Radically Evolved Library Processes - an Impact of Information Technology

The Transformative Impact of Information Technology on Academic Libraries

by Kulkarni Anant Madhav*,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 8, Issue No. 15, Nov 2014, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Information Technology (IT) applied to academic librarieshas been impacting and changing the library organization and management. A multimedia system records,processes, stores and delivers all types of information in binary code the sameway as a computer does. Learning in the twenty-first century increasingly boundup with work and everyday life. It required on demand and organized in such away that it fits the lifestyle and needs of individuals. Learners seekeducation and training from a wide variety of suppliers around the world.Learners have to make a decision, and as a result of that decision the computerdirects them through multimedia.


information technology, academic libraries, library organization, management, multimedia system, binary code, learning, twenty-first century, education, training


This is quite different from the traditional analogue technology of radio, TV, A-V tapes, gramophone records, or the combination of digital audio and analogue video in interactive video discs. In particular, learners need the opportunity to interact not only with their teachers but also with fellow students, even if they are continents apart. They need to be able to challenge and question what they are being taught, they need to be able to draw on their own knowledge and experience, and they need to be able to adapt what they learn to their own particular circumstances. In other words, education for lifelong learners needs to become more learner-focused.


The term “Information Technology” (IT) has been variously defined. Marshall (1984) defined it as the coming together of computing and telecommunications for the purpose of handling information; the application of technologies to information handling; including generation, storage, processing, retrieval and dissemination. It is also concerned with the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of information-textual, numerical, pictorial and vocal. It is a broad-based term comprising the gathering (acquisition), organization (packaging), storage and retrieval (dissemination) of information that can be in textual or numerical (books, documents), pictorial and vocal forms (audio–visual) or a combination of all the above (multimedia), using a combination of computer and telecommunications devices. Emuakpor (2002) defines it as all forms of technology applied to the processing, storing and transmitting information in electronic form; stressing that the physical equipment used for this purpose include computers, communication equipment and networks; fax machines and electronic, pocket calculator. Ayo (2001) viewed it as the use of computer system and telecommunications equipment in information handling; consisting of essentially three basic components viz: Electronic processing using the computer; Transmission of information using telecommunication equipment; and Dissemination of information multimedia. One of the most relevant outcomes of ICT is the introduction of advanced communication network or the internet, which has necessitated a major shift in the role of academic libraries from ownership model to access model, from print to electronic media, from libraries as archives to libraries as access points, and from information collection to information analysis and repackaging (Goswami, 2009). The ability of computers to perform high volume error-free repetitive tasks at speeds much faster than human beings, along with the emerging developments in the area of computing; telecommunications, networking and resource sharing, has made access to information anytime, anywhere possible (David, 2001). Multimedia is an interactive education tool providing an environment friendly system to the library, integrating various media like audio, text, graphic and animation into one platform for efficient information handling. (Mohandas & Shet, 1999). The development of expert systems along with availability of low-cost computers as a means of providing high-level intellectual support for the human experts has evolved as an innovation in man-machine interface. Expert systems are computer-based systems, which use artificial intelligence techniques to provide advice and make judgments to aid in solving complex problems in subject areas requiring the use of


The information chunks fragments in multimedia are organized linearly whereas in hypermedia, these are organized non-linearly with links to each other. The main elements of the multimedia are: (a) Text: information about an object/ event, etc; notes, captions, subtitles, contents, indexes, dictionaries, and help facilities. (b) Data: tables, charts, graphs, spreadsheets, statistics, and raw data. (c) Graphics: both traditional and computer, generated (vector form) such as drawings, maps, etc. (d) Photographic images: (raster form): negatives, slides, print (both from digital still & video cameras and scanned photographs). (e) Animation: including both computers generated video, etc. (f) Audio: including speech and music digitized from cassettes, tapes, CDs, etc. (g) Video (digital): either converted from analogue film or entirely created within a computer.


In this paper we found that library and ICT (information and communication technology) organizations and management over the past few years, the continuous progress made to enhance LIS operation with support, collaboration and merging educational support programs and research has been strategically planned and very successful.


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  • Ayo, C.K. (2001). Information Technology: Trends and Application in Science and Business. Lagos: Concept Publications
  • Marshall, C. (1984) Beginner’s Guide to Information on Technology. London: Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd.

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  • Mohandas, M. K., & Shet, K. C (1999). Multimedia based information retrieval system. In H. S. Chopra(Ed), Library Information Technology in Modern Era: Libraries and Librarians in the New Millennium (pp. 173-178). New Delhi: Commonwealth Publishers.

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