Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of Different Adhesives on Timber Bamboo

Investigating the Mechanical Properties of Adhesives on Timber Bamboo

by Shubhangi M. Gondane*, P. N. Belkhode, Manisha Joshi,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 13, Issue No. 1, Mar 2017, Pages 181 - 185 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This study comparatively evaluated the mechanical properties of different adhesives on Bamboo species. Tensile strength, compressive strength, shear stress and bending stress of 40 Specimens of bamboo species with different adhesives were determined using a Universal testing machine and bending machine. Ten specimens were prepared with the lap joint for testing. The different adhesives are reinforcing with the bamboo species for 25 days. It was observed that the mechanical propertied of bamboo species are found to be better in the case of Asian Paints (Loctite touch) adhesive with same loading. The work is carried out on timber bamboo. A natural material which is available in bulk and ease of use in the rural areas in the developing countries is bamboo. Bamboos occur mostly in tropical and subtropical areas, from sea level to snowcapped mountain peaks, with a few species reaching into temperate areas. After some years steel reinforcement may no longer be available. Then we will have to find an alternative to steel. As bamboo being a natural material and is abundantly available in most of the part of earth it can be a replacement for steel in mechanical set ups such as the base for the machine in small sizes etc.


Comparative study, Mechanical properties, Adhesives, Timber bamboo, Tensile strength, Compressive strength, Shear stress, Bending stress, Universal testing machine, Lap joint


With the decrease in wood resources, using wood efficiently and developing bamboo resources are becoming more and more important.[1] Dendrocalamus strictus, bambusa vulgaris schard are species of bamboo which have highest value of tensile and compression strength. Now a days the ore of metals are existing .The production of the Iron materials are reduced ,to overcome this problem the bamboo set up are manufactured to sustain the mechanical applications. As bamboo have the features of growing fast with high yield, as well as high intensity, rigidity, thermal stability, and other strengths in physical performance.[2] The present study is based on mechanical properties of bamboo species related to the different adhesives. The aim of this study is to find out suitable adhesives for bamboo joints.


  • To replace the steel by bamboo joints because the values of tensile, compressive, bending,

shearing are very closer to mechanical properties of bamboo

  • To do the comparative study mechanical properties of different bamboo
  • To test the mechanical properties of bamboo using different adhesive
  • To analysis of mechanical properties with the help of ANSYS, a FE software
  • Formation of model to test the bonding strength of adhesives



Mechanical Properties of the Bamboo species with different Adhesives determine using Length 20 cm, Width 7cm, Radius of Bamboo 50 cm. Testing is



Table1 Specimen preparation

Sr.No Test No.of Samples 1 Tensile Test 10x5=50 2 Compressive Test 10x5=50 3 Shear Test 10x5=50 4 Bending Test 10x5=50 25cm 25cm 10 cm

Fig. 1 Two specimen and lap joint

Table 2 Summery of test

Testing Machine Used Adhesive No of Specimen Tested Standard Used

Tensile UTM Adhesive 1-2-3-4-5 10x5=50 ASTM D638 Compressive UTM Adhesive 1-2-3-4-5 10x5=50 ASTM D639 Shear UTM Adhesive 1-2-3-4-5 10x5=50 ASTM D640 Bending bending machine Adhesive 1-2-3-4-5 10x5=50 ASTM D642

Test Program

Tensile, compression, shear and bending tests were carried out on lap joint made by various bamboo specimen.[4] Prior to each test, preloading and calibration were conducted. Loading rate was controlled according to the increasing speed of the force, and all electric digital data were collected using Tensile and compressive tests are carried out on bamboo species respectively. The experiments were performed on universal testing machine under axial loading. Tensile Test are carried out to test the strength of the adhesive on 10 specimens for each adhesive. The same load are applied to each specimen.

Fig. 2 Universal testing Machine

Similarly the Compression test on the 20 specimen is carried out with the same load on the same machine. It was observed that the compressive test Of each specimen of different adhesive is greater than the tensile test. Shear test is also carried out on the same machine .the specimen are fixed in the upper and lower jaws and a shear load applies on the specimen and the test is carried out. For carried out the bending Strength, Bending machine are used. A specimen is placed on the table in a horizontal direction a vertical load is applied on the lap joint of the specimen. The strength of the different adhesives specimens is tested and readings were recorded.

Shubhangi M. Gondane1*, P. N. Belkhode2, Manisha Joshi3 1

Fig.3 Bending Machine


The readings are taken on the timber on UTM Machine.

Tensile Test

Specimen Fevical SR 998 Dendrite Supreme Fevical Heatx(Heat Proof) Araldite Asian Paints (Loctite touch)

1 10.9 14.3 11.2 18.4 18.4 2 11.2 13.7 11.2 18.3 18.3 3 12 14.8 12.9 17.9 17.9 4 11 15.8 12.3 16.8 17.8 5 13.2 14.7 13.2 18.2 18.2 6 12.1 15.6 14.8 18.9 18.9 7 12.4 17.2 12.4 17.3 18.2 8 12.4 16.3 11.6 17.8 18.7 9 11.4 14 12.3 18.3 18.3 10 10 13.6 12.7 18.4 18.4

Compressive Test Shear Test

Bending Test


The followings were the reading of different adhesives on the different bamboo species. Table gives the comparison of different adhesive.

Tensile Test


Compressive Test

Shear Test Bending Test

The experimental investigations on the effect of adhesive on mechanical behavior of bamboo species leads to the following conclusions: 1. The present study shows that the tensile strength of bamboo species are strong in Asian Paints ( Loctite Touch) Adhesives. 2. The current study reveals that the compressive strength of bamboo species are also strong In araldite and Asian Paints (Loctite Touch) adhesives. 3. It is also observed that compressive strength is greater than the tensile strength 4. It also shows that the shear and bending strength is more in Asian Paints (Loctite Touch) Adhesives.


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Corresponding Author Shubhangi M. Gondane*

Department of Mechanical Engg, Tulsiramji Gaikwad - Patil College of Engg. & Tech. Nagpur, India

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