Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviors of Buying Wine in Bangkok Metropolitan

Understanding Consumer Behaviors and Marketing Mix Factors in Wine Purchases

by Mr. Tanakorn Sae-ung*, Dr. Watchara Yeesoontes,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 8, Jun 2019, Pages 137 - 140 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The objectives of this research were to study the level of marketing mix factors and consumer behaviors of buying wine in Bangkok Metropolitan. The sample group was 330 People who used restaurant services at the Emerald Hotel, Charm Eatery Bar and Mazzaro Boutique Restaurant. The research instruments were a questionnaire and statistical applications used for data analysis were percentage, mean, t-test, F-Test (One-Way ANOVA) and Regression Analysis. The findings revealed that the most respondents were male, age between 36-45 years old, being private company employees and had average monthly income between 30,001-60,000 Baht. Overall level of marketing mix factors were the highest level of significance. Mainly behaviors found that the average drinking wine was 3 times a week, drinking wine along with their meal regularly, drinking wine in the evening, type of wine was red wine, type of taste was Dry, Image of wine was Smooth not astringent, the origin of wine from France Italy Germany Spain and the average cost of buying wine was 2,784 Baht. The results of hypothesis testing found that the sample group of different gender, age, career and average monthly income had different in consumer behaviors of buying wine in Bangkok Metropolitan, at a statistically significant at 0.05 level.


marketing mix factors, consumer behaviors, buying wine, Bangkok Metropolitan, restaurant services, questionnaire, statistical applications, percentage, mean, t-test, F-Test (One-Way ANOVA), Regression Analysis, respondents, male, age, private company employees, monthly income, significance, drinking wine, evening, red wine, Dry taste, Smooth image, origin of wine, cost of buying wine, hypothesis testing, gender, career


Wine is an alcoholic beverage caused by fermentation of sugar in grapes. Divided into 2 main types, namely white wine and red wine. The wine is derived from a combination of two types of wine called pink wine (Rosé wine) The wine with compressed gas is called Sparkling wine Sparkling wine is a wine that is well known as champagne. Each wine is unique. Both the taste and the smell of the wine, indicating where the wine is produced Each wine-producing country is different in terms of taste, smell and color of the wine. Drinking wine is both science and art, which the charm of each wine creates a difference in the lifestyle of the drinker as well. Or even choosing the type of wine to be eaten with food (Source: WINE YOU, 2560) The growth rate of wine sales Found that spirits surpassed the spirits group. The average annual growth rate between 2003 - 2010 of wine was 9.3%, compared to 0.4% of distilled spirits and between 2010-2012, the wine growth rate rose to 11.1% The distilled spirits group is at 5% (Source: Vinum Global Profit Pool and International Wine & Spirit Research) due to the increasing popularity of customers who prefer to drink wine today. Not only the elderly or middle-aged people There is a group of school-aged teenagers working to become interested in drinking wine. Is a group of middle-class people with more purchasing power, happiness and luxury (Source: Forbes Thailand, 2017) From the information mentioned above The study therefore is interested in studying the marketing mix factors affecting the wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok. Which results from the study will be beneficial to the restaurant operator Wine companies and hotels to be used as a guideline for development and improvement Edit the management of strategies within hotels and restaurants. And develop products to meet consumer needs In order to be able to compete with competitors in the market in various ways in business. affecting the wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok. 2. To study wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok. 3. To study the relationship between marketing and wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok


1. Content on the study of marketing mix factors and wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok 2. The population is customers who use the restaurant at The Emerald Hotel, Bowl Eatery and Bar and Masaro Boutique and Restaurant. Select 330 samples 3. Study period during January-February 2018


1. Different personal factors affect wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok different 2. Marketing mix factors correlated with wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok


This study Is a quantitative study (Quantitative Research) in which the sample group is Customers who use the restaurant at The Emerald Hotel, Bowl Eatery and Bar, and Masaro Boutique and Restaurant, using 330 tools, are questionnaires. Consists of 4 important parts. Part 1 Questionnaire about personal factors Part 2 Questionnaire about marketing factors affecting wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok Is a questionnaire to measure the importance level by compiling and compiling the content in various aspects of marketing mix. Each question has 5 options to answer. The translation criteria define the meaning of the score by finding the width of Anantaphat Lay, which is divided into 5 levels, part 3 Questionnaire about wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok and part 4, additional suggestions of respondents The researcher has distributed the questionnaires manually and analyzed the data using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation to explain General information of respondents And inferential statistics (inferential statistics) used to test hypotheses include t-test statistics, F test statistics (One Way ANOVA) and Regression Analysis. were male, aged between 36-45 years. Average monthly income between 30,001-60,000 baht - Marketing mix factors affecting wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok On the product side, it was found that the customers placed the highest priority in 14 items, consisting of the production source of wine as one of the important factors that I chose to buy wine (average = 4.63). Sommelier staff Suggested wine pairing with food (average = 4.62) Employee knowledge Sommelier is an important factor for me to buy wine (average = 4.61). Sommelier employees take good care of wine and service (average = 4.60) Before deciding to buy, I often ask or look at the type of wine (average = 4.60). I like drinking wine because of the wine's taste (average = 4.58). The type of wine is one of the important factors that I choose to buy. (Average = 4.57) The award-winning wine is one of the important factors that I choose to buy wine (mean = 4.56). Before deciding to buy, I often ask the Sommelier staff who is good at information about wine and knowledge. With wine (average = 4.55) before deciding to buy wine, I often ask or see the country of wine production (average = 4.51). Wine labels are one of the important factors that I choose to buy wine (average = 4.50) The national wine is one of the key factors that I buy wine (mean = 4.49) before you decide to buy wine, I usually ask or look at wine awards (mean = 4.47) and there are many wines on the shelves. Sometimes I choose to buy wine from the wine label (average = 4.45). On the price side, it was found that the customers gave the highest level of importance in 4 items, consisting of a variety of wine menus, price levels (average = 4.60), clearly showing the price to the customer (average = 4.53) before deciding to buy wine. I often ask or see the wine price (average = 4.53) and the price is one of the key factors that I choose to buy (average = 4.52). The place of distribution Found that the customer has placed the highest priority in 3 items, consisting of a wine cellar, a large selection of wines (average = 4.50), the atmosphere in the dining room is beautiful (average = 4.49) and the cleanliness of the restaurant and equipment (Average = 4.46) Marketing promotion It was found that the customers placed the highest priority in 6 items, consisting of promotions, set menus, food with wine pairing (average = 4.60), advertising and public relations through various media (mean = 4.55). Discounts from participating credit cards (average = 4.55), promotion to buy 1 bottle of wine, get free 1 bottle of wine (average = 4.53), reward points of the shop to redeem wine discounts

Wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok It was found that most respondents preferred drinking wine together with normal meals. Accounted for 48 percent, like drinking wine in the evening Percentage 63 types of wine selected to drink is red wine Percentage 53 Drinks of unsweetened wine (Dry) accounted for 43 percent. Like to drink wine with a unique style of Smooth / not astringent, accounting for 36 percent. Choose to buy wine from France, Italy, Germany, Spain accounted for 68 percent. Drinking frequency The average wine per week is 3 times and the average cost per wine purchase is 2,784 baht.


The hypothesis test 1 found that personal factors with gender, age, occupation and average monthly income Differently affecting the wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok differently With statistical significance at the level of 0.05 The hypothesis test 2 found that the marketing mix factors On the product side, I like drinking wine because of the taste of the wine. There are many wines on the shelf. Sometimes I choose to buy wine from a wine label. Sommelier employees take care of the wine and service as well. Before deciding to buy wine, I often ask or see the award wine. Before deciding to buy, I often ask the Sommelier staff who are good at wine information and wine knowledge. And the place of distribution in the atmosphere in the restaurant is beautiful Is related to wine buying behavior of consumers in Bangkok With statistical significance at the level of 0.05


1. Marketing mix factors Product The issues that should be supported are the size of the room, the reputation of the hostel. And the cleanliness of the room because most customers pay attention to this matter. In order to continually cover the needs of customers and to re-use the service And issues that should be addressed to improve Entrepreneurs should have facilities such as laundry service. Postal service Sell tour packages Car rental service Making customers convenient with the use of hostel accommodation Because there are a variety of other services Supported for additional services 2. Price marketing mix factors The issues that should be supported are the cheaper price than other hostel at the same quality level. Specify clear room rates and convenient moderate income There is a behavior comparing accommodation prices with emphasis on the quality of the rooms. Entrepreneurs should consider the appropriate price factors for the customers. And plan strategies to attract customers to re-use the service By giving discounts on access to the next service And issues that should be addressed to improve Entrepreneurs should pay attention to the value of the price that customers have to pay for access to the service. And the price of rooms according to the tourist season must also be set at a reasonable price as it affects the selection of customers. 3. Marketing mix factors The place of distribution Issues that should be supported are There is sufficient parking space. And the introduction of rooms and offers for sale through online channels affect the selection of accommodation to create opportunities to compete with competitors in the long run. Entrepreneurs should focus on selling rooms through many channels, such as through agents or distributors, both domestic and international. And manage to have enough parking space for those who rent a car or use the van service provided And issues that should be addressed to improve Entrepreneurs should focus on locations that have convenient transportation systems. Near the community Near the business district Near tourist attractions Will help tourists more comfortable If the hotel is located far from the skytrain, should Provide a shuttle service for additional convenience. 4. Marketing mix factors Marketing promotion The issue that should be supported is the availability of advertisements and public relations through various media such as Website, Facebook, Instagram, Line and there are premiums for old customers when returning to use the service repeatedly. And issues that should be addressed to improve Entrepreneurs should have a discount on room rates from time to time through various media. And the promotion of more emphasis on the use of advertising media through the website And online society In order to make the customers aware of the current promotion of the hostel, there is a room service with a tour program. Special rates can attract and motivate customers 5. Marketing mix factors Service process Issues that should be supported are: check-in process, check-out and efficient booking process Because most customers pay attention to this matter And issues that should be addressed to improve Entrepreneurs should pay attention to the process of cleaning the rooms quickly and with good hygiene. Including professional methods and steps to solve problems, which is one of the important factors that make them satisfied and impressed by the fast response and service. 6. Personnel marketing mix factors, issues that should be supported are: staff, knowledge, communication skills in providing customer service, good manners and proper enthusiasm for customer service because it can create the impression that customers are satisfied and feel that the employees are professional Entrepreneurs should train employees on service etiquette. Personality and importance of customer service with thorough attention As well as encouraging employees to have basic skills in language related to service because it helps them to communicate in English with foreign customers as well. This will make the customer feel the right decision in choosing to use the service and want to re-use the service. 7. Marketing mix factors Physical characteristics The issues that should be supported are environmental matters, pollution, internal and external safety systems and unique designs because of the physical and atmospheric conditions inside and outside of the hostel as part of the response. Personal, comfort, safety in using the service And issues that should be addressed to improve Entrepreneurs should provide a private garden and relaxation corner for customers who use services such as book rooms, living rooms or central computer corner to use because it affects the satisfaction of customers staying.


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Corresponding Author Mr. Tanakorn Sae-ung*

MBA, Graduate School of Kasembundit University