Research Paper on the Role of Work and Industrial/Organizational Psychologist Using Change Management, Leadership

Examining the Role of Mental Possession in Successful Organizational Change Management

by Shahid Mahmood*, Dr. G. D. Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 17, Issue No. 1, Apr 2020, Pages 17 - 23 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Authoritative change management is characterized as an organized way to deal with progressing a specific hierarchical entity from its present state to an ideal future state. The motivation behind this examination is to expand hypothetical and down to earth learning of change management in organizations as far as forerunners of effective change by utilizing the hypothesis of mental possession. The recognized regular forerunners of a fruitful progress are a reasonable vision, dynamic support, viable and dependable correspondence, status for change, and showing of feasible advancement in change. Additionally, top management backing and duty are vital for achievement in hierarchical change. In any case, there is a hole in clarifying why these specific forerunners add to effective change. Hence, the goal in this doctoral research is to propel comprehension of the predecessors of fruitful hierarchical progress toward the ideal state and all the while to deliver the beneficial outcomes of change management inside arranged change. The hypothesis of mental possession in organizations encourages this commitment. As a perspective, mental possession is that state where an individual feels as though the objective of proprietorship (material or irrelevant in nature) or a bit of it is hisher (i.e., It is mine). The centre of mental proprietorship is the inclination of possessiveness and being mentally attached to an article. Observationally, the investigation looks at the change arranged, actualized, and finished inside a worldwide assembling organization. Research material was gathered as an activity research venture from 2004 through 2007 and investigated later as a contextual analysis. An apparatus for positive change management, grateful request, was utilized for arranging and executing the change. The discoveries of the investigation demonstrate that understanding the mental possession system includes comprehension of change management, especially forerunners of fruitful change inside the setting of arranged change.


change management, leadership, work, industrial/organizational psychologist, mental possession


Change has turned into a consistent component in the cutting edge world. Evolving arrangements, procedures, request and supply designs and the business sectors influence organizations more than the impact that would involve on the economy. In this manner, it winds up basic to examine how change influences organizations. As indicated by Barbara Senior', "An association is a social entity, having a reason for presence and performing exercises through an example of conspicuous structures'". As a social entity, the association needs to connect with numerous powers inside and remotely. During the time of soundness and thriving, these powers keep out of sight and are inconspicuous. It is during this period that organizations more often than not neglect to observe the approaching peril as change in business environment. Organizations are frequently helpless to steady changes in the business environment. These changes make the requirement for changes in organizations. The cutting edge organizations are dynamic and are equipped for radical change and development starting with one condition of business then onto the next. Such changes are important for the survival of the business. Globalization has brought about making of conditions for such changes. Business and monetary issues beginning in one piece of the world finds their way in different parts also in this manner influencing the business and economy of that piece of the world. No piece of the world can estrange itself from the changes that happen continually all through the world. Because of the disintegration of the protectionism system, association winds up troublesome. With each change in the business environment, the organizations experience change in various structure and type. Changes regularly are made in gear, materials and procedures to expand efficiency or to limit cost and to acquire benefit. Here and there the changes happen that are impermanent in nature - a few alterations in procedures and items, certain adjustments, including new associations and so on. Change is the aftereffect of cognizant choice to exchange, adjust, alter, convert, include or fluctuate a segment of the current procedure and item. It happens when one moves from the set up standards. This likewise means moving the association from the present state to an ideal state. Since the organizations don't work in vacuum, in this way any change in these inside and outer powers causes disturbance in the business environment. In the evolving environment, each business structure faces vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities cause rises and down swings in the business exercises of an association. These vulnerabilities have been given the name of change. Changes in the business world relate to new items, new thoughts, better approaches for creation and activities, new showcases, new arrangements and techniques, new procedures and so forth.

Need of Change:

One is regularly stood up to with the inquiry concerning for what reason should change occur. For what reason should an association getting a charge out of stable income settle on precarious and questionable future by starting changes? As indicated by Sandra Dawson\ "It is the craving by individuals to force authoritative execution and their very own situation inside the association that create change." Any association in the modem world can't remainfnmune to the changing industry environment. Along these lines to fortify one's position in a profoundly focused world, change winds up unavoidable. The writing on change has brought out one certainty. The supervisors live in a fierce and questionable world and ought to quickly acknowledge the change as the main result of this and they ought to learn and adjust to the changing conditions to have the option to endure. Simultaneously they should grasp new ways to deal with authoritative change dependent on change and recharging. As indicated by Steve Brown' "Change regularly comes in light of the fact that the plant and the firm inside which the plant works perceives that it must change". As a rule the association needs to change since inability to do developed as a hierarchical reaction to environmental goals. At the point when the changes happen in the business environment, it shakes the current ideal models. Utilization of new methodologies and devices and for viable acing of changed environment ends up essential.

The board of Change:

In this manner the inquiry emerges with respect to how to deal with the change? How to move from set up methods for attempting to the new arrangement of working? This as indicated by Peter Drucker'' is the "issue of the board of change." Problems identify with how the change is overseen by the organizations. A few organizations have an arranged way for change, for other people, it comes as a stun. Maybe a couple might be set up for it, see it coming and adjust to the changing circumstances yet for other people, it might be radical change, absolutely impromptu, and ill-equipped. As indicated by Rune Todnem By, change is an ever present component of hierarchical life. Since the requirement for change is unusual it will in general be receptive, broken, adhoc and regularly activated by a circumstance of authoritative emergency. There are two manners by which the hierarchical emergency happens. 1. Inner 2. Outer Inner authoritative emergency might be through fluctuating business sector request or changing innovative procedures, or new wellsprings of accounts, or changing issues of HR. The outer hierarchical emergency is as change in administrative arrangements, change in universal relations, environmental changes and so on. These are the sorts of changes on which the association has no control by any means. In such a circumstance, the association either responds by changing the item or procedures or it can envision such changes to occur and in like manner present the arranged changes over the timeframe which are gradual in nature and are smooth. The environment, business and organizations all change through time. Under such conditions, we may state that overseeing change is a center competency important for both effectively changing organizations after some time and upgrading authoritative execution. The outer changes are dealt with by migrating the business in different territories to exploit cost and duty contrasts, improving perceivability by forceful publicizing, developing great provider relations, examining the market for feasible joint endeavors or specialized coordinated efforts, mergers and acquisitions and vital coalitions,

organizations will in general oversee change.

Meaning of Change Management:

Change the board which is a device in the hands of the executives to bring out and deal with the change has been characterized by Rune Todnem By'°as, "Change the executives is a composed, methodical utilization of the learning, instruments and assets of change that furnishes association with a key procedure to accomplish their business methodology. "As per Greenwood and Hinnings", "Change the executives is the emotional adjustment of the current logical course of action for upper hand and authoritative survival." Christian Kneer'^ has cited Kostaka, Monch and Gabler as "Change the executives intends to design, to introduce, to acknowledge, to reflect change forms. Change the executives points on a midterm to long haul premise at compelling changes of personal conduct standards and capacities so as to streamline procedures and correspondence structures. For this an integrative methodology of the redesign is fundamental. Change the executives is the methodology of arranged and deliberate change, which is accomplished by the impact of the authoritative structure, corporate culture and individual conduct, under the best conceivable support of the workers." Difficulties of the above definitions 1. Management of Change is a sorted out, arranged and precise procedure. 2. It includes the utilization of instruments and assets of change. 3. It is accomplished through the impact of hierarchical culture, structure, and individual conduct. 4. The board of Change is individuals driven and in this manner requires entire hearted backing of the workers. Elements of change:

Recognizable proof of Change Drivers:

Leather expert have distinguished two classifications of change drivers. Outer Drivers interest experiences a change. The item should be changed according to the necessity of clients, so as to deal with the market section.

2. Demand from different partners, for example, the Government:

The partners of the association incorporates investors, representatives, society and government. Investors request higher profit, workers need rising compensation bundles, and government requests expanding charge income. This ends up conceivable with changes in item and procedures and markets.

3. Regulatory interest:

Certain administrative requests, for example, contamination control, and corporate social obligation makes it vital for organizations to make changes in the generation procedure and targets of the association; giving preparing to the representatives and persuading them to pefferm better. Market rivalry: Globalization has just expanded the measure of rivalry that each association faces whether huge or little. To remain ahead in this aggressive world and to support it ends up important to present fundamental changes.

Fig.1. Framework for management of change

association's survival and development relies upon distinguishing environmental and market change rapidly and reacting sharply". The possibility hypothesis of change the executives accentuates that structure of an association is subject to the circumstance factors it faces the fundamental being environment, innovation and size. Along these lines significance of the executives of change originates from dealing with the business environment, especially the outer environment. Despite the fact that, organizations need to adjust projects to the situational factors, and yet they can practice some decision over these issues. In perspective on Bjorn and Wilkinson"", Management of change achieves social change which is trailed by the conduct change. It is critical to examine the procedure of the board of change in light of the fact that any procedure of change disturbs the balance between the powers of work structure, individuals and frameworks on one hand and objectives innovation and culture on the other. This influences the productivity and adequacy of the association and builds pressure and vulnerability in the workforce. As indicated by Ian Wilson''\ "change is never again simply a question of move in structure, procedure and strategies. It reaches out to reframing the essential reason, values and connections of these organizations. Management of change is important because it requires: 1. Changing the organizational structure as per the requirements of change 2. Managing the key processes of planning and budgeting to build ownership and action 3. Changing the individual knowledge, attitudes and behaviour relevant for effective management and organizational functioning. 4. Managing the resistance to change


Change management alludes to the reception of a thought, system, procedure or conduct that is new to an association (Pierce and Delbecq, 2013). Berger (2012) characterized change management as "the ceaseless procedure of adjusting an association to its commercial center and doing it more responsively and viably than contenders" . Lichtenstein (2014) opined that authoritative change is a transformative change through a complex versatile framework model of change, which comprises of three phases: expanded arranging, strain and an edge and recently productivity and viability (George and Jones, 2012; Cummings and Worley, 2015). Bumes (2015) portrayed that change is a staggered, cross-authoritative procedure that discloses a muddled and bumbling pattern over some undefined time frame and includes a progression of interlocking ventures. He additionally thought to be hierarchical change management as a ceaseless procedure of analysis and adjustment expected to coordinate an association's capacities to the necessities of an unstable environment. Struckman and Yammarino (2013) think about change as a procedure or an activity. They characterize authoritative change as "an oversaw framework, process or potentially social reaction after some time to a trigger occasion". Research writing on authoritative change in India proposed that terms, for example, association change, change management and association improvement have been utilized interchangeably. Corporate change (Singh and Bhandarker, 1990, 2002: Bhandarker, 2003) and authoritative change (Apte, 2013) have likewise been utilized as an equivalent word for change management. Scientists have endeavored to characterize hierarchical change from their individual points of view. Clarke (2015) features the requirement for hierarchical change to manage environmental weights and to accomplish the destinations of persistent survival and development. Then again, Meyer (2016) contends that change is fundamental to adapt to unforeseen moves in the authoritative environment. Vakola and Nikolaou (2012) characterize authoritative change as the test to the manner in which things are ordinarily done in an association, which results in sentiment of vulnerability among people and worry about the potential disappointment of gathering the new circumstance. It is likewise characterized as deliberately created reaction to environmental move (Jimmieson et al., 2014). Scott (2013) portrays organizations as frameworks open to their environments that change as a characteristic and unconstrained reaction to a straight arrangement of formative occasions. Change is a remotely determined procedure, concentrating on how organizations react and adjust to their environment to build their authenticity and chances for survival (Powell and DiMaggio, 2012; Aldrich, 2017).


Change management models are a method for speaking to and depicting a hypothetical comprehension of the change procedure, through a progression of stages, Change models for the most part centre around the significance of distinguishing the purpose behind the change,

Lewin's Force Field Analysis

One of the soonest change models was created by Kurt Lewin in 1947. This model has likewise been called as the 3-Step Model. The Lewin's (2013) model is separated into three stages: unfreeze, change and refreeze. It is the procedure whereby the framework advances starting with one balance point then onto the next, called as a balance or change model. It offers a nonexclusive formula for understanding hierarchical change and advancement. The primary stage, unfi-eezing, alludes to modifying the current stable harmony which keeps up present practices and frames of mind. This procedure considers the innate dangers that change offers to individuals and the need to rouse those influenced to arrive at the common condition of harmony by tolerating change (Armstrong. 2006). An essential necessity for this change is that organizations need to experience a time of self-reflection and contribution proposed to make inspiration and status among authoritative entertainers to surrender their profoundly established direction examples and schedules. It is encouraged to put time in creating change projects to sort out and talk about the requirements for change with laborers to limit hesitance to change. Moving or changing alludes to subjective rebuilding, where the on-screen characters obtain data and proof demonstrating that change is attractive and conceivable. Change may mean whatever adjusts the current connections or exercises, for example, putting in new gear, rebuilding the association, change of procedures, talking about new practices with workers or executing another presentation examination framework. The job of directors at this stage is basic to advance representative alteration and responsibility to the entire procedure. At last, the third step is called refreezing. During this stage all changes in the change stage are made lasting and another equilibriimi is set.

Beckhard's Change Plan

Richard Beckhard (2014) built up a change plan which joins the procedures as underneath: > Setting objectives and characterizing the future authoritative circumstances wanted after the change. > Identifying the present conditions in connection to the objectives. > Defining the change state exercises and responsibilities required to meet the future state. > Developing systems for dealing with the progress dependent on the investigation of the viewpoints expected to impact the start of change. procedure dependent on the efficient gathering of information and afterward choice of a change activity dependent on what the examined information demonstrates. The procedure of activity research is first to analyze a requirement for change (unfreezing), at that point to present an intercession (moving) lastly to assess and balance out change (refreezing). Every one of the means in the process is predictable with the three phases in Lewin's model.

This model talks about the three stages of Lewin's change model and depicts intends to unfreeze an association, move it from the norm to a future state and stop the changes. Determined that so as to grasp change, individuals in the association must experience disappointment with the norm. He detailed that once the requirement for change and the ideal change are started, individuals will watch the hole between what exists and what will exist. Blame or uneasiness will inspire individuals to lessen the hole and understand the ideal change. So as to be gainful and successfully achieve the required change, workers must be guaranteed that changing won't cause them mortification, discipline, or loss of confidence.


The destinations of the examination are: 1. To think about the predominant change management practices embraced in organizations and their focal points and disservices. 2. To quantify the representative reaction to these works on being actualized. 3. To evaluate the changes achieved in the association and break down the causative elements. 4. To recognize the components affecting the preparation to change among the workers \ 5. To think about the effect of authoritative change measures on individual change component. 6. To quantify the development in individual execution and fulfilment post change process. between resistance to change and support for change. 2. There is no significant relationship between leadership style of the superior and support for change 3. There is no significant variation between companies with respect to their change management practices. 4. There is no significant variation between companies with respect to the specific change management practices adopted by them.


In order to achieve the objectives stated the following methodology is adopted

Sources of data

The study is based on both primary and secondary data.

Primary data

Primary data is collected through a well-framed and structured questionnaire to elicit the well-considered opinions of the respondents.

Questionnaire design

Based on the in-depth study of literature the questionnaire for the study is prepared. From the extensive literature survey the information is divided into 12 parameters as given under. 1. Opinion of the employees on the nature of the change in the organization if any 2. Image of the change manager 3. Causative factors to change 4. Diagnosis for change 5. Readiness for change 6. Support for change 7. Resistance to change 8. Linking vision and change 9. Communicating change 10. Impact of organizational change measures on individual change mechanisms 12. Improvement in the post change process Most of the responses are measured with the help of 5 point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The remaining responses are collected using rating scale and multiple choice questions. Direct interviews and discussions are also conducted for respondents to get basic inputs

Secondary data

The secondary data is collected from business periodicals, business journals, magazines, publications, reports, books, dailies, research articles, websites, manuals and booklets.

Statistical tools

The following statistical tools are used: • Frequencies • Chi-square test • Factor analysis • Regression


The researcher firmly accepts that this examination achieves significant derivations that would contribute not exclusively to the collection of information in change management yet additionally makes sensible inferences for organizations to thrive and profit by actualizing suitable change management rehearses without bewilderment, disarray and torment. To realize the significant inductions he has utilized progressively numbers of instruments are utilized to build the unwavering quality of the exploration work by getting a similar outcome with each apparatus.


The investigation has concentrated on change management practices of different IT organizations in INDIA and its effect on the presentation of workers. The investigation has gathered the information from the workers of 6 chose IT organizations. The examination has secured subjects like Awareness on Change, Type of Change, Leadership, Frequency of Change, Causative Factors for Change, Diagnosis of Change, Readiness for Change, Support for Change, Resistance for Change,

and Post Change Process. The previously mentioned points are shrouded inside and out in the investigation and furthermore examination was finished utilizing different devices. Subsequently study can be utilized as reference by corporate individuals and academicians for further investigate.


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Corresponding Author Shahid Mahmood*

Research Scholar of Azteca University, Maxico