Delnet: an Introduction and Characteristics

Building a Cooperative Network for Resource Sharing and Information Dissemination

by Seema Saini*,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 8, Issue No. 16, Feb 2015, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


DELNET has emerged at the first operational cooperative networkincorporating all the disciplines science and technology, social sciences andhumanities in its ambit. Each member library is contributing the progress ofDELNET. To promote sharing of resources among the libraries in Delhi bycollecting storing and disseminating information and by offering computerizedservices to the users. However it was felt that acquisition of hardware by thelibraries should be directly related to the number of records created inmachine readable form per year and not to the size of collection in thelibraries.


DELNET, cooperative network, disciplines, science and technology, social sciences, humanities, progress, sharing of resources, libraries, Delhi, collecting, storing, disseminating information, computerized services, acquisition of hardware, machine readable form, size of collection


Delnet: An Introduction and Characteristics

Seema Saini

Researcher Scholar (Department Library & Information Science) Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Abstract – DELNET has emerged at the first operational cooperative network incorporating all the disciplines science and technology, social sciences and humanities in its ambit. Each member library is contributing the progress of DELNET. To promote sharing of resources among the libraries in Delhi by collecting storing and disseminating information and by offering computerized services to the users. However it was felt that acquisition of hardware by the libraries should be directly related to the number of records created in machine readable form per year and not to the size of collection in the libraries. Keywords: DELNET; Networks Software and Databases.



DELNET has been established with the prime objective of promoting resource sharing among libraries through the development of a network of libraries. Financial resources and available storage for library collection are limited in almost all libraries and one of the few viable options for librarians in India is the sharing of resources by means of automation and networking. DELNET aims to collect, store and disseminate information besides offering computerized services to users, to coordinate efforts for suitable collection development and also to reduce unnecessary duplication wherever possible.


In India during the late 1980s and 1990s there was a movement to establish city and regional based library networks by NISSAT (National Information System for Science and Technology) a body under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) Government of India. It provided some financial assistance for setting up of these library networks. This has led to the mushrooming of various city library networks in India including BONET, CALIBNET, DELENET and PUNET. The UGC has also developed INFLIBNET in 1991 to network the university libraries in the country. DELNET started as a project in 1988 became a national library network in India by the year 2000. UGC continued funding INFLIBNET to provide the support to the university libraries in the country.


Developing Library Networking is a major operational resource sharing library network in India connecting more than 1597 libraries in 30 states and UT’s in India and seven other countries. DELENET was conceived as a city based library network in Delhi in 1988 and was known as Delhi Library Network, networking the libraries of Delhi region. It got registered as a society in 1992. It was on 13th September 2000 that the name of DELENET got changed from Delhi Library Network to Developing Library Network. The main objective of DELNET is to promote resource sharing among the member libraries by collecting, storing and disseminating information and by providing networked services to the researchers and scholars to supplement their research activity. Libraries are also attached to about 33000 colleges, 10000 technical institutes, 600 universities, 3000 NGOs and some important schools among one million schools in the country. This huge setup of libraries is administered by central and state governments and other semi-governmental, non-governmental agencies and institutions. DELNET has been actively engaged with the compilation of various union catalogues of the resources available in member libraries. It has already created the union catalogue of books, union list of current periodicals, CD-ROM Databases, Database of Indian specialists, database of periodical articles, union list of Video Recording, Urdu Manuscripts Database, sample databases of language publication using GIST technology and several other databases. The data is being updated in these databases and is growing rapidly. All the DELNET databases have been resident on DELSIS , an in house software developed on BASIS Plus , an RDBMS, the product of Information Dissemination Governing Body Members 2014-2016:-

  • DR. S. Varadarajan President
  • DR. S.S Murthy Vice President
  • DR.H.K. Kaul Director
  • DR.P.R. Goswami Treasure
  • DR.S.S. Mantha Member


To promote sharing of resources among the libraries in Delhi by collecting storing and disseminating information and by offering computerized services to the users. To offer guidance to the member libraries on cataloguing editing, database services, circulation, acquisition, serial control, online services, selection of hardware and software etc.

  • To coordinate efforts for suitable collection development and reduce necessary duplication wherever possible.
  • To establish a referral centre , to monitor or facilitate catalogue search and maintain a central online union catalogue of books , serials and non-book materials of all the participating libraries.
  • To develop a database of projects specialists and institutions.
  • To facilitate and promote delivery of documents manually and mechanically.
  • To develop specialists bibliographic database of books, serials and non-book material.
  • To possess and maintain electronic and mechanical equipment for fast communication of information and delivery of electronic mail.
  • To coordinate with other regional, national and international networks for exchange of information and documents.
  • To undertake, facilitate and provide for the publication of newsletters and/ or journal devoted to networking and sharing of resources.

Keep in view its laudable aim of providing efficient and effective service to users and also to enhance scope

  • Acquisition and fund accounting
  • Serial control
  • Books and journal maintenance
  • Circulation
  • User services
  • Creation and maintenance of a bibliographic database
  • Inter library user services
  • Access to national and international databases
  • Union catalogue
  • Current awareness and SDI
  • Authority data
  • Subject Profiles
  • Abstracts

DELENET Database: DELNET provide the following databases to its members a). Union list of current Periodicals :- DELNET has reated union lists of current periodicals in science & technology, social sciences and humanities. This database is available online to DELNET users. IT now lists 36940 periodicals and is regularly updated and new titles are added annually. It is a major resource for document delivery services. b). Union catalogue of periodicals:-DELNET maintain a union catalogue of periodicals, which contain full holding data of the libraries. At present the database contains 20371835 bibliographic records. c). Database of Periodicals Articles: The database has details of articles which can be searched under the title, author, complier, name of the periodical and subject. At present the database contains 9, 12,042 records. d). CD-ROM Database: A bibliographic database of CD ROMs available with the

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e). Union list of Video Recording: This is a database of video cassette records available in DELNET member libraries and has about 6000 listing. f). Union list of Sound Recording: The union list consists of audio cassette records available in member libraries. This database has 1025 records. g). Database of Theses and Dissertation: A database of these and dissertation submitted to Indian universities has been started, which covers various subject. The database has 70,293 records. h). Union List of Newspapers : The database has 70 records and contain information about the newspapers including title, name of editor, published from email address and also the web address of the internet edition if available on the www. i). Database of E-Books: It has nearly 1613 records. j). Profile of member Libraries: directory of member libraries is available and contain information about them.

  • DELNET also provide access to:-
  • Cambridge dictionaries online.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation.
  • ODLI: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science.
  • GISTNIC Database.
  • MEDLINE and other Databases of NLM.
  • U.S. Patents: Full Text.
  • Full Text Medical Journals.
  • Open Access Journals.
  • Engineering and Technology e-Journals.
  • Full Text Medical Books.
  • Full Text Engineering and Technology e- Journals.
  • Digital Libraries of the World.

Services Offered: DELNET offered the following services to its members:

  • Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services: Interlibrary loan and document delivery services are the main services that DELNET offers in order to help readers and researchers in libraries to get publication of their interest on loan from libraries situated in distant places in the country. The inter lending and document supply is provided both at national and international level by DELNET. ILL request can be registered online for books. For the resources not available in the union catalogue and journal articles, requests can be sent to DELNET through email. The services are quite popular among the member libraries. ILL online actual photocopying charges and courier charges will be extra.
  • Electronic mail: DELNET provide Email connectivity to its members through ERNET which is developed by the Department of Electronics (DOE), Government of India. It also provides RENNIC email facility to its member libraries with its introduced by National Informatics Centers. This give they access to both national and international email users and also to INTERNET users. DELNET email reaches the libraries institutions and individuals in India as well as abroad having email connection.
  • Full Internet Connectivity (TCP/IP):- DELNET is providing full Internet SLIP/PPP dial up access at concessional rate of Rs. 8500/- per annum for 500 hours of connect time through NIC to the member libraries. A number of DELNET member libraries are already availing these facilities. These rates are subject to change by NIC.
  • Web Page: DELNET has a web page (http;// on internet. This unable all internet users the world over to know about DELNET and its activities. The web page also includes a list of member libraries along with their Email addresses. The web page is being updated from time to time.

5. Retro-Conversion: DELNET also undertook to access the creation of bibliographic database using CDS/ISIS and CCF. This was following aspects were a). Conversion of data from book on the shelves taking into account the essential fields including descriptors. b). Conversion of data from book on the shelves taking into account the essential fields without descriptors. c). Direct conversion of data taken from the classified catalogue , which has call number , author, title and accession number without filling in input sheets. d). completion of the missing data in approach above by locating books, filling it in the print out and inputting the data. e). Conversion of the catalogue of bound periodicals directly from the existing catalogue without descriptors. f). Conversion of data of the reference books from the shelves and completion of the essential fields. g). Conversion of the data taken from the accession register. 6. Referral Center: DELNET maintain a referral centre that provides reference facilities to participating libraries. The referral centre also looks after the access to the central databases and monitors the access to international databases. 7. Conference and Programmes: DELNET organize national workshops, seminars and meets from time to time. A National Workshop on Library Network Services was organized by DELNET in collaboration with the Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Bangalore. The workshop was entirely service oriented. 8. Professional Services and Training: - DELNET arranges tutorials, workshops, lectures and training programmes every year from time to time. Besides the National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Science Networking (NACLIN). DELNET also offers: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and library science jobs globally. This information provides input to library and information science professionals for improving their talent and professional expertise. DELNET offers technical support to member institutions in the selection of:-

  • Software
  • Communication
  • Database
  • Technical problems faced by member libraries from time to time.

Publications: DELNET publishes the NACLIN Proceedings, Newsletter, Director’s report and research papers time to time. NACLIN Proceedings: 17th National Convention of Knowledge, Library and Information Science Networking –NACLIN 2014 will be organized by DELNET in collaboration with French institute of Pondicherry, Pondicherry from December 9-11, 2014 at Hotel Anandha Inn convention Centre, Pondicherry.

  • 16th National Proceeding 2013 on Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Library Practices.
  • 15th NACLIN Proceeding in 2012.
  • Newsletter: DELNET publishes a newsletter in order to spread the massage and increase the awareness about library networking in India. Through this newsletter DELNET communicates to its member’s progress, it is making in various fields. The newsletter is also a forum for communication on advances, achievements and need of libraries and their services.
  • Director’s Report: DELNET also publishes the Director’s report to its members every year from 1992 to up to now.
  • Research Papers: DELNET also publishes the research papers in the field of library science and networking time to time.

Hardware / Software Development:-

Hardware: At the beginning itself (1988), DELNET advised the libraries to create database on IBM Compatible PC ATs. It was decided that DELNET libraries would mostly be using micro and mini computers. However it was felt that acquisition of hardware by the libraries should be directly related to the number of records created in machine readable form per year and not to the size of collection in the libraries. As such DELNET advised the libraries, in most cases to buy PC-486 machine to cover their database creation jobs. NISSAT provided modem to

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Software: NISSAT which helped DELNET initially , was distributing CDS/ISIS software to Indian libraries free of charge , so DELNET advised libraries to create their databases using CDS/ISIS. Subsequently, DELNET has been able to develop several software applications for the creation of union catalogues and similar databases. LIBRIS, developed by Frontier Information Technology in Hyderabad, was the first software used by DELNET for the union catalogue of books. DELNET has developed several software in the past but at present serves the following:


  • Software designed and developed exclusively to work under all kinds of libraries.
  • Free up gradation.
  • Follows internationally recommended standards and formats such as MARC 21.
  • Best of small and medium libraries which have collection up to one lakhs holdings.
  • Barcode enable.
  • This software is easy to work with and comprises the following modules:
  • Acquisition, cataloguing, Circulation, OPAC, Administration, export/ import, Authority Control, Article Indexing, Report Generation, Stock Verification.

KOHA: Customized Version DELSIS: It has been developed by DELENET on a Relational Database Management System called Basic plus, a product of information Dimension Inc. of USA, which has been provided to DELNET courtesy National Informatics centre, New Delhi. It handles not only the online public access catalogue but also has the administrative tools for online enquiries for books, serials , bibliographical details about the specialists and support the cataloguing of books in Indian languages.


DELNET has released the DEL-WINDOW version 1.0 after the successful creation and implementation of DELSIS UNIX version. It is an effective and efficient tool for creating and retrieving bibliographic databases and catalogues. DEL WINDOW can convert the simple PC in to a powerful management information system. database access mechanism through DEL SEARCH. It is an offline- remote database access system through E-mail. It helps institutions, information specialists, research scholars, librarians and users interested in bibliographies and tutorial information on South Asia. It allows them to search the DELNET union catalogues through E-mail and is a great tool for research scholars. Activities: The DELNET perform the different activities which are as follows:

  • Promotion of Database Creation: For effective networking standards bibliographic data should be available in machine readable form with the libraries. So efforts were made from the very beginning to promote the standardization of databases in DELNET libraries. Regular meetings of librarians and computer specialists were organized to discuss mutual problems and aspects of cooperation.

DELNET provides technical assistance to member libraries in the following areas:

  • Creation and maintenance of bibliographic databases.
  • Serial control.
  • User services.
  • Hardware and software requirement.
  • Union catalogue preparation.
  • Current awareness and SDI services.
  • Authority data compilation.
  • Subject profile construction.
  • Abstracting services.
  • Inter library loan and user services.
  • Document transfer / copying facilities.
  • Access to local, national and international databases.

 Resource sharing: DELNET saved foreign exchange worth Rs.10 million by rationalizing subscription to foreign periodicals during 1991, 1992 and 1993 through resource sharing. This was achieved mainly in the will be able to save more foreign exchange for India through sharing of periodical resources. In 1991 a contract courier service was started with a private agency for interlibrary lending among the participating libraries, but it was not very effective. Recently DELNET has introduced its own courier service with the financial help of NIC. The service is well used.

  • Standardization: A standardization committee of DELNET has been meeting from time to time with the Chairmanship of Dr. S.S. Murthy of DESIDOC, DRDO. The standardization committee decided for standardization in the following areas:
  • Communication format for interchange of bibliographic data.
  • Input output format.
  • Bibliographic description: Mandatory and optional data elements.
  • Classification scheme and subject headings.
  • Thesaurus.
  • Authority files.
  • Language scripts into roman scripts.
  • Forms of headings.
  • Identification numbers codes and observations.
  • Data input for Abstracting and Indexing.
  • Search /command language.

DELNET membership: Any institution / Library interested in using DENET resources for borrowing books from libraries, getting photocopies of articles and for research and reference and willing to contribute records of its library holding for resource sharing purposes among institutional members of DELNET can join as an institutional DELNET member. Membership Fees: DELNET at present has 4731 libraries as its members, of which 245 libraries are in Delhi, 4462 outside Delhi in 32 States and Union Territories and 24 in overseas countries. Libraries interested in joining DELNET should apply on a prescribed form. The fees for membership are kept very low.

  • India and other SAARC Countries :-

Institutional Membership Fee (Mandatory) Rs 11500/- • Non -SAARC Countries :- Admission Fee (One time) US $ 100/- Institutional Membership US $ 500/- Finance: DELNET does not seek financial assistance from government, non-government and foreign agencies. The efforts are to make it supporting. With this basic principle in mind it keep its expenditure under check and depend on membership fees only to cover its expenses on various heads. However at the same time it was not increasing membership charges, firstly to ensure that the benefits of membership reach all members of DELNET and secondly to let more and more institutions join DELNET and use its resources and services. Conclusion: It may be mentioned that DELNET has emerged at the first operational cooperative network incorporating all the disciplines science and technology, social sciences and humanities in its ambit. Each member library is contributing the progress of DELNET. DELNET is a major resource sharing network in South Asia which covers a wide spectrum of member libraries and their resources connecting more than 2000 libraries in 32 States and its total member 4729 use its resources. In this Era IT is more developed and knowledge based society. So DELNET provide its users more effective services and use modern technology. DELNET play a big role in library networking and give more useful services to its member libraries and to users.


  • KAUL, H.K (1999). DELNET: An Effective Resource Sharing Model in India. Herald of Library Science. 8(6), pp220-227.
  • TRIPATHI, S.M, “Vistas in Library, Information Systems and Networks.”Y.K. Pub., Agra, India.
  • KAUL, SANGEETA, (2010). DELNET: The Functional Sharing Library Network: A Success Story from India. Interlending & amp. Document Supply. 38(2), 93-101.

 THAKUR, D.S. (2003). Growth and Development of the Library at National Institute of Financial Management: A Case

Seema Saini
