Role of NGOs in Social Upliftment

The Role of NGOs in Social Upliftment: A Case Study in Rajasthan

by Dr. Bharat Pareek*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 8, Jun 2019, Pages 158 - 162 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


As the Non Profit Making Organization, NGOs have become an essential part of social upliftment in the Rajasthan state as NGOs undertakes task-oriented and driven by people with a common concern, NGOs perform a range of service and compassionate functions, brings citizen concern to Governments, advocate and monitor course of action and persuade political participation through the provision for the retrieval process of useful information. In the state of Rajasthan, NGOs makes continuous efforts to mobilize resources for the community development through the various channels and positively contributing to sustainable community development by promoting awareness programmes by continuously involve themselves in social development programmes and welfare activities of the rural and urban communities. These NGOs are very well known for taking part of various welfare programmes running by the Government. It would be appropriate to mention that the State Government and NGOs have created a new era of partnership in working for Child Women Welfare , Education, Poverty, Health Care, AIDS Awareness, Employment, Human Rights, Women Empowerment, SCST Welfare, Old Age Homes for Old Age Persons, Upliftment of specially Slum Children and Women etc. in a foremost role. In this situation some selected NGOs are sincerely playing very vital role for Social Justice, Education, Health, Disaster Management, Agriculture, Social Awareness, Betterment of Backward and underprivileged Communities and Poverty. NGOs have also executing the programmes such as linked to Employment, Female Feticides, Rain Water Harvesting, Animal Welfare, Science and Technology, Sports, Development of Art, Craft and Culture, Heritage Protection of Monuments, Conservation of Historical Places, The issues like Conservation and Protection of Environment, Human Rights, Social Equality, Drinking Water issues, Legal Awareness and Aid, Nutrition, Right to Information, Rural and Urban Development, Forming and Supporting Self Help Groups, Research and Development are main part of the major active NGOs in Rajasthan. Basic cardiac principles of NGOs to provide analysis, expertise as well spreading knowledge and awareness for education, empowerment and uplifting our society. Therefore, this paper enunciates the aiming of NGOs in the social development of Rajasthan. It is a case study of 07 NGOs immersed in numerous social dimensions like healthcare, eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting health care, nutrition, sanitation and safe drinking water in Rajasthan. With their ongoing efforts and attracting campaigns, they are continuously focusing their working towards living standards of the society. This research paper is based on secondary data collected from magazines, newspapers, books, journals, websites and other printed material. This paper also deals with the impactful CSR initiatives taken by the NGO division of various companies for the economic growth of Rajasthan.


NGOs, social upliftment, Rajasthan, community development, awareness programmes, Child Women Welfare, Education, Poverty, Health Care, AIDS Awareness, Employment, Human Rights, Women Empowerment, SCST Welfare, Old Age Homes, Upliftment of Slum Children and Women, Social Justice, Disaster Management, Agriculture, Social Awareness, Backward and underprivileged Communities, Conservation and Protection of Environment, Drinking Water issues, Legal Awareness and Aid, Nutrition, Right to Information, Rural and Urban Development, Self Help Groups, Research and Development, cardiac principles, analysis, expertise, spreading knowledge, education, empowerment, healthcare, hunger, poverty, malnutrition, nutrition, sanitation, safe drinking water, case study, secondary data, magazines, newspapers, books, journals, websites, printed material, CSR initiatives, economic growth


“Power has only one duty- to secure the social welfare of the people”- Benjamin Disraeli

Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) or Non Profit Organisation (NPO) is an organisation, group or non-profit entrepreneurship activity of individuals, social reformers, activists and social persons. NGO or NPO is a group of activists, civilians, communities and volunteers who are working together for the uplifment of the Society. The NGO is a platform for the persons, who wanted to work for the development of society and on certain social issues. NGO works for the betterment and upliftment of the weaker and backward sections of the society and to bring them

bring the required constructive changes in to the community development or required areas of our society. Apart from financial services NGO helps to make mass aware with their legal rights and provides them legal support in every required litigation aspect. Apart from legal and financial services NGO supports and maintains the records and status of government organisations, departments, concerned ministries for the respective related purposes, aims and objectives. The NGO is managed by the resources, funds and other kind of required support of agencies, government, financial agencies, support communities, legal service providers. An NGO can get the help from various sources, including the fees of members, grants, private donations, sale of goods and services. BGO as a charitable and generous organisation manages its funds for social and economic development, distribution of clothes, medicines, food, facilities and tools to sustainable needs of persons.


CSR is understood to be the way firms integrate social, environmental and economic and economic concern into their values, culture, decision making, strategy and operations in a transparent and accountable approach and in this manner, establishment of best practices within the firm, create wealth and improve society. CSR is also called Corporate Citizenship or Corporate Responsibility. CSR is an important business strategy because, wherever possible, consumers want to buy products from companies they trust; Suppliers want to form business partnerships with companies they can rely on; employees want to work for companies they respect; and NGOs, increasingly, want to work together with companies seeking feasible solutions and innovations in areas of common concern. The 21st century is characterized by unprecedented challenges and opportunities, arising from globalization, the desire for inclusive development and the imperative of climate change. Indian business, which is today viewed globally as a responsible component of the ascendancy of India, is poised now to take on a stewardship role in the challenges of our times. It is recognised the world over that integrating social, environmental and ethical responsibilities into the governance of businesses ensures their long term success, competitiveness and sustainability. society and the environment by taking liability for the impact of the activities of stakeholders, environment, consumers, employees, communities and all other members of the public sphere. The Vedic philosophy of “Sarva loka Hitam” i.e. ―the well-being of all stakeholders‖, has regained importance in the current business environment. The concept has evolved over the years and now used as strategy and a business opportunity to earn stakeholder goodwill.


• To scrutinise whether the chosen NGOs promote the empowerment of the society. • To examine whether the chosen NGOs assist in proffering basic facilities in the upliftment of the society. • To peruse how selected NGOs have played an important role in solving various multifarious problems in the society.

Tools and techniques data collection means of findings pertinent to Government Schemes, published Research Papers including the interviews on “NGO intervention” for the development of citizens of Rajasthan State.

1. Authors of the paper does primary work to make an inquiry into the way people interpret a certain social condition around them. It was based on personal interviews or conversations, which provided non-numerical data to identifying how effective a government welfare program is being run for the mass development. 2. Our approach was very intensive for secondary data because it required for data collecting by interacting with people over long periods of time then, after collecting data, analyzing conversations and bringing out insights through collected information. 3. The we used that also includes visiting websites of Government and NGOs to decide what we are trying to achieve by giving our fully focused on group discussions, observations, value added statics so that it can prove the ground reality of the ongoing work and real analytical outcome may be retrieved. Non Profit organisations which are working in Rajasthan with due diligent for an improvement that adds to the value of Society Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan is a Indian Non-Profit organisation Situated in Holy City Ajmer, Rajasthan. There was a group of young enthusiasts who were willing to help the society by providing them with the basic needs. Thus the organisation was founded in 1992 in the interests of society. RSKS is a top leading NPO for encouraging the social awareness among the people and for upliftment in the most important sectors of the society like Women Empowerment, Sustainable Development, Gender Equality, Child Rights and Welfare, Agriculture, Environmental and Water issues for the Marginalized and deprived Sections of the community. RSKS is registered as a society under the societies Registration act,1958. It is also rated as the top Ranked great Non-profit in 2014 and 2015.

Jatan Sansthan

Jatan is a grassroots not-for-profit organisation working mainly with the rural, poor and backward communities in Rajasthan. Jatan is actively engaged in Rajsamand, Udaipur and Bhilwara (Districts in Rajasthan). Around 1200 villages from above cited districts are the direct beneficiaries of the services provided by Jatan. Jatan was established in the year 2001, Jatan has started various initiatives which are mainly for improving the social and demographic indicators by working with youths. Jatan is focused on improving the health and educational system in the society. It emphasis on the social upliftment of Children, Women, Young people, who are the backbone of the our society. Jatan has a vision of a Society, which is free from all decimations and which can provide a safe atmosphere to the society and its people. Jatan is enthusiastically trying to provide the spaces to the Communities so that they can freely express themselves. Jatan states that the youth is the backbone of the society thus encouraging them to take active participation in decision making, policy formulation and advocacy across various levels and national and international. likeminded people committed to the cause of empowerment of Women and children. Sidart is continuously organising the training and capacity building programmes for individuals and upcoming organisations which require them. SIDART has a mission of empowering the poor sections especially the children and women enabling them to resist exploitation arising out of caste, class and gender. SIDART is currently engaged in rural areas and slums of Jaipur, Dholpur in Rajasthan. It is also engaged with Child health projects in phaghi, Legal awareness programmes for women‘s and young guys and Expansion of child safety programmes. Presently SIDART is looking at:-

* Women Empowerment * Child health and nutrition *Community development * Rural development * Adolescent health * Community care for HIV * Gender Concerns *Action research *Environmental conservation


The Azim premji Foundation (WIPRO) is currently working in eleven districts of Rajasthan. However their institutes are present in only four districts while the other districts have a team. The Foundation is mainly focusing on the enhancement of the education system in Rajasthan and has successfully set up 16 Teacher Learning Centres across Rajasthan. The Foundation is engaged in Rajasthan since 2005. Currently the foundation is focusing on building the highly advanced education system for the stakeholders.


The SEWA popularly known as the SEWA BHARAT Partnered with the central labour ministry to conduct research on home based workers, who are engaged in papad industry in Bikaner. According to the research it has been revealed that the conditions of the women in these industries are

54,450 members from several districts of Rajasthan.


Muskan foundation is a non-profit organisation which is engaged in the promotion of road safety programmes. The committee focuses on building a cultural of road safety through various awareness programmes, training, education sessions and advocacy. The foundation was registered in 2001. The founder of Muskan foundation is Mr. Pramod Bhasin and Dr. Mridul Bhasin. Their daughter lost her life in a road accident at the young age of 17 though it is not a family trust. There is a series of Road safety trainings, which were given by the foundation from time to time regarding road safety programmes. Commercial vehicle Drivers- Driving a vehicle comes with various responsibilities whether it is big or small. Since the major part on the road comprises of big and small vehicles, Muskan foundation often organises various road safety programmes for the safety of drivers. The programmes are run in many forms likes films, interactive sessions, leisure activities concerning road safety. Two wheeler Riding Training- The foundation also organised various programmes for two wheeler training along with the traffic police department. The foundation appealed people to use the helmet for their safety and to avoid drink and drive. Government Institutes- Muskan foundation has successfully introduced their road safety programme in Rajasthan State Institute of public Administration. As a teaching institute the foundation is able to reach all the government officials working all over Rajasthan and urge them to do something concrete for Road safety? The NGO strongly believes that the, matter of Road safety is a matter relating to every individuals life. Till date Muskan foundation has successfully conducted around 30 programmes in various prestigious institutes touching base with many government departments and officials.


Pahal is an organisation which is formed and promoted by various likeminded persons like Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Technocrats, Entrepreneurs, students and youth. Pahal believes that one must focus on ―SELF‖ if one wants to achieve an integrated development and to kill all evils. Pahal is working in following areas:- works towards a healthy population and organising various projects.


To be educated is a human right. These days education haslost its real meaning in society the inclusion of various values like heritage and life skills is very important in the concept of education.


Among all the countries on planet India is the most beautiful and bio diverse country. Sadly, human disregard for nature has taken its toll on this spectacular place- deforestation, soil degradation, pollution, dumping.


Pahal focuses most of its attention in this area on the spoken word as communication is a thing which centres on body language.


Campaign SVEEP, World Labour Day, Training and Sensitization PIMC, Honour of cyclist ujjal pal, Disaster Management team.


In today‘s perspective, it seems that the NGOs are playing a very imperative role to make aware our society through education and awareness campaigning about welfare schemes of the Government. NGOs now have been armed with greater potential to touch million more lives with their work for mass development. The immense contribution by NGOs goes a long way in the development of social sectors. With CSR Act, issuing an edict of 2% spend by large corporations on social issues. Today, government has also been forced to take important steps in the direction of socialites. For all these NGOs have been tirelessly striving to strengthen the progress of society and country by implementing and executing ongoing beneficiary schemes pertinent to common men of rural and urban. Likewise, Rajasthan has a rich history of charity and volunteering in the betterment of social cause. Through the years, these NGOs have grown in a great many ways and the scale of their projects has grown manifold. NGOs are working impoverished community in numerous sectors like women empowerment, health, education, Dalits, social issues, etc. NGOs have to make sure that the fund raised by them benefits those for whom they are meant for and they need to be transparent significant role in helping large sections of the Indian society come out of the quagmire of poverty and distress. In fine, the NGOs working with superior kind of accountability, by providing different solutions to the development, in collaboration with the Government, Society and Market; which is the need of the hour would, there is no exaggeration in that NGOs would be the stars for further strengthen the development process in State of Rajasthan. NGOs in particular, have played and continue to play an significant role in ensuring the most favourable effectiveness and success of the degree of task should not invite despair, but should encourage NGOs to make collaboration with each other and with other and important role players such as media institutions, academician and research centres along with national human rights institutions. We all are well aware that our country can move forwards by constructing building infrastructure, encouraging industrialisation, achieving socio-economic equality and improving the standard of living among its society. Non-Governmental Organisations are playing a key role in filling the gaps in the various socio-economic development schemes executed by the Government of Rajasthan. Going right in the right direction towards the centre of population and through insightful research, NGOs can ensure that the poorest of the poor in the State of Rajasthan can enjoy the experience of sustainable growth and get an access to education and employment opportunities, also can avail essential services for their livelihood. Finally, this determination of positive outcomes of economic progress can work as a torch that can provide the constructive lights for their lives of the most marginalised people. NGOs can contribute in several ways to ensure that Rajasthan State sees poverty eradication, sustainable growth, and empowerment of the underprivileged citizens. NGOs amuse themselves to improve the living conditions of Rajasthanis‘.

Martin Luther King Jr. Quote a very resemblance to the theme - “Life's most urgent question is : What are you doing for others?”.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Bharat Pareek*

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, S. S. Jain Subodh P.G. (Autonomous) College, Jaipur, India