The Development of the Service Quality of Youth Sports Center Bridge

Improving the Service Quality of Youth Sports Center Bridge

by Dr. Watchara Yeesoontes*, Ms. Arritsa Kitkhunthod,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 8, Jun 2019, Pages 38 - 42 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The study The development of the service quality of youth sports center bridge. The objective is to study the factors that affect the quality of the service of the youth sports center in high bridge. To study the satisfaction of youth sports center and to study the relationship between the quality of service to the satisfaction of a youth sports center in high bridge. How to study is the study of the quantitative (Quantitative research) study population is seniors who come to exercise at high bridge youth sports center. The number of people using the 323 questionnaires as a tool to study and use the data collected and processed by statistical value, the average percent tested hypothesis model (One-Way ANOVA), T-test, Correlation and Regression Analysis he study indicated that Seniors who exercise, sports center, youth bridge. Most were female, aged 60-65 years, married, graduate level education. Professional commercial business Income per month 15001-20000 baht frequency of service centers, youth sports, bridge 2-4 times a week. And at the sports center, youth Bridge over 1 hour or more different individual factors affecting customer satisfaction of service to different age and frequency of service. Different influences the satisfaction of service is different. For individual factors, gender, marital status, average income per month. Education, career, different. Affect the satisfaction of service. not different The quality of service The overall level consists of the confidence our customers. Reliability The customer response The fairness of service. The satisfaction of service. The overall level The materiality of service. Concerning use of the Service Reliability The needs The meet Providing confidence to customers. The needs The meet Providing confidence to customers. The needs The meet Providing confidence to customers The recommendations from the study. Management should focus on improving service quality. By focusing on job performance The development of efficient services to the sports center staff. The training Authorities to supervise and advise the elderly. And to check the fitness of every month. For the safety of elderly people who use the service. And to enhance the quality of service should be assessed. The performance of the authorities seriously to build credibility and trust with seniors at the sports center bridge.


service quality, youth sports center, bridge, satisfaction, quantitative research, seniors, customer satisfaction, individual factors, job performance, training


Thailand is in transition to society. Aged Society, based on data from United Nations World Population Ageing Children and the elderly Will be greater than the population of the labor age And in 2017 will be the first time in history that the child population Less than the elderly This situation is the result of rapid fertility reduction. And the continuous decline of the mortality level of the population Causing the number and proportion of the elderly population of Thailand Increased rapidly (statistically, the elderly - Department of Elderly Affairs, 2017) The number of seniors is increasing, so the government gives importance to this population. The government therefore issued the Elderly Act of 2003, which contains Article 11, indicating that the elderly are entitled to protection. Promotion and support in many important areas is the convenience and safety directly to the elderly, places, vehicles or other public services. Although various regulations have been issued as mentioned But some sports center areas have not been renovated to accommodate elderly users. And providing access to activities to meet the needs of the elderly in exercising in the sports center At present, the elderly turn to pay more attention to health care, whether it is eating clean food, eating food supplements. And regular exercise, in order to prevent potential illnesses because the current environment has changed from the original both the decline in natural resources Pollution problems and social environment various diseases are

provide different services or activities. The elderly do not just want to exercise, but the elderly can come to the elderly sports center. Talk to friends, sit, relax, come to get a natural atmosphere, where the elderly have come out, the elderly sports center will have a healthy body and good mental health. Far away from sickness Reduce the risk of disease. Which if the sports center Each area has a management service that takes into account the cost-effective use. In accordance with those who use the service, it will allow the elderly to exercise more. As mentioned above, the students are interested in studying the guidelines for improving the service quality of the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center. To bring results from research studies as guidelines for development and correction Providing services for the High Bridge Youth Sports Center to be effective. And to meet the needs of the elderly who use the service appropriately


1. To study factors affecting service quality of the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center 2. To study the satisfaction of using the services of Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center 3. To study the relationship between service quality and service satisfaction of Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center


In the aspect of educational content, the concept of service quality theory consists of the concrete aspects of the service. Reliability In response to customers In terms of giving confidence to customers And the concept of satisfaction theory Equal service provision On-time service Adequate service On continuous service Advance services An example is the study of elderly people who come to use the services of the High Bridge Youth Center, for example, a total of 323 people. The period used in the study between November 2018 - February 2019

Methods of conducting demographic and sample research

The target population is defined as Study the elderly who use the service of theSaphan Sung Youth Sports Center Sample size, not known for the exact population of W.G.cochram. The sample size is 323 people. collection questionnaire. From the elderly who used the service of the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center, for example, a total of 323 people were respondents. Secondary data (Secondary data) is information obtained from textbooks. Study reports related documents And internet Tools used in this study namely, using questionnaires to collect data. There are 4 parts as follows: Part 1 Personal information As general information, part 2 is a questionnaire Opinions about the quality of the elderly exercise service. Part 3 is a questionnaire. Satisfaction with the use of the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center, Part 4 as feedback The researcher used this questionnaire to send to the advisor to check the content, language, clarity and accuracy in accordance with the issues studied and then used to improve. Conducted tests with a group of 30 people. The results were updated again before being used to collect data from those who received childbirth. In the Bangkok area that is not a sample, it is found that the Cronbach's Alpha Coeffcient equals 0.858 with a high level of confidence. The researcher processed the data obtained from the questionnaire by computer program by finding the percentage ratio and average (Mean) Microsoft Excel program, which is a ready-made program for creating pie charts and bar charts. With explanation of results And bring the results from the chart to present to analyze according to the characteristics of various variables


1. Descriptive statistics specify the statistics used. Such as percentage, mean, standard deviation to explain demographic data of respondents and various variables 2. Inferential statistics used for hypothesis testing Specify statistics used such as t-test, ANOVA analysis, F-test (One-way ANOVA), Coefficient Regression and Correlation

(Correlation Analysis)

In finding correlation coefficients using Pearson's method or simple correlation Study data which is the data of the sample group with variables that want to study the relationship Is a variable that influences the satisfaction of exercising relationship or the same way. - r = .50 to 1.00 or r = -.50 to -1.00. Considering that the data has a high relationship - r = .30 to .49 or r = -30 to -.49. Considering the data at a moderate level - r = .10 to .29 or r = -.10 to -.29. Considering the data at a low level - r = .00. Considering the data is not related Telling the level or size of the relationship Will use the number of correlation coefficients If the correlation coefficient is close to -1 or 1, it indicates a high level of correlation. But if there is a value close to 0, it shows that there is little or no relationship between them for determining the correlation coefficient In general, the following criteria may apply (Hinkle D. E. 1998, p.118).


The respondents totaled 323 persons. It was found that the elderly who used the service at the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center Most of them are female, aged 60-65 years, married status, graduated with a bachelor's degree. Career / Business Monthly income 15,001-20,000 baht. Frequency to use the Bridge High Youth Sports Center 2-4 times per week. And the time when using the Bridge Youth Sports Center is over 1 hour or more Factors affecting service quality of the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center The concrete aspect of the service The results of the study showed that the overall picture was at a moderate level. With details of the opinions in the high level 3 items, consisting of staff giving advice to you about the use of the service Officers are responsible for their duties and services. And the elderly activities are appropriate according to the order of trust, trust The results of the study showed that the overall picture was at a high level. With details of opinions in the high level, 1 item can be used at the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center Exercise is in order of response to needs. The results of the study showed that the overall picture was at a moderate level. With details of opinions in moderate level 4 items consisting of The fitness facility is sufficient to meet the needs, with a variety of service management for you to choose to exercise. The modernity of the equipment that is provided in the exercise, equipment to exercise enough to exercise According to the order of confidence for customers, the results from the study showed that the overall picture was at a high level. With details of the opinions at the high level, 3 items, consisting of the exercise place for you. And sports equipment are safe when used every time, respectively Satisfaction in using the services of the High Bridge Youth Sports Center in providing equal services The results of the study showed that the overall picture was at a moderate level. With details of the opinions in the high level, 2 items, consisting of the use of services of the High Bridge Youth Sports Center that you use is equal The length of time for using the service is equal in the first order, respectively, in terms of using the service on time. The results of the study showed that the overall picture was at a high level. With details of the opinions in the high level, 3 items, consisting of on public holidays and public holidays, open sports stadiums Provide service at the specified time Staff who provide loan services for sports equipment to work directly And the period of aerobic dance activities 17.00-18.00 hrs. Is appropriate in order of adequate service The results of the study showed that the overall picture was at a moderate level. With details of the opinions in the medium level 3 items Consists of a place to exercise for the elderly Enough to use the service The relaxation table arrangement for the elderly who come to exercise is appropriate and the place to relax. Adequate parking place, respectively, for continuous service The results of the study showed that the overall picture was at a high level. With the details of the opinions in the high level 1 item Consists of daily service for the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center, respectively, in advance of using the service. The results of the study showed that the overall picture was at a moderate level. With detailed comments At the moderate level, 3 items consist of continuous development of the Youth Bridge High Center, such as modern exercise machines. The place and equipment for exercise are suitable for the elderly and there is a sound installation along the line in the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center respectively.


Hypothesis 1. Different personal factors affect the satisfaction of using different services. The results of the test using ANOVA statistics found that personal factors with age and frequency of service Different, affecting the satisfaction of using different services For personal factors, gender, status, education level, occupation, average monthly income different Affecting the satisfaction of using the service not different Hypothesis 2. Service quality influences Satisfaction with the use of the Saphan Sung Youth

the satisfaction of using the service, consisting of the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center Safe There is a caretaker throughout the ranks, 2 places to exercise enough to meet the 3rd demand. Modernity of the equipment that provides exercise services. No. 4 Sports equipment is safe when used every time. And the staff give advice to you about the use of the service. The value of Sig is 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.007 and 0.031 respectively.


The study of guidelines for the development of service quality of the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center There are students who have issues to discuss the following results: service quality factors, Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center, consisting of fairness of service Reliability, trust Responsive aspects Confidence for customers  The fairness of service The issue of staff giving advice to you about the use of services is related to satisfaction in exercising the elderly at a moderate level. In accordance with Jenarong Thongthamathat's research (2013), study the needs and satisfaction of the elderly about recreation services in the park. Bangkok found that The fairness of service The issue of staff giving advice to you about the use of services is related to satisfaction in exercising the elderly at a moderate level. With statistical significance at the level of 0.05  Responsive aspects The issue of modernization of equipment that provides exercise services is related to satisfaction in exercising the elderly at moderate level. In accordance with the research of Piroon Chaipalert's research work (2017). Study of service quality. Of artificial grass football field in Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province Responsive aspects The issue of modernization of equipment that provides service in exercise is related to satisfaction in exercising the elderly at a moderate level with statistical significance at the level of 0.05.  Responsive aspects Issues of adequate exercise facilities for the needs, relationships, and satisfaction in exercising the elderly at moderate level In accordance with the research of Piroon Chaipalert (2017). Study of service quality. Of artificial grass football field in Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province, Buri Responsive aspects Issues of adequate exercise facilities to meet the needs of the elderly to  In terms of giving confidence to customers The issue of sports equipment is safety when used every time. The relationship to satisfaction in exercising the elderly at a high level Consistent with Kannika Yawila's research (2016), quality of service that affects loyalty in using the service The fitness center of customers in Bangkok found that the confidence in customers The issue of sports equipment is safe when used at all times to influence the satisfaction of exercising the elderly at a high level with statistical significance at the level of 0.05.


The study has suggestions for the following benefits from studying the guidelines for improving the quality of service of the Saphan Sung Youth Sports Center. The study has suggestions for the following benefits. 1. The management should provide the development of the service efficiency of the sports center staff. With training Staff to look after and give advice to the elderly In order to increase the quality of service and should be monitored and evaluated Serious staff performance 2. Management should increase confidence in maintaining safety for life. And the property of the person using the service during the time that is A lot of people who use the service are 17.00-19.30 hrs. With a security guard. Check more 3. Equipment to exercise must have staff to check regularly. For safety in the use of those who exercise And if the equipment is damaged and damaged, the executives will be informed to repair and order sufficient exercise equipment for the elderly to exercise 4. Exercise equipment must be standard and modern and the elderly can use the equipment to exercise. Without being dangerous and safe Should separate the device In the exercise and the place of activity should be divided into proportions. For the convenience of choosing an area to exercise


Because this study has limited scope for the study of the elderly Therefore, in the next study Should extend to other age groups Provide more


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Dr. Watchara Yeesoontes*

Graduate School of Business Administration, Kasembundit University, Bangkok