Development of Service Quality at Klong Kum Youth Center Bangkok, Thailand

Examining the Relationship between Service Quality and User Satisfaction at Klong Kum Youth Center in Bangkok

by Miss. Warisara Khaenhkun*, Dr. Watchara Yeesoontes,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 8, Jun 2019, Pages 146 - 151 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This study aims to study Relationship between quality Klong Kum Youth Center service. That affects the satisfaction of users of Klong Kum Youth Center In this study, the survey research method was used. The samples used in this research were Users of Klong Kum Youth Center During December 2017 to January 2018, 323 people and Use questionnaires as a tool to collect data. The study indicated that Service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center The overall picture is at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the highest average value wasIn terms of giving confidence to customers Trustworthiness, trust In understanding and knowing service providers In response to service recipients And the concrete aspect of the service Target groups Personal factors with gender, age, education level, occupation, average income per month and frequency of service usage There was no significant difference in the satisfaction of users of Klong Kum Youth Center.


service quality, Klong Kum Youth Center, satisfaction, users, survey research method, samples, questionnaires, confidence, trust, target groups


Bangkok Is a large metropolis which is the center of government administration Commercial business center Various services Education as well as the country's largest employment source is a factor Making people from different regions Many migrants poured into Bangkok. And the rate is increasing every year until the present Bangkok has a population of 5,680,380 people.(Policy and Planning Department 2543:58) If counting the total population In the slum The construction community, including those who come to study or work and travel in and out daily, approximately no less than 4 million people. Bangkok In the daytime, as high as nearly 10 million people, both in Bangkok, with only 1,568 square kilometers. From the growth of the city and the expansion of the economy Quickly making social services unable to meet the needs of all people Affecting the quality of life of the people and the stability of the social institutions has led to many social problems such as traffic problems, pollution problems, environmental problems, housing shortage problems Crime problem Cultural, ethical and moral problems that have deteriorated, including children and youth problems Which day after day the problem will be more severe Resulting in more stress in Bangkok residents, less free time for recreation Other needs Which is necessary for life, such as the need to exercise, the need to practice skills in various fields, still needs a lot of response The behavioral intentions of customers are recognised in the literature as an important predictor of the profitability of service firms (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Anderson et al., 1994; Slater and Narver, 1995) Passenger satisfaction with these service‐quality dimensions is found to be very important in explaining behavioral intentions our C. Saha, Theingi, (2009) Bangkok as a local government agency With authority to organize Social welfare for the general public Disadvantaged children, youth, women, elderly people who encounter various problems, including social services, services to enhance knowledge, sports, music, recreation and recreation to meet the basic needs, including helping to prevent and solve such social problems. Above As well as improving the quality of life Of people in Bangkok for better And develop the society to be livable Bangkok recognizes these necessities and therefore has to accelerate the development and provision of social welfare services in various forms in accordance with economic and social conditions. Both in quality and quantity, enough for People's needs Social Welfare Office Is an agency of Bangkok Responsible In organizing social welfare services

Development Plan (2002-2006) by increasing the number of youth centers to complete all areas, modernizing youth centers, increasing and expanding days The service time of the Long Center from 10.00-18.00 hrs. On Tuesdays-Saturdays from 10.00 - 20.00 hrs., Mon-Fri and 10.00 - 18.00 hrs. On Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. There are various activities to be added to the youth center. There is a suitable place to establish a youth center and branch youth center to increase the number of youth centers to be a center for recreation. Meet, socialize, and spend free time to benefit Together with children, youth, people and the elderly by providing staff to provide advice and care (Policy and Planning Department BE:2545: 105) At present, there are 31 youth centers in Bangkok,

located throughout Bangkok. There are 1,992,086

people in the center each year. There are 48,030 members (Recreation Division, October Monthly Report BE:2546) And due to the current condition, the youth center is Agencies that provide services to children, youth and the general public Therefore, the result of success inHow will the operations meet the needs and the users are satisfied The study therefore wishes to study. To evaluate the satisfaction of the youth center's service users Bangkok: A case study of Klong Kum Youth Center in various services including activities Quality of service To use the results of the study as basic information to improve and recommend the services of the Bangkok Youth Center To be effective And respond to the needs of users of the service


1. To study the current condition of the service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center 2. To study the satisfaction of service users towards the service of Klong Kum Youth Center


1. Different personal factors affect the satisfaction of users of Klong Kum Youth Center different 2. Service quality factors of Klong Kum Youth Center have an effect on the satisfaction of users of Klong Kum Youth Center.


1. Population Is 300 members who use the services of Klong Kum Youth Center service recipients Providing confidence to service recipients Understanding and knowing service providers and satisfaction theory consists of providing services equally. Timely service Adequate service Continuous service Providing advanced services 3. Time for scope of study from December 2017 to January 2018

Expected benefits

1. Know the service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center 2. Know the satisfaction of the service users on the service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center. 3. Can use the results that have been used to improve the service quality of the Klong Kum Youth Center to meet the satisfaction of users.

Concepts and theories about service quality, concepts and theories about satisfaction, service quality concepts and theories

By evaluating the quality of service Making it known that consumers use 10 factors to evaluate the quality of service, both Parasuraman et al. (1988)Create a service quality measure called SERVQUAL (Service Quality) by applying factors determining the quality of all 10 services from research in consumer groups from various types of services. Only 5 parts are left by Correlation analysis method Parasuraman et al. (1988) And have tested the quality of this measure Found that there was confidence (Reliability) and enough (Validity), therefore used For education Expectations and perceptions of consumers related to the quality of services of various types. The five main elements of service quality used in the construction of the quality of service parameters SERVQUAL (Service Quality) are Physical characteristics (Tangibles), reliability of service (Reliability) is the ability to act as promised. That the service will occur And build trust Accuracy and consistency contain with 5 related questions: when users have problems, they will be interested in solving problems so seriously that they can recognize the problems of users correctly. Can provide services that meet the requirements from the first time, can provide services as informed, service can be according to the period that has been informed includes asking questions 4 related items, which are enthusiastic in providing services, can help the user exactly 11 as needed, providing services with convenient, fast steps And to notify the user every time about the service Assurance is the knowledge, ability and gentleness Of service providers, providing services with honesty and building trust for customers Which consists of 4 related questions: the service provider has the knowledge to answer the problem Service providers can explain and understand various questions. Service providers have behaviors that create Confident in the service and the service providers are polite and friendly manners.


Concepts and theories about satisfaction Millet (1954) explained that satisfactory public service or the ability to determine whether the service is satisfactory or not. May consider from the following

Conceptual framework in education

From the above study the researcher relies on the theory of parasuraman and millet, summarizing and coordinating the conceptual framework. In the study of the service quality development model of Klong Kum Youth Center as follows


Education Development of service quality at Klong Kum Youth Center Aims to study Service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center And to study the satisfaction of the users towards the services of Klong Kum Youth Center Data from the study showed the service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center. Know the satisfaction of service users on service quality. Can use the results of the studies that have been used to improve the service quality of the Klong Kum Youth Center to meet the satisfaction of users - Primary data is the data obtained from the data collection questionnaire. From users of Klong Kum Youth Center Is the respondent - Secondary data (Secondary data) is information obtained from textbooks. Study reports related documents And internet

Population and sample used in the study

Population during December 2017 to January 2018 used in this study The target population is defined as Users of Klong Kum Youth Center

Reliability test Data processing and analysis

Processed data obtained from questionnaires / interviews with computer programs by finding the percentage ratio and average (Mean) Microsoft Excel program, which is a ready-made program for creating pie charts and bar charts. With explanation of results And bring the results from the chart to present to analyze according to the characteristics of various variables

Statistics used in data analysis

- Descriptive statistics indicate the statistics used such as percentage, mean, standard deviation to explain demographic data of respondents and various variables. - Inferential statistics are used for hypothesis testing. Specify statistics used such as t-test, ANOVA analysis using F-test (One-way ANOVA) Regression


The study of service quality development of Klong Kum Youth Center aims to study the service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center. To study the satisfaction of the service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center and to find ways to improve the service quality of Klong Kum Youth Center By using quantitative methods (Quantitative Research) Independent variables are service quality,

dependent variable is satisfaction, using 323

Regression correlation analysis and from the analysis of data can be summarized as follows:


The respondents totaled 323 people. Most of them are male, 194 persons, accounting for 60%, age 15 - 25 years, accounting for 42%, educational level, bachelor's degree. 55% per cent. Occupation. Students / students. The average monthly income is lower than 10,000 baht or 78% per cent. The frequency of use is 1 - 2 days / week, accounting for 57%.

The results from the study summarize the data on the quality of services of the Klong Kum Youth Center. The results from the study From the analysis of all bar graphs such as

- The concrete aspect of the service From the study of data, found that The overall average of the importance of the development of Klong Kum Youth Center The concrete aspect of the service At a moderate level The users of Klong Kum Youth Center emphasize the importance of the concreteness of the service at a high level. 2 items consist of convenience and Service providers have a good personality at a moderate level. 2 items. The location of the youth center is convenient to use the service. External and internal equipment for youth centers are ready and modern, respectively. - Reliability and trust From the study of data, found that The overall average of the importance of the development of Klong Kum Youth Center In terms of reliability, reliability is at a very high level, users of Klong Kum Youth Center pay attention to reliability and trust at a high level. 2 items consist of service providers, providing accurate services that meet your needs. The service provider has to provide quality services and respond to you with a moderate level of 2 items. You have received impressive service from the service provider as well. When you have problems using the services of the Youth Center, service providers can always help you, respectively. - Responding to service recipients From the study of data, found that The overall average of the importance of the service quality development of Klong Kum Youth Center The response to service recipients was at a moderate level. The users of Klong Kum Youth Center give importance to the response to the service recipients at a high willing to provide services to you at all times. At the middle level, 2 items are always available to meet your needs. You always receive good service, convenient, safe and fast, respectively. - Confidence in service recipients From the study of data, found that The overall average of the importance of the development of Klong Kum Youth Center In terms of giving confidence to customers At a high level 4 items consisting of service providers are polite and have good manners in the service. Service providers have good personality, service providers are reliable and reliable. Service providers can always provide useful information to you. And service providers with skills, knowledge and expertise in providing services respectively - Understanding and knowing service providers From the study of data, found that The overall average of the importance of the development of Klong Kum Youth Center In terms of understanding and knowing service providers at a moderate level The users of Klong Kum Youth Center give importance to understanding and knowing the service providers at a high level. And caring from the service providers as well Service providers are able to recommend various activities within the youth center as well. 1 entry level. Service providers have the ability to understand your needs respectively. - Overview of service quality factors From the study of data, it was found that the overall average of the quality of service in all 5 aspects of the service of the Klong Kum Youth Center is important in the quality of service factor at the high level. The aspect of giving confidence to service recipients and at the moderate level 3 items, consisting of the concrete aspects of the service In response to the service recipients and the understanding and understanding of service providers The total average of service quality factors in all 5 areas is at a moderate level.


- Equal services From the study of data, it was found that the overall average of the level of importance of the satisfaction of the service users affecting the service Youth Center are equally important in providing services At the moderate level, 3 items consisting of providing services with equality Not discriminate Service with friendliness and service in the order of the first-to-back respectively - On-time service From the study of data, it was found that the overall average of the level of importance of the satisfaction of the service users affecting the service quality development model of Klong Kum Youth Center In providing timely service At a high level And users of Klong Kum Youth Center, giving priority to providing timely service at a high level. In time The procedure for providing services is appropriate and the service is provided on time, respectively. - The provision of adequate services From the study of data, it was found that the overall average of the level of importance of the satisfaction of service users affecting the service quality development of Klong Kum Youth Center Adequate service At a high level And the users of Klong Kum Youth Center pay attention to providing adequate services at a high level. 3 items include clearly marked signs at various service points. There is a seat for service recipients. There is a bathroom that is clean and adequate. There are documents / brochures for public relations about various information respectively. - On-going service From the study of data, it was found that the overall average of the level of importance of the satisfaction of service users affecting the service quality development model of Klong Kum Youth Center On continuous service At a high level And people who use the Klong Kum Youth Center to pay attention to providing continuous service at a high level respectively - Advanced services From the study of data, it was found that the overall average of the level of importance of the satisfaction of service users affecting the service quality development model of Klong Kum Youth Center Advance services At a moderate level And users of Klong Kum Youth Center, giving priority to 3 moderate levels of advancement services, including listening to problems or questions of the clients willingly Clarity in providing useful advice Listening to opinions on services such as listening boxes, opinions, queries, etc. respectively service users affecting the service quality development model of Klong Kum Youth Center Advance services At a moderate level And users of Klong Kum Youth Center, giving priority to 3 moderate levels of advancement services, including listening to problems or questions of the clients willingly Clarity in providing useful advice Listening to opinions on services such as listening boxes, opinions, queries, etc. respectively - Overall satisfaction of users From the study of data, it was found that the users of Klong Kum Youth Center emphasized the importance of 2 items, consisting of adequate service and timely service. 3 moderate levels, consisting of continuous service In terms of providing equal services and advancing services, respectively, the overall satisfaction of users of Klong Kum Youth Center in 5 aspects is at a moderate level.


- Hypothesis 1, different personal factors affect the satisfaction of users of Klong Kum Youth Center different The test results using ANOVA statistics showed that personal factors with gender, age, education level, occupation, average income per month Service frequency Different, affecting the satisfaction is not different. - Hypothesis 2 Service quality factors of Klong Kum Youth Center have an influence on the satisfaction of the users of Klong Kum Youth Center. The results of the test using Regression statistics showed that the service factors of the Klong Kum Youth Center have an influence on the satisfaction of the users of the Klong Kum Youth Center. (Service providers can always provide useful information to you with a Sig value of 0.021. Service providers are reliable. And can trust with the Sig value equal to 0.002) understanding and knowing the service provider (You are taken care of And attentive from the service provider as well, with a Sig value of 0.008. The service provider has the ability to understand your needs. The Sig value is 0.000) respectively. Discussion of the results of the study on the development of service quality of the Klong Kum Youth Center The study has suggestions for the following benefits from the study of The development of the service quality of the Klong

- The concreteness of the service is solved by having a corner for more seating. To be more convenient for users of Klong Kum Youth Center - Responding to service recipients corrected by the speed of service at each point Clearly dividing the work in each function There should be 1-2 trainings in the unit for the service provider. Understand how to work in the same direction - Understanding and recognizing service providers by editing information about public relations within the Klong Kum Youth Center There are leaflets distributed at the point where users can easily see and add publicity in the internet channel. - From the hypothesis test In terms of giving confidence to service recipients, the service provider issues always provide useful information to you and the service provider issues are reliable and reliable. There is a significant relationship. Therefore, the Youth Center should provide useful information to users. And that information must be reliable and trustworthy

- From the hypothesis test In terms of understanding and knowing service providers, the issues you have taken care of And caring from service providers and the service provider's ability to understand your needs There is a significant relationship. Therefore, service providers should pay attention and understand what the users want to communicate.


Should research needs in activities or sports within youth centers such as music, dance, Thai music, home economics, football, swimming etc. etc. to be useful in the development of youth centers Study the satisfaction of users In areas other than Klong Kum Youth Center


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Corresponding Author Miss. Warisara Khaenhkun*

Graduate School of Kasembundit University, Bangkok