The Factors of Marketing Mix Affecting Customer’s Buying Decision for Small Dogs in Fish Village Ratchaburi, Thailand

Factors influencing the buying decision for small dogs in Fish Village Ratchaburi, Thailand

by Ms. Anawika Intarawattana*, Dr. Wachara Yeesunted,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 8, Jun 2019, Pages 34 - 37 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Factors affecting customer’s buying decision for small dogs. The population used in the study is the customers who purchased the dog fish market in Ratchaburi. The sample used in the study was from 323 people. There were different tools and methods used during this process. Regression Correlation used to measure the correlation. Firstly, the hypothesis states that different personal factors affect the decision to buy a small dog which this problem is in the medium zone (3.25). The high zone is Search for Information, Evaluation of Alternative , Decision Marking and Post purchase Behavior (4.34, 4.39, 4.35, 4.14). Other personal factor such as gender, age, status, education, estimate salary, family members, different habitats, also affects the decision on buying small dogs. The second assumption of this case study at Fish Market states that the results of the tests using regression showed that the price of the dog was appropriate for its quality, the store is conveniently accessible, and dogs are healthy which have a sig value of 0.030, 0.037 and 0.049.


marketing mix, customer's buying decision, small dogs, Fish Village Ratchaburi, Thailand, population, sample, tools, methods, regression, correlation, personal factors, medium zone, high zone, Search for Information, Evaluation of Alternative, Decision Making, Post purchase Behavior, gender, age, status, education, estimate salary, family members, different habitats, price, quality, store accessibility, dog health


The overall picture of the pet business has grown by 10-15% every year. By 2018, it is expected to grow at least 10% or the market value of approximately 3.2 billion baht, up from 29.3 billion baht in 2017, the dog market More and more popular every year. For example, when entering this year, 2018, dogs are still more than 56 percent of the most popular pets in the business sector and many dog-related businesses are launched. Raised every year (Pet Expo Thailand, 2561), also received good feedback Compared to many years ago from 2012 to 2018 The reason that consumers are increasingly popular Comes from many reasons, such as new generation behavior Or we call Millennials Which changes according to social conditions and lifestyle The marriage is slow and decreasing. Decreased childbirth rate Maintaining single status Living in a single family style Or living more alone Including a variety of styles such as Fujitsu dog collars that can record activities Number of steps Or record dog health To allow dog owners to check information for easier management of health care, which is currently produced for dogs in particular Whether it is a facility for dogs, such as elevators, dogs are invented to be inspired by the development of chair lifts for elderly people with walking problems. Have problems with osteoarthritis of the knee By the lift for dogs Will be installed inside the house to facilitate the sick dog Dogs that have recently undergone surgery that do not want the dog to be affected Which will help avoid the chance that the dog will get more injured Or in dogs that have overweight problems that the owner cannot hold on to the house Or for dogs with the owner, such as a translator, cries of dogs This machine acts as a signal for various vocals. And then transmit radio waves to the receiver device that the shepherd must carry Which the receiver device has a display screen showing a cartoon that indicates various emotions Of dogs according to the vocals at that time Which the display will provide the information obtained from the translation of the cry, as if it were a happy face image Will mean Our dogs are in a relaxed mood. Ready to be friendly with everyone etc. As mentioned above, the study team is interested in studying the marketing mix factors affecting the decision to buy small breed dogs. Fish Market In order to apply the results of the study to improve the marketing mix to achieve better results and those interested in using the information obtained from this study to use other benefits such as developing and improving the dog distribution shop To be even more quality.

the marketing mix factors that are related to the decision to buy small breed dogs


The study of marketing mix factors affecting the decision to buy small dogs Fish Market Based on the concept of marketing mix theory (4P‘s) and decision-making theory (Kotler Phillip, 2012) because in this research, the exact population is not known. Therefore use the calculation method using the formula of Dublin, Cochran (1953) and the sample group were 323 customers who bought small dogs. Duration of study from 1 November - 1 December 2018


The tools used in the research and data collection use the questionnaire consisting of the following main parts. Personal information Is general information Is a questionnaire Opinions about marketing mix factors Is a questionnaire Opinions about factors of purchasing decisions As feedback


In order to complete the study, data from textbooks, documents and other research results related to dog purchases And information obtained from Questionnaire response Of the target group Collect data between 1 November - 1 December 2018


Data processing and analysis With a computer program by finding the ratio, percentage and mean, creating a pie chart And bar charts With explanation of results The statistics used are descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean and standard deviation. For hypothesis testing using t-test ANOVA (One-way ANOVA) Correlation Coefficient


The study of the marketing factors affecting the decision to buy small dogs Fish Fish Market The study results are divided into 5 parts as follows:

Part 1 Personal information

The results of the study showed that most of them were female, aged 20-29 years, marital status, education level, bachelor degree, company employee career estimate salary 20,001-30,000 baht, the number of members in the family of 4-6 people and the nature of being a single house of the overall marketing mix At a very high level Which is in the product section 4.25 in the price of 4.05, the level that is very high in the distribution channel 4.05, much in marketing promotion 4.11 is at a very high level As shown in the following table 1

Table 1 shows the analysis of marketing mix factors

From Table 1 above, the overall marketing experience factor is at a high level (= 4.11). When considered individually, it is found that it is at a high level in all aspects. The highest average value is the product (= 4.25), followed by the marketing promotion (= 4.11) and the price side (= 4.05), the distribution channel (= 4.05), respectively. The main reason is that the dog should be healthy strong Strongly organizing various promotions, such as discounting, free dog equipment, etc. The price of dogs should be suitable for the quality of dogs. And inform the location of the clear shop for convenience in traveling to the dog shop

Part 3 Information about the decision to buy small breed dogs

When analyzing the marketing mix theory (Kotler Phillip, 2012). it was found that the decision to buy small breed dogs At a very high level 4.09. In terms of perceived problems At a moderate level 3.25 in seeking information 4.34 in the assessment of choice 4.39 At a very high level 4.35 purchase decision is at a high level in the post-purchase behavior At a very high level 4.14 as shown in the following table 2

Table 2 shows the analysis of the decision to buy small breed dogs.

From Table 2 above, the results can be explained that the decision to buy small breed dogs in the overall picture is at a high level (= 4.09). When considered individually, it was found that the alternative assessment (= 4.39) in decision Purchasing (= 4.35) in the field of information seeking (= 4.34) on post-purchase behavior (= according to the species, including the convenience of traveling to the shop Finding information from inquiring dog shops and customers is important to the size of the dog. Later, the analysis of the relationship and the results of the study showed that the marketing mix factors had a relationship between the decision making process for buying small dogs. As found in the following table 3

Table 3 The relationship between factors that influence marketing mix influences the decision to buy small dogs From Table 3 may consider that

The relationship between marketing mix factors influencing the decision making process for buying small breed dogs The Fish Village Ratchaburi market is the most commented that Dogs that are sold are of the same health. Has a coefficient Correlation at the level of 0.432 *, followed by the price of the dog is suitable for quality in the same direction. Has a coefficient Correlation at the level of 0.421 * influences the decision to buy small breed dogs. In the same direction Has a coefficient Correlation at level 0


Most customers are female, aged between 20-29 years. Most of them are married with a bachelor's degree. Company employee estimate salary 20,001-30,000 baht. There are 4-6 members in the family and the address is one house. In addition, if analyzing product aspects The overall average is at a high level. And customers give great importance to health. The reliability of the dog shop Dogs that are sold have characteristics that follow the breed. And dogs that are sold in a variety of varieties Respectively, while the price Will get the overall average of the level of importance at the high level and the customer gives priority Highest level The price is suitable for quality. In addition, for distribution channels, the customers place importance on the level of convenience, including traveling to a dog shop. There is a delivery of dogs to the destination by car, train, plane. Can order dogs via phone / social network respectively. In addition, in promoting marketing, customers pay more attention to There are various promotions, such as discounted offers counseling services for dog care after sales, respectively. However, when analyzed to Information about the decision to buy a dog will be found. In recognition of problems At a moderate level Customers pay more attention to the selection of dogs at a high level. The main reason for wanting to raise is Because the area is suitable for raising dogs Want to bring the dog to the contest, bring to watch the house and want the dog to breed In the pursuit of overall information Customers who come to buy give priority to the route of traveling to the shop. And pay attention to online media information In the evaluation of options Customers will consider from the exact characteristics of the breed of dog. From the right price from the reliability of the store from the payment channel And from the store location so In buying decisions Customers pay more attention because of convenient transportation. Believe in the reputation of the store. Entrepreneurs have expertise. And a variety of dogs to choose from Respectively when analyzing the post-purchase behavior Important to the shop in a positive way, such as consulting about raising and maintaining dog health. Will affect the return of buying a dog repeatedly from the original store Therefore, in the overall picture, the decision-making process consists of evaluating alternatives. Buying decision 2 medium level information seeking, consisting of post-purchase behavior And perceived problems respectively


Based on this analysis, it indicates that personal factors The occupation is different, affecting the decision to buy a small breed dog, a case study of Fish Village market. Ratchaburi is different In addition, marketing promotion factors such as Giving priority to promotions such as discounts, free items, etc.


From the study, there are suggestions as follows.

1. The store should focus on the health of the dog that must be strong. Vaccination included disease (measles fever, inflammatory enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis and bronchitis) before selling to customers and should have a dog that sells to choose from a variety of varieties to support customers' needs. 2. The price should be set according to the structure and the beauty clearly and

bank transfers, free of charge fees Or installments Accept credit cards etc. 3. The shop should facilitate travel by telling the address clearly so that customers can travel easily. By mapping or sending locations And can order dogs via phone, internet by expanding communication channels such as adding website, Instagram line, Facebook etc. 4. There should be regular promotions such as discounts during the festivals, giveaway gifts to attract customers. And provide consulting services in after-sales care By introducing customers to complete initial parenting As well as explaining the advantages of buying a dog to feed, such as being able to breed, profit from bringing a child born from a parent to sell, generate income Having after-sales service by providing advice, advice, raising First Aid For the health of dogs And creating activities for customers to participate, such as Send photos of customers, take a photo with the dog bought. Will receive dog treats etc.


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Corresponding Author Ms. Anawika Intarawattana*

Graduate School of kasembundit University, Bangkok