File Security System

Ensuring Secure File Storage and Communication

by B. A. Tathe Deshmukh *, S. D. Kale , Ms. V. N. Sawant,

- Published in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, E-ISSN: 2230-9659

Volume 19, Issue No. 1, Mar 2022, Pages 81 - 82 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


We primarily demonstrate how to store files securely using encryption methods in this File Security System application. The user will log in to the app by providing a valid email address to which the file security key will be provided. After a successful login, the user will upload a file, which will be encrypted and stored in the specified directory, with the security key being delivered to the specified email address. By entering the security key that was sent to the user's email address, the user will be able to download the encrypted file.


file security system, encryption methods, store files securely, user login, email address, file upload, encryption, specified directory, security key, download encrypted file


In the government, the commercial sector, and other types of organizations, there is a vast deal of secret information about their personnel, customers, products, research, and financial situation. Almost all information is now collected, processed, and stored on electronic computers, and then communicated to other computers via networks. If sensitive information about a company's clients, finances, or new product line falls into the hands of a competitor, the company could lose sales, face legal action, or possibly go bankrupt. Protecting it is a business necessity, as well as an ethical and legal one in many circumstances. Information security has a substantial impact on individual privacy, which is seen differently in different cultures. All information is stored in computer systems.


The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key encryption technique for electronic data. Despite the fact that it is today regarded insecure, it had a significant impact on the development of current cryptography. [2] The algorithm, which was created at IBM in the early 1970s and was based on an earlier concept by Horst Feistel, was submitted to the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in response to a request to offer a candidate for the security of sensitive, unclassified electronic data from the govt. The NBS eventually chose a slightly modified version (stronger against differential cryptanalysis but weaker against brute force attacks) in 1976 after consulting with the National Security Agency (NSA), which was published as an official Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for the United States in the year 1977


Traditionally, software complexity has been used to determine software quality and cost. The more complicated the software (in some ways), the more prone it is to failure, resulting in higher costs. One of the simplest things to gauge is the size of a code. The size of the code can be used to forecast software qualities like effort and upkeep. A line of code (LOC) is a unit of measurement for software complexity. Many meaningful comparisons are limited to the number of lines of code in a project's order of magnitude. The number of lines of code in a software project might range from one to a billion or more. Comparing a 10,000-line project to a 100,000-line project using lines of code is considerably more useful than comparing a 20,000-line project to a 100,000-line project, software complexity has been used to determine software quality and cost. The more complicated the software (in some ways), the more prone it is to failure, resulting in higher costs. One of the simplest things to gauge is the size of a code. The size of the code can be used to forecast software qualities like effort and upkeep. A line code (LOC) is a unit of measurement for software complexity. Many meaningful comparisons are limited to the number of lines of code in a project's order of project using lines of code is considerably more useful than comparing a 20,000-line project to a 100,000-line project.


A new simple tool has been created which is targeted from use inside of small institution such as a small university of lecturers daily use of sending exam file an sensitive material such that the material can be encrypted and the file is send one Email while the encrypted key is send in another Email or via any secure communication channel.


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Corresponding Author Tathe Deshmukh B. A.*

TY Diploma Students, Department of Computer Engineering, Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite Patil Institute of Technology and Research, Akluj, Solapur, Maharashtra, India