Impact of Cognitive on Academic Achievement of Youth Exploratory Approach

Exploring the Impact of Cognitive Styles and Impulsivity on College Students' Academic Skills

by Kavirajan Balakrishnan*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 6.1, May 2019, Pages 312 - 319 (8)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


As a stable personality pattern, cognitive styles are the distinctive temperament of learners, information processing techniques, traditional modes of thought and the exploration of new concepts. The current inspection explores the effect on academic skills of the most well-known field-dependent and field-independent cognitive style and multifactorial construction impulsivity. In this project, 200 college students (including both male and female) who responded to the Embedded Figures Test, The UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale for group formation, were non-randomly chosen. The data analysis performed using ANOVA, t-test showed that in all components of academic skills, field-independent students are significantly better than field-dependent students, although no difference between the two classes was found for 'time management' (p > 0.05). In reading comprehension, vocabulary, logical reasoning, numerical abilities and time management, current research has also empirically proven that 'non-impulsive' mentees are substantially better than impulsive novices (p<0.05). In conclusion, it can be noted that in academic skills, field-independent people are more successful. It also shows that non-impulsive learners are more supercilious than their impulsive peers in academic skills.


cognitive styles, academic achievement, youth, exploratory approach, personality pattern, information processing techniques, traditional modes of thought, field-dependent, field-independent, multifactorial construction impulsivity, college students, Embedded Figures Test, UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale, ANOVA, t-test, reading comprehension, vocabulary, logical reasoning, numerical abilities, time management, non-impulsive learners, impulsive learners


The titanic force of youth is a nation's excessive wealth and strength. A nation's booming future has enrooted itself in the hands of its posterity. The standard of young people decides the sort of future the country will have. Therefore, to ensure a simple, favorable and stable future, young people need to be strengthened and motivated. It is the national responsibility to properly mould those who are in spring time's infinite vigor. It is needless to mention that, in a young person, the father of a nation is drowned. Their channelized brawn can bring the nation's pride; its canalized flame can bring the nation's laurels. The only direction that makes those young people more trustworthy, rational, open-minded, responsible, patriotic, scientific, and self-respectful is right education. These values are the winning ground beyond the horizon to gain prosperity. And the country will witness the marvelous panorama of flying colors on that very skyline. The focus of the current age is on youth, the most innocent period of life's growth. In line with the dynamic

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social force, extraordinary technological development generates a gigantic burden on our youth motivators. Their salad days are now rife with misery, struggle and rivalry. Currently, stroking the powerhouses of our pinnacles in a desirable direction is a challenge for society. Therefore, the present search view looked at the youth revolvers' academic abilities.


1. To identify the components of Academic Skill. 2. To construct tool to assess the Time Management Skill of the college students.

The Concept of Academic Skills:

It is inevitable that academic skills motivate and prepare people to cope with uncertainty and change in a diversified area. In a wider sense, in-depth expertise enables students to develop a sense of self-responsibility, high intellectual-practical abilities that have spread across all major academic subjects. It helps students to recognize key issues, evaluate strength and weakness, coordinate complex information, communication skills, design and planning skills, and through a series of sequential exercises, students gain an understanding of the basic concepts of the discipline. At the very elementary stage, the journey of academic skills begins and the resulting process is to achieve job success. Students as learners to become qualified insiders go to the target through a formal learning setup and the inherent speculative interest guide. It helps to strengthen academic preparedness at its highest level, along with knowledge and appreciation of the core values and aspirations of academic culture. It is a compound realization that fulfils the optimum learning thought techniques that have been learned. Academics and education can play a differential role easily. The former's emphasis creates an interpretation of theory, while the other provides its theory-oriented application to create something useful. Although educational books teach something about something that might not be discussed in academic books, academic books are school books. Qualitative education ensures sustainable technological, economic, cultural and socio-political growth of a country. The rapidly evolving demand for the set-up of the world contributes to the transformation of the kinds of skills, attitudes and even abilities required for success. Although the effective mature worker depends on generic skills, this again relies mainly on foundation skills such as academic skills.

Definitions of Academic Skills:

Academic talents are those that enable students to achieve university-level success. Such skills help to improve one's level of academic readiness, especially prior to the beginning of university education. These skills support to promote knowledge and appreciation of the fundamental values and curriculum of academic culture. Some higher education students need additional help to learn the skills needed in assignments, others usually sit anywhere on a long continuum to obtain the skills necessary. Through additional generic or discipline specific workshops and through purpose-designed course materials, these skills can be developed. It is also possible to describe academic skills as leading out of an individual's inborn forces and potentialities in society and gaining definite skills, skills and competencies required for self- realization, self-integration, self-management and dealing with the problems of life. Not only are such skills required to gain knowledge, but one can show those worthwhile qualities that are

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characteristic of educated men by using them. By what he can do visually, verbally or by offering a written text, a professional individual demonstrates his skills. It is beneficial to integrate academic ability growth into general course events and supportive materials. For a large number of students, the benefits of integrating activities into the centred course materials are beneficial, particularly in order to gain an understanding of the basic concepts of the discipline. With their intellectual capacity, this kind of processing goes hand-in-hand. Our approach's basic principle is that skills are most accurately seen as a multivariate construct.

Related perspectives of Academic Skil

The viewpoint of study-skills: It is mainly suggested by Lee and Street (2000) on the basis of recognizing areas of deficiency and offering remedial assistance to alleviate issues that concentrate on writing technical skills, such as grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. This deficit model focused on the idea that most teaching staff consider speech in writing, reading in depth, and referencing skills to be necessary, yet only a few who thought they were relevant actively assisted students in learning these skills. Rests feel that, prior to entering higher education, students should already have these skills and thus follow a reactive, remedial approach. This is in line with the ensuring fact that students, who were failing modules due to a perceived deficiency in their study skills, were given additional help. The viewpoint of academic socialization: Lee and Street (2013) provides a focus on the need for those in higher education to become acclimatized in the ways of writing appropriate to the academic arena. In nature, this viewpoint is more developmental. It focuses on the involvement of students and workers, while employees are more pro-active in accepting responsibility for communicating the basic criteria of their occupation or discipline for academic skills. This perspective focuses on providing comprehensive guidance on appraisal processes and providing formative feedback on evaluated work; students typically refer to these as main factors in promoting learning (Drew, 2011). In addition, in comparison to being dealt with on a remedial basis, literature and referencing skills were more likely to be integrated into overall student support. The viewpoint of academic literacy: It was suggested by Lee and Street (2013). The additional assumption of this viewpoint is to recognize the various literacy‘s, the need for learners to acquire and use, the power relationships associated with them, and the particular skills needed to choose the appropriate literacy for a given communicative practice in the course of their ongoing research. From this viewpoint, student writing is no longer viewed as a collection of transferable skills (the perspective of study-skills) or a means of transmitting gained knowledge (the perspective of academic socialization), but is seen as a means of engaging students in academic debate, perhaps questioning traditional ideas and formulating new perspectives.

The Importance of Academic Skills as Significant Life Quality

Academicians are not passive receptacles into which information can be poured, but rather the builders, inventors and solvers of the problem. In the requirements of real life, they use their latent skills, processed theoretical concepts. Through its application orientation to the real world phenomenon, every discipline flourishes itself. Students are inspired by this intangible bridge between experiential theoretical awareness and wishful practical application. And the adequate

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life of Applied Academics lies there. The very basic level of academic ability prevents a child from receiving failure marks at school, and later on allows them to learn higher-order skills such as reasoning, which in turn secure their place in higher education. It is easier to get challenging jobs, to secure the worker by providing better opportunities for advancement and achieving a better career through a steady flow of income. Academically competent people have better self-esteem and a lower degree of emotional turmoil. Higher self-esteem tends to protect you from anxiety, depression and many other disorders. Strong self-esteem and ample self-confidence are two main factors for academic achievement. Such kinds of skills allow a person to inspire his group. More beneficial effects are usually seen in their actions and social contact. They are no longer reliant on societal assistance, but are sufficiently able to defend society. Higher jobs in a group mean less criminal offences (Regier, 2014). The community is being groomed by engaged residents to become healthier and happier. Individuals may try to reintegrate schooling, including technical training, by doing things. Undoubtedly, a nation's future would be jeopardized without getting the right qualified individual. Academic advisors are therefore greatly needed in traditional formal education to establish a success-oriented educational set-up. These advisors assist students in defining their educational target, evaluating curriculum-based programmers, understanding their educational strength, and eventually allowing them to make the right option.

Logical Reasoning:

Except for knowledge, problem can be solved using only rational reasoning in a scientific pathway. Logical reasoning is the capacity of the person to view patterns, number sequences or the relationship between shapes as essential reasoning. This requires the ability to handle diagrammatic assessments, logical reasoning, and inductive thought. Where numerical or verbal reasoning tests ask whether a statement following a short passage is true, incorrect, or difficult to say, logical reasoning tests are an outstanding ability to measure the ability of a candidate to use systematic thinking to deduce from a short passage, which is the most correct answer to a question from a variety of statements. Therefore, this phenomenal capacity requires the ability to separate and describe the different elements of any given statement. In their uses, the two terms ‗logic 'and' reason 'sometimes has considerable overlap. The generic usage of the word 'logic' is the mirror of the implication of the word that suggests that it always moves from hypothesis to conclusion. Just now, in its uses, days of required inference have priority where the conclusion actually follows from the assumption. For different studies, the traditional two terms deductive logic and inductive logic are the matter of concern. Deduction and bare-term logic are often synonymous today, whereas induction refers to 'generalisation' or 'most probable conclusion,' stressing reasoning. In certain ways, it is far from sufficient to go from phenomena to theory in science and can be considered inductive—but it does not exhaust the scientific method since it is a continuous relationship between the formation/improvement of theory, prediction, and testing. Logic, loosely interpreted according to modern convention, is narrow yet strong. Logical reasoning in a general interpretation applies to any effort to arrive at reliable conclusions. Logical reasoning is a context-appropriate reflection which enhances the context in terms of the values of the context. The logical reasoning process faces two problems in its linear thinking process, one of which is how principles can be integrated into the logical reasoning process. And the second is how much resources (i.e. electricity, time, money and material) in this very phase are allocated.

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Importance of Logical Reasoning

Aside from the primary needs of food, water, and shelter, education is the one thing a person needs most in life. Given the need, education is the only one that can help to ensure the consistent capacity of a person to provide the other necessities of life for him or herself. The evolution of rational thought is the underlying foundation of education and it follows reasoning practices. • It offers the opportunity for learners to comprehend what they have read or been shown. • Without incremental guidance, it helps to expand on the current understanding. • It also goes beyond its own construct like it tells students that awareness is fluid and builds upon itself. • Training in this ability allows learners to think for themselves, challenge assumptions, build alternative theories, and test those assumptions against established evidence. • Training in logical thinking in a generalized way empowers a person to become smarter as one can dig deeper into the thought process.

Ingredients of Logical Reasoning

In a general way logical model has four components, they are, as follows: a. Inputs: it focuses on what resources are going into a program? b. Activities: it focuses on the activities that the program undertakes. c. Outputs: it is the final result of what is produced through the activities. d. Outcomes/ Impacts: it focuses on the resultant benefits or changes. Outcomes may be

short term, intermediate or long term. Cognitive Style and Academic Achievements:

Cognitive types are regarded as a significant factor in the academic achievement of learners clarified that student diversity is typically seen in performance level, learning pace, cognitive style, and culture. The cognitive styles of students have been recognized to affect the achievement of students in mathematics and several distinct academic disciplines. The majority of the fact-finding centered on a particular topic, while the current perusal covers a wide area of academic disciplines, irrespective of academic subjects, pointing to arts and science subjects. who investigated that there are no substantial differences in student achievement when both teaching methodologies are compared, research on online learning and Hispanics is almost non- existent, also celebrates this area. They collected Hispanic student info. The research examined the questions of whether there were differences in academic achievement based on gender, cognitive style, and type of control locus, as well as whether there were any correlations between these variables that could influence student success. It also investigated whether there were any

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associations between cognitive style scores and academic performance, and between the locus of control scores and academic performance. Likewise, Danili & Reid (2006) is interested in examining the attitude of learners towards the success of the examination course. Two sets of questionnaires, produced by Rasul and Bukhsh (2011) and Cassady and Johnson (2002), were submitted to 30 TEFL freshman students from Razi University. The data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics, i.e. the frequency and mean related to computation for each questionnaire group. Among the most cited reasons were the difficulty level of the test, the climate of the examination administration, lack of familiarity with the examination goals, anxiety and family issues. In their computations, those studies did not prioritise on inferential statistics that incompleteness could be satisfied by the present study. Like Toral (2004), the same pattern of results was also noticed by Danili & Reid (2006), Oliveira et al., (2009). Norlia Abd Aziz, T. Meerah Subahan et. Al. (2006) assessed learning methods as factors leading to the disparities between boys and girls in academic achievement in single gender and co- educational schools. A sample size of 400 college students from two single gender schools was considered. They demonstrated a significant relationship with their academic achievement between the learning styles of students and internal motivation. Their results showed that boys‘ and girls' learning methods in single gender schools have a significant relationship with academic achievement. There was also a relevant interaction with learning strategies in the learning patterns of boys and girls in single gender schools and women students in co- educational schools. Therefore, at single gender schools, male and female students should be allowed to use their preferred styles during learning, which will generate more constructive learning strategies to help boost their academic performance in turn. In addition, this research found that there is no clear association between learning styles and learning strategies in single gender schools for the achievement of boys and girls. They found that through learning techniques, the learning patterns of boys and girls in single gender schools influence academic performance. Explored the connection between the learning styles of students and achievement in the subject of science. The research group consisted of approximately 200 participants, including 91 males and 109 females. The research used multiple questionnaires to understand the learning styles of the participants. It indicates that female students prefer inspiration, persistence and responsibility more than male students. In science studies, female students tend to study in pairs and in classes. Their ANOVA and Pearson correlation statistics revealed that female respondents tend to apply the Emotional and Sociological category as a science subject learning style with high motivation, high persistence, and instructions for responsible and consistent structure. The findings obtained indicate that the learning styles vary substantially with the gender of the respondents. The above research concentrated mainly on the academic achievement of the students, while the current fact-finding inquired about the academic abilities, a comparatively more objective approach than the academic achievement definition. Prioritizing academic achievement, found relatively conflicting findings. They decided to illustrate the degree to which the cognitive styles of students impact their academic success in chemistry. Their thesis sought research objectives such as (a) determining the students' cognitive

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style, (b) determining the gaps between boys and girls in the cognitive styles of students, (c) figuring out the relationship between the cognitive styles of the students and their academic achievement in chemistry. Three tests were added following stratified and systematic random sampling, namely, personal information questionnaire, chemistry test and field based and independent questionnaire, while N= 200. A comparatively conflicting finding is suggested by the Pearson Product Moment Correlation study that more male students were found to be field dependent while more female students were field independent and that field independent individuals scored higher than field dependent individuals. Obviously, the research showed that cognitive styles may have a substantial effect on the academic performance of students in chemistry. Such probes are predominant in single academic subjects, while the current study can be carried out regardless of the academic subjects at large. The principle of field dependence and field independence has emerged as one of the most widely studied aspects of cognitive styles in education, since it reflects how well a learner can interpret and restructure knowledge on the basis of the use of prominent indications and field arrangement (Weller et. al., 1994). Study shares of Lion based on academic accomplishments, while the new thrust scrutiny focuses on academic abilities.


In broad accordance with previous studies the correlations between student IQ and academic achievement at this school vary according to developmental level and subject. As the first-order correlations show, the cognitive demands of English language at the school are reflected in the stronger correlations between student IQ and achievement scores. It also appears that the cognitive demands of mathematics and Chinese increases with subsequent year levels. The full SEM models support our broad hypothesis that parental affective factors mediate the causal relationship between student IQ score and academic achievement. However, the SEM models show that there is full mediation for the two language subjects, English and Chinese, and partial mediation for mathematics.


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