Builders Construction System

by Mr. Pratik Pawar*, Mr. Adesh Nimbalkar, Mr. Pranav Jadhav, Prof. P. G. Patil,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 19, Issue No. 1, Mar 2022, Pages 68 - 70 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


With a user-friendly Graphics User Interface, the system gives Land and Construction information (GUI). The scope of this project is limited to dealing with clients and their reservation module. Other Builders and Developers Organization modules could be added to this. This could be supplemented with additional Builders and Developers Organization modules. The goal of the project is to create software that will hold, among other things, client information, available land, land bookings, raw materials, and reports.


Builders Construction System, user-friendly Graphics User Interface, Land and Construction information, GUI, clients, reservation module, Builders and Developers Organization, software, client information, available land, land bookings, raw materials, reports


Building designs are becoming increasingly efficient. To promote design efficiency, light-weight floor systems use components like joists and composite construction to boost both strength and span lengths. While the strength of these floor systems is not a limiting issue, their serviceability is. While the strength of these floor systems is not a limiting issue, their serviceability is. Design guidelines (Allen and Rainer 1975, Allen 1990b, Murray 1991) are provided to aid designers in reducing annoying vibrations in floor systems. Floors that match the criteria and are used for their intended purpose are generally considered satisfactory by tenants. In offices and residential settings, different requirements are required than in gymnasiums or assembly halls. Vibrations are typically caused by walking in a room. In each case, different criteria are required. Rather than gymnasiums or assembly halls, many choose to exercise in offices and homes. Because of vibrations caused by rhythmic activities, in addition to walking, and because of very minimal dampening, different criteria are required in different contexts. The following is the paper's outline. First, the previously provided theoretical underpinning of design and engineering is briefly recapitulated. That theoretical framework is thus used to underpin current design management practise in the United States. A case study and a review of past work are used to examine the construction. A series of research aimed at bringing theoretical foundation-derived approaches into practise are also discussed and described debated. Finally, the study concludes with a brief discussion of the suggested future research and development initiatives. We coined the term "industrialised building system (IBS)" to describe the concept of mass-producing high-quality buildings.


A quick introduction of some of the terms not commonly used in the field of structural engineering is offered to help better comprehend the terminologies used throughout this work. Human activity and mechanical equipment are the primary causes of floor vibrations. Transient vibrations are created by an impact force, such as walking, and fade over time. Continuous steady-state vibrations are created by rotating machinery or people bouncing to the rhythm of music, for example. A floor system vibrates at specific frequencies depending on its stiffness, mass, and dampening. The maximum response of a specific point on the floor from a position of static equilibrium is the amplitude of the motion of a floor system. Amplitude is a term that is used to characterise the displacement, velocity, or acceleration of a floor system and it is frequently plotted against time. However, the terms acceleration and amplitude are frequently interchanged, and acceleration is measured in in./s2 or percent g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity On the other hand, most concurrent engineering methods3 appear to be founded on perceiving engineering as a flow. In truth, the qualifier "concurrent" refers to the simultaneous evaluation of all life-cycle phases' restrictions and possibilities in design in order to

waste from flow processes. Reduction of rework (iterations), a team approach, and the provision of information in smaller batches to follow-up tasks, for example, are all promoted in the context of engineering. The Design Structure Matrix approach is a good example of a tool for representing and managing flows. It might be argued that the case study is reflective of current events. Current mainstream construction in Finland. Technically, the completed structure is reflective of current state-of-the-art commercial development in the area. An established major construction company, an institutional investor, a rapidly expanding high tech firm, and a number of design practises, subcontractors, and prefabricators are among the organisations involved, which represent a cross section of typical construction industry customers and suppliers. Quality needs control which is the specific implementation of the quality assurance program. Effective control for quality reduces the possibilities of change, mistakes and omissions, which in turn result in fewer conflicts and disputes. Most of the engineers and architects were in total control during the design phase. During the construction phase, they carried out a role described as ―supervision, ―insuring that the owner received his money‘s worth in terms of quality. Recently, owners became increasingly concerned with cost and schedule, areas where design professionals were not providing good control. Engineers and architects must work together to achieve specified goals of quality and liability control, recognizing that each person and each activity affects and in turn is affected by others. As competition increases and changes occur in the business world, companies look for high levels of effectiveness across all functions and processes and choose quality management as a strategy to stay in the business.


The existing system is a standalone system and doesn‘t support online transactions. In earlier days the system was totally manual and the Builder has to give order manually And visit each & every Construction site. Then the order will reached to Supplier and then he will process on it and then dispatches the order of Builder and keep track of all information about construction site on the paper. In this process very much time was consumed and there is no any guarantee of in how much time will require reaching the order given by the Supplier as because all process was manual. Using computerization record can be update automatically. Due to automation of work it takes less time for the operation.


Computerization will give facility of storing the most frequently asked Queries as well as replies for query.


Computerized system could always give the accurate result, as there is always chance of human error in the manual system while entering data from these file which is not present in system.


Computerizing the system enable to increase its efficiency. At the same time accurate data entry always help in accurate and hence accurate report.


Computerizing increases the efficiency of the overall organization since all the manual procedures are computerized the work gets done faster.


1. Ballard, G. and Howell, G.(1998), Shielding production: Essential step in production control, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(1), pp. 11–17. on Lean Construction, Guaruj‘a, Sao Paulo. 3. Barton, R. T. (1996), The application of value management to the development of project concepts, in D. A. Langford and A. Retik, editors, The Organization and Management of Construction, 4. Kamara, J. M., Anumba, C. J. and Evbuombwan, N. F. O. (1999), Client requirements processing in construction: A new approach using QFD, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 5(1), March, 8–15.

Corresponding Author Mr. Pratik Pawar* Mr. Adesh Nimbalkar2 Mr. Pranav Jadhav3 Prof. P. G. Patil4

Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite Patil Institute of Technology and Research, Akluj, Solapur, Maharashtra, India