Influence of Service Quality and Food Experience on Tourists Satisfaction

The Impact of Service Quality and Food Experience on Tourists' Satisfaction in the Tourism Industry

by S. Mahendra Kumar*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 6.1, May 2019, Pages 162 - 169 (8)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In human beings, curiosity and the spirit of adventure are innate. The desire to travel will always develop in order to see new sights and new experiences and to live in different environments. During their stay in these destinations, tourism is a temporary short-term movement of people to destinations other than the areas in which they currently live and work and their activities. This implies that the demand for travel and tourism goods will rise and it will be possible to market travel and tourism. In modern economies, the service sector plays an increasingly significant role. One of the biggest service sectors in the world is travel and tourism. It also plays a very important role in the economy and has stimulated other economies' growth. Moreover, among the service industries, the tourism industry is one of the growing foreign pioneers. In other industries, such as retail, transport and building, this creates a strong flow-through impact. The role of tourism, through income and foreign exchange, the preservation of cultures and historical heritage, the promotion of national growth and the essential and critical factor in job opportunities, highlights the importance of tourism. Tourism is an important economic activity and continues to be the fastest growing industry and is thus usually included in the top ten industries in the country (retail and wholesale trade, agriculture, real estate, banking and insurance, industry, transport, engineering and machinery, chemicals, tourism, textiles).


service quality, food experience, tourists satisfaction, travel and tourism, service sector


Tourism Industry – An Overview

The help area assumes an undeniably significant part in present day economies (Olorunniwo, Hsu, and Udo, 2016). Furthermore, the travel industry is one of the global developing pioneers among administration enterprises (Fourie and Santana-Gallego, 2015). As indicated by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) the travel industry has seen enormous extension to get one of the quickest developing monetary areas on the planet. The significance of the travel industry is featured through its job by means of income and unfamiliar trade, a preserver of societies and chronicled legacy, an advertiser of public turn of events and an imperative and

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urgent factor of work openings (Abuamoud, 2017). Today the travel industry involves the primary structure of financial matters in certain nations and it is considered as a monetary and business generator (Mohsen et al., 2015).To support the development, different types of the travel industry have been created to meet the always expanding and changing necessities of sightseers just as improve vacationers' locations. India is renowned particularly for its ecotourism activities and excellent backwaters. Its remarkable culture and conventions, combined with its changed demography, have made India quite possibly the most famous vacationer locations on the planet. Developing at a pace of 13.31%, the travel industry is a significant supporter of the state's economy. House sailing is an alluring the travel industry action to investigate the picturesque magnificence of India. These sort of houseboats or conventional Kettuvalloms are not accessible elsewhere on the planet. (Varughese, 2016).Kettuvallom is a nation boat that was utilized in the good 'ol days for the vehicle of merchandise from the secluded inside towns to the towns. With the appearance of streets, extensions and ship administrations, step by step, the Kettuvalloms went off the scene. Presently these kettuvallams are back again as a significant vacation destinations as houseboat. A houseboat is a boat with sumptuous accomadation office. Houseboat comprise of 1 to 10 rooms; usually accessible houseboats comprises of a couple of rooms. A ride on a houseboat is a fantastic method to investigate the interesting excellence of the backwaters of India. A houseboat is around 67 to 100 feet long and has a width of around 13 feet in the center. In Alappuzha region itself, 586 houseboats are worked by 172 boat administrators. (Varughese, 2017). Cruising along the backwaters of India in a houseboat is a charming encounter. A particularly brilliant encounter can't be acquired anyplace around the planet and the significant degree of fulfillment of the vacationers about the backwater the travel industry of India features the extent of advancement of future possibilities of the travel industry in the state. Consumer loyalty and client esteem have become the need of the two makers and specialist co- op in the inexorably heightened rivalry for clients in the present client focused time. The houseboats are serious as well as lavish and agreeable on the whole angles, fulfilling the vacationers definitely. In houseboat the travel industry, food is a crucial segment of houseboat venture. A large portion of the travel industry concentrates predominantly centered around administration quality, vacationer fulfillment, conduct expectation of traveler and so forth The some travel industry writing has generally detailed discoveries about vacationer insights and fulfillment levels towards going in Western social orders however not the Asian nations (Heung, 2000).Furthermore little has been given to the commitment of food in Houseboat the travel industry which is situated in India. To fill this examination hole, the analyst attempts to investigate the experience of food in houseboat the travel industry fulfillment. Hence this examination is experimentally tried a hypothetical model utilizing the job of food experience , vacationer saw worth, and traveler fulfillment. All the more explicitly, the goals of this investigation were 1). To discover the job of food experience on houseboat vacationer satisfaction2) to inspect the connection between food experience, traveler fulfillment and traveler saw esteem. Singular commitment of food ascribes on houseboat vacationer fulfillment.

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Unfamiliar Tourist Arrivals in India from various areas of the World during most recent three years are given in Table No1.1. It very well may be noticed unmistakably that the FTAs in India have been expanding from all areas. The development was most extreme from South Asia (34.50%) trailed by Central and South America (16.9%), Eastern Europe (16.5%), Australasia (10.6%), South East Asia (10.5%), East Asia (7.4%), North America (6.1%), Africa (5.2%),Western Europe (5.1%) and West Asia (1.3%). The rate share in FTAs in India during 2017 was the most elevated for South Asia (29.41%). The accompanying table shows the FTAs in India from various districts of the world and month-wise number and rate portion of FTAs in India during 2016-2018. Unfamiliar Tourist appearance to India during the year 2017 is 1091870 demonstrating an expansion of 5.15 % over the earlier year. Unfamiliar trade profit for the year 2017 is 8392.11crores which recorded a development of 8.29% over the earlier year. India is a pioneer in India with regards to objective administration, the travel industry advancement just as vacationer appearances. The backwater of India is an extraordinary result of the state and is found nowhere else in the world.


1. To research the calculated satisfaction of houseboat tourists alone. But the satisfaction of other types of boats in the backwater tourism sector is not taken into account. 2. To research the limited quality of service, perceived food experience, perceived value dimension and houseboat satisfaction of tourists.


India, located on the south-western tip of India, has grown mainly by linking tourism encounters with nature into a prominent international tourism destination. India, known as 'God's Own Land,' was selected by the National Geographical Traveler in the United States as one of the 50 destinations of a lifetime and one of the thirteen paradises in the world. India has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world thanks to its unique eco-tourism projects, culture and traditions combined with its diverse demography. The key attractions of this land are a decent environment, serene beaches, and quiet stretches of backwaters, lush hill stations and exotic wildlife. While tourism has been given sufficient significance as a development strategy in India, the contribution of tourism to the development processes and the sustainability of tourism activities remain unexplored. (2019: Sebastian & Prema). India's tourism brand is listed among India's top 100 brands and has been given the highly coveted 'Super Brand' status India is cited by National Geographic Traveller as one of the 50 destinations of a lifetime, and is also a 'Partner State' to the World Tourism and Travel Council ( Mathen, 2016). India's key tourism items fall into six categories: (1) heritage/cultural/religious sites and activities, (2) backwaters, (3) beaches, (4) hill stations, (5) sanctuaries of wild life and (6) ayurveda, all of which are harmonised to form a Green Symphony by the traditional cord of green surroundings.

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a) Heritage and cultural tourism

Among both domestic and foreign tourists visiting the state, heritage and cultural tourism is a dominant feature. It is important to recognize and concentrate on those who are excellent enough to draw and fulfill diverse interests among the available properties. Possible models for the development of tourism that would draw strength from India's local culture, art and lifestyle include rural tourism, heritage village development, and business tourism packages that integrate cultural performances, local cuisine, etc. Reasonable components of these models could be combined into different projects, or separate projects along these lines could also be considered at suitable locations in the state.

b) The eco-tourism concept

In India, awareness and interest in the notion of eco-tourism is very encouraging. There are already some lively projects in place, such as the Thermal Ecotourism project. Given the rich natural resources of India, the term can be further expanded to include a wide range of activities for eco-tourism. Various locations already known for this reason may also be given due consideration. The real test will be to see ecotourism performed in the entire state in letter and spirit on a larger canvas.

c) Hill station tourism

The best-known hill station in India, Munnar, has faced considerable degradation over the years, while compared to many other much-trodden hill stations in India, it is very serene and idyllic. The growth of tourism is also having a negative effect on the local economy dependent on plantations. One idea that emerges is that tourism growth can be promoted for odd reasons in areas where plantations or other types of local economy are down sliding. In order to achieve economies of clustering and incorporation of tourism operations, it would be necessary to explore the possibility of attracting additional investments to this area so that they can benefit from common access roads, transportation and other facilities.


God's own Country has become an all around perceived the travel industry brand and the State has accomplished amazing development in unfamiliar vacationer appearances specifically. The backwaters of India are shaped by 40 streams that stream into the Arabian Sea from the Western Ghats. The backwaters are a vital piece of individuals of India both regarding economy just as way of life. They are utilized for transportation of individuals and items between towns just as towns. Today, they assume another part; backwater the travel industry is perhaps the main vacationer results of India. What's more, the backwater objective is a dearest place for vacationers for occasion delights and relaxation independent of opportune elements (Thomas, 2016). The biggest backwater stretch in India is the Vembanad Lake which moves through Alappuzha and Kottayam locale and opens out into the ocean at the Kochi Port. Alappuzha has 40% of the absolute backwater stretch of India, and the state's houseboat industry is situated in Alappuzha locale (Varughese, 2019). Cruising along the backwaters of India in a houseboat is a charming encounter for the travelers and it is a passage for absolute backwater stretch of India.

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Cruising through the backwaters in a houseboat or some other boat is named as backwater the travel industry. Backwaters offer the vacationer perhaps the most extraordinary traveler locations for delight and occasions satisfactions in India. This backwater objective is comprised of interconnected streams, waterways, lakes and inlets. This captivating backwaters objective offers guests numerous relaxation choices like sailing, touring and fishing of India in a houseboat is a charming encounter for the travelers. It is a passage for the guests to see firsthand, the unhurried town and town life of rustic India. A boat that fills in as a position of home is known as a houseboat. In the travel industry phrasing it is likewise called a boatel or a drifting lodging. It has an extraordinary biological system that impeccably mixes picturesque excellence, calming environment, conventional streams travel on houseboat and tasty hot nourishments for both unfamiliar and inland vacationers an awesome encounter of a sea-going life. Kettuvallom is a nation boat that was utilized in the good 'ol days for the vehicle of merchandise from the secluded inside towns to the towns. With the appearance of streets, extensions and ship administrations, slowly, the kettuvalloms went off the scene. Presently these kettuvalloms are back again as significant vacation spots as houseboat. Since the idea was imaginative and helpful, it got a mind-boggling reaction through an enormous impersonation accordingly advancing an immense development lastly advancing into an industry of today with a surmised strength of 999 houseboats. The primary extent of houseboat industry is being a wellspring of fascination for the vacationers. (Ali and Shabana,


The rise of backwater the travel industry in India in 1980s lead to remarkable development of houseboat industry and encouraged in pulling in countless vacationers to Alappuzha, India. Chandy and Rajesh (2017) directed an examination about the effect of Back Water Tourism in India. The outcome shows that Houseboat is a lot of significant in back water the travel industry. The achievement of backwater the travel industry relies upon the degree of offices accessible in the houseboat (Isacc, 2016). Inspite of houseboat the travel industry being the most notable the travel industry fascination in India, the travel industry is gone up against with a few issues for its endurance. Arranged advancement of houseboat industry alongside the arrangement of fundamental backwater locales of India is vital at any expense.


The State's Tourism Vision 2025 conceives maintainable advancement of the travel industry with center around backwaters, ayurveda and eco-the travel industry. As far as the travel industry, vacationers are clients who create pay for the country. In India, Alappuzha has filled in significance as a backwater place of interest, drawing in a few great many unfamiliar vacationers consistently who come here to appreciate the quiet marine excellence of the state (Chandy and Rajesh, 2017). To pull in vacationers, it is crucial for spread verbal data about travelers' fulfillment identifying with specific exercises or encounters (Poria, Biran, 2019; Hendijani and Sambasivan, 2017). Understanding the conduct of travelers has been a primary point in the travel industry reads for quite a long time (Zabkar, Brencic, and Dmitrovic, 2015). The degree of fulfillment got from various exercises an affects the aim to return to an objective (Chen and Tsai, 2017), which could bring about higher pay age for the area being referred to. Subsequently, in regard of proceeding to build up the travel industry area accentuation ought to be given to the evaluation of vacationer fulfillment relating to the assistance quality gave (Hau and Omar, 2015).

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Past a serious evaluating system, accomplishing quality is another key to India's intensity. The capacity to accomplish worldwide principles and reliably convey top notch items and administrations are basic achievement factors in the advancement of India items on the worldwide market (Ramesh and Joseph, 2017). It is indispensably critical to make trust in the items India offers. There is a lot more noteworthy mindfulness and administrators have come to understand that conveying quality converts into more prominent business effectiveness, lower working expenses and expanded benefits.


In the sense of designing policies and strategies that facilitate the happiness of visitors, tourism deserves considerable consideration. To boost economic growth, a developing nation such as India cannot ignore the development of the tourism sector. The tourism sector's progress will be calculated in terms of the number of tourists visiting and revisiting the destination in question, as well as the quality of the services offered by the tourism sector and the quality of the food experience perceived by tourists. The present study conceptualizes a model that explains the relationship between the quality of service and the perception of food as the independent variable and the satisfaction of tourists as the dependent variable. Functional social and emotional values in the conceptual model act as a mediating variable. The satisfaction of tourists cannot be calculated accurately without considering the above- mentioned dimensions of perceived worth. Most research on the happiness of visitors are limited to a single dimension of perceived worth.

Tourist Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is an important measure of the past, present, and future success of an organization and has therefore been a vital subject among marketing professionals and scholars for a long time. At the heart of marketing is consumer loyalty. Satisfaction has been regarded as a core theme of the actions of visitors. The purpose of measuring satisfaction in post- consumption moments is to provide input from a current client to drive managers to enhance service (Ahmad Puad & Badarneh, 2016). It is commonly thought that the secret to obtaining an edge in today's highly competitive market is to provide high-quality service that will, in turn, contribute to happy customers (Han, 2017). Customer service satisfaction is characterized as the degree to which service performance meets or exceeds the expectations of the customer (Kumar, 2016). (Hui, 2018) described satisfaction as an evaluative judgments of a particular transaction arising from perceived efficiency. Satisfaction has been described conceptually as a post-consumption emotion experienced by consumers after their purchase (Um, Chon, & Ro, 2016). Satisfaction has been seen in tourism research as the emotional state of the tourist after experiencing the journey (Baker, D. A., & Crompton, 2015). A tourism product is delivered at the destination as a package of items, such as transport, lodging, and entertainment. The degree of tourist satisfaction can be drawn to each dimension by these (Zabkar V., 2015). Here, customer satisfaction is described in terms: that it is the response of the user to fulfillment.

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It is a decision that provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment for a product or service function, or the product or service itself. In other words, it's the complete amount of satisfaction with the experience of a service or product.


Houseboat tourism has been a significant source of foreign revenue in India and a major contributor to India's national income. Therefore, to encourage the happiness of tourists to the highest degree, so that tourists can visit the destination again and suggest to their friends and relatives the places they have visited. It is important to decide the significance of service quality, perceived and perceived value dimensions of functional, social and emotional value in bringing out the satisfaction of tourists in order to raise awareness among policymakers and planners as well as the management of tourism authorities. A conceptual model has been formulated and a link has been formed between service quality, perceived food experience, perceived value dimensions of functional, social and emotional value, so that the concept formulated is made clear. Valuable insight into quality attributes and the role of perceived value can be gained by planners and policymakers as well as tourist authorities in assessing the satisfaction of both international and domestic tourists. This will help them to meet each tourist's needs and increase the level of their satisfaction.


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