The Decision to Choose a Private Hospital for Childbirth

Factors influencing the decision process in choosing a private hospital for childbirth

by Kamonrut Taprasitjit*, Dr. Watchara Yeesoontes,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 8, Jun 2019, Pages 94 - 98 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Title Decision in the Selection of a Private Hospital for Childbirth, the purposes of this research were 1) to examine marketing mix factors influencing the decision in the selection of a Private Hospital for Childbirth, 2) to examine process for Decision in the selection of a Private Hospital for Childbirth, 3) to examine the Relationship between marketing mix factors and process for decision in the selection of a Private Hospital for Childbirth. The study was a quantitative research. The population was women who gave birth from private hospital in 300 cases using a questionnaire. Data was analyzed using Percentage, Mean, T-test, One Way ANOVA, Correlation and Regression Analysis. The results of this study were Most of people are government officers, state enterprise employees who got 20,001-30,000 baht a month answer the questionnaire. First right used in treatment is paying medical treatment fee by self. Influential person to customer is own and a child. Marketing mix factors influencing the decision in the selection of a private hospital for childbirth, treatment and medical care sector overall mean, were at the high significant level, when considered in separate aspects, It was found that had 2 high aspects, good service from medical professions and medical professional abilities, medical treatment fee, overall mean were at the highest level. when considered in separate aspects, It was found that had 2 aspects, medical treatment fee that compared with treatment quality and medical treatment fee that compared with medical service location sector, overall mean, were at the high significant level, when considered in separate 2 aspects is comfortable transportation and hospital near residence, marketing promotion sector overall mean, were at the significant moderate level, when considered in separate aspects, It was found 3 moderate levels, programpackage for special treatment campaign. It can pay by installments for medical treatment fee with only promotional credit card and advertisement on website and social media. Profession sector in overall mean, were at the high important level, when considered in separate aspects, good and suitable behavior, and eagerness in service physical presentation and creation overall mean, were at the high significant level, it was found that had 2 aspects, is comfortable of recreation room and interior and exterior decoration of hospital process. when considered in separate aspects, it was found that had 3 aspects, express service ,express in payment and good service process for decision in the selection of a Private Hospital for Childbirth perception to need overall when considered in separate aspects, It was found most significant with finding information mean when considered in separate aspects is with information from advertisement of hospital and for childbirth alternative assessment overall mean, were at the important moderate level, when considered in separate 2 aspects, significance with expert of medical professions and suggestion from close people influencing decision, decision for service sector. overall mean, were at the important moderate level, when considered in separate aspects, it was found 2 high significant, satisfaction in suggestion from in treatment follow up for suggestion. From results, marketing mix factors influencing the decision in process for service location and treatment and medical service so, the administrators of private hospitals should pay attention in 3 items in service process, should be quicker service process, the customer do not should wait for a much time, location sector, the location of hospital, before opening hospital, should considered about customer group according location of hospital essentially, choose the good place that is suitable transportation, near bus stations, good parking lot and enough garages and treatment and medical service. The hospitals should has workshops for professions in pay attention by service mind and customers to be smiling, kind, polite, and qualify medical profession for well- known professions for hospital standard, for decision process, the administrator of private hospital should focus on alternative assessments make image of the hospitals for being believable, promoting sell, childbirth package campaign, vaccine concurrently for interesting choices for pregnant women who have childbirth. Perception to need, the administrators of the private hospitals choose the communication connecting people and decision for service should has good standard for service according to fee and repayment, make the customers impress.


private hospital, childbirth, marketing mix factors, decision process, quantitative research, population, questionnaire, Percentage, Mean, T-test, One Way ANOVA, Correlation, Regression Analysis, government officers, state enterprise employees, medical treatment fee, medical professional abilities, medical service location sector, comfortable transportation, hospital near residence, marketing promotion sector, programpackage for special treatment campaign, installments, promotional credit card, advertisement, website, social media, Profession sector, good and suitable behavior, eagerness in service, physical presentation, creation, comfortable of recreation room, interior and exterior decoration of hospital, express service, express in payment, good service, perception to need, finding information, advertisement of hospital, childbirth alternative assessment, expert of medical professions, suggestion from close people, decision for service sector, satisfaction in suggestion from in treatment follow up


The situation of birth in Thailand Presently found that Has a lower birth rate since every year The fertility of the population in Thailand has decreased in the last 20-30 years. During the years 1963 - 1983, Thailand has more than a million children born each year. After that, the number of children born to have decreased to 760,000 in 2016. It is likely that the number of newborns in the next 20 years will be reduced to less than 700,000 people in the past about 40-50 years ago. Thai women have children. The average age of their reproductive ages is as high as 6 people. The average number of children has decreased rapidly until now. Thai women have an average of only 1.6 children, which is lower than the "replacement level". A woman has an average child over the age of his or her child, less than 2 people, which is a replacement for parents. However although the total fertility rate of Thai women is lower than the replacement level But the Thai population is still increasing every year. Each year, there are 800,000 children born, but there are still more than 400,000 deaths per year. The reason for the lower birth rate of children is a new generation that doesn't want to get married Thai women has a higher status. Work more outdoors causing the ratio of young women who do not want to marry more Current married couple there is less need for having children. Family planning is a common practice. Both controlling the number of children to be less and spacing the child as needed From the situation of the birth rate that decreases every year And family planning changes Current child development planning That comes from many reasons Whether the rate of living increases Current social conditions with many risks Resulting in fewer birth rates Is indicative that each birth must have interest in matters related to childbirth in many ways. For this reason, parents are prepared to support the birth of the family population. The first thing is the hospital. Or hospital for childbirth There are many hospitals and hospitals in every area. There are 137 hospitals in Bangkok that have been approved as legitimate hospitals, including government hospitals. Private hospital each hospital will have the availability of doctors, nurses, medical equipment. And different services Government hospitals will have a higher number of patients per day than private hospitals. As a result, the parents now choose to receive services with more private hospitals. Because saving time and receive fast service The amount of private hospitals in the capital city of Phetthanakhet has 46 hospitals spread across all areas in the area. Each hospital has developed services. The availability of doctors and nurses at all times In order to be the best choice. As mentioned above, the students are interested in studying the decision to choose a private hospital for childbirth. To apply information from the study to be applied or as a guideline for improving efficiency to provide services of private hospitals and develop the potential to meet the needs of most service recipients


1. To study the marketing mix factors affecting the selection of private hospitals for childbirth 2. To study the decision making process for choosing a private hospital for childbirth 3. To study the relationship between marketing mix factors And the decision making process for choosing a private hospital for childbirth


In terms of content, the study uses marketing mix theory concepts consisting of Products, price, distribution channels In the aspect of personal marketing, creation and presentation of visual characteristics And process And the concept of buying decision theory The realization of the problem Finding information Assessment of alternatives Buying decision And behavior after purchase Examples are those who are receiving childbirth services and those who have been through childbirth. From 350 private hospitals in terms of

time spent in education Between November 2018 -

February 2019

Methods of conducting research in terms of population and sample

The target population is defined as People who receive childbirth and have received childbirth from a private hospital In the Bangkok area Sample size is not known for the exact population of W.G.cochram. There are 350 samples.

Resources used in education

Primary data is the data obtained from the data collection questionnaire. From those who received the textbook Study reports related documents And internet Statistics used in data analysis

Descriptive statistics The statistics used are percentage, mean (Mean) to describe demographic data of respondents and various variables. Inferential statistics are used for statistical hypothesis testing. Used is the t-test and ANOVA Regression Correlation analysis


350 respondents found that most of them were 21 - 29 years of age, civil servants / state enterprise employees Average monthly income 20,001 - 30,000 baht. The right to receive treatment. (Choose the right to use first) Pay medical bills by yourself. The most influential users are self-employed and have 1 child. Marketing mix factors, selection of private hospitals for childbirth The overall picture is very important. The details are as follows In terms of treatment and medical services, the overall picture is very important. Sort as follows Good service from medical personnel Professional medical competency and the reputation of the hospital, respectively, in terms of price and medical expenses Giving importance to the level of importance Sort as follows Medical expenses compared to treatment quality Medical expenses compared to services received and exercising discount on medical fees In order of importance, the location is at a very important level. Sort as follows Travel convenience The hospital is located near the house. And the convenience of parking, respectively, in marketing promotion, giving priority to medium importance Sort as follows there are special price programs / treatment packages. Can pay for medical treatment with participating credit cards and advertising / public relations on the website and social media Respectively, the personnel in the service give priority to a very important level. Sort as follows Personnel have good manners and appropriate Personnel are enthusiastic in providing services. And the dress code of personnel is neat, clean and reliable, respectively, in the creation and presentation of physical elements, giving priority to a very important level Sort as follows The comfort of the room that is serviced Interior and exterior decoration of the hospital And orderliness, both inside and outside of the hospital, respectively, in the process of providing services, giving priority to a very important level Sort as follows The service process is fast. The payment process can be done quickly. And The decision making process for choosing a private hospital for childbirth The overall picture is at the highest level, consisting of the perception of needs. Information search In the evaluation of options The decision to use the service And behavior after using the service The details are as follows The perception of the overall need is at the most important level. Sort as follows Giving priority to childbirth And focus on the reputation of the hospital at any level, in the order of finding the overall information at a very important level Sort as follows Giving priority to information from hospital advertising media Give priority to information from people who have already received childbirth. And pay attention to the certification from the organization or organization related to the nursing home, respectively, in the assessment of the overall choice in the most important level Sort as follows Focus on the expertise of medical personnel And suggestions from those around you have the effect of making decisions based on the decision to use the overall service at the most important level Sort as follows The location of the hospital and the price and service fees compared to other hospitals have an effect on the decision based on the behavior after using the service. The overall picture is very important. Sort as follows Satisfaction with advice from medical personnel Satisfaction in the follow-up treatment And the opportunity for you to recommend friends or close friends to use the service respectively


Hypothesis 1. Different personal factors affect the decision making process of choosing a private hospital for different childbirth. The test results using ANOVA statistics showed that personal factors in age, occupation, average monthly income The right to receive treatment (Select the first right to use) The most influential person to decide to choose to receive the service. And the number of different children there is no difference in the decision-making process of choosing a private hospital for childbirth. Hypothesis 2. Marketing mix factors Influencing the decision making process for choosing a hospital for childbirth Test results using Regression statistics found that marketing mix factors Influence the decision making process for choosing a hospital for childbirth, including the right to discount medical expenses, special prices Can pay for medical treatment with participating credit cards The comfort of the room that is serviced Good service from medical personnel And decoration both inside and outside of the hospital Hypothesis 3. Marketing mix factors are related to the decision process of choosing a private hospital

private hospital for childbirth ranked No. 1 are able to pay for medical treatment with the credit card that is ranked No. 2 is decoration. The exterior of the hospital, ranked # 3, is the comfort of the room that is serviced. Rank 4 is good service from personnel. Medical and No. 5 is able to exercise special discounts on medical expenses.



Personal factors, age, occupation, average monthly income Rights for treatment Influential people for the choice of service and number of children are different personal factors. Affecting the decision making process of choosing a private hospital for childbirth that is not different The study of the decision to choose a private hospital for childbirth The objective is to study the marketing mix factors. The decision making process for choosing a private hospital for childbirth And the relationship between marketing mix factors And the decision making process for choosing a private hospital for childbirth found that the marketing mix factors affecting the decision to choose a private hospital for childbirth The overall picture is at a high level. Medical treatment and services Considering good service from medical personnel Professional medical competency And the reputation of the hospital Price and medical expenses Considering medical expenses compared to the quality of treatment Medical expenses compared to services received And exercising discount on medical treatment on the premises considering the convenience of traveling The hospital is located near the house. And the convenience of parking Marketing promotion Considering from having special program / treatment packages Can pay for medical treatment with participating credit cards And have advertisements / public relations on the website and social media in the service personnel Consideration from personnel with good manners and suitability Personnel are enthusiastic in providing services. And the dress code of personnel is neat, clean and reliable The creation and presentation of physical elements Considering the convenience of the room that is serviced Interior and exterior decoration of the hospital And orderliness both inside and outside of the hospital Regarding the service process, considering the service process is fast. The payment process can be done quickly. And waiting for service will not take long The decision making process for choosing a private hospital for childbirth The overall picture is at the highest level. In recognition of needs Considering the importance of childbirth And focus on the reputation of the hospital at what level Information search And pay attention to the certification from the organization or organization related to the nursing home In the evaluation of options Considering the importance of the expertise of medical personnel And suggestions from those around you have an effect on the decision The decision to use the service Considering the location of the hospital and the price and service fees compared to other hospitals affecting the decision Behavior after using the service Considering the satisfaction of advice from medical personnel Satisfaction in the follow-up treatment And the opportunity for you to recommend friends or close friends to come to use the service


1. Marketing mix factors

Is the service process Administrators should have a policy to provide fast service on time. Those who are in service should not take the time to wait for services at the location, the location of the hospital for hospitals that want to open a new hospital. Consideration on the target group and to be consistent with the location of the hospital is important. Choose the location of the hospital for easy access. Have a bus through And there is a parking space that can accommodate those who have enough service And treatment and medical services Hospitals should have good service from medical personnel. Should maintain good service standards There should be attention to those who attend the service. Provide good service Beaming Be polite and gentle.

2. The decision to use the service

In the evaluation of options Hospital administrators should establish the image of the hospital to be reliable. Sales promotion Prepare childbirth packages, vaccinations together, creating an attractive alternative for those who want to receive as much as possible childbirth. Regarding the perception of the needs, the management should choose the advertising channel to suit the target group. To get the most awareness And the decision to use the service Service standards should be maintained in accordance with prices and service charges. Impressing the service So that the hospital will be the first choice to use the service in the future


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Kamonrut Taprasitjit*

MBA, Graduate School of Kasembundit University, Bangkok