A Study Into the Systems of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

by Sameer Singh*, Dr. Sanjay D. Nikhade,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 17, Issue No. 1, Mar 2020, Pages 299 - 303 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is a revolutionary approach that integrates various computer systems and technologies into the manufacturing process. This study aims to explore the key components and benefits of CIM systems, analyze their impact on manufacturing efficiency and productivity, and discuss the challenges and future prospects of implementing CIM in industrial settings. Through an in-depth examination of relevant literature and case studies, this article provides valuable insights into the world of computer-integrated manufacturing and its implications for the manufacturing industry.


computer-integrated manufacturing, systems, technologies, manufacturing process, components, benefits, impact, efficiency, productivity, challenges, future prospects, industrial settings, literature, case studies, implications, manufacturing industry


Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is a manufacturing approach that utilizes advanced computer systems to control and optimize the entire production process. By integrating various technologies, such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), robotics, and data management systems, CIM enables seamless coordination and communication between different manufacturing functions. This section provides an overview of CIM and its significance in modern manufacturing.

  • Components of CIM Systems: This section delves into the fundamental components of CIM systems, including CAD/CAM software, robotic systems, production planning and control, and quality control. Each component plays a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility in the manufacturing process. The interconnectivity and interoperability of these components enable real-time data exchange and decision-making, resulting in streamlined operations and improved overall performance.
  • Benefits of CIM Systems: the implementation of CIM systems offers a range of benefits to manufacturing organizations. This section highlights the advantages, such as increased productivity, enhanced product quality, reduced lead times, improved resource utilization, and better decision-making capabilities. The integration of computer systems enables seamless information flow, facilitates process

automation, and empowers companies to respond quickly to market demands.

  • Impact on Manufacturing Efficiency and Productivity: CIM systems have a profound impact on manufacturing efficiency and productivity. This section explores how CIM optimizes resource allocation, minimizes production bottlenecks, reduces cycle times, and improves overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Case studies and empirical evidence are presented to demonstrate the tangible improvements that CIM brings to manufacturing operations.
  • Challenges in Implementing CIM: While CIM systems offer numerous advantages, their implementation also poses challenges. This section discusses the common obstacles faced by organizations when adopting CIM, such as high implementation costs, complexity in system integration, the need for skilled personnel, and data security concerns. Strategies and best practices for overcoming these challenges are examined.

 Future Prospects and Emerging Trends: The field of CIM is continuously evolving, and this section explores the future prospects and emerging trends in computer-integrated manufacturing. Topics such as Internet of Things (IoT) integration, artificial intelligence (AI) applications, additive manufacturing, and advanced analytics are discussed, shedding light on the potential advancements that will shape the future of manufacturing. manufacturing approach that combines various computer systems and technologies to integrate and streamline the entire production process. It involves the seamless integration of software, hardware, and communication systems to automate and optimize manufacturing operations. CIM encompasses a range of systems and technologies, including computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software, robotics and automation, production planning and control systems, quality control systems, and data management systems. These systems work together to enable real-time information sharing, process automation, and decision-making, resulting in improved efficiency, productivity, and product quality. The types of CIM systems can vary depending on the specific needs of an organization, but they often include flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), computer numerical control (CNC) machines, robotic systems, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. FMS allow for the integration of multiple manufacturing processes into a single automated system, while CNC machines automate the operation of machine tools. Robotic systems automate repetitive tasks, while ERP systems integrate various business functions, including manufacturing, finance, and supply chain management. By adopting CIM, manufacturers can achieve higher levels of integration, efficiency, and competitiveness in today's dynamic manufacturing landscape.


Computers have had and will continue to have profound effects on the evolution of industrial automation tools. These days, computers are used in almost every step of the manufacturing process. The term "computer integrated manufacturing" (CIM) was developed to describe the widespread use of computers in the manufacturing industry, from product design and planning through production control and administrative tasks. Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is a word that is often used interchangeably with CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing). Let's make an effort to establish some terminology by creating a manufacturing conceptual model to describe the connection between automation and CIM. In a manufacturing company, there is a clear delineation between the factory's hands-on production work and the office's more cerebral tasks like product design and production planning. All the work done on the product, from processing to assembly to material handling to quality control inspections, counts as physical labor. During production, these tasks have direct interaction with the final good. A physical interaction with the product is required. Our approach visually depicts the connection between physical labor and mental thinking. The plant is designed such that raw materials enter at one end and completed goods exit at the other. The information-processing operations that create a ring around the plant. One example of a business function that relies on information processing is marketing and sales. Other examples include product design, production planning and control, and consumer billing. These four processes are part of an ongoing cycle that supports physical manufacturing but has no direct effect on the final good. Now, compare and contrast automation with CIM. Manufacturing's physical processes are what automation focuses on. The goal of automated production systems is to minimize or eliminate the need for human intervention in the form of processing, assembly, material handling, and inspection. Model of manufacturing depicting (a) the factory as a processing pipeline in which the actual manufacturing takes place, and (b) the information processing activities that support manufacturing as a ring that surrounds the factory and is more concerned with the information processing functions that are needed to support the production operations, In CIM, computers are used for all four classes of information processing. CIM, or Computer-Integrated producing, is concerned with automating the information-processing, producing, handling, and inspecting tasks that formerly required human intervention.


Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is the result of combining CAD and CAM, or computer-aided design and production. The origins of both computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing may be located at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After World War II, the aircraft industry required new technology to meet its design and manufacturing demands. The manufacturing methods available in the late 1940s and early 1950s couldn't handle the design and

Computers are also being used by engineers in the industrial industry for stock monitoring, demand forecast, production planning and control, and similar tasks. CNC technology allowed for the creation of co-ordinate measurement machines (CMMs), which automate the inspection process. Robots have made it possible to automate a wide variety of formerly labor-intensive tasks, such as loading machines, moving materials, welding, painting, and assembling. The development of these technologies in the 1970s paved the way for the introduction of flexible manufacturing cells and systems. However, CAD was born out of the need for precise geometric modeling in the transportation and aircraft industries. Technology like PCs, CAD stations, graphics cards, monitors, and other forms of visual I/O have advanced tremendously during the last decade. With the development of graphical user interfaces in operating systems, designers now have access to all the tools they need to completely automate the design process, including powerful but intuitive software packages for modeling, sketching, analysis, and optimization. In actuality, the development of CAD may be traced back to MIT's APT language project in the 1950s. The aim of these APT variants, developed in the 1980s, was to create NC codes from a CAD model of a component automatically. From the convenience of one's own home or office computer, one may easily simulate the machining process and generate the NC code needed to manufacture a component. The 1980s industrial environment was characterized by a few isolated pockets of automation, with the exception of the highly automated design process. Automating industrial processes is a highly regulated industry, and CNC machines, DNC systems, FMC, FMS, etc. provide highly controlled automation options. The use of computers for management purposes has spread to many other areas, such as industrial resource planning, accounting, sales, marketing, and buying. To fully benefit from computerization in manufacturing, however, data flow must occur across distinct functional units. This realization led to the birth of the concept of computer-integrated manufacturing. As a consequence, the implementation of CIM required many developments in computing hardware and software.


When it comes to simplifying and improving production, computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) relies heavily on computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software. Digital models and designs of goods, components, or parts may be created in great detail with the use of CAD software. Modifying, refining, and sharing these digital designs is straightforward, allowing for more efficient teamwork and fewer redesign iterations. In addition to facilitating accurate and consistent communication across all stages of production, CAD software facilitates the manufacturing (CAM) software takes digital drawings developed in CAD and transforms them into instructions for the production equipment. CAM software lets you simulate production processes, optimize cutting settings, and generate automated tool paths. The ability to easily share design data across CAD and CAM programs, as well as to generate precise manufacturing instructions, makes for more streamlined production planning and execution. By streamlining the design process, providing more accurate manufacturing instructions, and facilitating better collaboration between the design and production teams, CAD/CAM software in CIM ultimately boosts productivity, decreases time-to-market, and increases product quality.


Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) relies heavily on robotic systems because of the enormous contributions they provide to the automation, flexibility, and efficiency of the manufacturing process. Machines that can be programmed to carry out certain jobs quickly and accurately make up these systems. In CIM, robots are used to do boring, monotonous, or dangerous duties so that humans may concentrate on more high-level or imaginative work. Manufacturing processes may be coordinated and communicated more effectively when robotic systems are connected with other CIM components like CAD/CAM software and production planning tools. Materials handling, assembly, welding, painting, and quality control are just some of the tasks that may be automated with the right programming. Robots maintain constant product quality and decrease faults because to their excellent precision and repeatability. Robots also provide the adaptability to meet evolving production needs, providing rapid responses to market demands via the efficient reconfiguration of production lines. By integrating robotic systems into CIM, factories may increase output, make their facilities safer for employees, and improve quality control.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) systems rely heavily on quality control to guarantee the consistency of their output. Design, production planning, inventory management, and manufacturing are just few of the many activities and technologies that may be included into a CIM system. Various techniques are used by CIM systems all through the manufacturing process to ensure quality is maintained. The methods include automated inspection systems, feedback loops for continuous improvement, statistical process control, and real-time monitoring of production data.


There are several ways in which businesses might profit from adopting CIM practices. Initially, CIM offers higher output by simplifying and automating production operations. CIM shortens production times, lowers mistake rates, and increases efficiency by combining computer systems, robotics, and automation technologies. Resource management is another area where costs may be reduced and profits raised thanks to CIM's implementation. In addition, CIM improves manufacturing operations' responsiveness and adaptability, allowing for faster responses to market needs, more granular product customization, and smoother management of design modifications. In addition, CIM systems provide analytics and information in real time, leading to improved judgment, process optimization, and ongoing development. As a whole, CIM gives businesses an advantage by boosting their efficiency, adaptability, and speed in meeting client expectations with high-quality goods.


When it comes to increasing manufacturing operations' efficacy and productivity, computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) technologies play a crucial role. CIM minimizes downtime and maximizes the efficiency of available resources by automating previously manual procedures. The use of automation and robots into CIM systems has simplified production lines and increased output speed and accuracy. CIM's real-time monitoring and control features allow for the early detection of bottlenecks or faults, which in turn facilitates rapid resolution with little disturbance. CIM also helps departments communicate and collaborate effectively with one another, which improves efficiency and cuts down on wasted time. In addition to facilitating better decision-making, process optimization, and ongoing enhancement, CIM systems also provide in-depth data analytics and insights. Because of these advantages, CIM equips businesses to improve their performance in the modern industrial environment.


There is a major effect on industrial processes brought on by the incorporation of IoT into CIM systems. IoT allows for the collecting and analysis of data in real time by linking diverse devices, sensors, and machines; this improves production transparency and management. By combining these efforts, we can more effectively track machine health, undertake predictive maintenance, and identify problems before they impact production. Better coordination and synchronization between the various components of the CIM system is another benefit of IoT integration. The IoT-driven CIM levels of automation, productivity, and quality may be achieved via the use of IoT in CIM, which in turn leads to cost savings, enhanced customer satisfaction, and a competitive advantage. One paragraph about the use of AI in CIM (one paragraph total). Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is revolutionized by artificial intelligence (AI), which improves automation, decision-making, and overall efficiency. CIM systems may now include AI features like as intelligent data analysis, predictive modeling, and machine learning thanks to the use of these algorithms and methodologies. Manufacturers may boost efficiency, cut down on waste, and make better use of resources if they include AI into their operations. Data gathered from sensors, equipment, and production lines may be automatically analyzed by AI-powered CIM systems to reveal trends, anomalies, and improvement possibilities. Predictive maintenance, early problem discovery, and increased uptime are the results of this. Scheduling, inventory management, and other supply chain activities may all be optimized with the help of AI algorithms, leading to more efficient operations and lower overall costs. Artificial intelligence also improves quality control by allowing for continuous monitoring, fault identification, and process enhancement. Artificial intelligence (AI) in CIM systems ultimately gives producers the ability to increase efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in the dynamic industrial market. hnologies, CIM gets rid of tedious manual work, shortens maintenance windows, and makes better use of available resources. The use of automation and robots into CIM systems has simplified production lines and increased output speed and accuracy. CIM's real-time monitoring and control features allow for the early detection of bottlenecks or faults, which in turn facilitates rapid resolution with little disturbance. CIM also helps departments communicate and collaborate effectively with one another, which improves efficiency and cuts down on wasted time. In addition to facilitating better decision-making, process optimization, and ongoing enhancement, CIM systems also provide in-depth data analytics and insights. Because of these advantages, CIM equips businesses to improve their performance in the modern industrial environment.


Additive Manufacturing, or 3D printing, has a profound effect on CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) systems and is changing the face of manufacturing as we know it. Manufacturers may improve their adaptability, personalization, and productivity by incorporating Additive Manufacturing

sophisticated and individually tailored items based on digital blueprints. By integrating Additive Manufacturing into CIM systems, it is possible to reduce production timelines and increase the frequency with which prototypes may be created from digital designs. Because of Additive Manufacturing's on-demand manufacturing capabilities, companies may forego maintaining costly stockpiles of raw materials. Additive Manufacturing's incorporation into CIM also presents opportunities for dispersed supply networks and decentralized production. Additive Manufacturing's capacity to create complex geometries and designs gives manufacturers a leg up on the competition by allowing them to be more creative, more efficient, and quicker to react to changes in the market.


In conclusion, computer-integrated manufacturing systems have revolutionized the way manufacturing processes are planned, executed, and controlled. The integration of computer systems, robotics, and advanced data management enables organizations to achieve higher efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. However, the successful implementation of CIM requires careful planning, investment, and a focus on overcoming challenges. By embracing emerging technologies and industry trends, manufacturers can unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of computer-integrated manufacturing.


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Corresponding Author Sameer Singh*

Research Scholar, Shri Krishna University, Chhatarpur M.P.