Akluj MH-45

Enhancing Tourism Management through a Web Application

by Abhijeet Pawar*, Mahesh Pawar, Miss. V. N. Sawant,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 19, Issue No. 1, Mar 2022, Pages 53 - 54 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This web application is developed for a Akluj tourism to maintain information. This web application is used to keep details of various places in the Akluj, facilities offered by the Akluj Tourism website. The main objective of this web application is to design or develop application for a tourism. People will use this web application from anywhere to know about details of tourism. The Akluj Tourism Web Application can be used to manage the data of all type of tourism places


Akluj MH-45, web application, Akluj tourism, information, various places, facilities, Akluj Tourism website, objective, design, develop application, tourism, people, anywhere, details, manage data, tourism places


Tourism is collection of activities, services that delivers a travel experience, including transportation, accommodations, eating, drinking. Establishment, retail shops, entertainment businesses, activity facilities and other hospitality services provided for individual or groups travelling away from home. The main aim of developing Akluj Tourism Web Application is to provide an easy way not only to automate all functionalities of a Akluj but to provide full functional reports to best tourism places of Akluj with the finest of details about any aspect of Akluj.

1.1 Tourism concepts

A Literature review is not only a crucial endeavor for any academic research, but also the foundation and inspiration for substantial, useful research. Few studies on tourism management (TM) exist that focus on literature reviews, while the majority are focused on specific issues or countries/areas. In recent decades, sustainable tourism has been one of the most significant subjects among academics and practitioners. In this paper, a classification scheme and a comprehensive literature review are presented in order to categorise, evaluate, and clarify current research on sustainable tourism definitions.

1.2 System architecture

This diagram describes the development and implementation of a web application, where used programming languages such as: PHP with MySQL, HTML, CSS and JavaScript being supported by web servers, FTP and SMTP within an intranet. The use-case and sequencing diagrams were utilized to model our proposed application because they contain a lot of information a large number of diagrams for analysis and design modelling at the system and software levels


In developing countries like India, tourism is an emerging and rapidly rising business. Tourists face some challenges as a result of the area's newness in nature this will have an impact on the national economy, as well as the expansion of this industry. This project focuses on identifying such problems and their intensity level. This also aims to see if a multifaceted economic and social activity. Travel and tourism have been confined to a privileged few, namely the rich, at the time of independence of India.


Akluj Tourism can be used for to see famous places in Akluj. We have explored the limits of Akluj Tourism Places and Hotels. This system is to provide a good, efficient method for hiding the data in web application and show the information about the places in Akluj. This proposed system will book the hotels and places in Akluj.MH45 this web application we can show the information about the famous places and hotels in Akluj.


[1] Anand, M. M. (1986). Tourism in India -A study in Management Prentice Hall of India Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi. [2] Arglass G. Pearce (1981). Tourism Development, Longman Group Limited, Burnt Mill Harbour Essay U.K., 1981. [3] Bhatia, A. K. (2003). Tourism Development, Principles and Practices Sterling Publishers Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi, 1982-1985. [4] Holloway, T. C. (1993) Becbook Series, United Kingdom, The Business of Tourism.

Corresponding Author Pawar Abhijeet*

Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite Patil Institute of Technology and Research, Akluj, Solapur, Maharashtra, India