Study on Effort to Reach Inner World of Personhood’ of Women

Exploring the Inner World of Contemporary Bengalee Women

by Shikha Yadav*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 6.1, May 2019, Pages 582 - 590 (9)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Woman and her place has been an issue of conversation for quite a while among scholastic and social circles. Personhood is feeling of 'being', an existential inquiry solidified through the way toward discovering 'me'. In India, and particularly in Bengal, talk around woman is confounded because of surprising inconsistencies between noteworthy practices of matri-puja and recurrence of infringement of ladies' privileges, pride and respect. Present investigation intended to dive into the internal universe of middleclass metropolitan Bengalee ladies through investigating their lived encounters of 'being woman', self-sufficiency over life-space and viewpoints of personality. Social constructivist worldview of subjective examination has been followed here. Members (N=50) were basically from Kolkata and its rural areas, matured between 18-40yrs (Mean = 30.82 SD = 4.822), were totally hitched having least auxiliary schooling. Purposive inspecting strategy was followed, with point of most extreme variety. Essential exploration apparatus was open-finished semi-organized meeting, normally beginning with portrayal of life-story, trailed by couple of inquiries guided by talk with convention. Questioning was done and meets were recorded with members' assent. Following pluralism strategy for inside technique triangulation, translated information were investigated utilizing grounded hypothesis approach, interpretative phenomenological examination and story investigation. Examination revealed cycles of 'body governmental issues' serving to build and ration an original of confined womanhood. Absence of subjectivity arose as subsidiary of generalization of mortal and social selves. This investigation depicts hidden sexual universe of ladies through two models, portraying excursion of combination of sexual jobs and cycles of sexual articulation and correspondence, coming full circle into one or the other increase or absence of self-sufficiency over sexual-space. Exertion has been made to portray points of view of personality among contemporary Bengalee ladies through four typologies and a model highlighting boss qualities of character range. Investigation divulged cycles of acquiring 'emotional' character through forming of individual spaces without fundamentally dismissing existing talk. Examination unfurled re-molding of 'methods of lives' among ladies as outcome of horrendous change in friendly conditions, advancing society of doubt and dread. This examination is a push to arrive at internal universe of ladies and little endeavor of being their voice to external world.


woman, personhood, existential inquiry, women's rights, identity, middleclass metropolitan Bengalee women, subjectivity, body politics, sexual expression, identity perspectives


Woman and her place has consistently been an issue which either been talked about in a commonplace manner, by restricted or specific gathering of individuals or has not been examined by any means. As communicated in the above citation of Irigaray, characterizing and restricting the spot has for the most part been a piece of the cultural talk. Woman as a “individual” has infrequently been examined, rather than “as a Woman” or “as a no-Man”. This image remains constant for most pieces of the world, where India isn't a special case. In India the talk around woman turns out to be more convoluted as this nation has customs of matripuja (love of ladies as goddess) from memorable occasions. Inquisitively, alongside this practice, the infringement of woman rights or rather the sheer shortfall of idea of rights for ladies can likewise be noticed. Bengal encapsulates this oddity, where years old customs and contemporary awful circumstances are in alarming logical inconsistencies. Being a Bengalee, I have seen our practices of “matri-puja” all through life, where we live and inhale the merriments and customs of “Durga-puja” alongside loves of different goddesses (lakshmi, saraswati and so on) Since childhood I was wondered with the quantity of goddesses we love and used to trouble my mom with various inquiries concerning it. Working class Bengali culture shows kids stories from sacred texts and sagas as “ideal” lifestyles and the greater part of these accounts praise the inescapable nurturing highlight of ladies. Thinking back now I understand that these accounts additionally instructed us to fault ladies themselves to be the “reason” for the vast majority of the setbacks in their lives. I had the opportunity to hear stories from two women, my mom and maternal-grandma, which gave me view of two ages with respect to same stories and characters. Mama used to clarify things with a combination of rationale and present day thoughts into it, while grandma was unadulterated past times narrator, whose accounts we as a whole kin appreciated the fullest. Yet, a long time old Bengali precepts like “pathe nari biborjita” (ladies ought to be given up for an excursion), “nari e binasher karon” (ladies are reasons of annihilation), “nari sorbongsoha” (ladies are lenient toward everything) or “nari jogonmata” (ladies are mother of universe) were portions of both of their accounts. These accounts furnished me with different “ideal” pictures of ladies, which were for the most part not compatible. While pictures of “Durga”, “Kali” or abstract characters like “Debi Chaudhurani” used to depict ladies as amazing, solid contenders and guardian angels; pictures of “Sita”, “Surpanakha”, “Draupadi” or “Helen” portrayed how ladies were reasons of war and annihilation, subverting the way that how solid and resolved these characters were. Bengal brags of its way of life of unobtrusiveness, astuteness and instruction, where ladies are clearly not denied rights to training. I experienced childhood in metro city of Kolkata, where all working class ladies of our age and the vast majority of our mothers” age were educated. In spite of the fact that there were Catch 22s and parochial designs and correspondences around, still roads of Bengal were protected when we were growing up. During our school days working class of Bengal didn't have the advantage of cell phones, so terrifying over young ladies being late-returning or calling them to follow areas were not regular marvel. My mom and aunties say that they never felt the uneasiness of us being hurt on roads of Kolkata. They realized we would be protected and be back by 9pm from instructing classes. In last 8-10 years we have noticed an uncommon change in conditions of Bengal and generally speaking India. Not many news features from realized dailies give a brief look at the horrendous change:

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• Delhi: Medical student gang raped in a bus, stripped and thrown out; Hindustan Times, 17 Dec 2012 • Ex-minister's wife moves court to book husband under domestic violence act; Thiruvanathapuram, hindustan Times 04 April, 2013 • ফের বারাসত:কলেজ-ফেরত ছাত্রীর ফেহ উদ্ধার, আক্রান্ত পুলেশ (again Barasat: college-returning female student”s body recovered); AnandaBazar Patrika, 8 June 2013 • 10 women complain of molestation daily; Times of India, 13 Sep 2013 • Grandma of two molested, raped within 24 hours of arriving in Nagpur; Times of India, 05 Dec 2013 • Kolkata: Uber driver held over alleged molestation; India Today, 6th July, 2016 • Mumbai Crime: Man arrested for molesting woman constable at Worli sea face; Midday, 14th Oct, 2016 These reports show that independent old enough, calling, place, time, space or dressing ladies in India are getting abused. It was chilling to understand that we are gradually getting heartless toward these episodes. Papers and channels are overflowed now-a-days with these sorts of occurrences and it doesn't astound us any longer like even 10years back, when one episode used to be talked about in areas for quite a long time. Roads of Kolkata unexpectedly got dubious. In any case, was infringement new to ladies? Were these not occurring previously? Or then again not revealed previously? The inquisitive inquiry was that is actually the recurrence has gone higher or recurrence of reportage started up?


1. To explore experience of women regarding rights over their own body. 2. To explore different aspects of identity of women. 3. To explore perception of women concerning authority over their sexuality.

Theoretical standpoint:

For the flow study I followed the hypothetical position of constructivist worldview of subjective examination procedure. Scholars (Crotty, 2012) of this epistemology accept that information on marvels is human and social development, in spite of the fact that presence of wonders is free of people‟s minds. In brain science constructivism envelops various schools of contemplations and various procedures, despite the fact that they all have basic comprehension of helpful nature of age and forming of information, "by which the psyche is considered as an aloof framework that assembles its substance from its current circumstance and, through the demonstration of knowing, creates a duplicate of the request for the real world" (Balbi, 2008). Social constructivism alludes to an idea about information which portrays that individuals” advancements are socially situated and information gets built through talk, through human

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communication (McKinley, 2015). Social constructivism additionally centers around how people learn through these connections, which basically shows a trendy move in research worldview, where the “involving” analyst arose rather than “aloof” one. Women's activist hypotheses fundamentally investigate nature of sexes and their situating, error and disparity. However, over the long run women's activist angles have gone through changes and paradigmatic movements. Nancy Cott (2010) called attention to the takeoff point of current women's liberation from its forerunners alluding to many years 1910-1930. She contended that the center was changed this time; while earlier developments were mainly about ladies as “universal” substance, from this time it became about “social separation, singularity and diversity”. Women‟s situating began to be addressed as friendly build. As to situating women's activist scholars have generally reprimanded Freudian hypothesis for its essentially phallic talk, to the degree of censuring it for diminishing profile of woman's rights during between war period (Kingsley, 2011); albeit some others (Mitchell, 2013) didn't discover Freudian hypothesis to be totally indistinguishable with women's liberation. In the post-war time frame during 1950s Simone de Beauvoir got a “existentialist” measurement to woman's rights, where the suggested and unavoidable inadequacy of ladies was the focal point of conversation, beginning with an endeavor to characterize “women”. She talked about how ladies are verifiably characterized and separated as “The Second Sex”, men being the conspicuous reference point. Through her work she brought up an issue about the apparent presence of ladies as “other”, as a “no-man”; and contended that this doesn't occur the alternate way, since ladies are never reference highlight characterize men. Her hypothesis zeroed in on how male centric “myths” about woman continuously makes a space of “becoming woman” instead of “being” one. Another women's activist author Toril Moi (2000) flawlessly clarified this point of view of Beauvoir as “a woman characterizes herself through the manner in which she experience her exemplified circumstance on the planet, or at the end of the day, through the manner by which she makes a big deal about what the world thinks about her”. Scholars of this position (Bergoffen, 2012) contended that ladies need to recover their situation as “subject” to withdraw from her assigned job as “other”. Irigaray (2011) introduced her hypothetical position through elaboration of the cycles through which ladies are commoditized and traded in a fundamentally phallic economy as they are considered as “other”, where their worth relies upon phallic marking in "sexual business" (p. 31). In her later works (Irigaray and Guynn, 2013) she muddled this position of “other”, which she, when all is said and done, called as "returning to French women's liberation", by expressing that when one considers ladies as “second” and requests balance, of course ladies are contrasted with a “standard” which is again male, and brought up how it makes an unremitting pattern of “lack”. Through the entirety of her works she attempted to clarify how collections of ladies are turning out to be wellspring of disappointment and along these lines making fulfillment an inconceivable objective. She (Irigaray, 2015) contended that in existing manly talk, ladies wish to be acknowledged and esteemed for “something she is not”, and voiced the need for a by and large novel talk for ladies. Irigaray (2016) reprimanded Freudian portrayal (or absence of depiction) of female sexuality and wants, where female sexual “passivity” has been depicted as inverse to manly “activity”. At the same time she contended that female longings and sexuality has never been addressed inside existing manly talk and hence is understood consistently as a “lack” – "her parcel is that of "need," "decay" (of the sexual organ), and "penis begrudge," the penis being the lone sexual organ of perceived worth. Subsequently she endeavors by each mean accessible to proper that organ for herself: through her fairly subservient love of the dad spouse equipped for giving her one, through her craving for a youngster penis, ideally a kid, through admittance to the social

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qualities actually maintained by authority to guys alone and in this way consistently manly, etc. Woman experience her own longing just as the assumption that she may finally come to have a likeness the male organ. She clarified how inside this talk female cravings are subject to male‟s joy chasing, by "taking" her as an "object". She clarified how these ladies are there as "lovely object of consideration" (Irigaray, 1985, p. 26) and their bodies are engraved with twofold tie duties of seeming tempting and saving virtuousness and whose extreme worth lies in invigorating "drives of the subject" (p. 26). Comparable position was reflected in Berger‟s (2013) hypothesis, in his book “ways of seeing” where he talked about women‟s existential emergency, their appearance-subordinate assessment based selves; and he pronounced that they are there "to take care of a craving" (p. 49). Irigaray (1985) explained the difficulty of interpreting assortment of female joys inside existing singularized phallic economy and in this way she proposed that "with the goal for woman to arrive at where she accepts joy as woman, a long diversion via the investigation of the different frameworks of persecution brought to bear upon her is without a doubt fundamental" (p.


She showed the shortcoming or carelessness of political hypotheses and practices to address ladies as a “class”, verifiably scattering them among numerous classes, which have made women‟s socio-political battle convoluted and troublesome. Judith Butler (1999) scrutinized “French Feminism” for its limited spotlight on "sex doubles" (p. viii). She condemned hetero- regulating talk showing its built delineated exemplified nature. She talked about the development, creation, proliferation and potential outcomes of sex, going past parallels. She announced that “naturalized information on gender” is guarded and subject to horrible controlling of the real world. Through her works she depicted “per formative” methods of development of sex in friendly, mortal, clairvoyant and fleeting measurements, where she clarified development as “constitutive restraint” (Butler, 2014). She proclaimed that through “per formative” operations of “sex” bodies are “materialized”, which at last attempts to solidify hetero essentialism (Butler, 2015). She likewise clarified how constitution of “subject” is reliant on cycles of “exclusion” and “abjection”; the outskirts of abstract space of self-governance is comprised by the individuals who are outside the area of “subject”. Interpreting “sex” in its “normatively”, she explained that materiality of bodies ought to be "reexamined as the impact of force, as power‟s most gainful impact" (Butler, 1993, p. 2).

Body’ and ‘personhood’ of women:

Since childhood I had gotten negative remarks for skin shading like some other gloomy companion of mine, however having strong guardians these remarks never influenced me, as my folks reminded me routinely to be stressed over body just when I can”t play out my every day works easily. Be that as it may, I have noticed numerous companions and cousins starving and being distracted about looks and body-weight since immaturity. Presently when I think back and understand that my lone wish of having long hair during school-days was carefully dismissed by my folks because of wastage of study time in hair-care, I feel grateful and pitiful both. Grateful as it truly saved my time and I could focus on examinations and tragic as I understand that whatever the explanation was I didn't have the chance to settle on every one of the choices about my own body. Incidentally with spending years when at last I got settled with short hairs, I was convinced to develop them during school days as I expected to look more “feminine” and

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“marriage material”. Limitations and authority over group of ladies come in various structures, from various registers, altering in various stages and these limitations are for the most part established in objectivity of ladies. Grosz (2016) featured bodies” job as a foundation of imparting social codes, without fundamentally talking. She broadcasted two wide sorts of approach of speculating about body: the “inscriptive” body – which imagines body as a surface of engraving of social law, profound quality, values and the “lived” body – which alludes to lived insight of body. In Bengal tattoos, for example obvious engravings on ladies body done on their own will, are still indications of “ultra-modern” ladies and not processed in working class effectively; however regular ladies bodies are recorded in each conceivable way with socio- social and ceremonial codes. The lived encounters of ladies work in disguise of these engravings and once in a while addressing them. Yet, whichever hypothetical methodology is mulled over ladies body consistently appeared to be under limitation and examination: be it through dressing, development or just the social look. The play of arranging power by means of the body is named as body legislative issues (Schlyter et al., 2009). The interconnectedness of space, body and self/personality has been clarified by numerous specialists and creators a few times. Freud (2012) likewise viewed inner self as the psychological projection of the outside of the body, though Grosz (2013) enunciated that bodies can‟t be conceptualized without thinking about their current circumstance and spatio-temporal” area. The contemporary, generally established, body governmental issues presents a worldwide norm of "coordinated firm incorporated body, directed by reason, as its optimal model" which delivers a "disturbed self-perception", a body restless to be the piece of the ideal organization (Lingis, 1994) and not having the option to meet this ideal prompts body disgrace (Mckinley, 2013). Look and socio-social assessment has consistently had its impact willfully ignorant of emotional position for ladies. Writings show that ladies have consistently been more keen on having such figures that get most examinations from male characters displayed in media (Fouts and Burggraf, 1999), so it is the evaluation/acknowledgment that characterize, breaking point and build the feeling of body and self among ladies. Verbalized that "ladies are there to take care of a hunger, not to have any of their own". They are wondered whether or not to set expectations and own sexual cravings create blame in them, because of their assessment subordinate self-judgment. Contemporary current ladies are capitulating to the worldwide norm of excellence and bargaining wellbeing to meet that ideal, making them relentless shoppers and interminably disappointed with own body. 15-10years back additionally Bengal was not frequented with magnificence – parlors and spas, which are available in each territory now. Developing organizations of these spas and corrective specialists show the enlarging concern in regards to target principles of excellence and body among Bengalee ladies. Readings of hypothetical perspectives in regards to body perpetually takes us to the development of a talk around body in sexed terms, where a body of a woman since birth is seen and understood in gendered terms. Grosz (2010) expressed in her book that if body legislative issues is to be reconceived, it is to be done in sexed terms. The need of zeroing in on and entangling the issue of gendered presence of ladies and their body in history and society has been examined by numerous prominent researchers and women's activists like Beauvoir (1952), Irrigaray (2011), Wittig (2012) and so on They featured how since birth body of a female youngster is stamped and directed a space inside the paired hetero talk. These scholars clarified how “feminine” turns into a built sexual orientation, with directed assigned highlights and organized as “other”, where the reference point is male (or according to worldwide standard-

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white male) as “standard”. Irigaray (2013) featured the need to address both sociological and philosophical/philosophical register of subject, yet she likewise underlined that philosophical model really compares to the historicized political model.

Life-space of women:

The subjectivity of ladies and the constitution of the spot appear to be the center inquiries to investigate the milieu of contemporary state of ladies. The range of infringement hurts bodily, social, mental, a wide range of spaces of ladies; suggesting a conversation starter on their emotional remaining in the public eye. The situating of ladies must be addressed, which itself is exceptionally muddled inquiry, with chronicled roots; as Derrida (2011) suggested the conversation starter of whether the spot of ladies ought to be considered or the actual spot. Consolidating the ideas of Kurt Lewin (2012) and his own, Victor Daniel (2003) states comprehensively three kinds of life space, where life space is the thing that we remember for our field of insight and activity, - public activity space, vicarious life space and individual mental life space. Experiencing childhood in metropolitan Bengal I once in a while saw during childhood whether these parts of life-space are planned by or for us. However, after death of our dad I saw the distinction in our (me, my sister and mom) life-spaces contrasting with my friends” families. Unexpectedly we “could do” or “could not do” things, that were not in any case endorsed previously. I began acknowledging how with change of conjugal and parental status we became “different”, which edified me about “normal” life-space. It was a stun for me and my sister when we comprehended that our mom won't ever wear her most loved red tone until kingdom come. She was called by my cousins as “lal ma” (red mother), as that was the shading she used to wear most and recognize herself with and that was the shading she was denied after death of my dad. Then again we were required to do all the external errands without help from anyone else, which were not “allowed” previously, as we should turn into the “man of the house” too. Despite the fact that we missed him horrendously, yet now thinking back I can securely say, that the family members and the world relinquishing us, we unexpectedly turned out to be moderately autonomous and “could” plan our spaces all alone, obviously inside the fringe of social traditions. My mom being a truly neighborly and confiding in parent, we were never posed inquiries about getting back from or heading off to some place. However, I additionally understood that we ourselves were a lot of mindful of the social eyes, which made us liable for our own behavior, as we were frightened of the disgrace of “spoiltbrats” without father. After marriage when I moved to another and diverse family-structure with specialists directing spaces, it illuminated me about battles of ladies to cut out their “own-spaces”. These making of spaces is established in customs and societies which are ages-old and hard to address. In any case, one thing that I understood about this creating was that it was tied in with “being a lady”, following moral, customary and social standards. Socio-verifiable development of life-space and “personhood” of ladies has been there in a few writings. Beauvoir‟s (2010) acclaimed revelation: "One isn't conceived, yet turns into a woman. No Biological, Psychological, or Economic destiny decides the figure that the human female presents in the public eye: it is development overall delivers this animal, middle of the road among male and eunuch, which is portrayed as ladylike" (p. 249), obviously showed the socio- recorded development of “female (un)subjectivity” and it roused an age of researchers. Talking about this adage of Beauvoir, Wittig (1981/1993) says that sensibly it uncovers that "the division from men of which ladies have been the article is a political one and shows that we have been

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philosophically modified into a characteristic gathering" (p. 103). Heinamaa (2004) composed, while examining Beauvoir and Merleau-Ponty - "Woman is definitely not a fixed reality yet a turning out to be. It is in her turning into that she ought to be contrasted and man, in other words, that her prospects ought to be characterized" (p. 144). Going through challenges to discover a husband to be for my sister because of her work in police, I understood how society slander ladies who try to go past its standard of spaces and make own. Noticing numerous different companions and neighbors who deserted their odds and dreams of professions that required voyaging or longer hours outside home, for family I perceived the power and profundity of these circumscription of space. Daniel (2003) clarified, talking about Lewin‟s idea of space, that our view of ourselves and our relationship with self redistribute when our life-space is moved and he likewise explained our life-space as a gathering part to be a formative interaction. Following Gottfredson”s (2014) hypothesis on “circumscription and bargain of word related aspirations” we can grasp how women‟s vocation decisions gets checked by sex-job assumptions, how they attempt to fit-in to the word related standard of female positions, how their fantasies are stopped from the beginning or they never really hope for any occupation that doesn't coordinate with sex standards of society. In Bengal instructing is by all accounts the most secure and most appreciated business for taught ladies, which is admired by written works, media and different types of socialization. These conditions helps to remember Grosz”s (1995) remark in regards to development of life-space for ladies, that they are contained in a space that they, at the end of the day, never built and not was amassed for them possibly; they wind up being destitute inside home itself and their space gets characterized as far as their obligations and boundlessly repeatable errands to the detriment of their self. She grouped this space as a space of mistreatment and misuse, a space that hurts them just as segregates them.


This exploration presents an image of the inward universe of contemporary Bengalee metropolitan ladies through accounts, investigating their importance making of regular encounters and how it shapes and re-shapes their personality, life-space and personhood. These discussions illuminate about the typified idea of impression of selves for ladies. Accounts showed how self-esteem and understanding of character is significantly subject to evaluative guidelines of 'appearance' and 'administration'. Investigation revealed cycles of 'body governmental issues' through patterns of epitome of historicized conceptualizations of female body-where definitive legitimate and social frameworks of society, weight of history, socialization and their lived encounters of segregation and infringement strengthen their all around molded feeling of weak bodily self; which again build up their conviction and reliance in these develops. Control through different legitimate powers serves in total to develop and ration a paradigm of a confined womanhood. Cultural social practices of devastating of personhood, at various registers, all through life execute the interaction. Absence of subjectivity appeared to be a subordinate of externalization of bodily and social selves. Members' disarray over existential worth and lived encounters of generalization made their emotional presence considerably more muddled. Where on one hand most stories portrayed the epitomized feeling of 'need' and established objectivity; scarcely any accounts depicted ideas of physical self, where mind-body parallels gets risen above. This examination contends that unremitting desiring for 'ideal' body, changed through the contemporary 'care' talk of obtrusive promoting strategies, trigger an understood pattern of life-disappointment influencing different parts of life.

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