Change Management in Civil Aviation a Case Study of Airports Authority of India

Enhancing Change Management in Civil Aviation: A Case Study of Airports Authority of India

by Ramakrish Ambat*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 6.1, May 2019, Pages 1 - 8 (8)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Today all associations are confronting a universe of consistent change in each part of its tasks whether underway or administration area. A few elements both outer and interior go about as triggers or drivers of progress in associations. The executives master Durcker in his new article in Harvard Business Review has analyzed the size of the current change with the Industrial Revolution around year 1800. He contended that the associations that can comprehend the wonder of changing climate and quickly adjust to 'change' might have the option to endure and flourish authoritative need to proactively start changes in various components of business life, business methodology, hierarchical design, culture, itemadministration, human asset and innovation. The breezes of 'progress' that cleared associations across the world arrived at the Indian subcontinent in 2016 with government opening up the Indian economy. While climate is evolving expediently, there is wide spread comprehension in the corporate world just as in the scholarly circles that the rate at which change is happening has quickened its importance and need of its effective administration in the new years. A portion of the significant components that are upholding change in the present business climate incorporate changing government approaches, client's assumptions, consolidations, privatization, innovative turns of events, human measurements, and worldwide rivalry. Bruce 85 Biggert contended that most endeavors by chiefs, directors and overseers to essentially change the association, they lead, don't work and 75 of endeavors to change association via consolidations, acquisitions, rebuilding, scaling back, and privatization have fizzled. This is essentially a result of either spontaneous change activities or inappropriate administration of progress. Thusly, to succeed particularly as long as possible, the associations need to design change and adjust orderly way to deal with first analyze, and afterward execute and oversee change. This examination study tries to conquer these limits and investigate the joining of association climate both inside and outside and singular inclinations for more fruitful activities and the board of progress in common flight, especially in Airports Authority of India.


change management, civil aviation, case study, Airports Authority of India, organizational change


Today all associations are confronting a universe of consistent change in each part of its tasks whether underway or administration area. A few elements both outer and inward go about as triggers or drivers of progress in associations. Drucker (2015) analyzed the size of the current change with the Industrial Revolution around year 1800 and renaissance around year 1500. The associations that can comprehend the marvel of changing climate and quickly adjust to 'change' may have the option to endure and flourish hierarchical need to proactively start changes in various elements of business life, business methodology, authoritative construction, culture, item/administration, human asset and innovation. The breezes of 'progress' that cleared associations across the world arrived at the Indian subcontinent in 2106 with government opening up the Indian economy. The public authority of India declared a progression of strategy changes pointed toward taking into account free play of market influences, empowering rivalry among the endeavors connecting Indian undertakings v/ith global climate. This has brought worldwide rivalry for Indian associations and caused huge choppiness in Indian corporate world/markets. This Global rivalry is heightening and getting huger and testing in corporate world and no longer could be disregarded. While climate is evolving expediently, there is wide spread comprehension in the corporate world just as in the scholastic circles that the rate at which change is happening has quickened its importance and need of its effective administration in the new years. A portion of the significant elements that are upholding change in the present business climate incorporate changing government strategies. Client's assumptions, worldwide rivalry, consolidations, privatization, innovative turns of events and human asset measurements. These variables, some of them depicted beneath, are authorizing change in the present business climate and comprise of components both outer and inside (Leavitt 1964 and Times of India Pub; 2017). • Privatization cycle of freely possessed association‘s proceeds and their imposing business model insurances are vanishing. This is an overall pattern, and even where proprietorship doesn't change, new frameworks/structures are as a rule regularly settled to make rivalry. • Technological changes keep on quickening, so the speed with which oldness happens is likewise expanding. The associations can't overlook ramifications of mechanical turns of events and this is making changes human abilities, occupations, structures and different components, for example, work culture. • Customers are turning out to be more mindful and at this point don't acknowledge inadequate help or low quality. They need worth of their cash. This, thus, implies that associations, regardless of whether public or private, need to change the manner in which they connect with their clients and spotlight on their necessities for example various constructions, frameworks, culture and administration execution. The common flight area overall is encountering quick changes because of globalization, monetary climate, government liberation arrangements, mechanical turns of events, HRD developments and client mindfulness. The legislatures are inspecting its state flight arrangements, setting up self-sufficient bodies, and privatizing air terminals and air transport. This interaction, however began over 10 years back in numerous nations like Australia, USA,

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Canada and Europe, is seen now in India on a quick scale. In India, the state claimed carriers are searching for key private associations, private aircrafts are permitted to work in homegrown and furthermore in some worldwide courses, air terminals are being privatized, new state common avionics strategy is in pipeline and government guidelines are being changed. The experience of associations in the zone of progress the board have been of blended results though in certain nations it has made an industry pivot yet in some it has come about as disappointments (Porras and Robertson: 2017), While Indian economy is good to go to incorporate itself into the worldwide economy, the up-degree and modernization of common flight framework and its effective use have accepted basic significance in the country. It is currently progressively perceived that avionics, a long way from being a simple method of transportation for a tip top gathering, is critical for feasible advancement of exchange and the travel industry. In this specific situation, it is indispensable that common flying framework fills fully expecting the heightening necessities of the air transport industry. As this is a capital-escalated area, there is an undeniable requirement for viewpoint arranging and appropriate examination with a dream for the following twenty years and to marshal the joined assets of people in general and private areas, both homegrown and unfamiliar to address the difficulties presented by quick evolving situation.


Hierarchical change is an unpredictable, questionable and troublesome cycle that requires cautious arranging and smart examination. It is fundamental to be outfitted with proper comprehension of progress viewpoints prior to presenting any type of progress in an association. Considering its significance the points of view of progress has been talked about under the rubric of parade viewpoint and hypothetical viewpoint.

Procession Perspective:

Hierarchical change is an unpredictable, questionable and troublesome cycle that requires cautious arranging and smart investigation. It is fundamental to be furnished with suitable comprehension of progress points of view prior to presenting any type of progress in an association. Considering its significance the points of view of progress has been talked about under the rubric of parade viewpoint and hypothetical point of view. Need for change - is the underlying consciousness of a need to change either because of outside or inside pressing factors for change (receptive) or through a confidence in the need to meet future seriousness (proactive). The proactive methodology invigorated an abundance of investigation into the transformation on administration prevailing fashions (Abrahamson; 1996, Jackson: 2015) that guarantee an easy answer for rising global seriousness. The expanded intricacy and vulnerability of global business climate, and government changing strategies drove associations to put together change with respect to impersonation instead of on any origination of a need to embrace untried procedures (DiMaggio and Powell: 2016). Know that how the origination of a need of progress can be affected by factors inside the association, for example, operational failure, workers debates and so forth and additionally by factors that radiate from outside the association. Process of change - includes various undertakings for individual and gatherings both inside and outside the association. When a chooses to change has been made, the executives than settle on

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the kind of progress they wish to present for example change in methodology, human asset, administrations, structure, frameworks, innovation (Daft: 2016, Boddy 86 Buchanan: 2017). The examination of James Quinn (2018) shows formalization of key choices and outlines how systems can frequently be executed before their last detailing to oblige the non-straight nature of complex cycles of progress in present day associations. Framework choice additionally impacts the way toward arranging the assignment of actualizing changes. It is during the execution of progress developers that word related and representatives concerns ordinarily start to impact the change cycle (Dawson: 2016) and may oppose to change (Clausen: 2019).


The usage and the executives of progress in any huge scope association is an unpredictable cycle and liable to be hazardous, if not oversaw appropriately. The assignment of actualizing change has been all around recorded in the writing (for instance, Preece: 2108, Preece et al: 2016) and has been distinguished as the time frame that requires extensive 26 political expertise with respect to change specialist (Buchanan and Badhan: 2019). It is during the implementation of progress programs that word related and representative concerns ordinarily start to impact the change interaction (Dawson: 2016) and in this way should be maneuvered carefully. Mabey and Salaman (2015) considered various insights about the administration of progress that impact response to it. Among these components are, regardless of whether change is seen as 'freak or ordinary' and compromising or attractive. The change decided as degenerate or undermining will be seen as forced and prone to produce opposition. Accordingly, the techniques utilized in administration of progress will have a significant part in influencing the 'accomplishment of progress'. Change is frequently overseen less adequately than it very well may be on the grounds that those liable for overseeing change neglect to go to a portion of the basic parts of the change cycle. The model (Hayes and Hyde: 2018) gives a reasonable system to the administration of progress and fig 1.2 addresses the means in change measure.

Phases of Change:

The administration of progress has four essential stages (I) the prelaunch period of progress; (ii) the dispatch period of progress; (iii) Post dispatch period of progress; and (iv) Sustaining period of progress. Pre-launch phase - comprises of the pioneer self-assessment, gathering data from the outer climate, setting up a requirement for change and giving clearness with respect to vision and heading. 1) The initiative self-assessment measure concerns the utilization of self, how to be convincing, how to manage obstruction, how to be political, and how to exemplify the vision of where one needs the association to go. It is in this way, significant for the pioneers/change specialists who are going to start a huge change exertion, to be pretty much as conscious as conceivable of themselves in staff area, for example, mindfulness, capacity to bear uncertainty, need for control, seeing what sentiments mean for conduct, work force testimonies, dynamic, and intentions (Mcclellend and Burnham (2016); and Values (Burke and Trahant: 2016).

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2) The outer climate: The information on association's outside climate and get- together/checking data on changing client needs, evolving innovation, changing government guidelines and what is happening inside and outside country at economy and improvement fronts, are basic component of the pre dispatch period of progress. As indicated by system master Michael Porter (2015) it likewise incorporates understanding, the haggling force of clients, associations and market dangers. The change chief‘s obligation in the stage is likewise to plan for association change as altogether as could be expected, by requiring some serious energy and consuming the endeavors to accumulate ecological data cautiously and precisely and afterward to investigate this data prior to starting the change interaction. 3) Establishing the requirement for change: Recognizing and setting up the requirement for change is a significant boundary. Some association are acceptable at envisioning the requirement for change and such associations advantage since they have the opportunity to explore the arising issue or freedom to choose how best to react to it. Then again some association or pioneers come up short on this capacity and may neglect to perceive the requirement for change until they have minimal decision however to respond in flurry to unexpected situation and bringing about more odds of disappointment change inceptions. Chiefs and other senior heads are in a superior situation to screen the outside climate and subsequently are probably going to see the requirement for change sooner and more unmistakably than lion's share of other hierarchical individuals. Be that as it may, these individuals may preferred see mechanical change before over senior heads may. Notwithstanding to where the familiarity with a requirement for change is remembered, it is the obligation of the board and senior chiefs to impart the need of progress to association individuals and start change measure (Evans and Price: 2019).

Sustaining the Change:

If the process of transition is initiated and changes take place, it is important to maintain change. Four back rock concepts are helpful to Pascal et al (2020) about the significance of sustaining attempts to change organization-unanticipated implications, retaining momentum, selecting

successors and re-launching a new change initiative.

1) Unanticipated consequences - This means that equilibrium is disrupted when the transition is introduced, and visible chaos occurs (Pascal et al: 2020). Some examples of reactions of this kind include 2) Different organizational units interpret the vision and direction of change to suit their needs, and thus the implementation of their part of change becomes different from other units; (b) some individuals or groups that were expected to resist become champions of change or vice versa, and (c) there are simply no desired and expected results regarding a part of the overall effort to change. 3) Maintaining momentum - It is important because it is necessary to counter the natural momentum towards balance. Finding new ways of identifying and rewarding corporate transformation leaders and sharing milestones helps maintain momentum. The leaders of

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change must continuously track the external climate of the company to sustain momentum. 4) Choosing successors - It means that leaders of change need to do well by infusing new blood into their organizations to counter balance and maintain change efforts. This suggests that while it is not possible for individuals participating in transition to be fully overhauled, the entry of new individuals or moved from another part of the company counteracts the support balance such as exhausted thought and solidified norms, etc. Much has been written about succession issues and the infusion of new thought into an

organization (Levinson: 2016). 5) Organizational. Development Model of Change:

Kurt Lewin (2016), whose work on inter-group dynamics and planned change has proven to be especially influential, first identified the organizational development approach (Kreitner and Kinicki: 2018). Lewin argued that three general steps must be taken in order for change to be managed effectively, which he described as: • Unfreezing - is the stage in which there is a perceived need for improvement and action is taken to unfreeze current actions and attitudes. For generations of employee support and the minimization of employee resistance, this preparatory stage is considered necessary. • Moving - Stage brings the method to a higher group output level. It includes creating new attitudes and behaviors through improvements in community dynamics and processes. The method of force field analysis by Lewin (2017) preserves the management of change by minimizing the forces that discourage change, rather than by increasing the forces that press for change. He further believed that there are motivating and restraining forces within every social structure that sustain the status quo and within which organizations normally operate - a state of quasi-stationary equilibrium. Therefore, it is important to define the restraining and driving forces in order to establish conditions conducive to change, and to change one or another of them in order to create an imbalance.


A vast amount of literature exists on the definition and functioning of organizational performance, which often contradicts the different approaches. To denote organizational effectiveness, words such as performance, competitiveness, profitability, development and growth are also used interchangeably. Etzioni (2018) describes organizational efficacy as the degree to which an organization achieves its aims and goals, while Kimberly (2019) argued that organizational efficacy can be seen in terms of the organization's survival. Yutchman & Seashore (2017) stated that, as long as its resources are used efficiently and continue to contribute to the large system, an organization remains successful. Campbell (2017) analyzed numerous organizational efficacy research and conceptual constructs and found that several criteria have been used to assess organizational efficacy. "Organizational effectiveness is the degree to which operative goals of an organization have been attained while the concept of efficiency presents cost/benefit rate incurred in the pursuit of these goals"

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Civil aviation worldwide, including India, has gone through different stages of transition over the last three decades. To control and operate airlines and airports through the restructuring and merging of different organizations, independent statutory or non-statutory bodies have been set up. This suggests a significant shift in air travel and airport management philosophy and practice (Ramanathan: 2015). Relatively, airport management is a new subject of study and not many attempts have been made so far to categories and compare different terms of ownership of airports in order to obtain a meaningful understanding of the organizational change adopted by airports to meet the aviation requirements of today.


1. To research the management of changes in civil aviation and the reasons for the failure of such well-conceived and well-planned measures for change. 2. Study of the existing method of change management at the Airports Authority of India.


The study highlights that in civil aviation and its related organizations, organizational change has developed its importance. To sustain and enhance organizational effectiveness and individual/organizational efficiency, there is an impressive need to understand and treat the facets of organizational change and its management. The findings suggest that the external and internal elements of reform are severely affected by civil aviation as a whole and the Airports Authority of India in particular. The company under review is considered to be influenced by the elements of transition and their inappropriate leadership. In addition to strengthening management strategies of different change elements impacting organizational success, the organization's diagnosis and review of study findings show that the organization needs transformative change. The findings of the study also indicate that the existing practices of change management have not been able to either increase world class airport standards or improve the organization's performance to the anticipated level. Research at the macro level indicates that organizational variables such as customer satisfaction and airport growth are poorly viewed, whereas general management, human resources and financial criteria are deemed adequate. Therefore, relative to the other three, the company needs to focus more on these two areas of organizational effectiveness in order to achieve superior efficiency.


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