A Study of Importance of Distance Education towards Students

Addressing the needs of education through distance learning

by Randhir Singh*, Dr. Sindhu Bala,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 18, Issue No. 1, Jan 2021, Pages 320 - 327 (8)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The concept of distance education is gaining importance on the various developed underdeveloped and developing countries, especially to meet the growing needs and aspirations of the people emerging because of explosion of knowledge, population explosion and explosion of needs. The present world scenario is marked by advancement on the field of science, space and technology. Explosion of knowledge in every walk of life is marked. Thus, the formal system of education fails to incorporate significant changes due to its rigidity, high cost and the knowledge acquired from schoolscolleges are outdated, obsolete and not the latest. Distance Education can go a long way in this direction in quenching the thirst of knowledge-explosion and meeting the growing needs and requirements of the learners.Due to population explosion, there is a large increase in the number of student. The formal system of education with its limited seats, admission and examination requirements, high cost can no longer afford opportunity to all students for pursuing education. Distance education is an effective and efficient alternative, because of its flexibility and it can afford adequate opportunity to one and all for pursuing their education. There are socially and economically backward students who are not being able to provide the high cost of formal education and thus could not be able to receive educational facility. Distance education is essential to meet the great demand for democratization of education from those sections of society especially neglected. People, who are geographically isolated due to distance or lack of communication system, can get benefited out of the facilities provided by distance education.


distance education, importance, students, developed countries, underdeveloped countries, developing countries, explosion of knowledge, population explosion, needs and aspirations, formal system of education



Distance Education (DE) has become widely popular in the world of today. India has an advanced higher education system which provides educational facilities in nearly all aspects of creative and intellectual human activities. The institutional framework includes Universities established as central universities by a law of parliament or of the State legislature as national universities, Deemed universities, National Institutes of Importance, State Legislative Law institutions and university affiliates who are both unassisted and supported. As of March 31, 2016, a status that may be conferred by parliamentary act to a public higher education institution in India is 749 universities in India, including46 Central Universties, 345 State Universities, 12 33 Deemed Universities, and 235 private universities and national institutes On 23 April 2015, 74 institutions in this category were listed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. [1] At present, one National Open University (NOU), 13 State Open Universities, and 98 Directorates (DEIs/DDEs) are single-fashion institutions, set up by national grants on 16 September 2016, and thus provide only distance education. These universities accommodate people who cannot study regularly for a variety of reasons. [2] Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana are the top seven countries in terms of highest numbers in India.


Dr. Santi Kundu (2014) By 1960, the educational framework for open and distance learning had developed massively worldwide. It was also begun in India by some conventional universities like Delhi University for correspondence or distance education (since 1962). In 1985, when the Union government adopted a proposal to build a focal university in favor of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, this framework was strengthened in the mid 80's. Furthermore, the Distance Education Council (DEC) was established under a similar Act, which would facilitate distance learning and maintain education standards throughout India. The ODL framework under the focal authority of the Open University IGNOU has been very good from this point on. Many genuine challenges arise in the actualization of the government strategy in an agricultural country like India. However, it is also persistently done to identify problems and to find plausible arrangements. The paper addresses the

Saima Ghosh (2012) The idea of an open learning and learning framework focuses on open admission to training, preparing students to be liberated from the imperatives of time and place and giving students adaptable learning freedoms. The most rapidly developing fields nowadays is open and distance learning (ODL), which significantly affect all training transport frameworks. With the improvement of Internet-based data progress and especially the WWW, the new ODL framework is being developed quickly. The idea of the ODL training originated in a way in which students and instructors are not able to stay homeroom, are not topographically distant or are unable to approach each other in order to adapt the entire training framework. Definitely not another idea is distance education. In the late 1800s at Chicago University the important correspondence program was initially delivered in the U.S. where the instructor and students were present in different fields. It aims at the search of their cooperation to gather the pressing education and to prepare the current demands through open and distance learning in a wide range of probable complicities, governments, intergovernmental and non-legislative associations, specific organization, affiliations, modern organizations, telecommunications organizations and others in the field. Miller, G. (2017) There are more than 100 customary colleges in India, and five Open Universities have likewise been begun. The all out understudy enrolment in the Open framework is a modest amount of all enrolments in advanced education. That extent will without a doubt increment. Taking into account the significance being joined to Distance Education in India, it was felt important to take a gander at the experience of this country. The paper was subsequently refreshed and extended to shape this contextual investigation. Arrangement once called "Points of view on Teacher Education." Renamed to "Viewpoints on Open and Distance Learning." Mrozowski, S. (2014) This investigation had three purposes: Firstly, to build up a classification of examination zones in distance education; also, to recognize the main exploration zones in distance education; and thirdly, to distinguish the most disregarded exploration zones in distance education. In view of a writing survey and a Delphi study, three wide levels or viewpoints with 15 examination territories were inferred to sort out the group of information in distance education. Forthcoming specialists can utilize the outcomes to distinguish holes and need territories and to investigate potential examination headings. Kalaivani (2014) Some say faster than others, some say irreverently, and everyone is fighting whether the improvement is or is worse. The world is changing faraway loved ones for days, weeks or months, we currently see a delay as a disturbance for several moments. In addition to anything else, we can take our letter composing tools, telephones, photos and music, anywhere we go, and our cutting edge lives revolve around this ability. Education frameworks change at an unbelievable rate and innovation is rapidly evolving. New mechanical wonders replace more established innovations and new ones are embraced which influence education. Distance training is used in many countries for addressing their educational situations by numerous school frameworks. Though from times to times considered as the most unfortunate cousin of ordinary school curricula, distance education is a gift for under-studies which have to concentrate more on working or which may not be able to take a full-time course for various reasons. A disarray on the estimation of a distance learning programme is the most successive question from understudies. J. Palmer (2016) E - The newly introduced idea of learning has changed the way the students learned in the past significantly and has made learning material available to students seeking advanced education. Special attention is paid to distance learning locations in India, where there is unique reference to the State of West Bengal, in particular in order to make educational materials available to the students and for this web-enabled realization, which will gradually improve the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Western Bengal, more students will be focused and premiumed. In our study a relative study was done between remote learning pages or websites of universities presumed to be universal and the distance learning sites or websites of West Bengal colleges. In addition to Western Bengal is the current GER of the cutting edge countries. The link between site adequacy and GER has been studied and key suggestions with comment on expanding university distance learning sites viability in West Bengal are prescribed. Dr. Bishnu Mohan (2018) The paper follows the verifiable viewpoints of open and distance education in India. It additionally examines the different modalities and norms followed by different colleges in contribution social work education through open and distance learning (ODL) mode. It likewise features the accomplishments and difficulties of social work education through ODL mode in India. The article will be amazingly useful to the academicians and strategy producers in understanding the different elements of social work education through ODL mode in Indian setting. The examination suggests that Indira Gandhi National Open University model is one of the fruitful models of offering social work education through ODL mode. Middle- and high-school primary education begins from six-14 years. Schooling is offered at state and private schools, but private schools often have good infrastructure and facilities than state schools. Education is provided in India through the public and private sectors with three levels of control and funding: central, state and local. Indian Constitution provides the fundamental right for children aged 6 to 14 to provide free and compulsory education. India has a broad private education system at the elementary and secondary levels that supplements government-run schools, with 29% of students being educated in private between 6 and 14 years of age.

Secondary Education

High school starts with 9th grade and runs until 12th grade. The secondary phase is divided into two years' cycles, generally known as the Lower High School, Standard 10, or Upper High School, or Norm 12. In government schools, education continues to be free, although private education at the secondary level is more common. At the end of both cycles, public exams are conducted and the study at 11th grade and university level is accessible. The Lesser Secondary General Curriculum in India consists of three different languages: Regional, elective and english, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Sciences, Work/Pre-Professional Education, Art and Physical Education. Secondary schools shall be affiliated to central or state boards that at the end of grade 10 administer the secondary school certificate. On the basis of high school performance and the results of SSC in the first two years, students can enter high school. Upper High School gives students the opportunity to pick out a study stream or concentration that offers science, business, and the arts and humanities. Education is conducted either in schools or in junior colleges for two years, which often take part in university or college degrees. Although the HSCE is the commonest standard XII examination, it also includes the All India Senior School Certificate, Indian School Certificate, Vocational Certificate, Senior Secondary Certificate and PreUniversity Certificate. The directives of the UGC, NCERT and CBSE state the eligibility ages for applicants wishing to take board examinations.

Vocational Education:

Young people who don't like to attend tertiary or who don't finish high-schools often enroll in private vocational schools specializing in only one or a few courses. Unlike in the United States, vocational training is not highly specialized and is a wide overview of job-related knowledge. The curriculum offered consists of a language course, foundation courses and choices, half of which are practical. The All India and State Vocational Education Boards

Tertiary Education

Since it began in 1947, the higher education system in India has been extremely centralized and undergoes great changes. Education policy is increasingly based largely on the British education system. One of the largest in the world, is the Indian higher education system. These institutions are also facing new challenges in terms of management and regulation and need serious attention in the public and private-sector institutions, which are now growing at a rapid rate. As a result, drastic changes are needed to the old management structures established in pre-independent India and worked during most of the 20th century. In addition, the society's demands for equity and lodging can no longer be disregarded. The University Education Committee, responsible for the development of higher education, funding distribution and recognition of institutions in India, oversees university education. UGC has established the National Council on Accreditation and Evaluation (NAAC) to evaluate universities and colleges on the basis of an alphabetical system of rating from A++ to C. The assessment and accreditation is widely applied to understand an institution's quality status and it indicates that the institution complies with the quality standards set by NAAC. Participation is voluntary in the NAAC accreditation process. [4] The All-India Tech Education Council was also set up to supervise technical education quality management and to govern the creation of new private vocational colleges. Every recognized university is a member of the Association of the Indigenous Universities, which is an integral part of the dissemination of information.


The importance of the words "distance education," "correspondence education" and the like are growing with the development of science and technology in education. The means for improving academic qualifications have been used for 'distance education,' 'co-respondence courses,' 'home research,' 'independent study,' and external study.' Distance education in every country in the world is a subsystem of the education system. As Keegan (1986) points out, it remains "little known and little studied." Even a curriculum reading of educational literature indicates that distance systems are generally neglected. It is worthy of reference and a paragraph in most educational philosophy, leading towards administrative progress or analyses of 'didactic strategy,' however, education planners, administrators, and research staff have now taken on a global importance. Due to the number of distance learning names in various parts of the world, studying its

Education is a fundamental human necessity. When we compare the number of schools, the number of admissions and the number of places available in universities, we find that there are numbers and relevance problems. Distant education and especially post-graduate training in third world countries was carried out at quite a distance from the related scenario in the developing world due to two physical phenomena of demographic explosion, as well as the knowledge explosion, and the wild craze of graduates and graduates. This meant that an efficient alternative education system as a distance education addressed the increasing needs of society. In particular, higher education is inadequate between the current socio-economic requirements and the conventional education system. The education system is now being required. A demand for vocational courses is being made that contribute to the training of society's general growth. The demand for relevant knowledge and expertise in order to continually update this information and skills has grown in the age of the professionals. It is also demanded that an adult should receive post-experience education and continue to produce fresh material. Distance education is an alternate way to communicate skills, build a cultured society, develop knowledge and instill secular views in society in order to meet these socio-academic needs. The need for education in modem society also increased the number of educational institutions. Looking back on the industrialization process and the development of a modem society, we see that the first distance education applications began with institutionalization of education. Although the pressure on educational institutions has increased because of social demands, education is still not open to many people who demand education in institutions. The first example of the practice of distance learning, known as 'letter education,' was by exchanging student-teacher educational material via e-mail. The pioneering practice of distance education was initiated in 1856 in Europe in the United States in 1873 as the success stories of mail education students were heard (Mckenzie, Christensen and Rigby, 1968 Sinmson and others, 2000). Distance learning is accepting for the following well known reasons.

  • The economic and social contexts have changed.
  • The number of unemployed workers is increasing.
  • Knowledge has become one ofthe most important economic forces (forces productive).
  • Knowledge is rapidly expanding.
  • To survive in the market, companies need to change, to train and retrain their employees.
  • Investing in the human resources seems to be the only way for sustainable development.

The following are the significant aspects of Distance Education

  • Learner is separated from the teacher in the learning process.
  • Learner is separated from learning group in the learning process.
  • Technological medium used for inter personal communication.
  • The teaching learning process is a teach - yourself programme.
  • Two way communications is possible between both student and the teacher

The students have an interest in obtaining their new degree or diploma with a complete curriculum. These students are generally involved in professional life and they already work; distance education is the only way to start a high level of full studies. For those students it is therefore important to evaluate, exam, curriculum and all the other constraints that a conventional university is required for distance education. This is a second chance course. On the other hand, some students want a new knowledge, a new qualification in terms of their practice, they only want to learn either one thing or another in order to update their skills or enhance their profession. They don't pay much attention to graduation programs. Their only and main goal is to be better qualified. In addition to the many reasons, such as the difficulty in answering increasing demand for university education as traditional campus universities, the recognition of education as a human right, the increasing views on education as a basis for democracy and better analyzing education costs, technological advancement is also necessary for many countries to provide room for distance learning. Distance education, with the aim of providing a new direction for the educational process, is characterized by an inconsistent and untraditional approach. The following concepts apply to distance education.

  • Learners‘ Autonomy
  • Indirect education
  • Education on real life setting

Distance education refers to the non-traditional innovative type of education that uses all the possible means of communication, the postal system being one of them. Distance education has a significant component which is more industrial than academic in nature. The development of distance education is being shaped by technological demographic and political forces as well as distance teaching experiences of the practitioners. These components bring in changes in this system rapidly and radically. However it is essential to know the effect of changes so that


Distance and open learning are used for a variety of purposes. There are some of the main areas and areas of major importance to open and distance learning. Distance training at elementary school and secondary school levels can be used to offer both school and non-school programs. In schools, distance training programmes, where teaching is lacking or where enrichment is deemed desirable, are used to promote teaching. This may also be used if teachers are not formally qualified, or if the number of pupils is too small for the organization of conventional training. Many approaches are employed: interactive radio (IRI), school radio, educational television, terrestrial satellite networks; satellite, web based, satellite and multimedia schemes. Materials for young children or adolescents and adults may be designed. Distance education is used for educating children and youth who are incapable of attending ordinary schools, including those with a disability, longterm disease or living in remote areas or outside their own countries, in primary and secondary school programmes. In general, correspondence is used in these programs. Certain programs are designed to teach their own children with lessons that parents can use. Other programmes, with parents providing direct supervision, are to be supported by teachers. For example, such a program may combine correspondence training with two-way radio contact. In addition to isolated individuals (jail) from school programs, the program can also be directed to nomadic backward groups. They may also be young people and adults who have dropped out of their initial formal education and who have distance education at a later stage in their life. Those targeting children offer an equivalence of norms and qualifications that is important to this legitimacy as formal state schools. Out of adult schools, basic education is generally provided by a number of models. Two radio schools and open schools for adults tend, in contrast to the state-controlled primary school curricula, to provide complementary - often vocational or socially guided curricula. Teacher training is an important field for open and distance learning. This includes initial training for formal qualifications, in-service supplementary training for formal improvement and the further training of service subjects and subjects in particular. Many examples; especially from developing countries demonstrate that distance teacher training can reach large teachers and have a profound effect on the development of national education systems. The use of open and distance training for teachers is therefore a key strategy if the system of public education needs to expand or improve quality. In many countries the common requirement is to improve the teacher's knowledge technologies in the teachers' education program is also very appropriate. Private and public suppliers, through technical and vocational education programmes, have made significant contribution to industrial development and trade development. Kernel purposes include the ability to flexibly address the need for training for working adults as well as offering opportunities by existing provision for those most disadvantaged. In continuing education and training, the capacity of open and distance learning to support broad campaigns such as HIV/AIDS education is crucial (Adult Education). Other sectors where open and distance education are increasingly employed are non-formal education and community development. Distance programs often reach a significant number of women in societies in which women lack equal opportunities in the conventional form of education and training. The teaching of many of the complex modem issues in which input is necessary from different disciplines can be done by approaches of open and distance learning. Distance education shows two patterns of development at the level of the territory. Many open universities in single mode, on the one hand, absorbed large numbers of new students while, on the other, a growing number of traditional universities began to offer their programs through distance learning. This trend has been strengthened by the development of new ICTS. Distance learning can generate new teaching and learning patterns. Strongly linked to developments in ICT, it is close to developing new learning needs and patterns of access and application and learning of information. It can lead to innovation in mainstream education and can also have effects beyond the educational sphere itself. Therefore, distance learning plays a particularly important role in creating a global knowledge society.


The remote learning system took a pioneering role in offering students of traditional university education a second chance for different reasons. The remote system of learning has marked a very important social and educational development. Distance education was therefore the instructive letters of the Old Testament and some other early Greek-Roman history in its earlier forms as an innovative education/learning system. In the Roman Catholic Church right from the Epistles of St. Paul the instructive letters played an important part. Perhaps the most fruitful period of instructive letters was the Age of Enlightenment. Distance education is a generic term that includes educational learning strategies for correspondence education at the level of higher education for independent learning. Correspondence teaching started around 1840 when the original Mr.Patman sent the instruction of his student to postcards in

1833 is the predominant feature of distance education. In 1856, Charles Toussaint and Gustav Langerscheidt from France founded a correspondence school for the teaching of languages in Germany. Likewise in the United States. In 1873, initial efforts were made to organize communication. But in 1891 Tomas, J.foster from USA invented the miners' instruction course. In 1892, Dr.W.R.Harper, Chicago President, also set up a division of correspondence instruction. An inspiration to start printing a letter was also the SwidenianMr.HanseHermed. J.W. knite qualified for a teacher training program in England in the year 1894. That is until the end of the nineteenth century.


UNESCO correctly noted that schools occupy an important position in the formation of a person in the construction of society. The development country is India. India. The Indian educators have made it possible for the broader area of National Development to expand the educational boundaries. Thus, 1962 at Delhi University in Delhi the idea of initiation of correspondence education was conceived in India as a pilot project. The term 'External Appearance,' 'Correspondence Education' and 'Distance Education' has served in India as three terms. In addition, the open system of learning covers a broad range of educational innovations and reforms. The open learning system will allow students to have access to a wider range of adults, to compensate for the loss of opportunities in the past, or to gain new skills and qualifications for the future. Furthermore, educational opportunities are deliberately planned via distant learning to provide people with access to knowledge despite barriers such as geographic distance. The term ‘Open‘ generally refers to four aspects. (i) People, when it would not debar applicants on account of their lack of educational qualifications. (ii) Place, in the sense that learning would be home based and not restricted to classrooms or a campus. (iii) The use of new method of teaching. (iv) Ideas. The distance learning system should therefore provide educational facilities to more people, i.e. to give them more access to education. The term distant learning system essentially emphasizes the distinction between teachers and students and the planning of education programs and materials through the organization of education and the use of The Education Consultative Board has nominated a 1961 correspondence training commission chaired by Dr. D.S. Kothari. For introducing the distance learning system, Dr. D.S. Kothari, then President of the U.G.C. recommended. In 1962 the first correspondence school was set up. Accorder or housework courses are a well-trained and tested technique according to the Indian Education Commission (1964-66) on the strengthening of this system " Experience correspondence courses in countries other than the USA, Sweden, USSR, Japan and Australia, which have been widely used for a long time, encourage us to advocate more full use of the method for a broad range of purposes. The fact that distances education is a lesser type of education than that offered in regular schools and college is hardly reason for apprehension. Experience with experiments in India and abroad has shown results that tend to reinforce distance learning as a result. Part-time learning should be made possible by programs such as evening colleges and private training through programs such as correspondence courses and should include science and technology courses (either at the degree or diploma level). They will significantly reduce the cost of capital, particularly with increasing registrations. They are the only way to provide higher education to those wishing to further study, but who are forced to take up jobs at the end of their schooling on economic grounds. By the year 1986, it is recommended that a correspondence program and evening colleges could provide at least one third of total enrollment in higher education. The Committee or the Committee for Indian Education strongly supported the creation ofNational Open University after numerous deliberations. If higher education entries have to continue expanding at an extraordinary pace and if resources are available for men and money, to ensure that appropriate standards are retained and demand from different sections of the population for higher education is fulfilled, the clear solution is to adopt an open system of universities, providing a higher level of education The group thus recommends the creation of a National Open University by an act of parliament as soon as possible by the government of India.


The National Policy on Education 1986 has emphasized on the professional improvement and career enhancement of the teacher on a continuous basis. The programme of Action of the Policy highlighted the role of distance education in teacher education programme especially in view of:- (i) The large number to be catered to (iii) the unique potential of a distance mode of education to intervene without taking the teacher away from work, thus emerging as a better means of transferring knowledge, understanding and skills to them in their day to day practice. The directorate of correspondence courses have established in the University of Delhi in 1962. The success achieved at Delhi University inspired all other universities to initiate study programmes through correspondence. Besides all courses most university have also imparted Teacher Education Programmes The Teacher Education Programmes also differs in duration in various university - B.Ed courses (1st year, 14 months or 13 months, 3 terms) and M.Ed courses (1st year, 13 months),. The Teacher Education programmes were established for the purpose of preparing trained teachers in the country.


Distance learning is an effective alternative to the formal education system. It is extremely important for the emerging learning society as a whole and for the society that is educationally underdeveloped or developed. It has its message for both lifelong learning and universalisation. At the fundamental level, distance learning occurs if teachers and students are physically separated from each other. Different technologies such as voice, video, data and printing are often used to bridge the educational divide in remote education, often together with face-to-face communication. This type of programs gives people of any type an alternative opportunity for higher education to reach their disadvantages by means of limited time, distance or physical barriers and helps to update the staff in their workplace. Distance learning, distance education, open school, Open University, open schools and correspondence learning, among others, are used in distance learning terms. The study entitled "Odisha distance education issues and prospects," aimed primarily at identifying the nature of the barriers and attitude to the distance learning programs in Odisha and proposing guidelines on how the higher education can be developed among distance learners in various groups.In this cosmos, human beings are the Almighty's supreme creation. Education has undergone phenomenal changes since the dawn of human civilization to the present day. With the increased complexity of modem life and the desire to advance and prosper, a formal educational system can no longer meet people's needs and needs. The well-known truism is "necessity is the mother of the invention." Distance education became an effective alternative to the formal education system.


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Corresponding Author Randhir Singh*

Research Scholar, Dept of Education, OPJS University