Overview on Fabrication of Gate Opening System

An investigation into gate opening systems and their fabrication techniques

by S. S. Shinde*, S. A. Raskar, P. P. Girame, A. S. Gorad, R. S. Munje,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 19, Issue No. 1, Mar 2022, Pages 10 - 12 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The change in variety of things take place now a day, however in the context of manufacturing technology, there are variety of inventions are getting introduced. The automation of the system is a key of this era. This paper focuses on the different methods of gate opening systems in industrial as well as domestic sectors. There is a large need of such system to be taken in the consideration in context to reduce the time required to perform the operation and to eliminate the human engagement. There is a review on different techniques and methods are provided in this paper.


fabrication, gate opening system, variety of things, manufacturing technology, automation, industrial sectors, domestic sectors, time reduction, human engagement, techniques and methods


Automatic gate system is a wise concept has been implemented in different sectors from many years. However, there are many more need to be discussed and change in the system with respect to the trend and recent technologies. This gate is fabricated in the sense to provide the human engagement free operations within the time.

Problem Statement:

Utilizing Auto Gate isn't new, however the expense of introducing the framework is costly. In their work, home mechanization framework was suggested that included home machines and gadgets that are controlled and kept up with in home administration. Their significant commitment to information was to work on home robotization, with thinking about the minimal expense of spending plan.

Purpose of Project

The significant motivation behind this venture is to plan and foster another auto entryway framework with a minimal expense. To have the ideal gotten region, the utilization of a PC framework are utilized to set up an original regulator which works the door relying upon the signs got from the handled info boundaries, for example, the control of the entryway utilizing either a controller.

Scope of Project

In this review, to plan the minimal expense auto entryway framework the parts utilized are: gentle steel, power window engine, engine driver, Arduino, and others. The framework which is the plan and development of a programmed sliding entryway was planned considering a few factors like economy, accessibility of parts and exploration materials, effectiveness, similarity, conveyability and furthermore solidness. The presentation of the framework after test met plan particulars. The overall activity of the framework and execution is reliant upon the presence of the individual entering through the entryway and how closer he/she is to the entryway. Additionally the activity is subject to how well the binding is done, and the situating of the parts. As a rule, the framework was planned, and the ongoing execution was finished with a model of the model. The speed of the opening and shutting of the entryway which can be controlled for the simplicity of the client. To wrap things up, the scope of the Bluetooth control framework still up in the air.


Utilizing Auto Gate isn't new, however the expense of introducing the framework is costly. In certain tasks, home robotization framework was suggested that included home machines and gadgets that are controlled and kept up with in home administration, which give a programmed specific controller of PC framework parts that works with moderating electrical energy while giving the capacity of controlling the framework from a focal area [1, 2]. An issue with growing utilization of control frameworks innovation to disseminated frameworks are the expenses related with the sensor-actuator foundation expected to screen and control capacities inside such framework [3]. Accordingly, the significant commitment to information was to further develop interchanges framework and

Robotization is the craft of making cycles or machines self-acting or self-moving, it additionally relates to the method of making a 2 gadget, machine, interaction or system all the more completely programmed, it is a self-controlling or self-moving cycles [11-13]. Mechanization in the electrical, gadgets and processing world has developed quickly of which it traces all the way back to 1940 when the main hardware registering machine was created [14, 15]. Computerization is typically Arduino framework. Arduino is an open-source PC equipment and programming organization, undertaking and client local area that plans and fabricates microcontroller-based units for building advanced gadgets and intelligent items that can detect and control objects in the actual world. The undertaking depends on microcontroller board plans, made by a few sellers, utilizing different microcontrollers [3, 40-45]. These frameworks give sets of advanced and simple I/O sticks that can be connected to different extension sheets ("safeguards") and different circuits. The sheets highlight sequential correspondences interfaces, remembering USB for certain models, for stacking programs from PCs [10]. For programming the microcontrollers, the Arduino project gives an incorporated advancement climate (IDE) in view of the Processing project, which incorporates support for the C, C++ programming dialects [41, 46-48]. This exploration contains both simple circuits and computerized circuits. The framework has both security application and extravagance; since it is more agreeable and simple assuming the opening and shutting of the entryway are done consequently [49]. The framework should be possible and carried out in the structure of school, house and different departmental structures.


As a part of manufacturing system, we have studied various techniques used to fabricate the different gates. However, it has been found that there are few basic types of the gates are available in the market. The electronic gating system includes sensors, microprocessors and other relative elements to enhance the performance of the system. However, this system is more expensive and required regular maintenance. On the other hand, mechanical system consists of limited number of elements, this leads to the cutting of maintenance as well as installation cost comparatively.


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Corresponding Author Shinde S. S.*

Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite Patil Institute of Technology and Research, Akluj, Solapur, Maharashtra, India