Study on Aviation Scenario in India

Challenges and Solutions in the Indian Aviation Industry

by Suresh Kumar Mathilagath*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 6.1, May 2019, Pages 123 - 130 (8)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Indian aeronautics area is developing at the pace of eighteen percent for each annum. It is assessed that the air traffic in India will keep on developing at the pace of 8 to 10 percent throughout the following ten years. Nonetheless, framework that will be needed to help this development is as yet not set up in India. One of the vital segments of this is the accessibility of business pilots to fly the extra airplanes that will be needed as a piece of extension drive Availability of business pilots is a major issue in India not on the grounds that the pilots are not found here, but since a large number of them are not discovered appropriate to fly the airplanes utilized by the greater part of the carriers. Today India has countless jobless pilots who are generally fresher's. Be that as it may, these pilots are not popular as they should be prepared on the airplanes utilized by these air transporters and this is an expensive issue for the carriers. Additionally when an aircraft puts away the cash to prepare these pilots, it is tracked down that a considerable lot of them are poached by different carriers either in India or abroad after the preparation. Consequently, aircrafts are searching for pilots who are capable and type-appraised with the goal that the carriers don't lose the cash they put resources into preparing these youthful pilots.


aviation scenario, Indian aeronautics, air traffic, business pilots, expansion drive, jobless pilots, airplanes, carriers, training, type-rated


For a long time in India air make a trip was seen to be an elitist action. This view emerged from the "Maharajah" disorder where, because of the restrictive expense of air travel, the solitary individuals who could bear the cost of it were the rich and incredible. As of late, nonetheless, this picture of Civil Aviation has gone through a change and avionics is currently seen from an alternate perspective - as a fundamental connection for worldwide travel and exchange as well as for giving availability to various pieces of the country. Flight is, by its actual nature, a basic piece of the foundation of the country and has significant implications for

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the improvement of the travel industry and exchange, the opening up of unavailable spaces of the country and for giving upgrade to business movement and monetary development. The first business trip in quite a while was made on February 18, 1911, when a French pilot Monseigneur Piguet flew airmails from Allahabad to Naini, covering a distance of around 10 km in as numerous minutes. Goodbye Services became Tata Airlines and afterward Air-India and spread its wings as AirIndia International. The homegrown aeronautics scene, notwithstanding, was tumultuous. At the point when the American Tenth Air Force in India discarded its planes at expendable costs, 9 homegrown carriers jumped up, scrambling for traffic that could support just a few. In 1953, the public authority nationalized the carriers, combined them, and made Indian Airlines. For the following 25 years JRD Tata stayed the executive of Air-India and a chief on the leading body of Indian Airlines The avionics numbers enticing the likely financial backer to India are marvelous. Developing at a pace of 18% yearly, the Indian common flying business sector holds out extraordinary guarantee for likely financial backers. India's Civil Aviation Ministry anticipates 80 million travelers by 2020. The quantity of air explorers expanded by a record 38.5 percent in 2006-7. India expects multiplying of traveler traffic over the course of the following decade. To fulfill this need, it will require a lot more pilots. The pivotal inquiry here is the means by which to arrive at the pilots with the goal that they can be enlisted and afterward how to hold these selected pilots.

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Indian Aviation Industry: How high is India Flying? Figure 1: Air Network in India

The Indian Aviation Industry is among the world's quickest developing enterprises. It has gone through enormous change following the progression of the avionics business in India. When claimed by the Government, the avionics area of India is currently exclusive with full help aviation routes and moderate transporters. Practically 75% of the homegrown flight area comprises of the private carriers. Prior saw as an expensive method for transportation, managed by barely any, air travel is currently modest and can be profited by many. Aeronautics Industry in India saw a significant change in the year 2003, when spending flying was presented via Air Deccan through the letting down of admissions to about 17% in contrast with what different aircrafts charged. Air Deccan was participated in this interaction by Indigo, Go Air, Spice Jet, Jet Lite and Kingfisher Red. Accordingly new patterns were presented in the flight market, by these spending carriers.

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Air Traffic: The Airport Authority of India (AAI) oversees complete 125 Airports in the country, which incorporate 11 International Airports, 94 homegrown air terminals and 28 common territories. Top 5 air terminals in the nation handle 70% of the traveler traffic of which Delhi and Mumbai together alone record for half. Traveler and load traffic has development at a normal of about 9% in the course of the most recent 10 years. Growth: Assessed homegrown traveler portion development is at 17% per annum. Expected development for International traveler fragment is 9% while the development for International Cargo is probably going to develop at a solid pace of 14%. Privatization: Privatization of International Airports is in offing through Joint Venture course. Three Greenfield air terminals are getting created at Kochi, Hyderabad and Bangalore with significant shareholding of private area. Hardly any chose non-metro air terminals are probably going to be privatized.100% unfamiliar value has additionally been permitted in development and support of air terminals with particular endorsement from Foreign Investment Promotion Board.


1. To concentrate on Problems Faced by Aviation Industry. 2. To decide the Impact of External Forces on maintenance cycle of business pilots working with Indian air transporters.

Growth of Indian Air Network

Proceeded with development has been appeared by the flight business in India, as of late. In the year 2008, it developed at a CAGR of about 18% that represents US$ 5.6. In August 2007, 3.67 million travelers profited the administrations of homegrown carriers, which was about 26% more in contrast with the earlier year. It was assessed by the Center for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) that the homegrown traffic would grow up by practically 25% to 30% constantly 2010 while the worldwide traffic should go up by 15%. In the year 2010, a speculation of US$ 9 billion has been brought about by the Aviation Ministry with the expect to modernize the current air terminals. (Guides of India, 2010) In June, 2010, the market chief was the Jet Airways with a portion of 26.5 %. Next is Kingfisher Airlines with 21%, and Air India with 16.9%. The financial log jam saw by the avionics area in 2008 attributable to fall in number of travelers combined with high fuel cost and serious rivalry from various different aircrafts, expected a continuous development from 2009. At present the development pace of global and homegrown travel has surpassed 25%, which are the universes most noteworthy.

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Future of Indian Aviation Industry

The future aeronautics industry is assessed to develop at a pace of 25 % for next three years. Likewise, around 100 million travelers are relied upon to be taken care of by the aircraft business, which is at present 34 million travelers. Continuously 2020, around 280 million travelers are required to be taken care of by the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Problems Faced by Aviation Industry

Despite the fact that the Indian Aviation Industry is developing quickly, the issues it faces are additionally monstrous. Indian Airline Industry is assailed with numerous issues, which comprise of excessive cost of flight turbine fuel (ATF), shortage of talented work, fast armada extension, ascend in labor expenses and value rivalry among the players. (Shah, 2007) These components are unfavorably affecting the development of Indian flying industry. The carriers won't work the extra trips without having adequate number of pilots to fly them. Flying group is the main mainstay of Aviation Industry. The enlistment and maintenance of these pilots should be managed alert as the development of the Aviation Industry depends generally on their accessibility, capacities and execution. Flying group is the main mainstay of Aviation Industry. The enrollment and maintenance of these pilots should be managed alert as the development of the Aviation Industry depends generally on their accessibility, capacities and execution. This is only for fundamental flight preparing. There is additionally type-rating and intermittent test system preparing. The potential in these two are to forget additionally huge. Not to fail to remember the pilot interest for corporate and payload planes, and flight preparing. 35 flying schools in India produce just 150 pilots each year. While with the blast in the avionics area India would require around 7500-8000 pilots by 2010, the stock could miss the mark by a colossal hole. The blast in the flight area can be measured by the way that in one year, the quantity of individuals looking for pilot licenses duplicated multiple times. In April 2005, it was 300. In April 2006, the number rose to 1045. This immense interest for business pilots which is additionally halfway because of big time solidification in the common flight area has fuelled wearing down to an undeniable degree of 46% as the pilots and lodge group spot open doors in developing interest by homegrown just as unfamiliar aircrafts. In India in 2007, pilot poaching was not kidding to the point that it prompted crossing out of trips by certain aircrafts. Figures delivered by IATA show that the development in air travel in the Middle East and Africa is additionally fuelling pilot poaching in India. Accordingly, pilot maintenance has become a significant space of worry for business aircrafts in India.

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The cycle and requirements of turning into the business pilot is additionally drawn-out, long and rigid which should be referenced here to comprehend the enlistment and maintenance issues looked by the Indian Aviation Industry better.

The Process of Becoming a Commercial Pilot

There are 2 unmistakable areas in Indian Aviation Industry: Commercial and Military. Business flying incorporates traveler carriers and payload planes, global air administrations, air taxi and contract tasks, business flights being significant capacity. Military flying incorporates the Indian Air Force and the aeronautics arms of the Navy and Army. The business carriers have common authoritative design. This incorporates carrier‘s tasks, support, and advertising and account divisions. The work of pilot goes under the aircrafts activity division. A business pilot essentially flies airplane conveying traveler or freight or both for financial contemplations, not at all like an aviation based armed forces pilot who flies contender airplane guarding the country from foe assault. Flying airplane is only one of the obligations of business pilots. It is quite possibly the most audacious professions. They must be knowledgeable in meteorology, air route, air enactment and should know the complexities f the hardware and instruments under their influence. Pilots need to design out flights. They need to take shields against all consequences like antagonistic climate, loss of contact with aviation authority, unexpected mechanical obstacles and so on They take all prudent steps to guarantee a smooth, inconvenience free flight. They are the skippers in control, who are answerable for the wellbeing of the team and travelers/freight.

Personality Traits of Commercial Pilot

Amazing actual wellbeing, mental and enthusiastic security and a decent, positive, careful, trained disposition, feeling of obligation, fitness for logical/specialized examination, mental and actual coordination, feeling of experience, boldness, the characteristics of a pioneer and self- assurance are significant qualities for somebody wanting to be a pilot.

Courses/Training for Commercial Pilot

At first one gets a Student Pilot License (SPL) from Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) affirmed establishment in the country. The base qualification for the SPL is registration assessment and age ought to be over 16 years. An oral assessment must be taken in subjects identified with flight. Prior to being allowed to begin flying financially, one should procure a Private Pilot License (PPL) as an initial step. Flying incorporates generally 60 hours of flying with cross-country and solo flying. Moreover, people need to pass hypothetical assessments in subjects like air guidelines, air routes, flight meteorology and airplane motors.

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A Commercial Pilot License (CPL) can be gotten solely after procuring a PPL. Flying foundations are prepared to give a useful supplement of the preparation for the CPL, which incorporates a sum of 200 hours of flying experience.


The Indian Aviation Sector has seen colossal development in the new past which is driven by sound segment, macroeconomic, government helped changes and market elements. Right around 35 % of fares from India and 97% unfamiliar sightseers to India show up via Air every year. Flight area has gone through a significant facelift in past 5-6 years. As indicated by Union Budget 2012, with an accumulate yearly development pace of 18%, today Indian Aviation Industry positions 10th in the worldwide common avionics market. It has been assessed that India would require 1032 new airplanes worth around US $ 138 billion by 2028. It has been determined that the air traffic in India will keep on developing at the pace of 8 - 10% throughout the following 10 years. A significant obstacle in this development of Indian aeronautics industry is the deficiency of qualified and experienced business pilots. In spite of the fact that India has adequate number of business pilots, they are either not sort appraised or don't have needed flying experience. Nonetheless, the carriers can in any case select these pilots and train them on their airplanes. Yet, this turns into an expensive issue. Furthermore, regardless of whether a carrier puts resources into such pilots, it will most likely be unable to hold them for a more drawn out period which implies misfortune to the aircraft. In this way, it is vital that these carriers have precise enrollment and maintenance rehearses set up.


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