Performance Testing on IC Engine Using Diesel Mixed with Neem Castor Oil & Karanj Seeds Oil

Investigating the Performance of IC Engine Using Neem Castor Oil and Karanj Seeds Oil as Alternative Fuels

by K. J. Bhitade*, S. T. Kapane, A. N. Dhotare, M. K. Chavan, Prof. R. N. Deshmukh,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 19, Issue No. 1, Mar 2022, Pages 5 - 9 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The point of the current examination is to concentrate on the exhibition qualities of single chamber four stroke direct infusion diesel motor utilizing Neem castor oil and Karanj Seeds Oil as a substitute fuel. Here castor seed oil and Karanj Seeds oil is utilized as mixes at different extents with diesel. High thickness is one significant distinction between Neem castor oil, Karanj Seeds oil and business diesel fuel. A solitary chamber, four stroke, consistent speed, water cooled, direct infusion diesel motor will be utilized for the examination. The exhibition qualities of motor are resolved utilizing Neem Castor oil mixes with diesel. These outcomes are contrasted with those of unadulterated diesel. The exhibition of the motor will be estimated utilizing Lab view programming. Subsequent to securing the trial information they will be examined for different boundaries like brake warm productivity, brake explicit fuel utilizations (BSFC). The motor is relied upon to run with decreased emanation levels with OK motor execution. It is presumed that Neem castor non-palatable oil can be utilized as another to diesel. This utilization of Neem castor oil and Karanj Seeds oil has an extraordinary effect in decreasing the reliance of India on oil imports.


performance testing, IC engine, diesel, Neem castor oil, Karanj Seeds oil, substitute fuel, high density, single chamber, four stroke, direct injection, water cooled, Labview software, brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption, emission levels, India, oil imports


Various specialists and researchers led execution tests on pressure start motors utilizing different vegetable oils and biodiesel got from various feedstock‘s. The presentation boundaries, for example, power yield, explicit fuel utilization, fumes gas temperature and brake warm proficiency of various vegetable oils and biodiesel have been surveyed in an itemized way in the resulting passages. Dharmadhikari et al. (2012) contemplated and probed fuelled single chamber pressure start DI motor with the mixes of mineral diesel and biodiesel at various infusion pressures. He saw that the ideal worth of infusion pressure is 200 bar in scope of 180-200 bar. Examiner assessed boundaries are brake warm productivity, brake explicit fuel utilization and outflows. He utilized biodiesel synthetically known as mono alkyl esters of FAME type got from inexhaustible lipid sources acquired from Tran's esterification to keep away from not many issues. Despite the fact that, he directed examinations on esterified palm oil and saw that force, brake power, SFC and brake warm productivity were found tantamount to that of diesel fuelled motor. He utilized Neem oil biodiesel (neem oil methyl ester NOME) or karanja oil biodiesel (karanja oil methyl ester KOME) mixed with mineral diesel in diesel motor. Nonetheless, the examinations uncovered that there are sure contrasts in physical and synthetic attributes of NOME/KOME and diesel oil. He demonstrated that biodiesel can be Aftereffects of the exploratory examination done on motor with mixes of diesel and methyl ester of karanja and neem oil in different extents, showed that brake warm productivity expanded with an increment in infusion tension and brake warm proficiency of B10, B20 and B60 are superior to B100.He finally presumed that outflows of CO and HC are diminished while NOx emanations are expanded when contrasted with diesel. Amba Prasad Rao et al. (2012) contemplated on the infusion boundaries and its impact on motor execution and outflows. The trial and error was done on different injector spout opening sizes. It was seen that shower tip infiltration is decreased because of the low splash force. His investigations uncovered that the diesel motor has high infusion pressures with little spouts, which decreases infusion term and further develops burning proficiency. From his detailed trials on various oils, he saw that the vegetable oil has thermo-actual properties near petro-diesel. What's more utilization of biodiesel in motors will lessen the outflows of CO, HC and PM fumes contrasted with petro-diesel fuel. In any case, with the utilization of perfect biodiesel, the outflow of NOx increments and can be diminished by impeding of infusion timing or utilizing fumes gas distribution (EGR).He expressed that the infusion timing and fuel spout opening size have solid effect on the presentation and discharges of motors with biodiesel and diesel mixes, as he saw that diesel splash atomization and burning can be constrained by the calculation of spout. Also rather than biodiesel fuel, the biodiesel mixes have better execution with enhanced upsides of fuel infusion strain and spout opening size. He reasoned that the NOx levels are lower for impeded infusion timing and HC emanations would be acquired with cutting edge infusion timings. Lakshmanan et al. (2010) have done the test examination of planned complex infusion (TMI) of acetylene in direct infusion diesel motor in double fuel mode. To do the investigation an air cooled fixed diesel motor with appraised power result of 4.4 kW at 1500 rpm was utilized. Acetylene was brought into the motor admission complex through an electronic gas injector from a high strain chamber. The upgraded beginning of infusion and length were fixed at 100 ATDC and 900 wrench points and the examinations were done at 110 g/h, 180g/h and 240 g/h of gas stream rates. From the chamber tension and wrench point information over the pressure and extension strokes the advancement of ignition can be examined. From the perceptions it was observed that for acetylene TMI activity the pinnacle pressure was 73 bar at 240 g/h while for benchmark diesel activity the pinnacle pressure was 72 bar at same 240 g/h. Heat discharge rate was determined by investigating the normal strain versus wrench point varieties for 100 cycles. A higher hotness discharge rate was noticed for acetylene than the typical diesel activity. The most elevated hotness discharge rate was seen infusion single chamber diesel motor with various vegetable oils. He announced that vegetable oils could be straightforwardly utilized as energizes in diesel motors on a momentary premise with little misfortune in productivity. In long haul activity of motor with vegetable oils, he noticed functional challenges like carbon stores, changes in the greasing up oil properties and ring staying issues. Rao and Gopalkrishna concentrated on the vegetable oils and their methyl esters as fuel for diesel motors and observed that the unadulterated vegetable oils could be utilized in diesel motors with practically no serious issues. The immediate infusion diesel motor given practically comparable result for every one of the vegetable oils tried. Altin et al. shown that the vegetable oils delivered from various oil seed crops have high energy content, a large portion of them require some handling to guarantee safe use in gas powered motors. They additionally led investigates a solitary chamber DI diesel motor to assess the presentation and fumes discharges utilizing sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, soya bean oil and their methyl esters. They tracked down little power misfortune, higher particulate emanations and less NOX discharges with flawless vegetable oils. They reasoned that crude vegetable oils can be utilized as fuel in diesel motors for certain changes. They likewise showed that the methyl ester of vegetable oils is more adequate substitutes for diesel fuel. Nwafor et al. performed tests on a roundabout infusion diesel motor with rapeseed oil with an infusion advance of 3.5 and 5⁰ CA BTDC. It was accounted for that the defer period was noted to be impacted by the motor burden, speed and framework temperature. At 2400 fire up/min, there was a critical expansion in brake explicit fuel utilization with standard fuel infusion timing. There was a huge decrease in carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emanations with cutting edge timing for the rates tried. A moderate infusion advance was suggested for activities at low motor rates. Further, he detailed that the fuel utilization of warmed and unheated oil tasks at high loads was somewhat higher than the diesel fuel activity. The warmed fuel showed a near decrease in defer period over the unheated oil. The general experimental outcomes showed that fuel warming was gainful at low speed and part-load activities. Varaprasad et al. Researched the impact of utilizing jatropha oil and esterified jatropha oil on a solitary chamber diesel motor. They observed that the brake warm proficiency was higher with esterified jatropha oil when contrasted with crude jatropha oil however sub-par compared to diesel. They additionally detailed low NOX emanation and high smoke levels

Parmanik concentrated on the properties and utilization of jatropha curcas oil and diesel fuel mixes in pressure start motor. The fumes gas temperature was seen to be decreased because of diminished thickness of the vegetable oil diesel mixes. It was observed that the fuel utilization was expanded with a higher extent of the jatropha curcas oil in the mixes. Satisfactory warm efficiencies of the motor were acquired with mixes containing up to half (by volume) of jatropha oil. The tests were likewise led by Forson et al. On a solitary chamber direct infusion motor worked on diesel fuel, jatropha oil and mixes of diesel and jatropha oil in extents of 97.4 / 2.6%; 80%/20%; and half/half by volume. The experimental outcomes showed that jatropha oil can be advantageously utilized as a diesel substitute in a diesel motor. Jajoo and Keoti Carried out probes a solitary chamber diesel motor utilizing rapeseed oil, soybean oil and their methyl esters as fuel. They uncovered that the motor execution with esters and diesel-vegetable oil mixes were practically identical to that of diesel activity. For longer use methyl esters are best a result of their lower consistency and low smoke arrangement inclination. Ramadhas, Jayeraj and Muraledharan Studied the portrayal and impact of utilizing elastic seed oil in a pressure start motor and observed that the elastic seed oil can be straightforwardly utilized rather than diesel and needn't bother with any alterations in the plan of the motor. Further, they saw that up to half of elastic seed oil can be fill in for diesel effectively in the pressure start motors with practically no significant change and functional challenges. Agarwal et al assessed the presentation and discharge attributes of linseed oil, mahua oil and rice wheat oil mixes. It was accounted for that linseed oil mixes showed similar warm effectiveness at lower loads; half linseed oil mixes were viewed as more productive than different mixes. Smoke thickness was higher for half mixes contrasted with any remaining linseed oil mixes. Smoke thickness was viewed as higher for mahua mixes when contrasted with mineral diesel at lower motor burdens. Rice grain oil mixes showed equivalent warm productivity to that of diesel fuel peration. 20% rice grain oil mix showed least brake explicit energy utilization and further developed execution. Herchel et al observed that activity of the test motor with unadulterated coconut oil and coconut oil diesel mixes for a wide scope of motor burden conditions was agreeable even without motor changes. Increment of coconut oil in the coconut oil-diesel mixes brought about lower smoke and NOx discharges with an expansion in the brake explicit fuel utilization. Rice et al introduced the aftereffects of a motor test with various mixes, flawless rapeseed oil and diesel fuel. There were no critical issues with motor activity utilizing these elective energizes. The experimental outcomes showed a decrease in brake warm Mustafa and Jacobus et al made a broad review on a solitary chamber diesel motor worked on various vegetable oils like sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, soya bean oil and nut oil to give a point by point examination of execution and emanations. They saw that the motor activity with vegetable oils showed somewhat second rate execution. They likewise noticed higher gas stage discharges with vegetable oils when contrasted with diesel. Korete played out the near concentrate on utilizing 100 percent rapeseed oil and economically accessible diesel fuel. They saw that the force and power yield with rapeseed oil were simply 2% lower when contrasted with diesel activity. This was a direct result of the great consistency of the rapeseed oil. They observed the lower heat discharge rate with rapeseed oil than diesel. During the entire working reach they observed that the hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide outflows were higher with rapeseed oil when contrasted with flawless diesel activity. They likewise noticed more slow burning and lower greatest gas temperatures in the ignition chamber. Various specialists likewise evaluated the presentation of a pressure start motor with various vegetable oils and observed that the vegetable oil can be utilized as mixing part to diesel fuel. Prasad et al utilized non-consumable oilssuch as pongamia and jatropha in low hotness dismissal diesel motor. Esterification, preheating and expansion in infusion pressure have been pursued for use of the vegetable oils in diesel motor. Execution boundaries, for example, the brake explicit energy utilization and fumes gas temperature have been accounted for shifting burden for various non-consumable oils. The emanation of smoke and NOx has been found to increment. Sahoo and Das with different researchers examined diesel motor execution with biodiesel got from jatropha oil, Karanja oil and honge oil. Kumar et al observed longer start delay for jatropha oil methyl ester when contrasted with diesel fuel on a steady speed diesel motor. Bhatt, Murthy and Dutta did execution assessment tests on a diesel motor with karanja oil and its mixes with diesel. It was seen that karanja oil could be handily mixed up to 40% (by volume) in diesel with no critical distinction in power yield, brake explicit fuel utilization and brake warm productivity. The presentation of motor with karanja oil mixes improved with the expansion in pressure proportion from 16:1 to 20:1. Merve et al demonstrated that the force and brake power yield got with the pre-owned cooking oil determined biodiesel were 3-5% not as much as diesel fuel. The motor fumes temperature at every motor speed with biodiesel was not as much as diesel fuel. Scholl and Sorenson concentrated on the ignition of soya bean oil methyl ester in an immediate infusion diesel motor. They saw that as the majority of the significant burning boundaries for speed, timing and spout breadth. It was observed that start delay for the two powers were practically identical in extent and the start deferral of soya bean oil methyl ester was viewed as more delicate to spout breadth than diesel. Carbon monoxide emanations from soya bean oil methyl ester was somewhat lower, hydrocarbon discharges diminished radically, NOx for two powers were tantamount and smoke numbers for the soya bean oil methyl ester were lower than that of diesel. They additionally saw that the premixed part of the burning system had a slower pace of ignition with the ester when contrasted with perfect diesel. Clark et al concentrated on the impacts of methyl and ethyl esters of soybean oil on a 4-chamber diesel motor. They saw that the motor fuelled with soybean esters brought about a somewhat less power joined with an expansion in fuel utilization. Agarwal trans esterified the linseed oil to arranged linseed oil methyl ester and played out the motor tests with various mixes of biodiesel (linseed oil methyl ester) with diesel and contrasted the outcomes and benchmark information for diesel utilizing a solitary chamber direct start diesel motor. Further Agarwal and Das contemplated the biodiesel improvement and portrayal for use as a fuel in pressure start motor and saw that practically every one of the significant properties of a biodiesel was in an exceptionally close concurrence with the diesel oil making it a likely contender for halfway substitution of diesel fuel. The 20% biodiesel mix was viewed as ideal, which worked on the warm proficiency of the motor by 2.5%, diminished the fumes discharges and brake explicit fuel utilization. Al-Widyan et al have done variable speed tests on a solitary chamber direct infusion diesel motor utilizing various mixes of biodiesel in diesel, created from squander vegetable oil. The correlation of the biodiesel mixes and the diesel fuel activity was done as far as motor execution. It was found that with biodiesel mixes, the motor worked flawlessly without critical issues. The mixes consumed all the more proficiently with better mileage and further created lower outflows.


Y. V. Hanumantha Rao, Ram Sudheer Voleti, V. S. Hariharan, A. V. Sitarama Raju, P. Nageswara Reddy (2009) [2]: ‗Use of Jatropha Oil Methyl Ester and Its Blends as an Alternative Fuel in Diesel Engine‘ Biomass derived vegetable oils are quite promising alternative fuels for agricultural diesel engines. Use of vegetable oils in diesel engines leads to slightly inferior performance and higher smoke emissions due to their high viscosity. The performance of vegetable oils can be improved by modifying them through the transesterification process. In the present work, the performance of single cylinder water-cooled diesel engine using methyl-ester of Jatropha oil as fuel was evaluated for its performance and exhaust emissions. The fuel B25 has closer performance to diesel and B100 has lower brake thermal efficiency, mainly due to its high viscosity compared to diesel. The brake thermal efficiency for biodiesel and its blends was found to be slightly higher than that of diesel fuel at tested load conditions and there was no difference between the biodiesel and its blended fuels efficiencies. For Jatropha biodiesel and its blended fuels, the exhaust gas temperature increased with increase in power and amount of biodiesel. But, diesel blends showed reasonable efficiency, lower smoke, CO2, CO and HC. [Surendra R. Kalbande and Subhash D. Vikhe (2008) [4]: ‗Jatropha and Karanj bio-fuel: an alternate fuel for diesel engine‘ The bio-diesel was produced from non-edible oils by using bio-diesel processor and the diesel engine performance for water lifting was tested on bio-diesel and bio-diesel blended with diesel. The newly developed biodiesel processor was capable of preparing the oil esters sufficient in quantity for running the commonly used farm engines. The fuel properties of bio-diesel such as kinematic viscosity and specific gravity were found within limited of BIS standard. Operational efficiency of diesel pump set for various blends of bio-diesel were found nearer to the expected efficiency of 20 percent. Bio-diesel can be used as an alternate and non-conventional fuel to run all type of C.I. engine.Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) ISSN: 2231-5950, Vol-2, Iss-2. K. Srithar, K. Arun Balasubramanian, V. Pavendan, B. Ashok Kumar (2014) [6]: ‗Experimental investigations on mixing of two biodiesels blended with diesel as alternative fuelfor diesel engines‘ The world faces the crises of energy demand, rising petroleum prices and depletion of fossil fuel resources. Biodiesel has obtained from vegetable oils that have been considered as a promising alternate fuel. The researches regarding blend of diesel and single biodiesel have been done already. Very few works have been done with the combination of two different biodiesel blends with diesel and left a lot of scope in this area. The present study brings out an experiment of two biodiesels from pongamia pinnata oil and mustard oil and they are blended with diesel at various mixing ratios. The effects of dual biodiesel works in engine and exhaust emissions were examined in a single cylinder, direct injection, air cooled and high speed diesel engine at various engine loads with constant engine speed of 3000 rpm. The influences of blends on CO, CO2, HC, NOx and smoke opacity were investigated by emission tests. The brake thermal efficiency of blend A was found higher than diesel. The emissions of smoke, hydro carbon and nitrogen oxides of dual biodiesel blends were higher

S.Prasanth, Dr.M.Chandrasekar, Dr.T.Senthil kumar (2016) [9]: ‗Experimental Investigations on Mixing of Two Biodiesels Blended with Diesel as Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engines‘ The world faces the crises of energy demand, rising petroleum prices and depletion of fossil fuel resources. Diesel engines are the most efficient prime movers. The rapid depletion of petroleum reserves and rising oil prices has led to the search for alternative fuels. Biodiesel is an alternative diesel fuel derived from vegetable oils and animalfats holds good promises as an eco-friendly alternative to diesel fuel. Transesterification process is the most widely used technology for producing biodiesel from vegetable oil. The researches regarding blend of diesel and single biodiesel have been done already. Very little works have been carried with the combination of two different biodiesel blends with diesel. This study brings out an experiment of two biodiesels Pongamia pinnata oil and Neem oil and they are blended with diesel at various mixing ratios (10%, 20%, 30%) to evaluate its fuel properties. Experimental investigations were conducted on unmodified single cylinder diesel engine using different blends of mixed biodiesel at variable loads. The result indicates that fuel properties and Jacek Caban, Agata Gniecka, Lukáš Holeša (2013) [11]:

‗Alternative fuels for diesel engines‘ This paper presents the development and genesis of the use of alternative fuels in internal combustion ignition engines. Based on the analysis of the literature, this article shows various alternative fuels used in Poland and all over the world. Furthermore, this article describes the research directions for alternative fuels use in road transport powered by diesel engines.


Execution of motor is finished up without altering. Motor examination was done in the evaluated state of pressure proportion of 17.5 and Injection opening tension of 200bar. Diagrams show a variety of execution boundaries with Brake Power at 28%, 51%, 78% and 100 percent of burden difference. We can finish up from the charts that the best mix that can be utilized for the presentation boundary is B-30 Blend. It gives minimal measure of BSFC and limit of Brake warm proficiency.


1. Dharmadhikari H. M., Puli Ravi Kumar, Srinivasa Rao S. (2012) Performance and Emissions of C.I. Motor utilizing Blends of Biodiesel and Diesel at Different Injection Pressures. Worldwide Journal of Applied 2. Amba Prasad Rao. G, Prasad USV, Madhu Murthy. K. (2012) Influence of Fuel Injection Parameters of DI Diesel Engine with Biodiesel and Diesel Blends. Worldwide Conference on Mechanical, Automobile and Robotics Engineering (ICMAR) Penang. Malaysia. 3. Lakshmanan T., Nagarajan G. (2010). Trial examination of planned complex infusion of acetylene in direct infusion diesel motor in double fuel mode. Energy 35, pp. 3172-3178. 4. Gerhard Vellguth., 1983, "Execution of Vegetable oils and their Monoesters as fuel for Diesel Engine". Society of Automotive architects, Paper No. 831358, USA. 5. Gopalakrishna, K.V., and Rao, P. S., 1983, "Utilization of Non Edible Vegetable oils as substitute energizes in Diesel motors". DNES Project Report, I.C motor Lab, Indian foundation of innovation Madras, Chennai, India.

Corresponding Author Bhitade K. J.*

TY Mechanical Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite Patil Institute of Technology and Research, Akluj, Solapur, Maharashtra, India