A Review on Electric Vehicles

Advancements, Challenges, and Future Prospects of Electric Vehicles

by P. N. Vasav*, A. M. Nalawade, A. M. Riswadkar, Y. S. Shete,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 19, Issue No. 1, Mar 2022, Pages 25 - 28 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Electric Vehicles (EVs) are acquiring energy because of a few variables, including the cost decrease as well as the environment and ecological mindfulness. This paper audits the advances of EVs in regards to battery innovation patterns, charging strategies, as well as new examination challenges and open doors. All the more explicitly, an investigation of the overall market circumstance of EVs and their future possibilities is done. Considering that one of the essential angles in EVs is the battery, the paper presents an intensive survey of the battery advances from the Lead-corrosive batteries to the Lithium-particle. Besides, we survey the various norms that are accessible for EVs charging process, as well as the power control and battery energy the executives’ recommendations. Finally, we finish our work by introducing our vision regarding what is generally anticipated sooner rather than later inside this field, as well as the exploration viewpoints that are yet open for both industry and scholastic networks.


Electric Vehicles, battery technology, charging methods, market situation, future prospects, lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries, charging standards, power control, battery management, research opportunities


The auto business has become quite possibly the main overall industry, at financial level, yet in addition as far as innovative work. Progressively, more mechanical components that are being presented on the vehicles towards the improvement of the two travelers and walkers' security. Also, there is a more noteworthy number of vehicles on the streets, which considers us to move rapidly and serenely. Notwithstanding, this has prompted an emotional expansion in air contamination levels in metropolitan conditions (i.e., contaminations, like PM, nitrogen oxides (NOX), CO, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and so forth) Also, and as indicated by a report by the European Union, the vehicle area is answerable for almost 28% of the all-out carbon dioxide (CO2) outflows, while the street transport is responsible for more than 70% of the vehicle area outflows [1]. Hence, the specialists of most evolved nations are empowering the utilization of Electric Vehicles (EVs) to keep away from the grouping of air poisons, CO2, as well as other ozone harming substances. More in particular, they advance maintainable and proficient portability through various drives, fundamentally through charge motivators, buy helps, or other exceptional measures, like free open stopping or the free utilization of motorways. Before long, EVs will play a vital part in Smart urban communities, alongside shared versatility, public vehicle, and so forth Subsequently, more endeavors to work with the charging process and to further develop batteries are required. The principle disadvantage of the EVs is their independence. In any case, specialists are chipping away at further developed battery innovations to increment driving reach and diminishing charging time, weight, and cost. These variables will at last decide the fate of EVs. In this paper, we present an exhaustive study of the main parts of EV advancements, charging modes, and the examination completed by various exploration groups and labs. Figure 2 portrays the fundamental points that are introduced in the paper. we present an investigation of the current reviews in the writing, propelling the need of our work, since we present a few viewpoints that had not been managed previously, and we cover the most recent works that are introduced in the writing, we break down the current overall market circumstance of EVs and their possibilities, we make an exhaustive survey of the battery advances from the lead-corrosive batteries to the Lithium-particle, including the most recent advancements, for example, graphene, we audit the various principles accessible for EV charge, as well as the kinds of connectors that are characterized by them, (v) we present the most pertinent works connected with Battery Management Frameworks (BMSs), warm administration, and power gadgets, and (vi) we close our work by examining what is right away anticipated in this field, as well as the exploration angles, which, as we would see it, are as yet open for both industry and scholastic local area. The rest of the paper is organized, as follows: Section 2 presents the most pertinent overviews accessible in the writing, and spurs the need of our work. Area 3 presents an outline of the market, featuring a scientific categorization of the unique kinds of EVs, the advancement of deals of EVs, and the current market circumstance. In Section 4, we talk about the most momentous highlights of the batteries, and the various sorts of batteries as per their innovation. Area 5 shows the different existing guidelines for charging the EVs, the different charging methods of every norm, as well as the sorts of connectors characterized by them. Area 6 investigates the energy the executives in EVs, we particularly center on Battery Management Systems (BMSs), warm administration, and power hardware. In Section 7, we talk about viewpoints that are connected with the EVs, which, as we would see it, ought to be investigated, that actually expect to be improved, or that present moving open doors to mainstream researchers. Last, yet not least, Section 8 presents the fundamental ends that were acquired from the acknowledgment of the current work.

Existing EV-Related Surveys:

Somewhat recently, there has been a huge advancement in a few viewpoints that are connected with the development of electric vehicles, and the utilization of new advancements as well as their deals. Additionally, the examination endeavors have likewise expanded, which has caused a critical increment of new positions and recommendations that are connected with electric vehicles. Inside this segment, a short aggregation of the most applicable subjects connected with EVs, which have been tended to by already accessible works in the writing, are presented. What's more, the more remarkable vehicles over the entire course of time, give assorted orders as per the way wherein they have been planned and the qualities of their motors, or on the other hand examine their effect on the electrical foundation. For example, Yong et al. [9] survey the historical backdrop of EVs from their creation, in the nineteenth century, until present. Furthermore, they do a grouping of the vehicles as per their powertrain settings. At long last, their work investigates the effect of charging electric vehicles on the electric framework. In like manner, Richardson [10] concentrates on the impacts that EVs can deliver in the required usefulness, productivity, and limit of the electric framework. Moreover, he audits the conservative and ecological effect of electric vehicles. Habib et al. [11] present a survey of charging techniques for electric vehicles and break down their effect in the power conveyance frameworks. Furthermore, the creators do an investigation of composed and non-composed charging techniques, deferred stacking, and keen preparation of charges. At last, they concentrate on the monetary advantages of the vehicle-to-lattice (V2G) innovation agreeing to the charging techniques. One more perspective likewise managed in different works has been the utilization of sustainable power sources (i.e., wind power, sunlight based, and biomass) and their fuse in the electric vehicles field. Liu et al. [12] present an overall vision about electric vehicles and environmentally friendly power sources. They explicitly center around sunlight based and wind power, and present a bunch of works that are arranged into three classes: (I) those works which concentrate on the collaboration between EVs what's more the environmentally friendly power hotspots for lessening the energy cost, (ii) those works zeroed in on further developing the energy productivity, and (iii) the proposition that are mostly looking to diminish discharges. Then again, Hawkins et al. [13] break down the current examinations about the natural effect of the Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and the Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). For that reason, they present an investigation of 51 ecological assessments during the life expectancy of the two sorts of vehicles (i.e., BEVs and HEVs). In their work, the creators take viewpoints, like ozone depleting substance emanations, the creation, transmission, furthermore conveyance of power, as well as the development of vehicles, batteries, and their life range, into account. Vasant et al. [14] investigate the everyday use of PHEVs, and express that the fitting sending of daytime accusing stations along of appropriate charging control furthermore the board of this framework can prompt a more extensive organization of PHEVs.

various kinds of electric vehicles, remarking on their fundamental qualities. We likewise examine the current market circumstance, examining the business information of this sort of vehicles and deals estimate in various nations in the world.

Electric VEHICLES Taxonomy

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs): vehicles 100 percent are pushed by electric power. BEVs try not to have a gas powered motor and they don't utilize any sort of fluid fuel. BEVs typically utilize enormous bunches of batteries to give the vehicle an OK independence. A common BEV will reach from 160 to 250 km, albeit some of them can go similar to 500 km with only one charge. An illustration of this kind of vehicle is the Nissan Leaf [24], which is 100 percent electric and it at present gives a 62 kWh battery that permits clients to have an independence of 360 km. Module Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs): half breed vehicles are pushed by a regular ignitable motor and an electric motor charged by a pluggable outer electric source. PHEVs can store sufficient power from the lattice to altogether decrease their fuel utilization in standard driving circumstances. The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV [25] gives a 12 kWh battery, which permits it to cruise all over 50 km just with the electric motor. Notwithstanding, it is additionally imperative that PHEVs fuel utilization is higher than showed via vehicle producers.

Charging of Electric Vehicles

Other than the independence, another significant angle is the term and the attributes of the charging system of the batteries. For the EVs to succeed, it will be fundamental that the clients can charge their vehicles in a quick and basic manner. To do as such, it will be crucial to have a framework organization that permits such quick and straightforward charge. This infers charging at homes, and the making of electric charging stations that give speedy charges during long driving. Beneath, the various guidelines or rules that are made for electric vehicles charging innovation are introduced. Specifically, we detail the different charging modes that are characterized in the current principles, as well as the connectors. While charging electric vehicles, we can observe various guidelines, still up in the air, for the most part, by the locale where they are being utilized or applied. All the more explicitly, in North America, and in the Pacific zone, the SAE-J1772 standard for stacking electric vehicles is utilized. Be that as it may, in China, the GB/T 20234 standard is utilized, while, in Europe, the IEC-62196 standard was presented. The primary distinction between these three principles is that while the two previous ones order the charging modes as indicated by the power type (DC or AC


In this paper, we dissected the kinds of EVs, the innovation utilized, the benefits with regard to the gas powered motor vehicles, the advancement of deals inside the last years, as well as the different charging modes and future advances. We likewise itemized the principle research difficulties and open doors. As to, batteries are a basic component, as these will decide the vehicle's independence. We dissected a few sorts of batteries, as per these highlights. We too introduced the potential advances that can be utilized later on, for example, the graphene, as most would consider to be normal to be an answer that empowers the capacity of higher measures of force, also charge in more limited timeframes. The EV could likewise profit from this kind of innovation, arriving at higher reaches, something that could help its reception by drivers and clients. The advancement of batteries with higher limits will likewise lean toward the utilization of the quickest and most impressive charging modes, as well as better remote charging innovations. The making of an extraordinary connector that can be universally utilized is another perspective that could benefit the sending of electric vehicles. The EV will assume an exceptionally significant part in the future Smart Cities, and having different charging systems that can adjust to the clients' necessities will be of extraordinary significance. Thusly, future BMS ought to think about the new situation that were presented by new batteries and Smart Cities necessities.


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Corresponding Author Vasav P. N.*

Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sahakarmaharshi Shankarrao Mohite Patil Institute of Technology and Research, Akluj, Maharashtra, India