Contribution of Competency Mapping and Employees Effectiveness of Private Banks in Urban Jhansi

Impact of Technological Advancement on HR Management in Private Banks

by Aiman Fatma*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 11, Nov 2019, Pages 58 - 62 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Technological advancement brings many modifications that can impact the operation of the human resource and make it easier and quicker than ever. The management of human resources has always played a very important role in enhancing and improving organisational efficiency. HR is an organization's most precious assets that are never deprived. Building people to create a business enterprise is an acknowledged fact. Innovative ways of carrying out HR work are encouraged by the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). E-Personel leadership can be the most important driving force for organisational success to be achieved. EHRM has created few buzzwords such as automation, accountability, empowerment, paperless office with least human intervention, a truth that was once supposed to be the panacea for all workplace ills.


competency mapping, employees effectiveness, private banks, urban Jhansi, technological advancement, human resource, organisational efficiency, HR, information and communication technology, E-Personel leadership


With rising competition and the value of cost reduction by banks, the challenge has been to minimize expenditure that does not compromise efficiency. Several IT instruments are used by banks to perform their HR functions, such as e-recruitment, selection, e-training, e-compensation, etc. Personnel management provides the requisite details to handle the process of HR. E-Personnel management offers a platform that allows staff, supervisors, HR practitioners to access information that is required for the organization's HR management and fast decision-making to be extracted or updated. An attempt has been made in this paper to represent the role of e-hrm in the performance of HR activities in private sector banks. During the Industrial Revolution, the area of HR was first developed in 18th century Europe by Robert Owen and Charles Babbage. They explained that employee well-being contributes to perfect job. The big change in HR practice in India was also triggered by the industrial revolution. Around 90 years ago, when the first HR department was established in 1920, the practice of HR in India began. There was a constant shift in the purpose and role of HR from record keeping to strategic partner with the change in scenario. The industrial revolution was the transformation period that gave rise to modern production methods in the 1820s and 1840s. This stage involved moving from the technique of hand production to the process of machine production. This leads to a rise in demand that needs more workforces and requires the manager to implement more new policies to govern the work climate. In 1903, Frederick Winslow Taylor developed the first definition of staff management as "Shop Management." In 1911, F.W Taylor introduced the notion of Scientific Management. He stated in his definition that the employees had to be used as machines to increase the production level. Taylor lacks the social nature of human conduct that was understood at the end of 1920 and the beginning of 1930. The visualization of the company has evolved over the period and Behavioral Applied Science forms the basis of HR practice. Such modifications give rise to Personnel Management. The transformation from Personnel Management to Personnel Management from 1960 to 1970 started with the advancement of technology, economics and management. In recent years, human resource development has assumed tremendous significance, whether it be a corporate enterprise or a bank or an office, human resource development is essential for its efficient and successful activity. In an evolutionary phase in which economic growth struggles to achieve higher living standards, the need to improve its human

particular with the enhancement of human quality in general and the growth of human skills, norms, understandings and implementation in production enterprises. As such, not only to improve production efficiency/productivity, but also to bring about qualitative change among employees at different levels, HRD has become a significant programmer for all organizations.



Management of human capital is the backbone of every company and there is no exception to it in the banking sector. As a service industry, banking is mainly dominated by individuals or clients. More or less, the success of the banking sector depends on the banks' productive and efficient human capital. The level of service and customer loyalty can be improved by the banking staff's conduct and hospitality. During the last three decades, this field has experienced a metaphorical transition in terms of its activities in human resources management. In addition, over the years, the role of the HR department in this field has also increased. Recruitment, recruitment and retention of workers was considered to be the most daunting job of modern times. Many studies have been carried out, especially in the Indian context, covering various aspects of human resource management in the banking sector. In the following paragraphs, a close analysis of these scattered attempts in the research sector is attempted. The important personnel management activities adopted by insurance companies in India have been found to be training & incentives, performance evaluation policies, hiring process, HR preparation & recruiting approaches. In addition, it was also found that employee diversity and competitive pay programmers were among the significant staff management strategies adopted by insurance companies. In order to examine the personnel management activities of two separate banks in India, a case study approach was used (one private sector bank and one private sector bank). The study found that staff management procedures and proactive communications were not adequately practised in the case of a private sector bank, leading to a decline in organisational efficiency. The dependent variable was assumed to be job satisfaction, while training, performance evaluation, team work, employee engagement and compensation were used as independent variables. Regression analysis findings found that all the other The study of strategies, activities and patterns in personal management in private banks was carried out primarily on the basis of secondary data. Recruitment, selection and promotion, compensation, training and growth policies and practises for corporate and private sector banks have been examined. In India, there are 26 private banks with private sector operations. Among the private sector, SBI and its 5 Affiliate Banks, 19 Nationalized Banks and IDBI Bank are represented. Of the 21 private banks in the private sector, 14 are listed as old private sector banks, while the remaining seven are grouped as new private sector banks. Data on all these banks and banking sectors were collected from different sources, such as published papers, such as banks' annual reports, manuals, office records of various training institutes, sample banks' divisional offices and headquarters, and from other available published sources, such as various Indian Banks' Association annual and monthly publications. Banks in the public sector also adhere to an industry-wide pay settlement, brokered once every five years by the IBA. The wage structure of all private sector banks was uniform, but preferably, on the private and international banks' lines, it was not related to profitability. Employees and officers of public and private sector banks are asking for a better pay plan. Comparative analysis of private and private sector private banks' staff management policies and activities was carried out by content analysis. Overall, thirty separate fields of personal management have been established and compared through content review with respect to the recruitment, selection and promotion, compensation, training and development policies of corporate and private banks.


To successfully perform a job or position or a set task at a given point in time, skills are required. It involves splitting a given position or job into the assignment or activities of its constituent and defining the skills required to perform the same effectively (technical, administrative, behavioral, logical knowledge and attitude and skills etc.) Competency: HAYES (1979) describes that' Competencies are the motivation, attribute, social position or ability of an individual linked to superior job performance' of generic information. In 2002, UNIDO described "Competency is a set of skills, related knowledge and attributes that enable an individual to perform a task or activity within a particular function or job effectively." We had to Competency Map: A competency map is a list of the competencies of an individual that are the most critical factors for success in a specific work, department, company, or industry that is part of the contemporary career plan of the individual. Competency Mapping: Competency mapping is a development that is used by individuals to acknowledge and identify competencies that are most important to achievement in a job situation or position. Competency profiling: It is the method of defining the expertise, skills, abilities and judgement necessary for a specific occupation or career to function effectively. Competency profiling is unique to the business/company. Competency mapping is one of the most important advances in the field of HR. It gives HR practices and HR related tasks much needed objectivity. With the assistance of competency mapping, the evaluation task of HR has now shifted from the support function to the core function. Related HR systems and programmers HR work will directly contribute to coordinating effectiveness with the skills. Subsequent tasks can be efficiently and effectively done by mapping the competencies. For the following application, competency may thus be used: • Applicant assessment for the purpose of recruitment • Potentials evaluation for promotion and functional shifts • Employee Training need identifications • Employee performance diagnostics • Employee self-development initiatives • Retention strategy The term competency was adopted by Boyatzis (2007) as a "underlying feature of an individual that is casually linked to efficient or superior job performance." There were 19 generic competencies that excellent managers appear to have, he listed. These 19 generic management competencies were clubbed into five different clusters such as target and action management, leadership, management of human resources, subordinate direction and emphasis on others. Yuvaraj (2011) clarified the job competencies required to work in a manufacturing industry, experience, skill and attitude professionals. The study of differences was also carried out to a small degree. Md. Md. About Ishtiak Uddin, et. In his study "Competency Mapping: A Tool for HR apply the Competency Model. The current study was carried out in the opinion that skill mapping can also be used for coaching and succession planning, taking into account the importance of skill mapping for individual and organizational development. In this analysis, attempts were made to elaborate and compare the different competencies with minute parameters with the degree of managerial competence. In his research on Competency Mapping, Solomon (2013) tried to explore the degree of competency prevailing among public sector executives. The findings of the study indicate that almost half of the respondents have moderate levels of HR and general skills in management. Dr. Murlidhar and Sunetra Khatod Jain (2015) said in a paper that through training and work rotation, skills are improved. Job rotation serves as an employee learning experience and extends the horizon of the company itself. To do all this efficiently and effectively, competency mapping will ease the work with each recruiting cycle, competency-based recruitment will result in proper selection according to mapping and appraisal requirements, workers will know their job and can do their job more individually, and employee morale will improve.


The company organizations have now recognized the need for skilled workers in the enterprise with the materialization of the shifting economic and business scenario. Increased labour costs, the need to ensure that qualified individuals are eligible to carry out various vital roles. Instead, there is also the consequent need to carry out different operational tasks with a minimal number of workers in order to minimize labour costs so that consumers can be given the advantage. At the same time, companies have often considered that technology, financing, clients, processes and other operations should be handled efficiently, and that organizations need human capital to meet the above requirements. In addition, there is a need for oriented tasks, proper time management, and a definition of personality-job match that has increased emphasis on the performance management system, resulting in the need for employee competency mapping. The present paper is an effort to research the following goals by holding these views in mind. • To examine Competency Mapping's conceptual context. • To assess the level of competence of HDFC BANK employees.

• To propose an acceptable HDFC BANK Competency Model. The researchers collected data from different employees in different verticals of the HDFC Bank to assess the role of competency mapping in the efficient performance of employees at the medium level in order to achieve the above objectives, and to identify different functional areas where competency mapping can be beneficial. The research study is based on primary data gathered by means of questionnaire from employees of 10 HDFC BANK branches, located at different locations in jhashi. For selecting the branches, simple random sampling and lottery method is used and convenience sampling is used to select sample size. The research sample size is 100, i.e. 10 from each branch. Secondary data is also collected to support the findings concluded on the basis of primary data, the results of the study show that, for the success and future growth of the bank, the competency mapping is important because the growth and development of each company is dependent on the productive and satisfied employees. The aim of this paper is to assist organizations in building employee skills; at the same time, to assist organizations in promoting HR activities, training, career growth, career succession planning, job redesign, counseling and coaching through effective matching of individual skills with the necessary level of competence. Therefore, the present study will define and establish competencies that are helpful in the organization's flexible development of individuals.


Competency mapping is basically the process of evaluating and comparing key skills needed for specific work and held by people doing it. In order to achieve the objectives mentioned above, different core competencies have been defined by the researcher and should be possessed by banking staff. Based on the analysis of secondary data, observation and personal interviews of several banking officials in different branches of HDFC Banks, these competencies are described. These competencies have been clubbed into main heads by scholars, namely relationship management, communication, job skills, leadership, adaptability. Using the mean score, data obtained for this purpose is coded, edited and analysed. To research the variance of results, standard deviation has also been applied. The outcomes were provided for analysis in tables.


The study therefore concludes with an overview and suggestion on different factors affecting mobile banking, namely giving importance and taking immediate steps on security issues so that the customer does not face the factor such as in-complete transaction and network problem, increasing knowledge and training of customers about the technical aspects and making them feel secure in adapting the mode Since there are numerous other studies that have indicated that this particular distribution channel is yet to expand to its capacity, the financial sector, especially banks, must make the system much faster, provide customers with access to mobility and convenience so that it reaches all the country's people.


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Corresponding Author Aiman Fatma*

Research Scholar