A Qualitative Application of Communication on Productivity of Front Office Employees

Enhancing Productivity Through Effective Communication in Front Office Management

by Dr. Vandana Mishra Chaturvedi*, Mrs. Aarti Pandirkar,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 8, Jun 2019, Pages 193 - 197 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The headquarters department of companies typically consists of registration, booking, switchboard operator and concierge. The contact with visitors begins at the booking point, continues with the check-in process, concludes with lodging, departure and procedure after checking out quickly at the front office, is quite necessary when the guests' department is accepted, served, and delivered. The department of the front office also offers contact between all divisions within the organization. The connectivity features assess the procedures in front of the office right, improve customer efficiency, increase client loyalty and increase employee productivity. Productive contact with the other departments and cooperation within the organization is also necessary for the competitiveness of the company. In brief, it is necessary to interact with other departments and contact inside the organization at the front office. Productivity is highly relevant in industries. It has been observed that literature in front office management is inadequate to assess the contact issues of them by utilizing effective communication strategies. This is necessary since this insufficiency is discovered.


communication, productivity, front office employees, registration, booking, switchboard operator, concierge, customer efficiency, client loyalty, employee productivity


Good contact is key to growing efficiency, since it impacts the actions and output of the workers directly. The main element in good collaboration between management and Front Office staff is efficient contact through explicit orders, rapid message distribution and reasonable clarification. It plays a significant role in having tasks accomplished that eventually improve the efficiency of the organization. Effective collaboration may help to enhance corporate culture and boost efficiency. It is convenient for an organization to establish itself in its ways. Shift disrupts the structure and administrators are therefore unable to implement fresh strategies. This will reduce employee ingenuity, decrease workplace satisfaction and sap efficiency. We must foster improved contact. Effective communication. You will enhance workplace ties and increase productivity by a mix of practical improvements to the working climate and the introduction of HR management tools. Discover the value of contact in the workplace.



The value of contact in the workplace is not ignored, when individuals with a diverse social and technical context work together to accomplish the same aims in an enterprise. It is also found where managers do not understand the value of communicating at work and often do not express their thoughts, corporate strategies, vision etc. quite clearly. If corporate managers cannot build an atmosphere that encourages transparent and consistent contact, they may have a detrimental effect on the working community and the effectiveness of workers. Here is the value of good contact at the workplace:

  • Creates Job Satisfaction

Organizations encouraging free and simple communication between seniors and subordinates experience lower turnover for workers. If the handled, it inspires staff to improve perform and helps them feel respected in the company. Good communication at the workplace thus helps to create loyalty and confidence and ultimately contributes to greater job satisfaction.

  • Lesser conflicts

Effective team collaboration can help to avoid and overcome certain disputes. Conflicts at the workplace can easily be overcome through free and transparent contact and joint meetings, contributing to personal and professional development.

  • Increases productivity

Good cooperation at work is the key concern with an organization‘s performance and loss. -- company has a specific set of priorities, ambitions and dreams. When an administrative officer is transparent about their correspondence, the employees can realize precisely what the company needs and will then execute it in the best manner they can. The value of communication skills can also be determined by the assumption that it results in improved job performance and enhanced efficiency in the workplace.

  • Formation of relationships

Effective contact between workers and managers or between management and personnel contributes to improved personal and professional ties. This helps staff really look after and respect them and they would be more committed to the business. This provides a positive atmosphere and fosters a stronger working partnership that adds to the job.

  • Proper utilization of resources

When an organisation experiences challenges, emergencies and disputes because of miscommunication between workers, it leads in needless delays in day-to-day operation. This results in the loss of money which decreases the cumulative efficiency of the job. A strong relations climate is therefore necessary for every enterprise to allow effective use of its resources and improve efficiency.



Certain principles are very essential to effective communication. These are as follows: - a. Principle of Readiness and Motivation: The communicator and the user should be happy and encouraged during the contact process. The lack of confidence, passion and excitement on either side may have an b. Principle of Possession of competent communication skills: In transmitting and obtaining information or letter, the communicator and recipient should be very skilled and effective. The presence of the requisite communication skills is important, so that the process of communication can be successfully accomplished in terms of transmission and receipt. c. Principle of Sharing and Interaction: Since communication is a two-way operation, its effectiveness is to allow exchanges of ideas to be maintained as far as possible and to sustain reciprocal contact between the source and the recipient. d. Principle of Suitability of the Communication Contents: The quality of the knowledge to be shared should be very relevant and simple to comprehend. Both the communicator and the recipient should be suitable. e. Principle of Appropriate Media and Channel: The quality of the contact method depends on the form and suitability of the media or the communication medium. f. Principle of Appropriate feedback: Contact flows are called successful if they receive the recipient's required input and vice versa. g. Principle of Facilitators and Barriers of communication: There are several conflicting factors in the contact phase between the transmitter and the recipient. The influence of these factors on the source and recipient (positive or negative) becomes the deciding factor for contact progress or failure.



Recognizing the presence of environmental and personal challenges is the first move in successful contact. By becoming mindful of their presence, their effect may be intentionally reduced. Good steps are therefore important to resolve these obstacles. Longest et. al. (2000) offer us some recommendations for the elimination of obstacles to communication: • Environmental challenges are minimized by ensuring that recipients and senders take note of their communications and that

• A philosophy of management that promotes free flow of communication is constructive. • By deliberately modifying word and image so that signals are recognizable, the power / status divide may be removed; improving words through behavior greatly facilitates contact between various power / status levels. • The usage of several networks to improve confusing communications eliminates the risk of confusion. The deliberate attempts of senders and receivers to consider one another's principles and convictions eliminate specific challenges to successful contact. One needs to accept that people are cautious, insecure and scared. The easiest approach to improve successful contact is to express understanding with others who accept communications. • Using strategies to facilitate communication across traditional organisational boundaries. The usage of lateral collaboration by task groups or commissions, for example, facilitates coordination around the organisation. • Using cross-organizational management systems, rather than practical or departmental protocols. Implementing strategic procedures in the fields of computer technology preparation, monitoring and administration promotes collaboration. • Using strategy and processes for human resources (training and allocation of jobs) to increase collaboration with representatives and organizations. • Using management mechanisms to settle disputes in a rational way to promote successful dialogue.



In every organization, many contributions in enhancing workers morale to achieve a particular purpose and such conditions are: Safety Measure The degree of safety in a company helps increase the wellbeing of workers and allows them a significant contributor to the organization‘s growth. Of In any company, safety precautions are critical. Not only do many individuals choose to pursue jobs at a pay standard, they choose decent working standards and the health and welfare of workers. In addition, he said that fire extinguishers are ineffective, first aid kit, etc. Employees would be adversely impacted in the workplace. He also stated that the positive interest and morale of employees would not be improved if they know that they are not looking after. Prevention of overcrowding When overcrowding is prevented, Workplace is secure for workers. This enables the free flow of all staff and resources and facilitates productive operating processes. Overcrowding of the workplace atmosphere contributes to poor airflow. Many people indicated that appropriate measures should be implemented to guarantee that overcrowding in a workplace is avoided. He also stressed that the flow of products in the office influences the environmental comfort. Poor Ventilation A stuffy environment inhibits the opportunity to focus and behave, improving performance, stating that good ventilation allows for healthier people. Functional climate free from exhaustion, laziness, drowsiness, etc, and thereby encourages the productivity of employees. The insufficient ventilation and air conditioning system supplies the employee with respiratory irritation.


Many advertisers have seen the detrimental effects of bad corporate contact. If knowledge is not transmitted correctly and in due course, efficiency in the workplace will decrease. Moreover, projects will be unfinished and goals may not be accomplished as a result. But the reverse is true: good organizational Contact may have a beneficial impact on workers' success by growing employee integrity, satisfaction and increased organizational efficiency. Here are five ideas that will improve the total efficiency of the business in workplaces.

1. Less misunderstanding

If the knowledge is not properly transmitted to the right individuals, there could be some confusion and uncertainty, which may affect the demise of businesses. Confusion is often evident where there is a shortage of clear contact at work. Some staff believe bosses have said one thing, and some assume they have said something entirely different. everybody can grasp the priorities and work together towards them. For example, you can explicitly explain new assignments and priorities to your staff as you implement the company's current Facebook marketing plan. If you don't know precisely what you can do, such as sharing, like, retweet, etc., the plan is likely to end in confusion.

Healthy culture

Safe and positive communities are dependent on good contact within organizations. When staff and management in the business have positive working partnerships, the company's atmosphere strengthens and remains stable. How do you picture a ideal working environment, for example? Of course, love, pride, appreciation and so on occur in such businesses. This are the core aspects that build a company's community. For starters, if contact is poor, if managers cannot communicate politely with their employees, if workers are afraid of asking questions and so on, then their culture is small. This is confirmation that collaboration shapes the company's atmosphere. As a consequence, employees feel valued and appreciated in such businesses that have a good atmosphere, which in turn enhances integrity and boosts efficiency.

Increased accountability

If an organisation has strong leadership skills, staff prefer to hold each other responsible. Since successful contact at the workplace offers straightforward orders, staff know precisely what is to be done. This leads to greater transparency, which in turn improves competitiveness. There would be no desire to change if there is no transparency at work.

Clear direction

Through the assistance of effective contact with management and workers, it becomes obvious where the organisation is and what actions must be made to get there in the future. All this knowledge provides all workers with consistent guidelines, growing morale and reducing confusion. Giving workers exact instructions allows their jobs less difficult, easier, productive and fun. Now you know how successful communication will improve the organization‘s efficiency, but you can think that it may be expensive and challenging to develop strong contact within the business. There are, though, a few inexpensive forms. Here are several ways to quickly boost your company's internal contact and keep active with your team: • Newsletters: One approach to boost contact is to allow the staff to read the newsletter once a week. This paper should document inspiration. For eg, in order to inspire your Twitter campaign because of too many of your staff, you can discuss this in your email. • Intranet: There are a number of businesses not utilizing this platform and losing a fantastic opportunity to remain linked to their workers. An intranet organisation should develop two-sided contact between managers and employees. Be sure you exchange your queries, fascinating facts, targeted publicity strategies, photographs, prototypes and other relevant and valuable knowledge to increase employee involvement. • Face-to-face: Naturally, the aforementioned strategies are efficient, but nothing is more successful than face-to - face encounters. Be sure to speak with your staff, resolve their issues, get guidance, suggestions and explicit directions instead of immediately joining your room in the morning.


Communication at work is necessary if effective working partnerships in institutions are to be developed and sustained. Successful contact at work is necessary to relay knowledge and shared sense, as every administrative role and operation requires any type of direct or indirect contact. In addition, managers ought to create an understanding of the value of sender and recipient roles and stick to good listening skills to increase the efficiency of contact. Good leadership abilities at work can boost the capacity of an executive to be a successful leader. Therefore, managers can set up an atmosphere in which job challenges, strategies, concerns, thoughts, suggestions and views are addressed and treated in a fair, fair and productive way by constructive and successful contact.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Vandana Mishra Chaturvedi*

Director, Hospitality/Management/Front office, D. Y. Patil University's School of Hospitality and Tourism Studies, Sector -7, Vidya Nagar, Nerul, Navi Mumbai-400718 vandanamishra.c@dypatil.edu