Experimental Study on Replacement of Coarse Aggregate With Waste Aggregate and Over Burnt Bricks In Concrete

Exploring the use of waste aggregate and over burnt bricks as replacements for coarse aggregate in concrete

by MD. Younus Mohiuudin*, B. Sainath, G. Abhilash, M. A. Haleem,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 10, Issue No. 21, Feb 2016, Pages 0 - 0 (0)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The main objective of this paper is to present theexperimental investigation on the properties of concrete obtained by replacingof coarse aggregate (fully) with waste aggregate from concrete waste and overburnt bricks. Modernization and urbanization is leads to dismantling of olderstructure and construction of newer structure which produces large quantity ofconstruction waste moreover during manufacturing of bricks in and around 20-30%of over burnt and breakage bricks are produced. Therefore the utilization ofwaste materials like aggregate and over burnt bricks from construction industryas construction materials in concrete production. An experimental investigationis carried out for different percentages of waste aggregate and over burntbrick in concrete i.e. RA60 + OB40, RA50 + OB50, RA45 + OB55, RA30 + OB60 andRA35 + OB65. Total five batches of concrete blocks are prepared for M20.Different tests slump cone, compaction factor and compressive strength carriedout on fresh concrete and hardened properties of concrete.


coarse aggregate, waste aggregate, over burnt bricks, concrete, experimental investigation, construction waste, utilization of waste materials, concrete production, slump cone, compaction factor, compressive strength


The construction industry in India is booming. Already at 10 per cent of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), it has been growing at an annual rate of 10 percent over the last 10 years as against the world average of 5.5 per cent per annum. Almost 70 per cent of the building stock in India is yet to come up. The built-up area is expected to swell almost five times from 21 billion sq ft in 2005 to approximately 104 billion sq ft by 2030. The total C&D waste generated in India just by buildings in one year 2015 amounts to a humungous 530 MT, 44 times higher than the official estimate. Imagine the scenario if the waste generated by infrastructure projects such as roads and dams is added. Not surprisingly, in India, if C&D waste is quantified, it will be more than all the other types of solid waste put together.

India GDP from Construction


In the manufacturing of bricks over an average of 20-30% of bricks are rejecting in the construction This paper presents the use of waste aggregate and over burnt bricks as coarse aggregate in concrete mix and their results. As we observed that the compressive strength of an over burnt brick is 3.5 N/mm2.


(A) Cement

Cement is a very useful binding material in construction. We used cement for binding the materials which we used to prepare concrete block. We used Ordinary Portland Cement of 53 Grade to prepare the cube mould conforming to IS: 8112-1989. Table 1 Properties of Cement

(B) Fine aggregate

Sand is used as fine aggregate to prepare concrete mix. Sand is used to fill the voids in concrete. The sand which we used is confirmed to IS: 383-1970.Sand which is passed through 2.36 mm sieve will be used for preparing concrete cubes.

Table 2 Sieve analysis of fine aggregate As per sieve analysis we observed that the sand which we taken for concrete mix are ZONE-II.

Table 3 Properties of fine aggregate (C) Coarse Aggregate The size in between 4.75 mm – 19 mm two variety of coarse aggregates is used in this study. They are a) Waste Aggregate (Concrete waste), b) Over burnt bricks a) Waste aggregate Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into reusable objects to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials. Waste aggregate can be taken from the construction site and demolition debris of construction.

B. Sainath1 G. Abhilash2 MD. Younus Mohiuudin3 M. A. Haleem4

Figure 1 Construction waste Table 4 Properties of waste aggregate b) Over burnt bricks The bricks are defined as artificially moulded clay blocks, with mass of natural clay with uniform size and shape. Bricks are moulded in rectangular shape of suitable size with plastic clay when it is in semi-solid condition. The bricks are suitably dried and burnt to attain strength durability etc. In the burning process some of bricks may burnt overly this over burnt bricks are not using in the construction of structure which leads to dump on the land this making harm to the environment and the soil. To reduce the harm cause by this scenario the over burnt bricks have to be use in other ways. To reduce harm caused by over burnt bricks, in this experiment we used over burnt bricks. Water absorption of over burnt brick is 0.162% Figure 2 over burnt bricks

Collection of material

From the brick industry we collected the rejected bricks i.e. over burnt bricks which are burnt well and some of over burnt bricks are not suitable for this experiment they are the bricks which are very black in nature like coal ash because they will not get good strength and almost all it becomes black ash. From demolition of building structure we collected the construction waste (concrete waste). Which are dumping as municipality waste which leads to increase of municipality waste and creates environmental hazard?

Procedure of preparing material use for concrete mix

The collected raw material is crushed into pieces for a size in between 12.5 mm – 20 mm. Then the materials are cleaned with water to remove dust particles over on it and concrete waste are polished properly to remove sand and etc particle which are bonded on it.

Table 5: Mix proportions for M20 (1:1.5:3) Concrete for 3 Blocks

According to above calculated values we mixed the concrete and casted the concrete blocks in cubes of size 150X150X150 mm

2) Compressive strength

Table 6 Compressive strength

B. Sainath1 G. Abhilash2 MD. Younus Mohiuudin3 M. A. Haleem4

  • The use of waste aggregate and over burnt bricks shows a high of 19.10 MPa compressive strength when RA of 60% and OB of 40%.
  • This also reduces the weight of concrete which results in making of light weight concrete.
  • The use of RA and OB will reduces the waste disposal and results in safe disposal of waste material from construction as well as OB.
  • As per my knowledge by 2050 we don’t get the natural aggregate because of rapid growth in construction. So it is our responsibility to save our natural aggregate.
  • By using this we can also save our environment.


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