Agricultural Development through Primary Agriculture Credit CO-Operative Societies: A Study

The Impact of Primary Agriculture Credit Co-operative Societies on Agricultural Development in Belagavi District

by Mahadev B. Kulamur*, Dr. C. R. Gudasi,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 10, Oct 2019, Pages 115 - 116 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Before Independence Primary Agriculture of India was backward. There was problem of finance for It. Farmers used to seek loan from the rich many lenders and businessmen these non – Institutional lenders used to occur more Interest to if there was Uncertainty of agriculture produce due to Natural calamities Farmers used to get less Income so they did not develop. There was Co-Operative movement in India after Independence. That helped the growth of Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies. These provide financial support to the formers in rural areas the Development of Primary Agriculture Credit CO-Operative Societies. Because of Co-Operative movement on Belagavi District has leaped development of the agriculture. In Belagavi District 1422 Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies has been functioning according to 31-3-2018 report these Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies have 436345 farmers as their members these have lent 135608.19 corers Rupees to 344235 Farmers. With the help of this 1422 Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies farmers have been growing food grains, pulses, commercial crops, oil seeds, horticultural crops, vegetables and fruits. Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies has been helping to farmers to raise their income. This way Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies have been playing very vital role in the Development of Belagavi District.


agricultural development, primary agriculture credit co-operative societies, finance, farmers, co-operative movement, Belagavi District, food grains, pulses, commercial crops, oil seeds


The Primary Agriculture Credit co-operative Societies in India play an important role in even today in rural financing. These are registered under the Co-operative Societies Act and also regulated by the RBI. They are governed by the ―Banking regulation Act-1949‖ and Banking Laws (Co-operative societies) Act 1965. The Agriculture of co-operative Societies in Rural area also have increased in recent years due to sharp increase in the number of primary co-operative Societies. The co-operative movements was stated in India largely with a view to providing agriculturists funds for agricultural operations, at low rates of interest and protect them from the clutches of money lenders According to the study of belagavi District in following year there is substaicial increase in number of Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies Members. In these following five years Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies are Formers are With help of Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies formers Growing different crops Example paddy, maize, jawar, Bajra, and Tur, Horse Gram, Green Gram, Avare, Cowea, Bengal Gram, Vegitables Ground nut Sunflower. Cotton, Sugar cape Tobaco, etc. Primary Agriculture Credit CO-Operative Societies are the main role to Farmers to Growing Different crops and increasing their income and standard of Living. In belagavi District Primary Agriculture Credit CO- Operative Societies have become lifeline of Agricultural Development.


Primary Agricultural Credit Society is actually organized at the grass-roots level a village or a group of small villages. It is the basic unit which deals with rural credit to farmers for meeting their financial requirements. It provides short-term and medium-term loan to farmers which helps to meet their short-term financial requirements.


Dr. Yashoda: Role of Primary Agricultural Co-Operative Society (Pacs) in Agricultural Development in India The belagavi D.C.C. Bank LTD Belagavi. Belagavi District at a Glance 2017-18 Inter Net.

Mahadev B. Kulamur*

Research Student, Kannada University, Hampi, Karnataka