct extraction of CO from the surroundings.
Furthermore, along technical solutions, nature-based technique for mitigation is increasingly being used. Efforts together with reforestation and afforestation might also effectively seize carbon dioxide, while the restoration of deteriorated ecosystems improves biodiversity and strengthens ecological resilience. Furthermore, sustainable land use techniques, which include agroforestry and regenerative agriculture, make contributions to the renovation of surroundings health and the reduction of climate exchange effects. In addition to decreasing emissions, these techniques help enhance meals safety and sell sustainable livelihoods for humans globally. Nevertheless, in spite of the sizeable settlement among scientists about weather alternate and the availability of effective measures to reduce its impact, the global response has been slow and disjointed. Political, monetary, and social boundaries have impeded advancement, because the entrenched hobbies in fossil fuels, apprehensions approximately the financial burdens of moving to greater environmentally pleasant economies, and the uneven allocation of climatic effects between industrialised and growing countries have all contributed to a lack of action. Moreover, the belief of weather justice has arisen as a crucial phenomenon, emphasising the unequal impact of climate exchange on marginalised communities who've made the smallest contributions to greenhouse gas emissions.
The objective of this study is to conduct a radical investigation of the factors contributing to and consequences of weather trade, with a specific emphasis on its implications on human health and biodiversity. Through an analysis of the procedures that provoke weather alternate, the impacts on ecosystems and society, and the viable strategies for reducing its effects, this look at emphasises the pressing, synchronised, and non-stop efforts to cope with one of the maximum extreme dangers to lifestyles on our planet.
Shivanna R. (2022) Climate trade relates to the iconic adjustments in temperature and climate patterns resulting from human influences. The two most customary signs and symptoms of climate exchange are the upward thrust in average international temperature and the prevalence of intense and unpredictable weather. In latest years, it has gained the significance of a worldwide crisis and is impacting not simplest the welfare of people but also the lengthy-time period viability of other residing species. Excessive rise in greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide) in recent decades mostly caused by coal and fossil fuel use, as well as deforestation, are the primary factors driving climate change. Main effects of climate change include a significant rise in the frequency and severity of natural catastrophes, an increase in sea level, a decline in agricultural production, and a loss of biodiversity. Key mitigation strategies include substantial decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and expansion of forest cover on the continent. The Conference of Parties (COP 21), convened in Paris in 2015, established a legally enforceable agreement to restrict global warming to a level well below 2 °C, ideally 1.5 °C by 2100, in comparison to the temperatures before industrialisation. Nevertheless, based on the current emission landscape, the global temperature is projected to increase by 3-4 °C by the end of the century. This matter was further deliberated upon at COP 26, which took place in Glasgow in November 2021. Several nations made a commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and to cease deforestation, which are crucial prerequisites for maintaining the 1.5 °C objective. Despite the fulfilment of these commitments, the anticipated increase is projected to be roughly 2.4 °C. Urgently required are more actions to achieve the objective of limiting temperature increase to 1.5 °C and to maintain biodiversity and human well-being.
Abbass et al. (2022) Climate change refers to a persistent alteration in the weather patterns spanning from tropical regions to poles. It represents a worldwide menace that has begun to exert pressure on several industries. This research aims to conceptually design the mechanism by which climatic variability is compromising the sustainability of several industries globally. More precisely, the susceptibility of the agricultural industry is a matter of worldwide concern, since it entails the risk of inadequate output and food supply caused by irreversible variations in climatic conditions. Indeed, it is posing a challenge to the worldwide eating patterns, especially in nations where agriculture plays a crucial role in their economy and overall productivity. Furthermore, climate change has endangered the integrity and survival of several species by altering the optimal temperature ranges, therefore hastening the decline of biodiversity by gradually modifying the ecological systems. Climatological fluctuations enhance the probability of certain dietary and waterborne as well as vector-borne infections, with a recent example being a coronavirus epidemic. Climate change also expedites the perplexing phenomenon of antibiotic resistance, which poses an additional risk to human health as a result of the growing prevalence of resistant pathogenic diseases. Furthermore, the worldwide tourist sector is severely damaged when climate change affects unfavourable resort destinations. The technique examines theoretical situations of climate change and aims to characterise the veracity of evidence to enable readers to interact with it analytically. An analysis of secondary data is used to ascertain sustainability concerns, including environmental, social, and economic feasibility. To get a deeper understanding of the issue, the material in this study was collected from a variety of media channels, research organisations, policy papers, newspapers, and other sources. The following study provides a sectoral evaluation of global climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in the specified industries, along with their corresponding economic consequences. The results indicate that government participation is essential for the country's long-term growth by ensuring rigorous accountability of resources and implementing legislation from the past to support the development of advanced climate policy. Hence, it is essential to prioritise the mitigation of climate change effects. Consequently, this worldwide menace necessitates a worldwide dedication to cope with its catastrophic consequences in order to guarantee global survival.
Muluneh (2021) the phenomenon of climate change is attributed to both natural aspects and human activity. It profoundly modifies biodiversity, agricultural output, and food security. Mainly, species that are specifically suited and native to a certain area are facing extinction. Therefore, it is justified to express worries about the extinction of species, since it serves as a source of sustenance for all living organisms and as a fundamental source of healthcare for about 60-80% of the world population. However, although the effects of climate change on biodiversity and food security have been acknowledged, there is a lack of investigation on the extent of the issue on a worldwide scale. Hence, the aims of this study are to ascertain, evaluate, and summarise the correlation among climate change, biodiversity, and food security. The analysis included data, climate models, emission, migration, and extinction scenarios, as well as findings from prior publications. As a result of climate change, species distributions have expanded to higher altitudes at a median pace of 11.0 m and 16.9 km per decade towards higher latitudes. Consequently, the extinction rates of 1103 species are projected to be 21–23% under migration scenarios, with unrestricted migration and 38–52% with no migration. Any reaction to an environmental change that happens on a period shorter than the lifespan of the plant may manifest as a plastic phenotypic. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of phenotypic plasticity has the potential to mitigate the future impacts of climate change on species. Moreover, the impact of climate change on food security is most pronounced in people and areas that rely on rain-fed agriculture. There are certain thresholds at which the growth and productivity of crops and plants is affected. Hence, agricultural productivity in Africa alone may see a decrease of about 30% by the year 2050. Hence, addressing food scarcity by expanding agricultural area and harnessing new fish populations is an expensive approach, especially when preservation of biodiversity is the main focus. Hence, by reducing food waste, providing compensation to those experiencing food insecurity, preserving biodiversity, optimising the utilisation of genetic resources, and incorporating traditional ecological knowledge, it is possible to reduce future loss of biodiversity and achieve food security in the face of climate change effects. Nevertheless, attaining food security in such circumstances requires robust policies, the introduction of high-yielding stress-resistant cultivars, the establishment of climate resilient irrigation systems, and intensive agricultural practices. Thus, it is advisable to implement degraded land restoration, land use modifications, bio-energy utilisation, sustainable forest management, and community-based biodiversity protection as measures to alleviate the causes of climate change.
Sarah R. et al. (2020) Worldwide, ecosystems and biodiversity are being threatened by the irreversible and worsening effects of climate change. This report presents the most recent assessment of how climate change is influencing natural resource management in the US, including its impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Using the 4th National Climate Assessment as a foundation, we describe current and projected changes to ecosystems and biodiversity, explore links to important ecosystem services, and tackle relevant challenges and possibilities of natural resource management. Changes in phenology, behavioural patterns, and geographic distribution are hallmarks of species adaptation to climate change. Plastic and evolutionary reactions both play a role in these shifts. New dynamics are emerging in areas such as species interactions, vulnerability to biological invasions, and overall productivity as a result of climate change and the combined effects of population and species responses, including more extreme events. All things considered, these impacts change the potential benefits and services that ecosystems provide to human society. Even if certain changes are helpful, it may be necessary to make costly adjustments to the system to accommodate them. Natural resource managers must implement proactive and flexible adaptation measures that include both the present and the future if they are to save money in the long run. The use of these tactics is not yet systematic or widespread throughout the country, but more and more organisations are looking into them.
Climate change is driven primarily by human activities that increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These activities include:
  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The most significant cause of climate change is the rise in GHG emissions, which trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. The major gases contributing to this effect include:
Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing CO from the atmosphere. Deforestation, especially in tropical regions, releases stored carbon and reduces the planet’s capacity to absorb future emissions. Land-use changes for agriculture, urban development, and infrastructure projects further exacerbate the problem.
. Industrialization and Energy Production
The rapid industrialization over the past two centuries has relied heavily on fossil fuels. Energy production accounts for a significant proportion of global GHG emissions, with coal-fired power plants being major contributors. The demand for energy continues to grow as economies develop, particularly in rapidly industrializing nations.
. Transportation
The transportation sector, which includes cars, trucks, airplanes, and ships, is a major source of CO emissions. The reliance on gasoline and diesel fuels contributes to rising emissions, especially in urban areas with high vehicle densities.
. Agricultural Practices
Agriculture contributes to climate change through methane emissions from livestock (especially cattle), rice production, and nitrous oxide from fertilizers. Additionally, land-clearing for farming reduces the Earth’s capacity to take in CO.
. Waste Management
Landfills emit methane, and incorrect waste control practices result in accelerated GHG emissions. As city populations develop, the volume of waste and its contribution to weather exchange turns into greater sizable.
Table 1: Major Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
GHG Contribution (%)
Major Gases Involved
Energy Production
CO, Methane, Nitrous Oxide
CO, Methane, Nitrous Oxide
Agriculture and Land Use
Methane, Nitrous Oxide, CO
Waste Management
This table offers an overview of the various industries' contributions to the overall emissions of greenhouse gases at some stage in the world.
The influences of weather alternate on human health are profound and multifaceted, starting from direct physical consequences to oblique effects that regulate ecosystems and societies.
As worldwide temperatures upward thrust, the frequency and intensity of heatwaves increase. Prolonged exposure to excessive heat can result in heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and exacerbation of cardiovascular and respiration situations. Vulnerable populations, which include the elderly, youngsters, and those with pre-existing health situations, are at extra threat.
Image 1: Heat Map of Global Temperature Rise
Source: NASA Earth Observatory
An international map the usage of shade gradients (reds and yellows) to expose areas of the sector experiencing the maximum large temperature will increase during the last century.
Air Quality and Respiratory Diseases
Climate trade worsens air pleasant with the aid of growing ground-stage ozone and particulate depend. These pollutants make a contribution to respiratory illnesses which include allergies and continual obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Wildfires, that are becoming extra frequent due to drier situations, also release huge portions of smoke and particulate count number into the surroundings, similarly degrading air high-quality.
Vector-Borne Diseases
Warmer temperatures and changing precipitation patterns create favorable situations for vectors which includes mosquitoes and ticks. Diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Lyme disease are spreading to new regions as these vectors amplify their variety. Public fitness structures in lots of regions are unprepared for the multiplied burden of these sicknesses.
Food Security and Malnutrition
Climate change affects food production by altering rainfall patterns, increasing the frequency of droughts, and reducing agricultural yields. Extreme weather events can destroy crops and disrupt food distribution networks, leading to food shortages and price spikes. Reduced agricultural productivity can lead to malnutrition, particularly in regions already facing food insecurity.
Mental Health Impacts
The mental fitness influences of weather trade are often overlooked but big. Climate-associated failures together with floods, hurricanes, and wildfires result in trauma, pressure, anxiety, and melancholy. Additionally, the displacement of groups and lack of livelihoods make contributions to long-term mental misery.
Table 2: Climate Change and Human Health Impacts
Health Impact
Climate-Related Cause
Vulnerable Populations
Heat-Related Illnesses
Extreme heat and heatwaves
Elderly, children, outdoor workers
Respiratory Diseases
Air pollution, wildfires
Urban populations, asthma patients
Vector-Borne Diseases
Increased temperature, changing rainfall
Rural populations, tropical regions
Food Insecurity
Droughts, altered agricultural yields
Low-income, food-insecure communities
Mental Health Issues
Climate-related disasters (floods, fires)
Displaced populations, trauma survivors
The following desk offers a summary of the numerous ways in which climate trade affects human health is supplied.
Climate change threatens biodiversity on more than one fronts, disrupting ecosystems, changing species distributions, and driving many species closer to extinction.
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
As temperatures rise, many species are compelled to migrate to cooler regions. However, habitat fragmentation due to human improvement, agriculture, and deforestation makes it tough for species to transport or adapt. For example, polar bears are dropping their sea ice habitats, even as tropical species like amphibians and reptiles are struggling to adapt to warmer conditions.
Coral Reef Degradation
Coral reefs are a few of the most vulnerable ecosystems to climate trade. Rising sea temperatures motive coral bleaching, a process where corals expel the algae dwelling of their tissues, leading to a lack of colour and energy. If temperatures continue to be elevated, bleached corals can die, leading to the crumble of the reef atmosphere and the lack of biodiversity.
Ocean Acidification
The oceans take in kind of 30% of the CO emitted into the atmosphere. As CO dissolves in seawater, it bureaucracy carbonic acid, main to ocean acidification. This process reduces the provision of calcium carbonate, which marine organisms like corals, mollusks, and positive plankton species want to construct their shells and skeletons. Ocean acidification threatens the survival of these species and the entire marine meals net.
Species Extinction
The fast tempo of climate exchange is outstripping the potential of many species to conform. According to the IPCC, approximately 20-30% of plant and animal species are at risk of extinction if worldwide temperatures upward thrust via 1.5°C to two°C. Species with constrained mobility, specialized habitats, or sluggish reproductive costs are especially vulnerable.
Disruption of Ecosystem Services
Biodiversity is vital for ecosystem offerings inclusive of pollination, water purification, nutrient cycling, and carbon sequestration. The lack of species because of weather exchange disrupts those offerings, impacting human livelihoods, agriculture, and normal surroundings fitness.
Table 3: Vulnerability of Species to Climate Change
Species Group
Primary Threat
Estimated Impact
Coral Reefs
Rising sea temperatures
Great Barrier Reef, Red Sea
75% bleaching by 2050
Habitat loss, temperature rise
Golden Frog, Salamanders
40% species at risk
Arctic Species
Melting ice, loss of habitat
Polar Bears, Seals
30% population decline by 2050
Marine Species
Ocean acidification
Shellfish, corals
Severe impact on marine food chains
Terrestrial Mammals
Habitat fragmentation
Tigers, Elephants
Population declines in fragmented areas
The following desk gives an instance of the susceptibility of numerous varieties of animals as a result of climate trade.
Mitigating the impacts of weather exchange requires a coordinated, international effort throughout more than one sectors, specializing in reducing emissions, enhancing resilience, and transitioning to sustainable practices.
  1. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The best manner to mitigate weather change is via decreasing GHG emissions. This may be carried out through:
Nature-based solutions involve leveraging natural ecosystems to combat climate change. These include:
Even with mitigation efforts, some degree of climate change is inevitable. Adaptation strategies are essential to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience:
Global cooperation is key to addressing climate change. Major international agreements include:
Table 4: International Climate Change Agreements
Agreement Name
Year Signed
Key Objectives
Number of Countries Involved
Kyoto Protocol
Binding emissions reduction targets
Paris Agreement
Limit global warming to below 2°C
Montreal Protocol
Phase out ozone-depleting substances
This desk gives a top level view of the vital international agreements which have been in location to lessen the effects of weather trade.
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